The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1910, Image 3

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J tPrtiicm nf lh Jnlrt lor,
U. It. Land unit it Tli Hllr; Ore gnu,
Augual j, ijiti.
Notice Itlieicliy glvfii
) AUry DeCuuiry,
wliote jlimr a.tdrvn It llMid, Crook County,
JWW'i'JM.wtilh lylliilayiifiMolier. ii,iifi
lillliltomcrHxriXilHUlriiiriil ami Application,
iH.. u ii ! vt'ini..ii. i,.i.l(!.. :..-ty ..
timber Hi. mm, under Hit pnjtl.luntol Hitact
0,!Ji"":l''l,drifttlneiiclaliry, knuwii u
!.h.Vi7!m,,f' V."' m"" ''' im
tiitilirUriliyiriiinrril, anil that, pur
euaiil to eurlt rlinilloN, Ih laud and llmhri
thrieoii have been e.llmalcd and valued by
tillraul,tlie timber etlliiieted ku.ww Uxnl fret
at fl.on per Maudlin laud nothing. IM Mid
applicant Hill utter Anil piool In upMil other
pllt-allun ami awof u .taleiurnt un the aoth Jay
bfOvtubrr, lyw, IW.ire II c lull. U It. Cm'
mliloiirr, at Ma uMi at lleud. Oregon
Anypciaoul.allltMity lu piolrtl Ihla pur
chaaebefoi rulry.orluillate tomcat l any
time lff patent iMilea, by filing coriohoraf.
td inbiavll In Ihlaomce, alleging fartt which
would defeat Hit tnliy.
U'JI C. W. MOOHK, HrgUter.
Charloi lloyd, Crop.
All kinds of Fresh and
.Vegetables, etc.
Ikit of Service.
Call nrnl (live U a Trial.
Renl Estate Exchanges
of all Kinds
it is now
will aRiln be In effect between
Heptemtier 15th anil October
Ijtli, iluitnc which nerlwl tick
et to SHANIKO will be on mIc
dally Irum
CHICAGO at . .$33.00
ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00
OMAHA . . . 25.00
ST. PAUL . . . 25.00
ml from other cllle corre
poixlitiKly low, Thcie ar Weil
bound, one-way fare onl, but
anyone litre can I'UIIl'AY (or
relailvea or friemla In the l!il,
If iletircit, Contult your local
railroad audit
to let the world know of our
vatt retource and iplcmlld op
porluiiille for MOAUI I1UIL.I)
INO. Writ to everyone you
know in the Hutt. (tend them
Kood initrucllve printed nutter.
, and tell them that the coat of
- KtttliiK licre U but little more
than hall the umial coal, and to
call on a reprlteiitatlve o( the
p. R. & N. CO.
; (or all deilrcd. Information, or
Department o( the In let lor,
U, H. Laud Office at The Datlee, Ore.,
nepteuiber 7, l?lo.
Notice It hereby given lliat-
Jauiet 1(. tUwiitll,
of Uend, Oregon, who, on April th 1009. made
HOUiealead, No. 0471, lor'-oie "aJ "1"J
awltiee. h d ue! liwU .c. l,T. m i.,R.
lift., W. M., haa filed liollcaol Intention 1 to
make ffnat conimulellou proof, to ttibliih
claim to the land above- ilcactlbcd, .before II,
t Mill, it u ,-mtimt.lmier!' at lilaomcoal
llewl. Oregon, 011 the 1Mb day ot October, llu.
