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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1910)
--' ""frtfiii ifii-iinlinfirfihUlJ Members of The BEND REALTY BOARD BEND TOWNSITK CO. BEND REALTY KXCHANGE J. L. BYRNK CENTRAL ORE. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DESCHUTES REALTY CO. J. A, EASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. HENKI.K HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. W. R. RILEY ROBERT B. GOULD Civil, Engineer ani) Surveyor Bulletin Building Bend, - - Oregon. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. .Meets on Thursdav ott ni before the full moon of each month. VUitine brothers always welcome. J. O. DAVIDSON. Bcy. U. O. OOC, M. W. INNUMERABLE BILLS CONFUSE THE VOTER Humorous Divison Measures Would Change State Map Beyond Recognition. ADU8INQ THB INITIATIVE. wuja our SAVE MONEY ftfft',,3! MITUTHR Mwticaltaral Rre Relief of Urtgw (mutual ) Home office, Salem, Ore Let me explain S. H. SNYDER Agent, Bend, Ore Mrs. E. J. Herring Facial Massage, Shampooing, Scalp Trcstaeat, Masicarkg Manicure Article, Marcel Comb. Meal Brushes, Skin Fowl, Sanitary Hair Rolls. Dr. A. A. BURRIS,nAJL' Ilralrr. DiwaK. Saecrafully Treated Without the Vm ot Dntp or Satiny, by th Kttunl Method, of tlnllof . Cbroa C DiacaM Specialty. Coaiulutlon Fir MrmUrorihf SUIr and National Naturopath 6odcty. OfSce la Jofanaoa BUx., 8nd. Orrjroa Peter Lehrman GENERAL ULACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bund and Oregon Streets. B. FERRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street. Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend. Ore eo u. GEORGE S. YOUNG "Dullness men ot Oregon will do well to Uko uote of the Innumerable county division blllt for the consldera tlon of tho people next fall. Already to many division measures have been filed with the secretary ot state that If half of thorn are adopted the map of Oregon will bo so changed that It will not bo recognised oven by a na tive son," declares the Pendleton East Oregonlan In Its Issue of July 25. -JVrthermoro the Indiscriminate creation of now counties cannot tall to Incrcaso taxation. This state can not create ten nw counties and pro tide for ten addltonal sots of county officers and hon.o to get along with present levies. The dlvlslonlsta ninko assertions to the contrary. Hut that Is 'campaign' talk. That samo argu ment was advanced In favor of tho creation ot Hood Illvcr county. Yet E. A. Cchlffler, a Pendleton tailor who owns property in Hood Illver, found his taxes Increased 61.4 per cent the first year of tho new county's exist ence. It Is tho history of every new county that division brings on tncreas- d taxation. This Is only natural. "Another feature ot these division fights is tho tact that division meas ures are sprung when tho people re siding In the proposed new counties do not want division at all. Take for instance the Orchard county scheme. Manifestly the people residing In the greater portion of that proposed coun ty do not want division. Two of the four towns Included In Orchard coun ty are hotly opposed to tho division. They are Weston and Athena. They have good reason for being opposed. Division will mean Increased taxation and that business now held by Athena and Weston will be diverted to Walla Walla. Milton people Imagino they will get that business. Out they won't. Milton is practically a suburb of Walla Walla and such It will al ways remain. If Orchard county ear. rles, that business will be lost to this state. "The Orchard county' measure u drafted In secret by a little clique of Milton business men. It Is purely a selfish measure. Representative men living right in Milton and In Free water arc opposed to the nroDOslUon. In communication to this psper they have so declared tnemsetvos. Even the newspapers of Milton and Freowa. ter have failed to take up with the proposition. Neither the Prewalar Times or the Milton Eajrlo advoeatea the division measure editorially and tbia fact has caused much comment Tho Weston Leader and the Athena Press have declared themselvoe as utterly opposed to division. Initially for Matters of Qenaral Intsrsst. "The InttlMlvo privilege is n valua ble right and tho pcopls ot Oregon arc fortunate In tho possession ot tho same , It Jn a right though that should bo used with discretion. If tliu Initia tive Is Invoked Itidlsoiimlnatuly It will bo ot Injury rather than of bene fit," says tho Pendleton Kttst Ore gonlan In Its lasuo ot July 10. "lly the naturo of thlngtho Initia tive should bo used for tho settlement ot questions that aro of general state Interest and questions upon which