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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1910)
I :l hu YOUR TOWN-ITS UP TO YOU Just What the I'eoplo Who Llvo There Want It to be, and Why. Don't alt around and damn your town, The town i Just at good at the man who damn it Kverr town I Just what ttacltltens want tt to be. A desire on the part of a people for a better town la a prayer that la always answered. The advantage of one town over an ottitr are the result of one people over another rather than natural conditions. In anjr event, it waa the people who first aaw the natural sdvantaRes Ire quently tomi one Individual aaw ttaetn There I no reason whr Cleveland should have been the ott center of the world. There are no oil wells there, and'shipping facilities are no better thau doren others ao lar as oil is concerned It was simply John D. Rockefeller. He watted to live there, and his personal ity, his individuality brought the oil to hint In pipe lines. There is no reason why Itoston should be the shoe manufacturing center of the worjd. No hide are there they are all ahipped from the West. Simply some man wno knew now to mate snoes on a large scale wanted to live there, and hi success starteu omen aiong me same line. There l no physical reason why Chi cago should have been the beet packing center. It might as well have been St. Louis. Simply old Phil Armour wanted to live there. In nearly every town one visits you hea,r retidenta say: "Aw, thla ain't noth in'ibutan overgrown country town." The resident of any town who make such statement wears whisker and boqta in his own heart. Qfcourrc, if your town isn't sporty enough for yon, why you can move that isn't the the town's fault. If you get too sporty you'll have to move anyway. Cincinnati is still the mercantile sup ply point for all the territory south of the Smith & Wesson line. Year ago, at the waning of the river traffic, 'it was about to give place to Louirville and Memphis. The citixens got busy and built the Cincinnati Southern Railroad. This road was once a dream In one Id dlvidual'a mind. They called him a dreamer. Yet his dream saved the town. Yon hear people of the West in mer cantile, industrial, artistic and scien tific pursuits, saying: "If we were only In Chicago, we could get this or do that." In Chicago yon hear people say: "If we were In New York." When you are in New York yon bear them say "If we were in London or Paris " Chicago, New York, London or Paris are simply the results of their citizeus taking the material at hand and doing the best they could with It just as you can do. Once a man died and went to Heaven there might have been more than one for all we know. Bat to this particular man the beauties of that "state of mind" did not come np 10 an expectations, Tne golden streets locked much of their pictured lustre, and he saw none of hi old friend. Colng np to St. Teter, be asked if there waa not aome way be conld vlait the other terminal, that he doubtless had many former earthly associates there. Only Wanttd Hla Consent. tie was well dressed nml breeay, nnd tvhrn he entered the private olllce of the great tea rtierctittut he looked ea pablo of doing Anything from selling books to writing up limtirotice. "I have come, air," bo announced without hesitation, "to get your con sent" "Consent for whnll" demanded the old nmti without looking U. "Well-vr-you ace. your daughlcr"- "Oh, 1 umtcratnnd now. So you like my daughter, Wil" "1 think she Is the finest young wo man I have met In nniuy moons. An I was saying. If ymi'll jslve your con sent she will have the iiuiiiloiiiet"- "Come. come! Don't gel vain nnd say she'll have the Durst hunbund It she accepts you." "I'm married, sir. I'm trying lo tell you that If you give your wusetit shell have the tinndiHimeni auto matttamt In town, tttie's deed murk on It, itiiil II you'll consent aud put up $1,000 i-iish we wlir- Itut the great ten merchant bad col lapsed. Chicago Newt, A Selfish Proposition. A gentleman, resident at narrow, made frequent complaints to the mus ters of the great school there of hi garden being