The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1910, Image 8

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The Bend Townsite Company
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Choicest Residence Property
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jU-te$ h M a . dti
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BBB hi ' i
Business and Inside Residence Property. ffc
v. m - ;ai ri r js iil-s t a 1
f 1J , JT i
Lava Road Addition
Residence Property in the Heart of the City.
tirr ' Center Addition
. oignbiy esiaence occxron wionouo Diiuaing Kesoriobioru
. L'ii $&?$?" J:iM' J
'! r
Park Addition
This Beautiful Addition, with Building Restrictions, b the "Nob Hill" of Bend.
Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets.
1 - '," "5
Th FIrtt Oreat Dank.
TUe Qrat great bank in the world
wis Ibe liank of Venice, eatabllabed in
1 J.'" wben tbe cjuecn city of tbo Adrl
ntlc was tbe bead of tbo commerce of
tbe wexicrn world. At that time tbe
great current of tbe trade between Eu
rope and Aula passed througb tbe Per
sian en If and tbe Ited sea to Alexan
dria, Egypt, and was carried In iblpa
across tbe Mediterranean sea .and
tbrougb tbe .Adriatic to Venice, wbcre
It was distributed to various parts of
Europe. Venice was a sort of auto
cratic republic, founded and supported
by Its merchants, wbo were famed
tbrougbout tbe world for tbclr wealth
and reliability. Xbey founded tbeir
bauk, which was guaranteed by tbe
corcrnment and was held In high cred
it In ell tbe great cities on tbe routes
of trade. Tbe word "bank" was de
rived from tbe Italian word "banco,"
a bench or counter OTer wblcb tbe
business was transacted. Argonaut.
The Unknown World. -,
Notwithstanding the rapid advance
of exploration In various purl of the
globe It Is estimated' that about 20,
000,000 square miles of tbe earth's
surface remain yet unexplored. The
largest unexplored area Is In Africa,
0X00.000 miles, but eren North Amer
ica contains 1.500,000 square miles of
Tlrgln territory. Most persons will be
surprised to learn that there la three
times as much land awaiting the foot
of tbe pioneer In North America as in
South America Chicago Tribune.
Not the Only On.
"Sir, I beard you using tbe word
Jackass,' Did you apply It to me?"
"No. sir. Do you think you're tbe
only Jackass in tbe world r-Clevelnnd
rtcHoIre to wait In weakness and to
nalk In power Cbnrlotto Stetson.
On Glm of Joy.
Johnny had two presents at the same
time one a diary, wblcb Is kept very
carefully, and the otber a pea shooting
popgun, wblcb be fires Indiscriminate
ly on all occasions. One day bis moth
er found tbe following terse record hi
his diary: "Mondy cold and sloppy.
Toosdy cold and sloppy. Wensdy cold
and sloppy shot granma." Youth's
In Laosl Trm.
She (after a tiff) Too will admit you
ere wrongf
lie (a young lawyer) No, but 111
admit that' an unintentional error
might bare unknowingly crept into my
A Close Shave.
Joe Wilson of Sisters, was In
Bend last week. He is just get
ting so he can bobble around since
meeting with h serious accident in
the Spoor planing mill near Sisters
about four weeks ago.
In stepping over the drive shaft
the set-fccrew caught in his hightop
shoe tearing it into seven pieces
and throwing him o that his head
lay between two belts, cutting his
cnlp, bruising and straining ins
leg somewhat scriouMy.
Mr. Wilson had the misfortune
several years ago of losing an eye
by two sawteeth flying out, one
striking him in the eye, the other
grazing bis skull.
Water Xittr Meeting,
The Water Users' Association
will hold a special meeting uext
Saturday afternoon at the hull over
the Bend postomce. A iH attend
ance is debited. Meeting hour is i
W. E. Scott, Secretary.
The Bulletin has a larger adver
tising patronage than any other
Central Or. paper. There' a reason.
Lsldlaw Localetteo.
Jets llartcr, tvho lives north ol Laid
law, narrowly escaped being killed by a
liorc lie had juit purchased. While In
the act of grooming the animal he txv
gan kicking, and Mr. Hurler, delecting
the tint movement of the horse, had
bsrely time to lie down ak the feet of
the Infuriated animal flew over his head
The horiu kicked the entire tide end of
tbe stall out, when Mr. Uarter was able
to make his escape
8, II. Davis of Clovenlale, recetith
purchased a fine young mule of G, M,
Mrs. C V.. Nichols- and daughter-in-law,
Mrs, Hart Nichols, made a liulne
trip to llend Tuesday,
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. I'rank Swisher,
of Tumalo, September aj, an 8-pound
Mr. and Mrs, Dart Nichols, spent Sun
day at CJovcrdalc, the guests of Mr. aud
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Parks was a Hem! visitor Tuesday,
Mr. Ilornbeck, who recently located
near here, czpecta to leave soou on ac
count of his health.
The Bulletin $1.50 a year.
Gents' Furnishings--Latest Styles
New line of Fall and
Winter Suits, Men's
Fine Shoes, Sweaters,
Xoats, Underwear and
l Hosiery.
Our new line of Fall and Winter
Suits have arrived. Come in and see
a new line of Men's Shoes, Sweaters,
Coats, Underwear and Hosiery.
