.;. 1 r u r ii i-. I i.. ! la ro j r i y k ! i V. TO I1 e I" The Bend Machine Shop HHNRY LIN3TBR, Prop. t REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS We hove Milling Machine, J.allic, Drill I'rcst, VulcaiiUcr, etc., etc. Automobiles, Farm Implements, Sawmill Machinery, etc. Agency for ' I W&S??VV- Vx . t The Ixiit on a, ,, ' .Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. , ' " Vulcanizing a' Specialty. DESCHUTES - Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. : Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. . t Timber Lands Bought and Sold,. ,- - HUNTER & STAATS WALL STRKKT, UKND, OR. O'DONNELL UNION MARKET I lcANDFRurrJ CIGARS AHD TOBftCCO MI lDI I V Davlcs Building, Wall St., I . J. IXCJUaUY UGND, 0RGG0N ( X f A. D. MOE, The Tailor i f Uos received ;a full line of ! Fall and Winter Samples I Sulla made to order from SIS 00 up. Cull and I uce the samples before buying elsewhere.. Cltan, i " " ""tig and pressfug given special uttention. I Shop on Bond St. FOUR HORSU LIVERY. Bend Livery, - Feed & Stable Co. J. H. WONANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OV LIGHT AND IIKAVV LIVERY -t 4" . ' AWIIAY OATSfDARLUY, WIIKAT, CHOP WHRAT, HRAN AND MIDDLINGS. AllOrdcrsTpromptly Delivered, Order by Phone No. 18. IfortcBouhond'Sold. LlRht and heavy Horaes'for'Sal. THR BULLETIN is the lending newspapr of CENTRAL OREGON V T rrrrx m w x r wrfo-. (he market. BROTHERS SADDLE MORSES. A COOLRECEPTION. It Wj Not Ourprlilng, Though, In Vlaw of Iho Explsnstlsn, letters of I ti I rtxl net Ion nre not In variably serviceable. For one reason, they mar be too friiiiU. Unrrjr Kur il Im In Ida "Confcsnloiia of a Carica turist" snra tlml when n brother nrlt was ("'tlliiK forth oil hi. travels In for rlKii climes hp was prorldcd wlih n (ft I it of Introduction to n certain llrlt lull ron.nl. The writer of the lettsr Inclosed It tn one to die nrtWt, saying Hint ho would find the roiisul n nnmt iirrnnt snob, a liUin)tloiia. nrrognnt bumliug. n cod to the backbone. Hllll. lit would probably offer some courtesies to any one who dad n pood social sinudlng mid thua rouiNiiMit tin Intteier for burin to route In routnet vrltti such an Insufferable vulnsrlsu. On tli mum iff tbe nrfl.t to Kite land Iho writer of tin letter assed bow h had fared with the wuiaitl, "Well, my dear fellow." drawled the artist, "ho did not iwelre in very warmly, mid tie (lid not nsk mt to din ner, In fart, ho struck me na bclnc rather cool." "Wrll. you do surprise me," rejoined his friend, "lie's a cad. aa I told you In my letter, but he's very hospitable, nix! I really ran't understand tbls slate of things. You Rave him my letter of Introduction T" "Why, I tuotiBht so; but. do you know, on my Journey borne I dlsror ered It In ray itockclbook, so I mint bar banded to hltn Instead your note to m ntout him." U'ho explanation was quite adequate. A MEMORY TEST. The Act by Which Ono Controversy Was Osetdsd. Tbre men were dlipullnj; In Ilertln ono day as to which nf them had the beat memory, and Dually they asked a welt known writer to decide tbe mat-' ttr. "Read me, any page of Ooethe's pro works," aald one of tin three, "and I will at once recat It word for word." "I can do better than that." said the second one. "IMt me In a corner of this room, and I wtll'play three Karnes of chess simultaneously without erer looking at the Ixtards," "Tbst'a tiotblns to what I can do." said the first speaker again. "IWkIii a cnnrerMtloo wUb me now n bo tit the most absurd things poMlble. and nt the end pf nn hour 1 will repeat the entire convematlou to you." Tho third msn wca silent, nnd the referee said to hlmt "Why don't you tell us what you can doT A few min utes a co you were boasting n good desl of your wonderful memory." "I know It." was tbo reply, "but 1 did not I lieu know tbaj my two friends took the matter so seriously. And aa they ore so much lu curuest I will not .try to MtrpaRa theiu. for I cannot for get that each of tliero did me n faror yesterday." "Testerdayl" asked tbo referee. "Ye." wna tbo reply. "And you have not yet forgotten It? In that case Hie laurels belong to you. for you hare Indeed a wonderful mem ory." Ssv.n. Numerous are tb queer beliefs con renting the number seven. From the Tery Htrllest ages tho seven great plan- I eta were known and ruled this world and the dwellers lu It. nnd their num br enter' lulo every conrvlvable ttuitter Hint com-erned man. There are seven days In the week,- "seven boles In tint head, for tbo master stars are sereu," seven ages both for man and thtf world lu which he lives. There are seven material heavens. There are seven