The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1910, Image 2

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4V '
As Choice
A Llf. Saving Order.
Many yenr ago the American war-
hip Delaware came near foundering
off the coast of Sardinia while lulling
throuch a bear? squall during a morn
Ins tvatrh. Tbe unnuiborlxed letting
go of ibe fore sheet" alone saved th
ship from coins down wltb 1,100 soul
on board. Tbe first lieutenant, after
ward Commodore Thomas V. Wyroan.
trltb dIUJcult climbing succeeded In
reaching tbe quarterdeck, where,
snatching tbe trumpet from tbe offlrer
In charge, bis first order, given in a
Tolce beard distinctly fore and aft.
was. "Keep clear of tbo paint workT
TbU command to hundreds of human
beings packed In tbe lee. scuppers like
sardines In a box Instantly restored
them to order and prevented n panic,
the naturally feeling that If at sucb a
time, with a line of battle sblp on ber
beam ends, clean paint work was of
paramount Importance tbelr condition
could not be a serious one.
The Baby Stir.
Dave you ever sat opposite In bus
or train to a baby. say. from pne to
two years old? If you ha to you bare
been compelled to notice It. And un
less you are a misanthropical persou
I guess you bare caught yourself feel
Ing uncomfortable under Its wide eyed
scrutiny of you. I think there la noth
ing more disconcerting than to be re
jected by n baby after full and open
cross examination, (tables and very
young children bare no humbug about
them. I believe they see more than
grownups. I bellere tbey read our
character down to tbe very ground
While the young mother Is Interested
to Qnd (bat ber baby is being admired
that baby is reckoning up both tbe
mother and the admirer, and wben tbe
Jerky turn of tbe bead comes tbe man
that has music In bis soul feels small.
Loudon Scraps.
Whtn Dreams Cams Trus.
An Uugllsb magazine records two
dream stories. In one a lady, baring
lost flu Important key while walking
In a wood uear ber bouse In Ireland,
dreamed that she saw It lying at tbe
root of a certain tree. Next day she
found It there. She supposed ber eye
mum have ueeu It after It dropped,
though ber conscious mind bad not In
stantly noted It.
Just tbe same was tbe theory of a
barrister wbo went out late at night
to post bis letters and upon undressing
missed a check for a large amount re
ceived during the day, lie dreamed
he saw It curled round an area railing
not far from bis door, woke up,
dressed, went out and found it exactly
as bo bad dreamed. The mind regis
tors at times what It does not Instantly
report ,
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
$25 to $250 for
25 Down, the Balance on your own terms.
LOTS, 50x140 feet. STREETS, 60 and 80 feet. ALLEYS, 20 feet.
Residence Pronertv. close
, ,
Free Water R eht with each ot. Remember, when we have
the purchaser holding the lucky number. Let us show you over this property.
Central Oregon Realty Co.
Th Scotsman's English.
A true specimen of the highland
man's difficulties wltb tbe English lan
guage: Farmer (who bad Instructed bis
Gaelic shepherd to look for a number
of sheep that bad wandered from tbe
foldi Well. Donald, bare you found
"Aye. mister.
"Where did you get tbemr
"Well, got two by Itself, one to
gether and three among ooo of Mc
i'bearson'a.' toodoo News,
Crowing Oananaa.
Bananas are, as a rule, planted out
systematically In rows, tbe "suckers"
being placed at an average of ten feet
apart. Tbe banana plant bears only
one buncb at a lime, but It la a quick
grower, yielding Its fruit In twelve to
fourteen months. Wben tbo plant Is
about six months old a second "suck
er" or shoot Is allowed to spring from
the. root, a third after Ibe ninth month,
and so on. so that after tbe fJnt year
there Is a continuous crop being reaped
For the greater part of Its life a
book Is an article of furniture and
stands upon Ibe shelf to decorate the
library wltb Its patch of color and
glow of kindly associations, but from
'Jme to time there occur tbooe crises
of Its existence when It Is taken down
and read. London.. Athenaeum.
"But why are you lu mourning?"
"Ob., for my sins."
"Gee: I didn't know you'd lost any!"
Cleveland Leader,
86m Wisdom Left
"Ton didn't tell the barber you were
In a hurry,"
"No. I didn't want him to know It."
-Pltuburg Post.
Blessed is the. man wbo has found
bis work. Let him ask no other bless
edness. Thomas Carlyle.
Not to Be Fooled.
A certain magazine ouce took to ad
vertising by means of personal letter.
A critic got ibis letter:
Dear Crown-Hare you seen article In
this month's Traslt MaixldeT Heavens.
can It U true? X.
But the critic, not to be fooled, sent
to the editor of the Trash-In an un
stamped envelope, so that double
postage would be charged this
Dear X. I bave seen one previous num
ber of tbe Trash Msgszlnt, and with
heart and soul I hope never to sea an
other. This Is quite true, BROWN,
, The Bulletin has a larger adver
tising patronage than nny other
Centra! Or. paper. There's a reason.
r 7 T
ts I
In to schools, churches,
... , ,
Ths Cook's Familiarity With th. Cap.
tain Waa III Timed.
Enos Sllsbce and Ethan Knight
came from ibe same little town oo ths
coast of Maine. As boys they had
crown un tocether. and now aa men
tbey were sailing together on the same
schooner. Ethan was captain, and
Knoa was the cook. Their pooltlons
might well nare been reversed, for
Ethan whs better with U'e skillet than
Enoit, and Enos probably know as
much about navigation aa his friend
Still, they maintained their respective
place, and neither thought of a shift.
