r niilil.1i i. iiiit M')iiiitninimir'"-""r - ' " t.-.i.'Ai nil i . II LV .HW THE BEND BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATRS: One yttr . ... -.t ... ..-. B IX IHOVtMIMIMIIMMtniMNMtMMIIMMHI (Inmritblr In ndttnc.) ..I4 . .to . WEDNESDAY, OCT. ta, 1910. HOW TUB PRESIDENT LEADS. When the fight of the Insurgent ' wing of the Republican part) broke out Speaker Cannon and Senator Aldricb, who domiuate the House and Senate respectively, succeeded in controlling President Taft to the extent of having evcrj item of patronage cut off from tht insurgent Republicans. No Insurgent Senator, of whour there were n, and no Insurgent Representative, of whom there wete about 45, could secure the ap pointment of n cross-roads post' master. During the last few weeks the people have had a say in this mat ter. They have had a shot at Sen ator Burrows of Michigan and Senator Hale of Maine; two notori ous standpat Republicans and bittei enemies of the Insurgents. The voters have endorsed overwhelm ingly LaFollette of Wisconsin, the leading Insurgent of them all, and Poindexter of Washington, scarce ly less radical. Now after the president has cut off patronage from the Insurgents for more than a year, he comes out and announces that hereafter In surgents shall have all of the pie that can be found and that no discrimination will hereafter be made against them. President Taft reminds us of a certain perfervid French orator who was addressing a mob that suddenly ran away from him. He followed, crying: "When they run I must leader." go, too, for I am their (. County Snperintendent Ford calls attention to an error in last week's Bulletin, wherein it was stated that school district divisions were made without notice to the old districts. He says he always requires legal notice to be given in all districts affected, old and new Injustice to Professor Ford and the other members of the Boundary Board this correction is cheerfully made. The statement complained of was based on the practice that prevailed prior to the present admin istration. Old districts did not then have notice when part of the terri tory was to be taken for a new dis trict. A particular instance is that of taking the Laidlaw district from the Bend district. The Statute is a little ambiguous a nil (he former Snperintendent took- the ground that notice to the old district was not required. Tbat this practice had been chanpert had not previously come to the notice of The Bulletin. It is certainly in line with rational improvement of the public service. Why do so many disinterested people manifest so much concern, activity and ingenuity to defeat en forcement of the law? Is this an evidence of good citizenship? Is the law a hideous monster which must be crushed at all hazards? Or is it hideous only to some people? And, if so, why? Might it not be well to have the City Council meetings held In a room which can better accommodate the growing audianct? Last night 22 persons were in the Recorder's office and it seemed a wee bit small. f THE POKER. r Hardly Changtd 8lnc th Day of th Early Mttal Worksrs. f As the flrst flreplace wna a circle of tones at tbe mouth of a care, so the flrat poker was a piece of green stick. It wm necessary to bare something to knock the logs together with when tbej began to bum through the mid die, and as prlmltlre ciau did not wear boots be could not use them to kick tbe hot embers Into place, as some of us do to this day. That was u rcflne oeut, If It can bo so called, which came later. Tbe green stick lasted un til tbe ace of iron and was tben super seded by a. bandy piece of mefaj which 'possessed be advantage of being stronger and of not burning away. Bat since the days of tho early work Vs In metal we have mado no ad vance. ?JUy .Wfccr Jjos hard.1. Ujt til. changed through the R. It M, as tt nltvnya has been, almoin and severe of outline. It lends Itself to no vagaries aud to little ornamentation. It Is ono of the few things which no one has ever patented, because It may bo said to have I en pod from tho flrat foundry perfect and complete In every respect. Tho only notable attempt at Improve ment has been to make the poker of brans with o twisted column, but even then tho Iron poker lurks at tho aide and Is known as tho curate, because It does all the rough work, Tho orna mental poker U not a poker nt all, but a sham, an upstart tnitsqueradliiK un der au ancient and honored name and gaining credit for duties which It Is uuable to porform. Londou Globe A GREAT BATTLE. The On Known In HUtory a the "Victory of Vletoris.M The battle which Is known In his tory as the "Victory of Victories" took place at Kebavend, In Ecbatana, and was fought between tho new Moslem power to U3T and tbe empire of Per sia, then ono of the most powerful of tho eastern monarchies. It was oue of tho most absolutely decisive battles In the history of war, and It was all tho more amazing by reason of tho fact tbat It was won by n peoplo who twenty years before had been un known barbarians, lost In tb deserts of Arabia. Arabian historians place tbe Persian loss In a single day at 100,000 men killed. This may be and probably Is an exaggeration, but tho fact remains that tho Persian dynasty came to an end when the battle was over and tbat Zoroastrlanlsw. which had been the re ligion of Persia for over a thousand years, was at once supplanted by Is lam. Its modern representatives, as la welt known, am now tbe Parsecs of India. Tho victory was so absolutely de cisive that it extended the Arabian do minions over tho whole of the region tying between tbe Caiplan sea and tbe Indian ocean. With ttn exception per