The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 12, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 3
Animated Discussion of the Mutter In
llcnil Commercial Club dullness
oltho 1'lrst Regular Meeting
of that Organization.
The first nionllily meeting of
tlic new Ucnd Commerclul Club
last Thursday night was held
iu the room ttlnce vacated by
the Library reading room nntl was
icllevcd of monotony by a discus
moh of the proposal to (rant John
K Kyon au exclusive riht to use
the Deschutes river an a higwny for
floating logs and lumber. The
County Court at its September
meeting had made au order grant
lug Kyau a franchise upon the
rivcr but the contract defining his
'rights more particularly and fixing
the toll that he might collect for
running logs had not been exc
cuted and delivered. It turns out
that this was to be held up a mouth
(all its term having been agreed
upon) and if no ptolcst or objection
appeared the transaction was to be
, completed. The mouth was to ex
pire October 8 (lust Saturday).
Ik fore that time other tiuibcrmen,
led by W. 1). Sellers and M. J.
Morrison, protested and it had been
decided to postpone this contract
until Jauuary. The discussion be
fore the Commercial Club had iu
view the removal of opposition,
but that result was not attained.
t Hugh O'Kanc introduced the
subject, referring to it as one ol
great Importance to Iicud, and
called upon Mr. Kyau to state the
case. Hyan submitted a copy ol
the proposed contract, which was
read by the Secretary. Then he
explained that the main purpose of
the contract was to open the river
so that all-comers could float logs
without being subjected to the au
noyoncc of having to make terms
with every riparian owner, and the
toll of $1 per thousand feet he
thought reasonable in view of the
expense of Improving the river and
handling the traffic. Kyun said he
would oot keep the contract fur
himself, because he did not deem it
desirable to keep, but would turn
it over within 34 hours so that the
buiefrciarlcs, the timber interests,
should curry the burden, "park the
bond." He ulio oflrred to turn It
over to anybody else who would
take it and put up the $10,000
bond required.
M. J. Morrlsou could not see
The Basic Problem
of Life.
NDOSTRV alone will
nrohlein: hut It one
mil from tlio fruits
Hie wiluiiuti of this nrolilcm.
opportunities arise,
beyond his reach. You have
I. .mi lor hi. family
or that.
"-. : -: -." t
With u bank balance 10 1111 cremi wic urcnu ami
butter nioblem Is solved for Hie present, ami lie is mere
fore able to make It a less Important problem hi the future.
The Deschutes
Banking & Trust Company
Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
L. 11. 11AIRD, 1'res.
M. O.
how this promised contract would
benefit llrnd, since it would upply
to the river southwnrd from a point
more than six mileti hoiiiIi of liend.
If anything he thought it would be
a menace to Demi by providing an
Inducement for milling on the
tipiwr river. Then he thought the
toll named excessive. He said
that on the Mississippi river, "where
conditions for driving were not
nearly so favprable as 011 the Des
chutes, logs were driven distance
of 180 miles for 5 cents n thousand.
And above all he said the Kyau
contract would place all the tlmlwr
on the river largely at the mercy of
the holder of thin contract, and
he would have ft per thousand ad
vantage iu bidding on all the vast
uuntlty of timber to come down
lllg Klvcr out of the National For.
est. Morrison thought it would be
bad for IJcnd and for every other
limber interest to have such a con
tract in operation.
Kyau dclendcd the toll as reason.
able and called on Jphn bteidl to
say how much per thousuud it had
cost to drive logs the short distance
from the Sisemorc place down to
the Pilot Unite mill.
Steidl admitted that it hnd cost
about 1 a thousuud. Hut he
called attention to the fact that the
proposed contract would not cover
that portion of the river.
Ryan contended that it would
help Itcnd to have the river opened
as contemplated in the contract.
He also reproached Hcnd citizens
for their conduct in such matters
"You sit around and rot," he said,
"unable or unwilling to initiate or
carry out any considerable develop
ment plans. And when anybody
else comes In, ices opportunities
and moves to take advantage ol
them you knock him to death."
W. II. Sellers saw tnai as me
representative of the Shcvlln
people he had protested against the
completion of the proposed con
tract. He thought the Shevllu
1 30,000 acres of timber should be
entitled to quite as much consider
ation as the 56,000 acres of the
Deschutes Lumber Co. and he as
surcd the mecllug that by January
there would be responsible bidders
for a contract at least as favorable
to the public interest as the one
now under consideration.
There was some talk about Ryan
turning over his contract, if it
should be perfected, to others, but
Morrison said the objection was
not to Ryan but to the terms of the
contract and there would be as
much optosltion to the same con
tract In the hands of any other
J. M. Lawrence, J. A. hastes
and H. J Ovcitmf were oppolntcd
a committee to facilitate the more
direct transportation of mail that is
to go into effect next mouth,
whereby all mail matter for the
western patt the county and Lake
coutity will come through direct
from Modrus. 1'ronk Robertson.