stripped of Its fruit, eveu before It became ripe, but to uo pur pose. Tired of applying to the masters for redress, bo at length appealed to the boys, and. sendlug for one lo hi house, be said: "Now. my good fellow. I'll make this agreement with you and your companions. Let the fruit re main on the tree till It becomes ripe, and I promise to glrc you half." The boy coolly replied. "I ran sa.v nothing tn the proposition, sir. myself, but will make It known to the rest ol the boys and Inform you of their de cision tomorrow," Next day came and brought with It this reply: "The gentlemen or Harrow cannot agree tn receive ao unequal n share, since Mr. Is an Individual and we nro many." London Sketch. Th Osnsrous Arab. "Ouo day when lu our wamlcrtuga we tmppuued tu cuuip tieur some roll ing country the sholk urn) I nulu off lu search of gimollcs," snys n traveler lu Arabia. "Wo found it lurgo herd, nnd, being mounted on good horses, we uiumigt-d to rldo them down, throwing ourselves off our horses for the shut, thou galloping on tvptlu. Wo killed six gnxellcH In n bout an hour and rode hack to camp with enough meat for n big feast. It Is Ujo custom that who ever kills gnmu should provide u feast for all his friends. On the occasion of ttieso rousts I noticed that there was always it crowd of liungera-on waiting at the cud for n scrap of food, half starved looking boys and ragged men. These were orphans whose arenta bad been killed or men whoso herds had been 'lifted' by other Arabs, nnd as n result they were destitute, for the law of the lledoulti Is "survival of the Gtlcst' In tia strictest sense. Hut the abetk supplied food liberally, nnd I noticed thai he always looked after the poo and red tti hungry," A Soft Plata. First ArtWt-ltediirwl lo a drainpipe for n pillow, old iluip; Second Artist -Idiot: Can't you see It's filled with strnrO-Uou Vtraut. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITUD BTATItS William It. Tan Jurat N Shrtman .raiUiHlrr C Knot Fiatiktlu MacVraxli -Hlctiairl A. lulllngrt . M lltcalnaun Aleutst in I, Mtjti rrtuWcut ...... VkvlTraUleut Secretary ovulate... .. Secretary of Trea.ur f skctelaljr of lulctlor.., MenUtv of War .. .. Secretary of Nary skcrclaty of Cumiutfctc ami t.atir Challca N(tl roMinaucr ucnerai.. ... - I'taiiK ii itiicniuca Attorney tieuctal Ucocge W WKket.riaui Hcerctary of Agttcuttmc. . ... Juki Wtlauu ICIiaa It ttolrttton ( KOittii n uan U. ft. bUtilct Ju.1e.ea..... ., Why, yes, certainly," said St. Peter, trains running slmost every hour." Grabbing a timetable off a nail on the throne upon which be was seated, he tnrned the pages rapidly. "Yes," he continued, "you can go down at eight-Gf- iu uu return si ure tony-live. Jusl buy you a round-trip ticket." The newcomer boarded the next ex press, lolled back in the rich, purple vel vet upholstery of iu beautiful carriage M b "J16 awiftly over the well-ballasted roadbed. Farther and further down the right-of-way the country grew more fertile and beautiful; the traveler looked out nPn It all, as the trees, streams, hills and fields whirled seemingly in the other direction. The train slowed down, the brakeman atnek in hi head and yelled, "Ilelll" It StODPed snd the travtr lioht.wl before sn elaborate stone station. On the comer of n slrrvl nulMile he ob served a Umilur hgure, hIiicU here cognized from pictures seen on earth as biug Hut uf I-furies Darwin. The new arrival introducing himself, Darwin salted him if he fasd juat come down from Glory, and what be Uiought of Hell, and iu surrounding country. At this point the two were joined by Vo talre, klebard Wsgner and Hclnrlcfi Heine. The ra.n from ahuve expressed surprise and agreeable diMppointuent. "Well." said Darwin, "thing were no. si wr( as you now see them in Hell. When we came here the eternal rire you bear so much about on earth was still going, but we have that harnessed, piped about town, and are now using it for cooking purposes. We have dog arte lau wells, Irrigated the country aud reu deml it agriculturally fertile why, let' see. Voltaire, wasn't It only yesterday that we heard of a corner fot In Glory being sold for Uvea?" ' Along up the street von mill fin.l it,. -."