the people at largo are capable ot Judg ing. It was proper that tho direct pri mary law be enacted under tho Init iative. The law could not have been enacted In any other way. Legisla tures elected tinder tho old convention system would never havo passed the direct primary law. It was proper that tho corrupt practice act be en acted under tho Initiative and refer endum. That law pertains to political morality and tho people wcro able to Judgo ot the merits of the law. It is all right to settle tho normal school problem under tho Initiative. Tho legislature has utterly failed to handle the question. "Hut the most glaring abuse, ot the Initiative Is on tho part ot those who havo proposed county division meas ures. Klght bills havo been filed ask- lng for the creation ot new counties or for tho changing of boundary lines. In each case the question Involved Is ot a purely local nature; not ot state Interest. It will bo Impossible for the people of tho state to Judgo ot theso measures with Intelligence. Alt division disputes should havo boen held la abeyance pending tho pssssge of a law calling for the settlement ot such disputes by tho people directly concerned. The county dlvlsloulsts. however, havo refused to wait They have submitted their bills In hopes the people will voto bllndlr for them. They havo abused tho Inltlatlvo priv ilege and they should be rebuked for aomg so. Every county division bill should bo voted down. 'Insist that the Initiative be usod only when it may be Invoked with propriety." Speedwell THE CAR THAT DOES THINGS Power, Speed, Durability, Appearance, Economy. A. C. LUCAS, Bend Agent. CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER Bend, Oregon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Of PICK IN JMKT NATIONAL BANK BMG. BKNO, OREGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER PlKST NATIONAL BANK M.DG., OREGON C. COE, M. D. aiuan and burgeon UffKK OVKR FIRST NATIONAL UK. Office Hours: 10 tn 12 a. in.; t to 3 and 7 to 8 p in., :- Oregon F. 0. MINOR rosTorncu building LIFE I'IRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Paper Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BOND8 Crook Comity Abstract Co. INCORPORATED. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE to ell land aud town lots in Crook county, B V.. Wyldk, Secy. Prlneville, Oregon. We photograph the records. Xeaye your subscriptions for All Magazines fli 4-l.A T IHWAtH. ! IaI 1.1. 1. LET POPPLATIQN INCREA8E. Counties Where Division Agitated too Sparsely Settled. The Prlneville Review sizes ud the situation wisely when It says that the population In most of the counties where county division Js being agi tated Is too small and scattering. Many of the districts are too sparsely settled to permit tho scheme. Resi dents and property owners would be taxea so high that it would mean ruin to a large number. Walt until the counties have more people and the list of taxable warrant county division, advises tho Review as follows: "It would be unwise to make any sort of division of Crook County 'Just now. It Is too thinly settled yet In due course of Urae, when the parent county shall have attained 25.000 or 30,000 and the list of taxable war rants It, division will be sure to come: It is Inevitable. But it Is not business sanity to divide a county of less than 10,000 souls, and a moment of sober reflection should convince any one ot this. When the proper time arrives and a Just county division law Is en- acted, the three cities most concern ed, Madras, Redmond and Dend. all of which have division schemes In mind, can settle the matter between themselves. Out so long as the whole state Is required to vote upon a mat ter with which only a small part is even remotely concerned, wo would advise electors to vote an emphatic NO, not only on the Deschutes propo sition, but every other county bill." NE8MITH COUNTY. The Idea of creating Nesmlth coun ty is commendable, but Is tho manner of creating it commendable. It is hoped that in time a Nesmlth county will be formed, but It should bo done in a way that would bo approved by him If be were, with us today, Just at well ask the people of Portland to vote for the county officers of Lone county, or the city officers of Eugene, la to vote to create Nesmlth county nd this applies as well to all the pro osed new counties, County Division Increased Taxes 61 4 Per Cent (Bast Oregonlan.) That county division means In creased taxation for tho secsslonlsta is shown by the experience ot E. A. Schlftler, the well known local tailor, who ons some property In tho city ot Hood River, To the Bast Oregonlan Mr. Schtffler has exhibited