colors In the spectrum and sev en uotes lu the diatonic octave, and the "leading" nnte of the scale la the seventh. He It noted that tbo seventh sou la not always gifted with belief) cent powers, lu Portugal he is be lleved to be subject to the lowers of darkness and to be compelled every Hntiinlny evening to assume the llke uwts ot an as, St. James' Uatctto. Natural Oss. f Natural gns Is a menilMir of the par afltii series formett by the deenmpusi Hon of niilnirtl mutter, as lu Ohio and Indiana gns, mid from vegetable mat ter, na In IVniisylvanln gns. this decay having occurred wltblu the rocks and probably ut moderate temperatures When once formed it accumulates lu the pores of the rocks In which It orig inated or lu the overlying layers.'but Is usunlly kept from escaping to the surfaru by the presence of sotuo layers of Impervious rock. It Is thou obtained by the piercing of those strain by wells, or wbero tbo beds have tieeu fissured by folding or funding It may issnu from natural cbuunels. Now York American. An Inspiration, "What'a tbo naiuo ot ber successful story V " v 'Mlylloilperhoofr' ImOcIous: What doea It mranf" "Hhe diH-s'n't.kuow," "Wherw did sheget Itr "Wliy, she wnt;in train wonder ing In n dlxcoiiraged way- 'wlieresiie would get a name for the story. And Juit then the brakemnn opened tho car door and culled the next stalon." Cloveland I'lulu Dealer. Got His. "I'll admit I wits trying to cot some tblnx for nothing." "Welir "I got what 1 dosorved.V-Vblns ton Herald. Never forget that the nearest .op. pronch to perfect domestic happiness on earth la tbo cultivation of unselfish- 11 OS. SKEEINQ IU THE' ALPS. Picturesque Oport on the Ord.r of "Follow fiur Lssdsr." The skeelng clubs form one of Hie most piciuresitiu sights to be seen In the Alps In winter. Willi their bright colored blanket suits, tnimcled en (is or tnm-o'-shiiiilers unit huge while milts, they go thirtugti Hie snow covered woodbinds nuros Hie while mountain slope, usunlly III single Hie. M-rbnps j llfty sliding along ufter the lender lu true Norwegian fHHtilmi. Indeeil, It Is n variety f Hie old game of "follow your lender." for what bo des the others are esnerled to do. Ki If he conies to n leilge and Jumps off all are suimseil to leap. Hut Jumping with the skees Is not so easy us It look, slid the end Is of ten burial In the snow bank, for mi les one Is very sure of his fooling the long, narrow wooden sluts will twl.i or "turn without warning, smf over you go, With the skee one can go over bard snow nt a very rapid rate, but when he strikes a pnii-h of the newly fallen snow It 1. n cave nf slow to be sure, for any minute the bottom msy sink away with blm. Hut It Is healthful ns well ns In vlgornllng. and tbe women have found J Hint they need not look nwkwnrd even In this form of outdoor drens. with n rlblKin here nnd a tncsel there nnd some even adorning tbelr skees. St Nicholas, HE TOOK THE CASE. Th. L.wy.r Said Hs Would Attend to It, and H. Did. A Wnshlugtntj attorney Is rather noted or the facility with which be forgets flnnnrlnl obligations. lie has owed a certain grocer SS for a year or two. The other day the merchsnt con eluded to try a new course with blm. Meeting blm In his store, be said: "Judge, I have a customer who owes me a small bill and has owed It for a long tlmo. He mnkes plenty of money, but won't my. What would ymi do!" "I'd sue blm." said tho lawyer em phatically. "Well. I will put the account In your hands." Ami the merchant prccnted n statement nf tbe account against tbe lawyer himself. "All right, I will attend to It." said tho disciple of Hlackstoue. A few days later tho merchant re celved the following note from the Iswyert "In the ense of vrsua , 1 took Judgment for the full amount of your claim. Kxecution was Issued and returned 'no projierty found.' My fee for obtaining Judgment Is $10, for which amount pleaso send check. Will be glad to serve you In any other mat ter In which you may need uu attor ney." Wa.hlngton Btar. Th. D.thl-bsiouk. I.Ike each of (lie various clans of tbe Kurds, the bashl-batouk can easily be dl.tlngulshed by Ida costume. Ills abnes.or "yemenys" (meaning lealhen. are rd or black. Ills goiniku stock ings, which leave the knee exposed, aro elaborately embroidered In black, his short Turki.h trousvrs are of homespun, while about his wnlst Is a short sshIi of wool or silk, surmounted by n leather belt In rich colors nud emtxmoed lu rvd. This Is divided Into three or four sections. In which he keeps his revolver, bis chibouk, or pipe, and hb yntnglmu. always kept sharp. The Whl-buruiuks never carry dag gers; as the Circassians