J. N. Hunter ond V. W. Qrctttl
were appointed a special committee
to attend to the opening of a good
road eastward to the Hampton
Hutte country.
not solve theirestl ami butter
isy iiy. soiiicuiiiik, nowc-ycr
of Ills Industry, lie lias loumi
To the matt with a lunik
which would otherwise J
en heard n man say, Hint
it-tnnilllbllltV lie WOUU1
do tins
... . . 11. ...- 1 -?..i
J. W, MASTRRS, Vice Trcs.
COH, Cashier,
Property Owners Oppose Scheme
Petitioners Would liaVa Sunday
Closings and Open Library
Much Money In Treasury.
The matter of enlarging the
municipal boundaries ol Bend will
be decided by election. At lust
night's council meeting Overtures
motion to this effect, seconded by
Kelly, was passed; Oneil, Triplet!
and Kelly voting for, Hunter and
Overturf against it. No date for
election was fixed. The special
committee reported a strong oppo
sition to the ttcheme oil the part ol
owners of procrty included in the
pioposed annexed area.
A petition for closing bowling
alleys and skating rinks on Sunday,
and suggesting an open library on
that day hearing at signatures,
was rcud and laid on tlie table.
Permission was received Irani tht
U. S. G. S. to move the bench
mark near the Pilot Butte Inn.
Policeman Chapman's report,
showing 13 arrests and $39 col
lected, was read and approved
The special commitce reported the
use of it hydrants could be had foi
f35 each per annum, the fije de
partment to use one for one hour u
week for practice. The committct
on dumping- grounds had taken no
definite action. The mutter ol
purchasing additional fire equip
ment was discussed. Due to the
absence of Overturf and Hunter,
who left at 11.15, there remained
no quorum to vote on Kelly's mo
tion that a $750 chemical engine
te purchased. The Treasurer's re
port, read and accepted, showed a
balance on hand October 1st ol
$727.35. Since that date $784-25
bas been received, leaving $1510.60
in the treasury to dote.
Commercial Club Prepares to Oct Into
the Campaign.
At a meeting of the Commercial
Club last night JWM. Lawrence and
Frank Robertson, who this morn
ing left for Portland, were author
ized to take what btcps the)
deemed best towards inaugurating
t campaign in the Willamette Val
ley uguiusl the splitting of Crook
TIiku villi rntifi-r with the fell
cral anli-couuly-division committee get the Indian here to corroborate
-I . I . !.... t ..! n..L.U.timAHII TltMn
in I'ortluud. una arrange lor me
liend organization cither to work
with thut body or independently.
The members present ut the
meetine were unanimous iu their
support of the proposed fight. .
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
Rough and Dressed
Delivered in Bend -2 cA
Per Cord ..... ,-. O.DJ
(let Your
Pilot Butte Development Co.
Testimony of One Witness Deemed
Insufficient to Convict Prosecu
tion Not Malicious or Willi
out Probable Cause.
C A. Chapman was acquitted by
a jury In Justice Lawrence's court
last Thursday of the charge of buy
tug venison from Jake Culp, an
Indian. The complainant, H. J
Kwglestou, swore that he saw the
Indian deliver the "deer meat to
ChHpmun, heard Chapman inquire
"how mnch" and saW Chapman
pay the Indian two 50 cent pieces
and ouiea small change making a
total of SI 50 lor the venison; thai
complulimnt himself, being thus
mnde 11 ware of the fact that venison
could be procured, bought a deer
I am from the luiliun, fur which of
fense he had pleudcd guilty and
paid u fine of $50 iu the same court
There was 110 contradiction of
the charge against the defend
int, who did not himself take
the stand to testify, but it appeared
.hat the Iceling between the com
jluluuut and the defendant was not
very friendly and confidence iu the
trustworthiness of complainant's
judgment was also weakened b
tils insistence that tie could easiu
uid with certainty tell venison
rom any other meat, though ht
lad not eaten or hud contact with
venison foi 31 cars, not since lu
,vas 10 yeurs old; so the jur
deemed the evidence insufficient to
After the verdict the defense
moved that the court find that the
prosecution was malicious and
without probable cause and tax
1I the costs aguinst complainant.
This was denied for the chief
rcacon that the fact testified to by
complainant was uncontradicted by
the only person competent to contra
dict it if it were untrue, the defend
ant himself, and thus it could not
properly be assumed that the pros
ecution was without probable cause
or malicious; that if the charge had
tccn clearly shown to be untrue,
then malice or lack of probable
cause could be urged with propri
ety against the compluitiaut.
V. A. Forbes conducted the dc
fens. The deputy state game
warden and then the deputy dis
nict attorney represented the state
until it wus found impossible to
he employed C. S Benson for the
heurini!. The mrors were w. II
Slants, foreman, D Williams,
J. L. Byrne, F. L. Kulp, Joe Innes
and George Hobbs. C. L. Hotnl
tug. J K. Goodfellow. M. J. Kellev,
S. J Spencer and H. P. J. McDon-
Winter's Supply.
all were found to be disqualified
on the score of residence, and V . C.