Usually on board the Maria there
was little formality between the cup
tain nnd the crew. In port, however,
and on certuln occasions It was thought
necessary to maintain tbe dignity of
0th re.
One day a naval offlrer came on
board oil some business. Captain
Knight received him In his Ix-st man
ner, thanking his stars ihm he happen
is! to have his good coat on when the
o Ok-er arrived unexpectedly.
In tbe midst of tbelr Interview In
Kip captain's cabin Enos, apron lied
behind, as was bis wont when not
very busy, poked bis bead In at tbr.
"Ethan." he said, "Where's tbe sauce
pan?" Captain Knight frowned, and the of
flrer looked at once surprised and In
different. '
"Your conduct Is amazing, sir." the
captain said in his most dignified man
ner. "Your saucepan must bo where
you left it."
"You bad It last." protested Enos.
"You said you could fry"
But tbe captain bad slammed tbe
door. Youth's Companion.
Roughshod Methods of Sightseers In
Albert Blgclow I'aluo saya In de
scribing a visit to a Constantinople
"Home kind of ceremony Was in
progress wben we arrived; but, aa
usual In such places, we did not mind
We went right In Just the same, and
our guides, too, and we talked and
pointed and did wbut wo could to
break up tbe services. Old turbaned
sons of tbe prophet wero kneeling and
bowing and praying hero and there
and were a good deal In the way
Hometimes wo fell over them, but we
were charitably disposed and did not
kick tbem-at least I didn't, and 1
don't think any of tho party did. Wc
might kick a dog-kick at him, I mean
-If we tripped over one, but wo do
not kick a Moslem-sot a lire one. We
ouly take his picture and stop on him
and muss him up and make a few
notes and go,
"I have been wondering what would
the first 100 lots
business, etc.. this beautiful nddition is THE BEST
, ,
sold 100 ots we ir vc a
happen to a party of "Iourlsts Mos
lems, for instance wbo broke Into au
American church during service, with
guides to point and explain, and stared
at tbe people who were saying their
prayers and stalked over Ihcm aa If
Ibey were wax figures. Au American
congregation would be annoyed by a
mob like that and would remove It
and put It In the calaboose. Hut, then,
sucb things wouldn't happen in Amer
ica. We have cowed our foreign visit
ors. Besides, there Is nothing lu an
American church that a foreigner
would care to see," Outing.
Qolng Astray at 8ea.
The difficulty ot keeping a modern
steamship oti a straight courso ts no
slight one. The helmsman steers by
tbe compass, and, wbllo a slngto de
gree of deviation appears rery small
on Ibe compass card, It would If con
tinued carry a fast steamship four
miles out of her course In a single
day's run. Yet Ibe compass glres the
course more accurately than the ship
can be steered. Owing to the deflect
ing power of tbo waves and the roll
ing, of the ship, which If sho Is of the
twin screw typo causes first oue of her
propellers and then the other to exert
greater effect, tbe course Is continual
ly shifted a Utile this way and that
despite the helm. Tbo only safety Is
In correcting the compass course by
frequent observations of the suu, moon
and stars. Now York Tribune
Leaves It to Her Judgment.
"Am 1 the first girl you over kissed?"
aska tbe fair young thing from the
refuge of bis shoulder.
"Well." bo replies, "after the way
my arm Just naturally slipped around
your waist as you unconsciously lean
ed toward me and my fingers tilted
your chin as you unconsciously lifted
your bead and 1 bent forward where
your lips wero waiting and didn't gat
the kiss either on your noso or your
chin, but where It belonged-aftcr nil
that, and wltb tho knowledge of the
subject which you Imvo displayed. I
shall say nothing, except that 1 leave
Ibe question to your own Judgment"
On Candy
The Seal of
I in Quality and ITlavor
m PatronUtlhi'Mtdirn Dealtr"
J MW CwtwUwnr C, Hlit., NrlktJ, OntM
m tJipQlhjitii
Dijou 1 heater
Change of Program Sun
days, Tuesdays, Fridays
Admission 15ds
Children lOtfs
Your Patronage is Always
Patterson Drug Co.
Ict us show you an
A nice shipment of
just received,
DRUG 00.
We arc In business for your
The Bulletin $1,50 a ypar.
,A .!
' 1
.' J.V, , .
. e' S
v ..
. "Wt "
If for any cauto the lwr or other
domestic animal exhibits a lack of energy,
proper relish for food, or au A(arnre
of general dehillty, timely actlou should
he taken for the rrstotatlon of its health.
In the natural food of our domeitle
animate Nature provides certain peculiar
medicinal herb, leave, barks and roots
which seem necessary for tbelr health.
Pacific Stock Pood in greatly condensed
form is Intended lo supply the essential
Virtues of tlioee health-giving natural
rcmcdlr and is prepared expiruly for
those animals deprived by man of their
natural food. It Is an alterative tonic
which stimulates the various organs of
the body, promotes the secretions, tones
up the general aystem and restores the
disordered conditions to a normal state.
It stimulates the appetite, improves the
digestion mid SMlmlialfon of food, purifie.
the blood and Insures a good, healthy
condition. Booklet free.
Uoyt Cuhmicu. Co. 1'ottland, Orejroa
Solicits Inquiries
About Up-To-Dntc
Call at office or phono us,
I'honcNo. 36
Wall Street, near Ohio,
Leave your subscriptions for
All Magazines,
nt the Library and let that
institution get the benefit,