baps.of the battle of Tours, no single fight erer made such a difference In the after history of tho world. She Knew ths Reason. no was smoking snd musing over the ways of the world. "Odd, isn't tu be said at Inst, "bow few people at tain tbelr Ideals In this worldt" "In what wayT Imjulred his wife suspiciously, for she was not a woman to be caught off her guard. "Well." he replied slowly, "I was The New Fall Style Show QUITS and Overcoats for everybody. An L array of new models in fine fabrics and attrac tively priced. Evecry man with cloth ing troubles should call and examine tltisdis play. It will put you in a buying mood, whether youjneed new clothes or not. These garmenls are the best efforts of Michaels, Stern & Co. that is a guar antee of perfect satisfaction. Let us show you what a little money will do mtiiK. thinking of Wlliiicr when t spoke. m had an Ideal woman that be was al ways talking about when ha was collrgo. 8I10 was tall and stately In his dreams, and ho scorned to have uo placo lu his heart for a small woman, and yct-aud yet" "Weltr "Why, ho nually married a little thing who hardly comes to his shoul der, I wonder why tt was;" "Perhaps. Krcd." alio said very slow, ly and distinctly, "he Is llko tho ma jority of other men and was afraid to take any oue of his alxe." He changed tho subject. A (Shocking Trtt. There Is, a peculiar tree In tho for ests of central India which baa most curious characteristics. Tho leaves of tho tree nru of a highly sensitive na ture and so full of electricity that whoever touches one of them receives an electric shock. It has a very singu lar effect upon a magnetic ucvdlo and will InQueuce It at a distance of even seventy feet The electrical strength oNtho trees varies according to the tlmo of day, It being strongest at raid day aud weakest at midnight. In wet weather Its powers disappear alto gether. Birds nover approach the tree, nor bavo Insects over been seen upon It. Old Bncllih Pairs Pairs and fount were formerly hold In ehurch.vurdit In honor of the saint to whom the church was dedicated. In couNCUtncc of theso HUllur jjitlli erlngs being much abused Iticy had to bo suppressed In tho thirteenth year ot the relgu of King Kdwartl III., a appears by tho following extract quot ed by Spolnmnt "And the tvyiig com mamteth and forblddeth that from henceforth neither faint and markets shall bo kept In churchyards for tho honour of the Church. Ulveti at West minster, the VIII of Octobre, the XIII yearo of Kyngo Kdwnrdo's rclgno." London Queon. Vtry Suggtttlve. Mr. Towno There was a spelling competition down at our Institute tho other night. The paxtor novo out the words. Did you hear atmut Itf Mrs. Itrowne No. Was It Interesting? Mr. Towne (lather. Tho first thiro words he gn e out were "Increase," "pastor," "salary." Violin Teaching. I am prepared to give lessons on the violin. Those interested please call or telephone. tf Kva I. WlMT. Bend Hardware-Co. I ai V sk h ! 4fes tlM 1 1 f I n rV7 t- coj-tomhtioio Mjc Vr-xwMK"ATLStTri)itoo KM tVAPocnuiiiiin m jfl 1 1 Cole's Heaters Save half your fuel bill We will have them this week They Cost Less than Others FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, HiiUdcrs' Hardware, Hoofing. Kvcrylhing you need for your new House or new Stoic. N. P. SMITH Wnll Street, Wall Street The MerrilIWilkinson Co. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS " IN THE COA1INO WHEAT SECTION OF CENTRAL OREOON. Every Location (Junmnlccd. Automobile Service. ft Garage and Repair Shop AUTOMOBILE STORAGE nt lowest talcs possible with good service. VULCANIZINO the way you wlili it done. Give tis a trial, 2 Bend Hardware Co. R.M. Smith Clothing Co. 1 THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWELL, Prop. Good Goods at thePrice of the Otker Kind Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass, Roofing, Paints and Oils, Studebaker Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the Best. Come and see us. Riverside Ly tie ADDITIONS The coming Residence District of REND. Lots 50x140 feet, $150, 8175, f'-'OO, t'2'25, ?'.50, fL75, fllOO. 20 .per cent, wish, balance flO per month. These lots aYc sure to increase in value, perhaps more than double by the time you make the bust payment. Let me take you out ami show you this, property. Fire Insurance J. A. BASTES, Agent, , Notary Public Oregon St., IJKNI), OK. SOME GOOD BUYS $1600 3 lots, corner and inside ( 100x140) near depot, $1300 4 lots and a neat 4 room home close in. $20 Per Acre 640 acres, no rock; would make n fine Dairy Ranch. Only a few hundred feet front the river. $50 Per Acre 160 acres two miles from Mend, 1,300,000 feet of timber. Will be desirable for five and to-acrc tracts. Can be irrigated. $40 Per Acre no acres three miles cast of I.aldlaw, all fenced, 60 acres in cultivation, All litigated. Improvements coit 1600. I'our-room house. One-fourth cash, bal ance 1, 3 and 3 years. Jpsf I have listed lluslncss aud Kcsldcncc property in all parts of the City aud Additions. Also 1'AKM l'ROPKRTY In all directions. A. A. DICKKY J, W. MCCI.UK It J, GOODPm.LOW CROOK COUNTY REALTY COMPANY We have farm lands and city property for sale, If you wish to purchase, see us. If you have anything for sale, see us. We are here for business and will treat you right. Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon 8ts. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE.JMannger 1 C- C- RL CO, Hotaling Building, Wall Street, Bend STAR BAKERY Mrs. Orcutt has taken charge of the baking , no experiments in cooking here. Meuls at Regular Hours. Bread und Pits try for sale. Furnished Rooms. MRS- NELLIE WRIGHT 1