Kowlee and H. Is. Allen were per
emptorily challenged by the prose
cution. The defense rotiehr to
have Allen retained on the jury and
yet a little later called him as' a
witness fit the case, touching a
street conversation with the com
plainant about the matter at issue.
titw One In Hampton Uutte Valley
Trade Is Starting.
Victor Schroder, a settler in
the Hampton Butte valley r8 miles
southerly from Fife, was in Bend
Saturday. He has been appointed
postmaster fur the new postoffice of
-Kolyat. His bond has been ap
proved and the supplies for the
new office arc expected to arrive so
it can transact business within two
weeks. The mail service will be
from Fife once a week as a starter
ft will accommodate about 40 fam
dies at the beginning, and the val
ley is settling up tost.
The first produce for market
from the Hampton Butte valley
reached Bend, when H. O. Miller
brought in several dozen eggs and
sold them at Lara's store. This is
the mall begginning of what is ex
pected to be a considerable com
Oelayed Explosion Catches
Laborer on Railroad. .
Jim Ross, an Haitian laborer,
.vas instantly killed Saturday
morning by a powder blast ou the
railroad grade eight miles north ol
liend last week. Two other work
men were slightly injured. Justice
Jrcutt empanelled a jury to ex
inline into the case, but there was
nothing to indicate that the death
was not entirely accidental.
A quantity of blacK powder had
first been put in the hole, then
lant powder, and finally a stick ol
lynamile with the usual fuse
The charge was lighted and the
-men sought safety until it ex;
ploded. There were two explo
sions, ns expected, and then the
men returned to work. Thu
came a third explosion, which did
the damage. It is supposed that
the concussion of the first ex
plosion did not set off the black
powder, which may have been sep
arated from the remainder of the
charge by some substance that re
tained a spark that reached the
black .powder just as the mca re
School Notes.
Ruth Conway and Bird Lowell
have entered the Seventh una
Uighth grades respectively.
There were no cases of tardiness
nor absence in the second grade
last week.
The Seventh and Eighth grade
club will meet Thursday to iuitiate
new members,
Dora Fleming has entered the
Second grade.
The Bend High School has been
asked to enter the State Debating
League. '
The First National Bank
y &j or. u. o. ooe
O. S. HUD80N. Ooihl.r
Capital fully paid ... S3S.000
Stockholder' liability S36.OO0
Burplu. SS.OOQ
y 5rM
rllV I
WHILE you nre preparing, for
'.winter, 'don'tlneglect to make
provision .for ttnforseen needs.'
A good Bank account tueanx food,
.fuel and clothing and necessities in
case Of sickness Or loss of employment,
Start this week to loy nway enough
to tide you over comfortably. '
' Always glad to see ,you at this
mr ; - '
Jauk. 1
sow& U. C. COM
. A.
Receivership Will Terminate if Court
Confirms Sale Reorganization
Will IVoceed-R. S. Howard
Appeals tils Case.
Last Wednesday the personal
property of the Deschutes Irriga
tion & Power Co. was sold in Port
land upon a bid of $20,000 by the
reorganization committee of the
corporation. On Friday the realty
was sold in Prineville to the same
committee for $13,000. Both sales
now go to the court for confirma
tion before they become effective.
The personal property sold in
cluded the contracts with the state
and with settlets. settlers1 notes,
construction plant, office furniture
etc The realty included tvro lots
in Bend, three lots in Redmond,
the Stearns tract of 200 acres north
of Bend and a few pieces of dry
land east of Powell Butte. Red
mond real estate men bid against
the company at the Prineville sale,
but did tiot crowd the figures up
Receiver and Special Commis
sioner Redfield, Jesse Stearns and
Rcwcoe Howard came in from Port
land Thursday nitfht, went over to
Prineville for the sale Friday, re
turning to Bend the day and
leaving Saturday morning for Port
laud. There Special Commissioner
Redfield will make report to the
court of the sales and turn over the
money to Receiver Redfield. If the
sales shall be confirmed by the
court it is expected thut the receiv
ership will end and the work of re
organization will proceed. Mr.
Redfield is expected home again to
morrow, The text of Judge Bean's decis
ion in favor of the D. I. & P. Co.
shows that he admits the inter
vener to a hearing as to the dis
position of the assets of the corpor
ation. Mr. Drake bas submited a. prop
osition for settlement of nil the con
troversies between him and the D.
I. & P. Co. out of court.
Lat Saturday the Portland Qr
egonian printed the following con
cerning the appeal of the inter
vention cases decided last wcck:
Setting out 34 Instances in which it Is
alleged that the United States Court
erred in refusing to allow R S. Howard,
Jr., to itilcrtcnc in the foreclosure of the
auetsof the Detchutes Irrigation & I'ow-
(Coutitiucd on pjgc 8.)
E A. BATHER. Vic. Pr.ld.nt
-. t
R S:
C S.