do. A car tridge box bangs from the side, as also a small sliver snuffbox. Tbey wear two Jackets, the uuder one wltb short sleeve aud tlfu outsldo oue wltb long At tbe elliow Is nil opening lu which they carry lu a leather bag written quotations from the Koran us n tall mail to protect them from the bullets of the ndverxury. About tbe neck In a chnlu of sliver coins, from which Is suspended n ponder box. Dividing Something. X farm lubon-r lu one of the west em enmities wns rctiustcd to vote for a candidate at the election, but be re fused. Helug naked fur his reason, be made answer: "Why, because them chaps be well enough paid." They then tried to explain to tlpdge that memliera of parliament' In tula country were tint wld for their serv ices. Hut he wns not to bo couvlnryd. "Hon if t Ve tell mei" be replied somewhnt ungrtly. Vl believe my eyea, and when I sees lu tbe ipcc as they divide nlmivot cr'ry ulg.it I knows they lie dlvldltf sumtuttt." Ioudou Tit-Hits. Old ScottUh Words. Here nre n few quaint old Scottish words still used a good deal In Rust Atterdccusbhn: Mr-'-'w"-To say any thing nne mowpe. menus It I. un ennny or dnngerous. -eciiniinched" SpolliHl: clean couimehed would mean utterly destroyed or rendenil useless. "Hlnud"- To blnud anj;thlng would iiiean to soil It. A vtTfl-4 Avjmlil -e told, "Dlnna blniid your clean phut " "Ui dies" or Haiiilles"-A child's fnre nrm. The hint Is a very old expres nlOn.'lmt ye hnvefl?ijM It unil. "Sic bonfilo, gjinlleit. He hurj' inwins the baby has plump arms. Vw;u-.. Her ald. A Straight Vote. The secretrof the ballot is sometimes too awl to keep, "tleorge," said the ..t- ..jll.l ...... .itA aftp.ilihf I B(ll!l-. Vll.l 'wm .v '.......... - toldyonr "Sure. 01 did. squolre. It ;. . .... . .. .. .- ..... -.i pniU on in mier yui n ., miu v, lnAll..lo.l ..U I...1U .-.. Utllll t-nife uirHti.lii mill ril nut on Hlnili-ht throuuh tiu'a mm me."-London Chronicle. Violent dellglita have violent ends nnd 4n their triumph die llko tire and powder, which u tUey klaa cousuma, Bhnkcspcaro, THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWGLL, Prop. Good Goods at the' Price of the Other Kind Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass, Roofing, Paints and Oils Studebaker Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the Best. Come and see us. M. S. LATTIN & CO. FIRE INSURANCE THE BEST IS NONE DON'T COST A 8 v Central iFair October 18-19-20-21-22 at PRINEVfLLE, OREGON Over $2000 in Premiums aJ Over $1500 In Purses . Three days of Rase Ball. $350 in Puts?s nnd a Silver Cup. (Write the secretary for the conditions in JJuseball Contents ) Many sports, including foot races for semi-professionals, all distances; Bucking Contests; Saddle Horse Races, etc., and a Baby Show. Good Bond Mumc. A big time for everybody. Someone will get that 2000 for Agricultural Exhibits, Get a premium list at The Bulletin office and prepare something to take to the fair. Friday, October 21, is Svbool Day. Alt pupils In Crook County schools in free on that date. All schools will be dis missed for the Teachers Institute on that date. ' Many people will be at this fair to see what is grown In the country. -We should all unite in getting up a show that-wjl! be a credit to out country. COME. BRING EXHIBITS. GET THE HABIT Of keeping your clothes cleaned and pressed. It adds neatness and refinement to one's appear ance', and appearances are worth considering, whether in business or not. A well dressed, man nlwi-vs commands attention, while if , his ' trousers are soiled and baggv and bis coat is out . of shape it invites indifference. We offer all modern methods such as steam ' '' and French dry cleaning, repairing and altering ' at metropolitan prices, and if five years,' expert ence in the bet sliops in the country, with fas- -tldSous care in all our work, appeals to you we. Solicit your patronage. See us abqut. joining our Suit Club. A - , . One suits week cleaned, pre&ted, re- U ftp.? JVtAflTn paired and buttons sewed on for PoW JVli iTlvFllill Peerless pressing parlors . Iu R. M. SMITH CLOTHING CO. Store. . Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregqn . You are cordially Invited to make Tnu HQTR& fl AU,U8jrour resting plse while waiting over between trins'on your wsjrio hod from Portland. New. thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; slcstu heat, elevator; suites and rooms with, bathq. VJrst class cafe, Rates ranging from 30c and ft upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. qfsa TOO GOOD AND IT CENT MORE." MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD REAL ESTATE Oregon c