his tax re ceipts and they show that during the first year ot the oxlatenco of Hood River county Mr. Schlfflcr's taxes In creased 61.4 per cent His 1908 taxos which wcro paid In Wasco county. amounted to JS5.G0. Ills 1909 taxes, the first levied after the creation ot Hood River county and which he rald on February 14, 1910, amounted to 1138. Therefore the creation of the new county cost Mr. Schlftler the sum or IS2.S0 during the first year of Hood River county's existence. "I have always said that It Is fool ish to divide counties." declared Mr. Schlffler. "It only means additional oxpense and Increased taxation." THE ONLY SOLUTION. (East Oregonlan, July 9.) Voters of Oregon will be comnelled to pass upon 32 legislative measures when they vote this fall. The number Is entirely too largo and many of the measures aro of such a nature that voters simply cannot hope to Judgo Intelligently as to their merits. Conspicuous In this class are the eight county division bills that have been filed. Each of these measures pertains to an Issue that Is strictly lo cal In character. The people of the state at largo are not Interested In county division disputes. The average voter cannot hope ta Judge of the merits of these division bills. From one side he will be showered with lit erature favorable to division; from another quarter ho will bo Implored fo voto against division. Often people residing in tho proposed new counties do not want division .0 carry. Now what Is the poor voter to do? In the vlow of the East Oreronlan there is but ono logical way to sottlo county division problems. All those problems should bo held In abeyance until a law has been enacted leaving the settlement of such disputes to the people who aro directly Interested in them. It Is pretty certain that such a law will be passed by the next leglsla ture. Such a law was passed by the last legislature, but fo- some unknown reason was vetoed by Governor Cham kerlaln following the close of the session. MR. TAXPAYER. Are not your taxes hla-h nnnnrh? Can two county governments be sup-' ported as cheaply as one 7 The cry of division comes from real estate speculators who hope to profit Ijy having the county seat located so as to increaso values, You will havo Bend Hospital Attending Physician U. C. COE, II. 1'ItKKKM. M. HELEN KERSHAW, Sitperintcnilnnt. Cfnduatc of St. Luke's Hospital. Chicago. MRS. A. M. LUTES, AsiMnnt, Graduate of Columbus (Ohio) Truliiing School. Terms: $11 to $25 a Week, Payable Weekly. There i n Nurse on duty nt nil time. No extra charge made for night duty, unlen in extreme cases, when a special mime is requited. The Pioneer Wood Yard Cnll on or telephone us Tor the Hast Seasoned Wood. Custom Wood Sawing Solicited. All wood is cut green , therefore assuring pood live wood Wra. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. TFe Home Land Company Real Estate and Insurance. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. Bend Planing Mill Ornamental and Interior Mill Work, Store Fronts and Fixtures, Sideboards, Cabinets and Furniture, Door and Window Framing, etc. " m i Hi Architects and Builders. R. E. Woolley Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL DE CARRIED IN STOCK IJY US HEREAFTER. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, I'nilt Picnic Supplies, Cigars J. F, Taggart & Co. lMlmalr oil application Wall l'ir al Portland l'rlvea N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Clicwt and Het Wall I'arei Kam- lite In the county, (let My Price. Ilox jo. llcml, Oregon, CITY DRAY CIIAKLItS HOIITJKN, PKOP. l-."-T-i 'CfTYiDffM iissimfoltsnw i VH IIAMILIi liVhKYTIIINO Leave your nrder wild Nick Hiultli WallM .llcml TiTo Buckley Express Co. Direct Express Service between Shnuiko uud ilcnd. Two Rigs Each way every week Careful Attention. Bend office at Auno's Barn Phone orders to Redmond at our expense. No Va.Wi. , CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland Sb Mcintosh FIRST-CLASS WORK (JUARANTEED ESTIMATI2SFURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OP WORK Wood wood I have nothing but the finest of dry block wood. All it cost you, in i6hich length, Ih f- 50 cord in your yard Dry Limb Wood fy.oo a cord. Sce P. Al. CARTER when you want wood. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. iSftSSSSSB4H?'SsVsSSSSSSSSSSSWHlsVStf SSBBsVJlnilBj aaHssssVwltTnsslsBlaMi SMSWHtWSBa Ludr M Vf : f" .1 V, JOHN LEQAT DKALltU ltf Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired 1 mi. uiv JUiiuaaay ju. act lilUL institution get the benefit to pay for it Subscribe for The Bulletin. The Bulletln--J5i,50 a year. '- -" " mJiM - jbsjj M. A