aaMaaaaaaaaaMtaaMMMauteMaittt 1 ,!S. --.'" .' " .v ' . J- $r If 11 t I i k i! I' '! Ma ' jr V r X ,. 4 ' !" ..' &$ Saving th Oil. -In Cairo, said a Journalist. -I beard a queer yarn about tb fella, bin. Tus fellablo ar tbe native ru rallsts. '.fuey are very poor. Well, when tbe UrltUb built tb Egyptian tat railway tbe official were as tounded at tbe enormous quantities of train oil tbat disappeared. Tbe knew that all tbla oil couldn't be used for lubricating purposes. o tbe made an Investigation and found tbat It bad become tbe staple food of tbe poor fellabin. Tbe railroad detectives re ported tbat tbe fellabin all orer CsPt were oslng tbe Egptlan state railway's train oil as tbelr chief sup. port. Tbe buttered tbelr bread wltb. train oil. Tbe fried tbelr flb In train oil. Tbe made a kind of suet pudding with train oil aa a base. Tbe drank train oil beated aa a flesh producer or builder up. Bo tbe railway officials mixed castor oil with the stuff, and , the" fellabin after a ear's torturing I and rain effort to acclimate tbelr ays terns to tbe mixture decided to giro train oil up. ' The Qlant Bible. There la In i be Itoat library at Stockholm among other curiosities s manuscript work known as tbe giant Bible on account of Its extraordinary dimensions. It measures 00 centime- Gents' Furnishings- Latest Styles New line of Fall and Winter Suits, Men's Fine Shoes, Sweaters, Coats, Underwear and Hosiery. 1 31 The Bend Townsite Company . .-' rT2 -,: nfi. v. '): "t v- ' .kA, . J K. -. x? V - A Sightly Residence Section Without BuiMSng Restriction. " '' '" : Park Addition This Beautiful' Addition, with Building Restrictions, is tho "Nob Hill" of Bend. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS ten In length and U CO centimeters In breadth tbat la. about S3 by 10 Inches. It requires three men to lift It There are 309 pasta, but sorcn hare been lost Tbe parchment of which tbe book la composed required the skins of ICO asses. There are two columns on each pace and the book contains tbo Old and New Testaments, with extracts from Joeepbua. Tbe initial letters are Illuminated. Tbe binding Is of oak, four and one-halt centimeters In thickness. Tbo book narrowly escaped destruction In tbe fire In tbe royal palace of Stockholm In 1G0T. It was eared, but somewhat damaged, by being thrown out of a window. Loodou 0 lobe. The Engllah Manor House Bathroom. A writer in tbe American Magazlue gires tbe following directions by which a Tlsltor may always find tbe bouse hold bathroom In an old English man or bouse: The household bathroom may be reached by descending tbo narrow stone steps from tbe second floor back of tbe north battlement Follow the fall In a southeasterly direction until you come to the armor gallery, 'then turn sharply to the left and follow the corridor to the top. Open tbe door at the end of tbla long ball and take a half flight of stone steps (Ollrer Crom TURPIN & OFFERS Choicest Residence Property IN BEND. North Addition Business and Ins&e R.esWnce Proftert-y. Lava Road Addition Reskknce Property in the Heart of the City. Center Addition - Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets. - well once kissed a serving maid In tbls dark passage) on tbe rlgbt and pass Into tbe open ball at tbe end. You will easily discover tbe bathroom, because It Is tbe fourth door from tbo mulllon window, a beautiful piece of glass of Charles IL's time," Didn't Like Course Dlnnsrs. A colored woman, native of the south, had been working for a flat dwelling family of moderate means In tbe east end, but resigned recently to accept a place bringing higher wages wltb a wealthy family who lire In a large house on Euclid belgbts snd havo their dinner served In courses ever nlgbt Just as If thero.wns com paoy. Tbls colored woman had been brought up to put everything on tbo table at once, with tbe exception pos sibly of the dessert, and did not tako kindly to the course system. A few days ago herVornicr mistress met her on tho street and Inquired bow she liked her new place. "Oh, not vo well," sho replied. "I don't like Ibis byab way of su'vln' things in cou'scs. Tbo's too much shlftln o' tbe dishes fo' tbo fewness o' tbo vlttles.M-Cleveland i'lain Dealer. The Bulletin $1.50 a year. Our new line of Fall and Winter Suits have arrived. Come In and see the LATEST STYLES FOR MEN. Also a new line of Men's Shoes, Sweaters, Coats, Underwear and Hosiery. Yours for Business, WHITSETT YOU THE- '' .Ji . 