iltim.iii uawce aa wuuenen
C. II. Alleu, W. V. Vandevert J. H. Iieyburn
fcuther Mclke, all of Bend, Ureguu,
I am Offering for Sale at
Prices Ranging From
$3 to $8
the following land In
Crook and Lake Counties,
flection Townihlpfl Range It
All 16 20 15
All 16 20 16
All 36 20 16
All 16 20 17
All 36 20 17
All 16 20 20
So. half 16 21 15
All 36 21 16
All 16 21 18
All 36 21 IB
All 16 21 19
All 36 21 19
All 16 21 . 20
West half 36 21 20
West half 16 22 15
East half 16 22 16
West half 36 22 16
All 16 22 17
Nor. half 36 22 17
West half 16 22 18
All 36 22 18
All 16 22 19 22 19
NW. X 36 22 25
All 16 23 19
All 36 23 19
AH 16 24 19
All 36 24 19
All 16 24 20
All 36 24 20
All 16 26 18
Ail 36 26 18
AJl 16 26 19
All 36 26 19
All 36 26 20
All transfers will be nitric through
the Washington Trmt & Sav
iiij-s Hank, Seattle, Wash.
304.5 Liberty MiIr-. Seattle, Wo.
rrraUtnt. .. .-,
rWriTLty efTieaxiry
rVrcttt.ty 01 lutrilot
Urrtlai at War
William II Tan
alar It Minraaa
hllandrr C Knot
. . .Franklin MacVragk A. tulllntn
.. ..J. U. Dkklnwo
Crura ron L. Meyei
Arnrlaiy of Com inn r and 1-aUir-Chailrt Nae)
IMMmauer uentrai.. . ,-nmii i,im
Allot nty Oeunat .Oeoi W. Wlcke i.ham
neaclaty ol Aaitcultue .. Jaiuea WiUon
0. h, MMiki j-ur. j sxi,1-. nvjfr"-
0. ft. Attorney..- John MrCouit
1-u.tma.ler at hU-. r ft L""0'
V. a. CowniMloner at lHnd.........ll. C. mil.
Ooretnor...- ... .-1'. . nentoo
itUiyo(6lt f.W. Ileniou
Trf.tuitr. -....- -... ;;
Atloruey Oeucial A. U. Crawlold
Hupl. I'hUIc Inmuctloa J- It- Aekertuan
Malt rrinier .. - f " .!"r, "'
ibii .iul food CoutnilMlonrr J. W lulte)
CoixmlMloiitr of Labor KUIMIra...,. ..O. V. Iloft
Cl)de . Alichlaun
OtaraUl WcU
name and I'orralry Warden.....-K. O. hurenwn
lalt lUglnKf,."
U. H. tWuatoil..
lluprerot Jiklcet .
.John II. I.ewl
JUror it 1. Cbamberlaln
lou.lbauHouruf, Jr.
I W. C. Ilawley
I W. K. Kill,
a. Mcuttde
H A. Uooic
Robert Itakln
Win. K. Klug
W. T. Meter
Utah DoAftnor CoHTtoi. (WAiaa.)
lofan II. Lewl,Mlatelailiier..-...8alein,Or
II. r. Iloli.le, hum l)lv. No, ......nonaiiM,r
T. M. Maton, upl. Uiv. No. ....UaLer Cl.y.Or.
Btaiv Lamp Ihiabu Oovernor, Becretary of and aute Tie.urr.
HTAra 1)mt Land luuan-Caveruor, Slile
Tit.iunr and Attorney Ueneial.
Judf... w..-. W. L. hradahaw
Attorney. -.." M.....M-..r'reU W, Wtumn
..-. H. C Kill.
li.iH .Virtu mown
Hhtilir-. ...- .ItaukWklnt
-T.....UKT .. MMMM...w. r. KlUl
Autuor r........-....-. J. t. U yoltetle
tKhoot 8prlntiideut.........v.M. A. IJ01U
auivyor.TO...M...,.. .........vrea a. Rice
I R It Hay ley
CouiniUaloncre,..... -....... J jtmM K jj,
CIRCUIT Couat I'irat Monday lu May; third
Mouday lu October. .....
I'aoaATk Couar I'irat Monday In each month.