Yoursior Business,
(Continued from pajje !,)
er Company, WIIIUui C Ilrlstol, sttor-l
ney for receiver Howard, yesterday per
fected an appeal to the UnJted Hlates
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Attorney llrUtol did not rrquest that
a writ of supersedeas issue, rommnndiii
nisi urnceiiure in uie aaie 01 me prop
erty be discontinued pending an adjust,
ment of the controversy. It is, how
ever, believed that notice of the appeal
win cucciuaiiy uiock tne reorganization
pinna of the Kastern bondholders and
Oregon managers of the concern, It
is alto considered probable that the
Court of Appeals may cite the State of
uregou to appear-111 tne case ami show
what rights it may have.
"I do not believe that the Circuit
Court of appeals will take cngnUance of
an agreement which relegates first
mortgage bonds to Inst place as llahlj
Itlet,'1 ald Mr, llrUtol yesterday. "The
other side ha seen fit to 'crow' about
the amicable settlement of the illuculty
which they say hai been arranged, but
It hai not been settled by a lonu way
Mr, Howard has his duly to perform
at receiver for the Title Guarantee ft
Trust Company, and part of the duty It
to see that tlio assets of the defunct
company retain their value,
"The aMcis of tile Deschutes Irrlga.
Hon & jwwer Company are not tuiTi
dent, ve believe, to take care of all the
llablllllcv, ami we propose to see that
the Utf.soo worth of first mortgage
bonds are made the first consideration If
there It any wsv of dolni? it. and w !.
Ilcve there Is."
Where Pontics Succeed. f
Kosund, Or., October 10 That tills
country Is specially adapted to the pro-
ductlon of panties Is demonstrated by: a
large bed of the flowers In l Cot bill's
Harden. These are of black and mliJd
color and the bloom are at large atja
silver dollar, Tbe plants nude a flii
urowth without tncclsl DretMratlon
the soil or unusual care.
lue Tretien, who bouirht the M ar
catle relinquishment, hat moved hit
family to the homeitcad, tcvtrn milts
north of Kotlsud, and bccuii Improve
menu there. ' I
I'red Huey hat completed a new liouie
iCxll feet, of hewed los, 011 hi home
stead three mile north of M, 1 Ila
The nsme of Rotlsnd poMofllce I a
be cusnged to La I'lne January 1, J
9 1 pwaTLva
Tiudk Marks
CopvniaKTSi Ao.
Anrona nillnf a kr nil dMetlptlnn toi,
qulcklr urtruin our npliiinii rr wliethtr an
ll,lnilrloljrr..rit1.liilfl. HANUBOCjf t.0 1'alanU
lnt tit. illitMt iinr furXKurwir Ii4lnii.
l'uiiu ukn liirU(b Muiin iVo, llT
lj)j rwIlM, wllhoui ebf8, lit Ida
Sckiiiinc nmikm.
A hni1nmlr lllattrtlxtwttklr. tyrant dr.
eulatlori 31 an, e(nilBo Jnurrial, a armt, II a
roan rurmoiitM,si. BdiX brill ntwtduUra.
Leave your subscriptions for
All Magazines
nt the Library and Jet that
institution get the benefit,
Real Ilstate Transfers.
KiuoUhttl by Crook County AUtract Corapny,)
I.aldlaw Towutlte Co.. to WillUin
Oertram, Lota, 1.1 k 59, Lsldlaw: flio.
Thomas Sharp, Jr., to D. I. & 1', Cd
Strip too feet wide across parts ol Sect.
35. 7 "J T. 45 $U
D. W. Claynool ct us to school Dlt
trlctNo, 11, Tract In Hec.j4.14.17; $ia,
V. C, Kowlee to Ada It, Johuitoii.
Sw1 nw 37 aud nX c4 ! wif
aS-17-ia; iyxa. '
James M. Lawrence et nx to It, J.
L'KK'e'lon. Iot 9, blk 3, llend; fooo,
Anna L. I'almo ct at to Auuutta I'm-
mer, oe Dec. 17-10-11; l.
Isaac Martin et ux to Oreuon Trunk
Ky., btrlp of land across swj of tw
M. h. Jolt ctal io A., Ilornbeck, l,o
5 and 6, blk S3. Uedtuoud: fxoo.
I'raukrJI, Marion to Kiuma J. Marlon,
flwV sw Sec. 13, teX, X Sec. ij,
nex ne4 Sec jj, w nwW bee, 34-16-11;
Hcdmond Townsite Co. to John ) ,
I.amb, Lots 3 aud 4, blk 67, Kcdmoiid;
Kedtiioud; fiw.
I'atenta from the United States a fol
To Ida M. Ilemitreet, U)i nt)4, npX
neX siid neX mX Sec 34-13-10,
I'rank Kelly, WM seX und 10 and 11 tf
neXl5-l6-I4. "- 7
Heir ol John l'aliner, fieX 17-16-11,
Jeremiah Hurljjlit, SwX 8-19-13,
Deeds from the State of Oregon 4s
To Adam Kotzman, Swji nwX ""4
uwX UwX 8eo, a3-7-. ,
JJIocU and limb wood delivered
for $4 n cord. Wm, P. Pown-
INO, , 3Itf