1 1 Theater Company Coming. Tbe Margaret lies Comedy & Dramatic Company wilt appear at Linster's Variety Hall Friday, Sat urday and Sunday nights, October 14, 15 and 16. Thl company is on its way to play at Princvlllc dur ing the forthcoming district fair. Last year it appeared during the fair season and gave first class en tertninment and the same high grade work is expected this year. For Sslo. Farm of 120 acres, good house and barn all fenced, water under theSwalley Ditch for air of land Sixty acres in cultivation; 3 acres in alfalfa now, 40 acres that has not been cleared but is smooth and level and can be cleared very easily, 30 acres of pasture land and is rather rough. Location 8 miles from Bend aud l tnile from rail road station. Price $.o per acre. Terms $1000 cash aud balance in 4 years with 8 per cent iuterest Payments to be made on same each year. Address Louis Kodsktii, 39-30 Kosland Or, .u ' . " For Sale or Lease. Large new livery barn almost completed up to date and first class In every way. Good location. For particular address Cakmicu akl & Mastkn, 39-33 Rosland", P, O., La Pine, Or. Real Estate Transfers. (I'ornlthxt by Crook County AUtrtct Comjmjr.) I). Hunter Realty Co. to II. II. Darst, lot IS ol tbe siibdivUlon ol lot 1, Lilk. 11, Ilcncf; 1 1 000. Santa I'ee 1'aclfic Railway lo lUack llutte fe. Livestock Co., wtf of nwtf ScciU, 'ii; $1- Albcrt Allen ct us to Black llutte Land & Live Stock Co., etf c Sec. 36, u 11; ioo. N. J. Lambert to Dlack llutte Laud & Live Stock Co., nw nctf, i sejl Se 9, IA-91 nwV tyli w ne "V'4 9; wi aeu, us MX Sec. 3 and nw ueU Sec 8, la-uj $1. Nicholas Lambert to Dlack llutte Land fe. Live Stock Co., t trntf 17.11 9. Also cH 'J Sec 18 aud nvttf nt4 Sec. 19, 1 j.ia; nwtf e,V, ajf telf Sec 8, swjf swtf Sec. 9. Dill uex JX Sec. i, ta-ii; sex X ec. 33 aim swx svrx Sec. J1, it'll; $1. Robert llootli to Illack llutte Land 8t Live Stock Co,, c nw Sec. 37, 1y ti: $1. David Hill to Robert D. Could, part of eft avU Sec. 8, ao-u; it 00. David Hill to John W. Usher, lots 4, 5, 14, blk. 1; lota la and ao, blk a; loti 1 and ao, blk, 3; lots 6 ami 12, blk 4; lots 5 ami ai, blk, $-, lots 1 and ami 18, blk, 6; lots 4 sud 13, blk 7; loft 4 and 9, blk 8; lot 4 and Jl, blk. o; lots 5 and is, blk. to; lots I and 3 blk. 11; lots 1 and 14, blk : tots 7, 8. 14, blk 13; lots 13 and 14. 14! lots 7 and i. blk ix. Town of Harncr. it. Charles I), Swatiton lo A. Zell. n)i neX aud nU uwX Sec. 31, 1515; 11150. Uediuotid Townsite Co, to Otto Stra. scr, lota 5, and 6, blk 6, Redmond; 173, Otto Stratscr et ux to J. J. Iililuger, ions ami o. uik o, Kcumonu; fi. Redmond Townsite Co. to Harry O, Koy, lot 19, blk 45, Redmond; $135. Harry O. Koy ct ux to 0, A. Camp, bell, lot 19, blk 43, Redmond; fiya, W. H, Staats et al to- Mary H. Cple man, lots 11 and 13, blk 13, Deschutes; $yx). Also lots 1 and 3, blk 17; lots 9 and 10, blk 13, Deschutes; uoo, V. M, Hoyt et ux to Claude Officer, lots 33 aud 34, blk 37, Redmond; $1. Guy 1'. Ilancroft et ux to I', M, Hoyt, lot 34. blk 37, Redmond; $Sy. Redmond Toufoilte Co. to Claude Of (leer, lot 33. blk 37, Redmond; ftoa, Herbert Ilerkman to Oregon Ry.jo. feet wide through uwX wX Sec, 34, 16. 13; si. Mildred Iloldwltt I.ynei and hutband to l'rcd N, VauMatre et pi, uc cXt r M..u.ml.,.o, '. fc ''J' t9 Tiuuk Ry., atrip loo-feet aorott wi; Ittilmotnl Tnwiiill On. In (Mio.lor 'Weaton, lots 3 and 3, blk 14, ReduiomJ f inn. Josephine D. Rrdmond and huibanjt iu urrvoa 1 iuiik, JOO-ICCI Sllip III SW,t wx oec 10, IVI3. 0. C CoetnreichutesInvtitmentCc lot 13. blk t. Dend: it. Cllne I'slTs Power Co. to J. W, WilgW 101 o uik 9, wiine I'aui; sioo. Mnam. , , T Your Patronage is Always Appreciated Patterson Drug Co. t Let us show you an EASTMAN- KODAK A nice shipment of Community Silver just received. pattIrson DRUG CO. We arc in business (or your health. Tnaoc Mhs DcsiaNs OocvniaMTB Ao Anion Mndli aalekir uo.ru! p a ik.tth not dMcrlptlon Ma m cur ctblnlon fi. whftlh.r tu Ilir.nllnn It prub y,.a.r,tt.'mmiioftsprfa 1 win. jiui.ur rnni till fr... (Id..! mi .ucr for tcutiiif Mtaiu. , IWBU IAS.I tfHuu nU4, scientific JNtinericaii. euliilon of hf .oUntiaa JoaraaJ. T.rini, 11 4 ryijoar raondu, ft, Bg)U briilri.w.dMl.rj; Ca IBIBraadiri. Hi 7 " n mi inn ml krH,Wullui, r