CuuMiaaiuMaaa' Court I'irat Wcdneaday
In January, March, May, July, Ueptcmbei
M. Trlp'ett
OlleCt Or I.HHM M..,.,.. ,H,WM
M. Trlp'ett
.11. II. Ray
(I..C llotallng
I,. l. Wle.t
fJ.C. V. Harrington ,
aiiu Anue ii. Market
Mtaa Ada l'orltr
MUa Harriet DolMn
Mtaa VIctucc C. Young
Mist Ida M. Auderwui
MUa Kalbcrlu llatklna
MUa Noua Klchanlwn
iMra. Ukuqll.Wack
CITY 01' UltNU
Mayor...'.......m.... -.3' C. Caldwell
Ucordrr....-..i."" H- C, ltllla
ttetiurer.M.MM,MM..MM..i......,M,M..K.8. j. pieucer
j. ... .,uu,v,
.11 . . I '
niUC,UlH M..,.., . ."".v
J. Ovcrturr
T. W. Trlplelt
;.-." K"'y
w. u,
The Bulletin has on hand a num.
ber of the Great Northern lllustra.
ted leaflets 'OpeuinB Up Central
Oregon," These will be given to
auyouc who cures to use them.
I'rontUet If lllccfod To llalil Court In
rook County livery Sixty l)ey
and AvolJ I'rcaent Delay
, and llardtlilpn
Hon. Samuel W. Stark of Hood
River, Republican nominee for Cir
cuit Judge in this district, wni in
Henri this week. Monday night he
addrcttitvtl a large meeting nf voters
at the Commercial Club rooms,
making a very favorable impres
sion. Among other things he said :
'I'or the exprcia turoe ol lirinuluK
relief to coiiilltiuiit uoMr exlttinu lu the
Circuit Court ol Hood Klver and Crook
rounllea I accepted the urgent reriuett
ol (ilendi to become n candidate (or
Judge of the Circuit Court In the Sev
enth dittrlct, cotnprlitnK the couiitlca of
ikhmi Klver, wtco aim i rooic,
Ouly two teriut of Circuit Court are
held in Hood Klver mid Crook couiitlrt
each year, and no adjourned tcritli, and
the people are practically without uiea,tn
of rcdrctt, I'or luttance, you coin
inrnce an action lu either Crook or
Hood Klver countlet, and the adverse
lrty tliuply filet demurrer or motluii
and there the rate atnnilt for werkt
waiting the next term of court. Then
the demurrer or motion it argued befure
the oxirl, and in moil Inatnncet taken
and kept under advltemeut by the
judge until the next term tix monlha
liter ami II not taken nun kept miner
advltemeut, but decided at the time of
argument, tlieu lite iieicmiunia are al
lowed from leu to thirty dayt lu which
to antwer, and your rate goetoverthe
term, ami It it aiweyt irnm one in tiirre
yean txfore you can go to trial. During
thlitlmeyour wltueact have teal lered.
left th country, or iirobatily died, ami
If you are able to go to trial at all, it It
at great ilttail vantage.
"I'or llluttratlon, take lliecaieolj.
It Hall vt. Dartl, coinmeueed in Hool
Klver county to recover wage earned III
clearing laud, Thecae wat commenced,
a demurrer filed, and the. cate tied up
for wrckt, until the next term of court
The demurrer wat then argued and by
Judge Hradahaw taken and kept under
advlteiuent tor tlx moiitht, until the
next term of court, and then decided
Another motion Mat filed aud taken
under advlteiuent by the court. During
llilt time the mill waited for hit wagei
Thlt It only one ran; among the many
cam-i un the docket In Hood Klver
bounty exUting under the Mine coihII
lion, Mid the eoiile of Crook1 county
have for )cart tuncrcd the amc treat
"Tliltcondillou doet not cxitt In Wat
,o county. The Judge JUet theie and
the court U tlwaya ojicu for the trauwe
tion ol butlncaa,
"There Jt no reaton why relief cannot
k given to Hood River and Crook
.ouutiet, becaute the judge could hold
regular adjourned tertui lu thete
countlet at Icatt every tixty dayt, and
ccp demurrert, motlont and eriuity
catci tried out, and not canae the
people of thete couutlca to'tuffcr un
timely delay. Only about one-fourth
of the catei are tried by a jury, and no
jury need be called at ailjourncil termt
uulett the butluett of the court urgently
leinaudt it.
