Members of Ttte BEND REALTY. BOARD nKND TOWNSITK CO. BEND REALTY KXCHANOR J. L. BYRNE central orb. realty co. crook county realty co. deschutes realty co. j. a. bastes ho::e land co. o. c. henkle hqmeseekers land co. merrill-wilkinson co. W. R, RILEY BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. .Meets oft Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each month. Visiting brother. always welcome. J. O. DAVIDSON, U.O.COB.M. W. SAVE MONEY tir.' """" with Tim Kwtkil.wal Fire Iclfcf ef 8regw (MUTUAL.) Home office, Salem, Ore. L-" nit xt ii" b II SNIDER Agent, Bcutl, 0 - Mrs. E. J. Herring Facial Massage, Sfcaapeeisg, Scalp TreataeHi, Manicuring Manicure Articles, Marcel Combs, Meal Brashes, Skin Food. Sanitary Hair Roll. Dr. A. A. BURRlS.rsraiEB Healer. Dtveaaea ftoccestfiilljr Trettrd Without tb Ute of Drag or Surgery, by the Nalaral Mctfcotaor Healing. Chtuu IC IHhaeaftcialt)r Con.ultaltvit free Member fhc 4ir awl National Naturopath Outer IB Ji4iuaou liU!., Ka. '!, Peter Lehrman .viKAl. -Ai'KSttH'UI.NG. M"rshixilntr nSrwcinlty. B. PERU EM. - Physician and Surgeon vr tl .A Wtll 1r '1 " -'.-- Ji. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend. Oregon. GEORGE S. YOUNG CIVIL AND MININd ENQINEER Bend, Oregon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW owes m first national bank uidg. BEND, ORKGON Vernon A. Forbes J AWVFR MU.T XATl'jtKU HANK llLlN... 1IKM), IIKKCON U. C. COE, . D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE OVKR FIKST NATJOJtAI. BK. Office Hours: jo to 11 a. ru.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Bhnd, :- Oregon F. 0. MINOR ronTOFriCK building LIFE KIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary 1'ublic and Conveyancing All Mgai rapers tarrectiy Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS Cmk County Abstract Co. IKCOKFOKATiSD. Abb TRACTS OP TITLE ' to ell laud and town lots in Crook county. ii. if. WYLDIt, Becy. Frinevlllc, Oregon. We photograph the record". rat- s-TTEEB .tn Director? of eaek Cttr, J Villa" la Oregon ao4 . hixwu, filiate a DarfpUTO ttketrb of auh place, JLoesllva, hhlppinr facliitlM aail ClaaU. tleif Directory e CU MalnM K. i roue cp, la. Baiu.( naw. GVi MORE LINES RUN ADJUSTING RAILROAD SUR VEYS IN UPPER COUNTRY. ,-, Telephone Lino to Crescent to be Completed within Ttv't Weeka Another Townsite to bo Allied to tho Flock. ' Crkscrht, Or., Oct. 10. Work of re vising the line of the-Natron cut-off to brine U Into Crescent, will be com pleted vrllhlh the next two veeV by Uninecr Drntnm ot the Southern ! clflc, whose crew has been employed in the vicinity of Odell lake aud the Sum mlt during the past month. About th lake the line has been raised 10 feet above the former survey and several curves eliminated. Near Wakefield, n tonnslte south of here, the Southern Pa- ciGc has thrown the Hue a quarter of a mile tn the west. Engineer Riniso of ,the Hunter Land Company, which is to put in on Irriga fixation project along the old military road land grant near here," will leave this week for Corral Spring to lay out a new townsite on the company property, over which passes the Southern TacifSc survey. The townsite will probably uoi (c placed 03 the market until after the rirst of the coming year. At the headquarter of the Oregon Trunk In Portland PresidenY Stevens has announced the selection of the line through the lava beds south of Bend, where the heaviest work between Bend and the Williamson River canyon is en countered. It was this section of the line which caused a postponement and tuspcnslon of construction work in July.H when the contract from Madras to the Klamath Reservation was awarded to Henry & McPbee. Four different en liters were, at various times, placed on tile wotk through the lava tu the hope of securing a better line through there. It was found, however, that the line sur veyed by I V. Wakefield, formerly lo cating engineer of the Oregon Trunk, was the best and this was adopted, tit re through the lava beds on a one per cent vr!e. iUuKi'r in the viciuitv hae been iHitincd of a movement on the part of fuicsters oxer the United Sute to con tribute to a fund for the purpose of gly g burinl to ihe seventy five volunteers ho loot iheir lives fighting forest fires .11 Idaho and Washington, during the past summer. Rangers Nichols and McLoughlin are sending to the department one dollar collected from each person employed in the forestry service. This fund will ag gregate several thousand of dollar and the money will be used to disinter and bring to the towns the bodies of the men buricdjn the mountain during the battle agsinst the fires. In this connection it is stated that the forestry fund appropriated for fire fighting were inadequate and it will be necessary to transfer from the fnnd for improvement and maintenance to pay bills nntll Congress makes another ap propriation. On this account improve ment at stations in the Deschutes and Utnpqua reserves are held up and it is iikelyjiothing will be done until next spring. The station at Crescent has been selected and work on fencing be gun. Dqildings bad been planned but it will be necessary to postpone work until funds are provided. After a number of delays, dating from iuug k June, it is announced by Man gvr DiMjiicr of the Pioneer Telephone company, with headquarter at Prin vlllc, that the line from La Pine to Cres cent will be completed within two weeks. The material have been freighted to La Pine and a force of men left Bend a few days ago to begin work. The line, between Bend and La Pine is in unsatis factory condition owing to trees falling across the wire. These will be straight ened up and the service, it is stated, will be first-class within a month. Un til recently the line terminated at the old townite.of Rosland, a mile north of La Pine. The feed stable and ranch meadows, heretofore held by J.' H. Wenandy, have been sold to V. C Robinson, landlord of the Crescent Hotel. The barn will likely be removed from the Oregon Trunk right-of-wsy, preliminary to con struction work which is promised early in the spring. Clurles Thomas has begun the erec tion of s four-room cottage on hi Stev ens street property. Mr. Thomas will put up a feed barn on Railroad avenue this winter or early next spring, K. G, Rourk ha completed hi five, room cottage located near hi store on Main street. Mr. Joseph L, Ringo and children who bsve been visiting Mr. and Mrr. Charles Graves of, Klatnitb 1'alls the post three weeks, have returned home. Mis. K. O. Rourk mode a trip to Bend this week, called there by the serious illness of ber father, Mr. Caldwell of Paulina Prairie, JMdie Sao try, accompanied by V. C. Sheldon, formerly of Taft, Montana, re turned this week from Slmiilko, vyheie be went to freight in a load of good. A BALKY MULE. Rsmtdlss War Applied, and Ha Movsd Just a Llttla Bit. "Yt'uuh," an Id tho uegro through tho borrvixml telephone, lie Hood on one foot In the drug storo ntui talked In hi natural volcv, which iiuide th bot tler Jluglt ou tho ititlu'tt. The nu merous people lu tho (tore heard all ho stild as 11 nnttirnl coiiRcmiruco; b could nut hour tho conversation nt tin other end. Tliry deduced, however, from thr negro remark, that ho wan n miking with lila boaa and that ho was a tcHinntor by profession. "Ywwuh," be said. "1 tried dat" "Yessuh. no tun-an wlf tho plug hnt ho tried dut" "No, auh. Do ma-an ntn't much hunt. 1IU nan hit's busted." "Yessuh. I done dnt," -No. sun. Do I'll' boy he a In hubt none n-tall; Jcs' Jollrd." "Yessuh. De schoolteachth. lilt to bis close up some." "Kir 1 Ycsmih, Not much: no, suh. He moved a little bit, yessuh." "Yessuh. One o' do wheel wot burnt a little." -Two 0' do wheelsycMuh. Well, sub. de wnglo bit buhncd up. No, sun. l)ey nlu' nuttln' let" "Do tuuelT Yessuh." "Ho's dsh ylt-yes3uh."