''While uo experienced lawyer can
dTotd to accept the oilier, jet for the
purpoae of putting a live mm on the
elicit and giving lue attorney of Hood
River and Crook countlet (at well at the
attorneyi of Watco county) a chance to
carry their catei through court without
deity, I agreed to become a candidate
lor Circuit Judge, and if elected, to hold
regular adjourned tcrui of court'iu
roor county every tlxty day, and oft.
ener if neccnary to ditpatch the butinen
it the court. And to hold a regular ad
journcd term In Watco county every
hlrty day, and to keen the court open
for the trantactlon o( liulnet In Hood
Rier county, aud wat given the uoml
nntlojt witout oppotitlou, for which I
MODEL 1910
Self-Loading Rifle
It Strikes
vThla new Winchester
shoota a heavier bullet
and hits a harder blow
than any other recoil
operated rifle made. It
is more powerful than
the .30 Army, of big-
game hunting fame. The
loading and firing of this
rifle are controlled by
tho trigger finger. It
Send for lltnilraf t irtalr fully
ilwrfNar w '"' ''(1
Aai tirrarta awl per jln
New Utveo. Conn U. S. A.
thank the atlnrney and appreciate their
onufideiii'e lu me.
"Jfy oppfinent, W, I llrailitiavr, the
Democratic iiieiiuiUul, who ht been In
olllce over 8 yeart, for which the
people have paid him over tw.iioo, with
which lip hat made aucrctaful level
inenta, aud t now liuancUlly well fixed
lu hit old dayt. Hit long reign in of
fice It not due to hi ability, becatite
over fifty per cent of the catct apealed
from lilt court have been reverted and
tent back for new trial, but It becaute
Iht experienced lawyer enjoyed a prac
tice that did not warrant tueui in ac
cepting the ofDee, and he wat elected
three lliimt uraellcallv without normal.
tloti. A term of office I tix yeart, and
no man thould hold any office over two
Idriiie. Anil twrntv tnrt la lotit.
enough for the Democrat to fill an
ouicc in a inree-io-oue nepuiiiican rut
Irlct when an exierfenced lawyer It on
the Keoublicau ticket.
"In order for any indue to properly
dltcharge I lie dullea of hi office I feel
It aioluttly ctientlal that bit time
thould l tpent about equally among
the countie of hit dlitrlct. Thii would
cuable him to j-trtontlly know the
condition in etch county, and If elected
I thall t,eiid a great jiorlloii of my time
in Ileud, Redmond, Midrti and rrine
villle. The outtlde world, and even
you people, do not rrallre the luitr.cdl
ate development of Central Oregon.
You are tituated here In the timber on
the bank of the mott beautiful river In
the Wett, aud in the center of one
among the mott fertile dlteralfied firm
ing ditttlcti of Oreuon, where you can
vrow fruit, vegetablct, alfalfa, clover,
hog and cattle In unlimited quantities.
With the railroad coming lo you bringing
Ihoutandi of people hunting hornet jou
are liound to develop bejond expecta
tion!." (Paid Adv 1
Wantuij Men to work in log
sing woods or sawmill Apply to
Roberts Hro., Sisters, Oregon. 3otf
ii iw.ii m m i ... ii i. nr i p , i i,.
'i . c
The Bend Steam Laundry ;
Is now in operation prepared to do I
I ( all kinds of work.. Laundry, called (
f " 'v S
? tor and delivered. ?
Get Yor Name on Our Regular List.
-- r - -x.ja- ami -nar
H The lhlt 7 -I,ht Ha. oyji.
United Malrt Land Ofttr,
The Utile.. Or'rn, Anrutt t 1910.
Nttre t heretiy xtven that
The MwithenO'aeinc Rattw.v Company,
hmepoMlutaldre.. KM. I'.ul, Mlnnr4a,
haa IM. rt day ot Auu.t. 1 jio, bled In thlt ome
Id apptlnOon p Mint under the prsvt.Mii. af
the Alt of Concrete approved July 1, iVI
mat. )fi, ). a. rateudnl by Act of CoogrrM
apwrevet May 17, lyA Ilealnnlue at the qaar
IrriKxtoflheweM aide ol (1iun ,
Mouth. Raniie 11 Hart, W M, running- thrnce
11I M diilni to immI Mo. . thence Mntbn
ehalnatopuelNo thence we.t aachalna to pot 1
o j. ineuw MHiin jo cnaiua 10 poi 10 4.
thence eatt chain to o.t No J. thence
notlh M cbalnea to puM No 1, thence radio
ahain. to -t No. 6, Ihenec not Hi x ehalni to
Ihc pUcrcf Iwtlnnlne, xhleh Iracta ohcn.ur.
vcjcil will beilcKtlEed a.. NH tM'.V. HW
Hlllf. Kee- i, Twp. Kt Kotith, Range it ilaat. W.
Ane and all tieiaoaa elalmlnr ailvirMlv ik
land. deKrlbnl, or deairlni ! oiijcct beUM of
ine mineral cnaracier 01 ine land, or lorany
other leaMm.tolheitl.pout to apptlcaul, thould
tilt their airl.ll. or prolrd In thlt office, on or
Ixfotc the jiiUyof (Xtoter, ii.
y-H C. w. MOOK1!, RrtlMer.
Department of the Inteilor.
U li. Ijind Office at The Dalle. Or.,
heptembcr 19th. lio.
Notice U hereby xlven that --
Albeit llatryman,
wboe poMoAcv addle., it llend. Orcfon. did,
..M .!. ...I ill. rf U.l.ll... ....A Ala ... ,..
office fiworn hlatement and Application, No.
o4S- to putch.w the eli neU hecil. T 17 8,
k. iiiih i , ami me timnerineteon, under
the tiravleut af the ad of lun t. ltrt. and act.
amendatory, knowp aa the "Timber and Moot
lA"." at auch value a. lnlht t filed by ap
pralwment. aud that. pur.ii.Bt to auch applica
tion, the tend and timber thereon haveoeca
appialMd. the timber climated to 000 M bo id
fretatli) i-tr M. and the land ioo. that eald
applicant widotTer ftual p oof in .upport of hit
apMKaltoa and airarn atalement on the tth day
of l)rerber. iio. belore II C Kill, I 8. Coin
mmloiier, at U office, at llend Oreton.
Any pcraou I. at llbeity to promt thlt pur
ctiaw t-rfoie rnlry, or Initiate acoutot at any
time Uli-f e palent iuuea, by filinc a eorreborted
attitlavit in thlt ocbee, alleclng facta which
wouiu ucieai me eniry.
rry C. W. WOORlt, Rrtl.ter.
Department ol the lutertor.
f rt. Ijind Orhcc at The Dallea, Or.,
beplemlwr 11, 1910.
Notice I. hereby given that
Nellie II. Market,
whww poalomcc addre. la llend, Oiexon, did,
ou the Jut day of May, 1910, Ale in thlt officr
haroru hlatnneut and Application, No.uU41.lo
puichatc the aW icc JJ. T 19 .. R 111.,
V. M , and the timber thereon, under the pro
vl.iou. of the act el June j 1S7I. and acta amend
atory, known at the ' Timber tnd Hone Law,"
tl tiK'h value aa niiiht be Aird by appratae
ment. and lhat. lHitauatil lo auch annliralion.
the land and timber thereon have been ap ineiimorr cvuniaicu uu.oua uoaru lect at
IS cent, per M, and Ihcl.nd y, that Mid appli
cant will offer filial lrouf 111 aunuoitof her aDnll-
cation audaworn alatcmeut on the loth day of
Itrccmber, lyio. belore II C IttlU. V. H. Cow-
luittioner, ai ni onicc at ueuu, ureaon.