-aalTcsiOD News. Oldsn Tim Raiment" In early lllblo days richly embroid ered raiment was enumerated with the gold, silver and other valuable property of a rich man. In that primi tive ago Da mo Fnshlon was not tho fickle goddess she Is at preeent, and the "raiment" so frequently mention ed In tho Holy Scriptures descended from father to son as a valuablo part of the Inheritance. Italuient was of ten sent, with gold aud gems, as a present to dignitaries. It took not months, hut years, to ornament some of these garments, and tho gold thread to Inrlshly used In embroidering tbcm was real gold. Moses describes the process of making tbo gold thread that was used In ornamenting tbo taber nacle. The habit of making presents of rare needlework Is still common among eastern nations that changed tbetr customs so slowly. Wssplno Tress. The phenomenon of "weeping trees" that Is, of trees shedding drops of liq uid la ascribed by Dr. Sharp In the Cambridge Natural History to tbe in fluence of plant bugs. The familiar frog hopper which produces the so called cuckoo spit on so many of our plants belongs to this family of In sects. A note In tbe London Field calls attention to somo Interesting ob servations on this subject made by Dr. Annsndale and contributed by blm to the records of tho Indian museum. Dr. Annsndale wbje collecting In sect In western Bengal felt what he thought was rain from a clear sky through the foliage of tbe trees. On Investigation he found tbst it fell from tho leaves and was due to a species of plant hog present In enormous num bers. An Impostor. "Mebbo you'd llko to pot a piece about roe In yer paper," quavered (be old man, hobbling up to tbo city edi tor's desk. "What bavo you done?" demanded tbe arbiter of publicity's destiny, , "Not bin' much, but I was a hundred years ok) yesterday," 'A hundred, eh? Out can you walk without a stick and read On print without glasses" "N-no." "You are an Impostor!" Tbe old man broke down and con fessed he was only niaety-soreu. Cleveland Leader. His Luck. Tora-I wish that 1 bad Alfred's good luck. Dlck-So he's generally lucky Tom Lucky! If be walked out of the window In bis sleep nt dead of night there would bo another roan going by below carrying a feather bed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tbe Interior, V. 8. Land Office at Tiir Dalles, Or., n Notlcv l herebv aHren Atirfcmtxr 10, ijio. mat Anne u. alafK.l. whoae po-lofflc kildrew la IX d1, Orruon, did, on IbeUUda of I'cbruaiv. iuio. file Hi thlt office IneslhtUy of February, lyio. file Hi thlt office iworu Diaiencni ana Application. ro. 039. 10 purcnaae Ihe nwW trnfi foe. y, T. 1; S.. K. It K.. w, M.. and tbt limber thereon, under Ibc pro. 4 woi a Statement and Application, No. uly6S, lo virions of Ibc act or lune 1 17!, and acta amend- atorjr, known the "Timber and Blunt I.a," at siKn value as mifni w niea by appraise ment, aud that, purauant to such application, the land aud Umber thereon have been appratatd lb limber eatlmated nopoo board feet atli.y 1. VI ner i, ana ine iauu I44 i, that aaid appll- cant will offer final Drool ol la auppoit of her appll cation aud sworn statement ou ibe (lb day of ixcrmucr, 1910. neiorc 1. - mm, u. . tout. mUniouer, at bit office at llrnd, Oregon. Any person ia at liberty lo prole at this pur cnaae oeiorc entry, or inuiaie a conieu at any time before patent imucs, by fillns a corrobo rated alfidarii In Ibla oflke, adrjlut facts which wouki ocicat tnecuiry. JO-39 C. W. HOOKH, RtgUler, NOTICE FOR TUBLICATION. Department ol tbe Interior. U. S, Land Office at Tbt pallet, Or. September so, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Motet Mltwonger, 11, did. whoae DottofBce addrctt It Ilcnd. Oregon on the Jth day of June. 1910. 111? In tula office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 06707, to purchase Ihe aw) nw) tiec. . T. 17 B., k. is K., W. W., and Ibe timber tbereon, uuder the pro vUloua of ihe act of June 1. iSj. and acts amend. otory, known at tbe "Timber aud Btone Law," at such value at might be fixed by tppraitemcnl. and thai, purtuaut to tuch application, tbe land cr inereou nav uccu apurataea, ini lUuiated 10.000 board fed at li. so Del M, aud the land fjo; that tald applicant will of. frr final troot In aupuort of hit apullcalion and tworn ttaictnent on the tb day of December, loio.Mlore it. c, unit, u B, bit onice, ai vena, uregon. 