Auy erwu 11 at iiDerty to protest mil pu
rhaaebtiure entrv. or tulllale a cuntrat at auv
time bcfuic tateut luuct, by Ming corrobo
rated amoavit in inn oince, autgtng licit w men
would ueieai tec euiiy.
- C V. MOORK, Rrgl.ter.
Department of the Interior,
V A. Land Offlc at The Dallet. Or.,
6c-teiutier iMh, 191a.
Notice tt hereby given thai
JUil n Houiton,
who poslolCcc addreM It llend, Orrgcn. did,
on the tilhdayor Jauuary, tyio. QleluUiltor
rice Sworn Dlilciaeul aud Appllc-ttion, No, osSS,
to purchai the tcU twU btv. jo.T. 17 B-. R- It
li., W M , and the timber thereon, under the
provltiontof the act of June J, 187H, aud acta
amendatory, known t Ibe "Timber and Stone
Law," at auch value at might b filed by ap
praliemtnt, tad that. purunl to auchappltca
tlou, the land aud timber thereou hare beeu -
Fraiaed, the timber ctliutatcd tejoxi board feet at
1 u per M, tnd the laud tv: lhat aald applicant
will olfer final uroof In aunoort of !W applica
tion aud awutu atalement on the l.t day of,.. ....a lu.r..- 11 r tliia 11 a ,"n..
mlttlouer, t hit oifictt at Ueud, Oregon.
Auy perwn la tt liberty to protcal thla pur
chtte before entry, or InltLti a coutc.t at auy
time befure (uiteut tatuca, by tiling a cortub-
orated tu tni omcc, aue
wiilth would ueieai ine eniry.
cglug facta
C W MOORK, Xegltler.
lv Laudt to Keliletient and Kutry. Depart
ment of the lulctlor, Oeucral Laud Kifice,
Wtahlngton, D C , July tS. 1910. Notice la here
by given that the public lauda lif the following
dcKtibrd area, which were excluded from Ih
Drw,tulra Nallunal I'orett, Oregon, by proclam
ation ot the Piealdcut dated May Jo, 1910, If not
ulherwlte ntthditwu, merved, or appropriated,
wU by autbotlty of the Mccielaryof the lutertor
be re.loretl to the public domalu ou October Ji,
luiii,audtiecmetubecV to aeltlemeut ou and
aherlh't 'late, but nut to entry, filing or acleo
ttun uutll oa aud aHer Noeiuber i, 1910, at the
United blatea Laud Ofnco at Lakcvlcw, Urrgou:
hiT 11K..H n K . beet. 1. J. 10. 11 and 11: lu T.
ti.R. itt l( pec, s. 6 and yand W.M of
hec 8. wuiaiuelte Meinuau. waruiug la ncrcuy
etprewly sivn that uo pcrtoit will be eruilttcd
Id galu or eaercltc auy right whatever under
any ctllctueiil or occupalloti beguu tiler tliy
10,1919, aud PI lor to October l, 1919, and all
audi aclllcraeni or occupation la ncrcuy tocoiu
deu. IUIIN MCfltAUL.Actlue Aaalttaul Com.
uilttloucr of the liencral Land Otftce Approved
July JS, 1910 VRANK I'UiKCH, Hrat Aaaltttnl
BcticUtyofllnjluUilor, tj-jt
Has Just Received a Big. Full Line af
Pads, Pencils, Note-books, Envel
opes, Erasers, etc.
The ChUdrcn can get their
School Supplies
PENOL BOXES now only 5c. r"
bring the .buyer Valuable High Grade China
Articles FREE.
We Sell at a Small Profit
$50.00 Down
$50.00 Down
nf i
, s r. -iti
Choice Residence
Lots in
Aubrey Heights
$50.00 NOW
q ui
!!. BMA B) u- Jam. mm TV?mmSA
of Greater Beel. . -','
Contracts ore kt for several houses to be
built immediately.
Deschutes Realty
THIS BULLRTIN is the leading newspaur of CBNTRAL OREGON