1, Oregon, at liberty lo protest this pur ry, or Initiate a conteat at any Anv Dertou it a before cntrv. or Initiate a conteat at any time before patent luct, by filing a corrob orated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would aclcal ine entry K)fi CW.MOORU.RegUter. . Tor Salo or Lease. LnrRe new livery barn nlntost completed up to tlntc-nut.1 (hat clnss tit every wny. Ootid location, For pnrtictilitri adiltcss Cakmiciiaki. & Masthn, 39-32 Uoslnnd, P. 0 , Ln Pluc, Qr. Violin Teaching. I nm prepnrcd to give lessons ou the violin. Those interested please call or telephone. j,SVA I. W KST. For Sate. l SI Milk cows, t well bred Jcr'scy, have been milking a nlintt time. Ranch 5 nilc southeast of Sisters. R. O. Andkkw.m, 2934 ' Clint Pulls, Or. -i35.-s-a NOTICK 1011 PUllIilCATION. Detattinent of the Interior. V. 0. Land OlAce st Tv.e Ikiltra, Or., Nepteinber M, lyio. Notice It heiby given Ih.l- lUdieA Niawongtr. wbu poalofltc ddii It bend, Oregon ild, outheetbda) of June, llo. file In tblt office dteoiu Stslement and Application, No,ivtf. lu BMrthaK the n)itwW uw)( M. IH . .11 It-. W. M .and ibe timber thrr.un umler the prortlloai of thr actor Junr J. trj. andada aineudatoty, known at the 'TimlieT and Hton lw," st tuch value at might be Hard by appralMmcut. and that, pursuant lu tucn application, the land and Umber Iheirott have been spptslMd, the tliiibrt etllmated vttvoobuard feet at 7S eenla pe- M, and the land llM Ihtt aid applicant wilt onVr fiual pruol In tupiMitt of her application and tworn atalemeut on Ihe Sth day of IVcemtxrt ttt, Iwf-ne II. C Kills, V 3. ComtnlMloner, at hiaofncr at Uenu. Otttoii Any person It at rpe: bel Itbetir 10 Motel thlt tur- chate belinc entry, or Initiate a eonletl at any time before patent IMuct, by tiling a corrobor ated tflidavit In thlt otnrc, alleging aits which would defeat Ihe entry f-ft . W. M0OKK, Keglittr. The Pioneer Cull 011 or telephone us for Custom Wood Sawing Solicited. All wood Is cut green, therefore nsiuriiiR pood live wood Wra. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. Ihe Home Land Company Real jEstate' and Insurance. Timber Lands, Irrigated Bend Planing Ornamental and Interior Mill Work, Store Fronts and Fixtures, Sideboards, Cabinets and Furnituro, Door and Window Framing, etc. Architects and Builders. Fresh t ORANGES i BANANAS, WILL DEjCARRIUD IN STOCK BY US HRRRAPTER. Fine Candies Williams WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best that tho town afford, Neat and Comfortable Rooms. IJknd, Ohkoon Tor Sale. One 16 It. p. Rttincl porlnlile ciirIuc ittul holler, ft)(,o. Jttit the tliltiK to run n well drill, mIiIiu'Ic nmclilnc, plnticr, wood saw, or Mtunt) tlireshliiK miiuhitic. 37tf UltNl) IIwick &Tn,it Co. Sulphur, to rents per pound. Ri) Cliosm Dkuo StokU. jotf Do Not Delay Your Foil Plantiwg an auivsw catum m la tsttar sWVte its So Ktattit ENTAl STRAWBERRY VSlKHtk PLANTS Oar 1 aaal Imiwrtaltaat bat. tr rtrM rrew rnta, uulmhw, JArAII sa U. AZORkS ad do. kMUtUMltaraaowr.aly Fatly Tilara tMure mIms tmmW t ASK TO CATALOS NO. M PORTIiAND SEED CO. reiSTLwAND. OKKUON Wood Yard the Hcst Seasoned Wood. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. jmJ Dry Farm Lentfe. Mill BrgaBjWBwSSal m I fruit. 8HA0E fHD 0RN Sherritt & Woolley Fruits LEMONS Brothers. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Prtilt Picnic Supplies, Clgnra J. I Taggart & Co. lUtlmates 011 npplcrttluil Wall l'aier at Portlaiul Prlves N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperlumger Chriet end Hot Wall l'aper Sam- plea In the rouiiiy. tct My I'licii, flox if. Html, Oregon, CITY DRAY CIIAMI.KR OOlfTJUN, I'ROP. cnYiomY WIlllAMlUi LVHUYTIIING l.eavc your ordera wnli Nick Miultli Wall.Sl .llrnil The Buckley Express Co. Direct Kxprcss Service between Slinnlko and Ilcnd. Two Rli Knelt wny every week Careful Attention. Bend office at Auno's Barn Phone orders to Redmond nt our expense. No Mkwr' CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland (3b Mcintosh FIRST-CLASS WORK OUARANTIIUD CSTIMATHSFURNISIini) ON ALL KINDS OP WORK Wood wood I liavc nothing but the finest of dry block wood. All Itf cosu you, in 16-inch Ictiglh, l $4 50 cord in your yurd. ' Dry Limb Wood fj 00 a cord. See F.M.CARTER when you want wood. JOHN LEQAT UltALUIl IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired -V-TVt- ostssasMh i flBHsMpPr? . I M n Ki I