... . . .. .v """" u u?e. wotning, Dry Gooda, Hat, Drug and Men's 1'umUliin,, a,n..J trimming their show windows with the iw mens in wom window fixture. The very last plsce you would suppose they would use wood in preference to ml; evidence of up-to-dateness nnd faith in wood against all temperature." "Excuse me, gentlemen," said tb"e newnjer, interruptipg and at the some time feeling in hi vest pockets, "but where will I find a scalper office?" There yoa are. Any place Is what Uie men who live in it make it. Our Elastlo Qlob. Nothing seema more rUid than the crust of the earth, but sclent I tic men tell us that It bends and buckles ap preciably under the pull of the heaven ly bodies. Careful observation has also shown that tho shores on opposite aides of a tidal basin approach each other at blgb tide. The weight of water In the Irish sea. for Instance, la so much greater at that time that the bed sinks a trifle and consequently pulls the Irish and Engllab coasts nearer together. The buildings of Liv erpool and Dublin may be fancied as bowing to each other across the chan nel, the deflection from perpendicular being about one Inch for every alx teen miles. It has been shown, too. that ordinary valleys widen under the beat of tb aun and contract again at nlgbt. We lire not on a rigid but an elastic globe. V. A. Attorney V. ft. M!bal !Mtiutcr at lvml.... U tk. CowniUaioiicr al heuil BTATU ttoretuor . MCttUijr of htaW.. rTraaulvr.... ... Attaint) Central Supl. I'uMIc Instruction. Mai Ittuirr - ..-. . . Oulry ami Howl ComtulMlonrr lohu McCouit ,.J. II. CoUlwrtl V O. Mlnut ... ....II. C. Kills ,..!' W. Iknton .. I'. W. Ihikou .. (I. A- Stttl . A M CraMtoro J II. W . tlunlwa) J w. Ilallt CummUiluutruf Labor Suiltim. . ..) I. Ilea STIum. K. CaniUU Cliilt It Alichtwo Oi tM Wet Cam anil Vortatry VrJu ....K. O. Slrrtnton Slat Hnilnttr .John II LtwU e K. U. ft. fttnatora ConfttMioto .. Sapremc Jud(ta Cbaratxrlalu I uteriie ' I Jouaihau liourut, Jr. I W. C. II " -" I W. K. Ml IT. A. l In a Maori Wooing House. Among the Maoris sometimes In the wharo matoro (the wooing boose), a building In which the young of both sexes assembled for play, songs, dances, etc there would be at stated times a meeting. When tho Crcs burn ed low a girl would stand up la tbe dark and say: "I love So-and-so. I want him for my husband." If be roughed Islgu of assent) or cald "Yea" It wn well; If only dead silence, abe i-ovrred ber Dead with her robe and was ashamed. Thla was not often, as she genprally had managed to nicer- lain clttn-r by ber own Inquiry or by sending a girl friend If tbe proposal was acceptable. On tbo other band, sometimes a mother would attend and cav. "I want So-and-so for my oon." if not arrrptable there was generally 'iiiM-klug. and she was fold to let the young people bare tbelr bouse (tbe wooing b6usei to themselves. ' Pspya and th Comst. On Dee. 21. lOH. i'epya. tbe diarist, rw-ords. "Sly Lord Sandwich thla day ni- tin word that be hath seen at iriKiiiiuitb the romet and says It Is ihi- iiiimi extraordinary thing he ever m w' Again, three days later, he m rites. "Having sat up all nlgbt till niM 'i o'cIik-u thla monilug. our porter, neliig appointed, comes and tells us Ibat tbe bellman tells him that Ibe "lar Is seen upon Tower bill, ao I and my boy to Tower bill. It being a most nne ungiii nmonnioe night ana a grmt frost, but no comet to be sceo." Ijiier Ibe aame day. however, Pepya did see the comet, "which now, wheth er worn nwny or no. 1 know not. ap pears not with n falL but only Is larger and duller than any other star." Westminster Gazette. Ilswln Kill. till J V A. Muurc Molnrl Hallo Wm. K. King W. T. Slaur Stats Ihuan or Co.iirol (Wats.) fohn II. LewU.fttalcltBglnttr .. . Hal(in,Or II. T. Ilola-al. buU. Uiv. No. I . -lionaun. ir r. it. baaion, bupi, Iir. No. 1. liktr Cl.y, Or Statb Laxo Ik)Au Cortrnor, ftntctary ol Stale ami Mate Titaaurtr. bTATK tlnur Ijlnd Ik)Ai GT(mor, Stale ricaaurtranil Allocnty Utntral. hUVKNTH JUDICIAt UlftTHtCT Jodf .......... W. L. llraJihaa Atlornty - Frtvl V. Wllaos CKOOK COUNTY JuJit.. Clttk... Ahtriff... Trraaulcr.. Aaataaor. School buptrlnlenitcnt surrcyur.... Comtnlnioocri.... II.C. 1QIU ...Warrao llcown Hrauk hUlna W. H. Kin J. II.Lal'ollttU .H. A. Pom I'rtii A, Hlct ' I Jamrs Vice Tlll COURTS. Cibcvit Cockt Fliil U outlay In May: tblni Mondar In October. raoaars Cocar Mrat Mooilay In racta noolb CoMMiaaio.iaaa' Couxt Pint Wnlnmiay In January, March, May, July, Btpumbcr ana November. Dawn ScuooL UiaTSlCT No. is, ( M. Tilp'ctt (Hltctoi... :.. .. J I. . kay U C. lU-utlOf atk , : tl. wint Teachers. tXor Kecordcr. rrtaaurcr Aldermen ... J. C y. llanlmlou MlaaAnueU.Markt Miaa Ada rotter illaa llarrul Uolwn .-.-.' Mlaa Flortnc C. Vouot Mlaa Ida SI. Audtrwa II Ua Kalhtrtnc llaaklua Mtaa Nona Klchardaon Slia. Ulcuu II. black CITV OH BltNU .8. C. Caldwell ii. c. miit ..... .....8.J.Speacer N. Iluutcr II. Unctlt ......... J II.J.UIIIIHII If." !! W D. bellcri mmmsM SXSS I If your town is not to yonr liking, get busy It's all up to you. The first process in tbe improvement of any town ia to get rid of the wen who are damning it 1 VJoIJa Teaching1. I am prepared to give lessons on tbe ?Iolid. Those itttcrested please call or telephone. H IVA E, Wkst. Education. What sculpture la to a block of mar ble education la to a human soul. The philosopher, Ibe saint and the hero, the wise, the good and tbe great man very often lie bid and concealed In a plebe ian, wblcb n proper education might bare disinterred and brought to light A-Addlson. 8haktspr's Handicap. Mrs, Montmorency -Hmytbo And what were you reading when I came in. my dear? Sbakeapearel Abl What a wonderful mau! And to think that be wasn't exactly what one would coil u gentJemaui-London Punch. ConcslUd. "In bo conceited?" "Conceited? 1 should say be to. I7e even Imagines that bo cut some fig ure at bis own wedding." Detroit Dree I'reaa. i Our friends must bo moro and not less to us In the other world than tbey are bere. This world only begins frlendsups.-f'hUllpa Crook. M CALIBER MODEL 1010 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABIowof2038lbs. This new Winchester ehoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of bitr Bame hunting fame. The loading and firing of this rifle are controlled by the trigger finger. It JIITS VOX. TUE JUMHEB 0PTU08 SnuX lor llkutralid circular fatty tUtcrlHnt this nnt rtlli vhlch hot ilrtotth and pomtr plu$- WiCUESTEB BETEATOO AbUS CO, New Uartn, Conn, V,S,A4 NOTIOK VOll I'UllIilOATlON. Ikpattmuilol the intttlor U H. I.aiul Omc at The Daltti, Or , tlttmtivr ii. if iu. Nolle U htttby jlwu thai Nettle II. Mattel, who tMMtflRlce a.l.lie.l It IKnJ, tlienitii, UM. onllieilrt day or May, tats, (l hi tlila offlw Snurn atatrmtnt ami A)illellun. No.ltJo iuticha Hie t W " ! 1' i H , H it II , W M , smt Ih Umbtr lilt iron, under the pto Ulona oflhe set ol June j l;, anil act! awtinl atuty, kiiiinit alhe "Timber ami Won," al iiwh vatur at nits lit b flieil by Mtl mem and thai, puiausnt lu audi aiilk-atliiu. the land ami limber tlietwn li lH an tuaUnl, the limber ratlliialtil mu,i lwiil lettat ;j tenia rr M, and $oi thai Mid ail cant wlllviret llnal liif lnaiiiioHf htrau,. cation andanotii ataltnitnl on III loth On ol Dtttmbtt, law, rwlure II. C Kilts. V H. Com mlittouer, at hU olllc al litud, Oitiiuii Any ixiaon la al llbttlv In mottet Ihla tnir thai before nlty, or Initiate a cunl.t at any . lime before jialtnt iMuti, be lU- a eottot talcil atndavll In thlt oRice, alltglnn facta which would delta! the catty. W C V MOUKK, Hrsliter. , Miimm Hill .Vl l NOTICB KOIt lMMUilCATION. iwnailmtnl of ll,r 1 itt r t tor U h iJSi lumwal Ibe !. Otl. Auniiit i, mi Notice I liettby glttn llial Miy iw"Hiir. wh4 iHlune I tletiil, Cteuk tMuntjr. t" ,T.Ul I mill'' " ' " i riU i,,' fit. im-r Hitoii. riiAX Tit No oiiyi. luiiiittlia.tllieHMWSIjM ev jV 2ia i ii IW.l Wlllanitlle Ml'a"- '",;, "'? iiV jSlie j. mil. ami al aiinnd.tuiy. i"i 1 eJ "Timber .ml moi.e" t ,1,i1!?,,,1'Ju, !',.i.i i.....i i,i,i.tlmilt and lli'l, l" iViaVt to.uch rpVneailuii, '", ,:' J J" Ihrteoii havln ertliiialeJ lalal uil by l Uliealil. Hit tlmlwr Mlliiialt-I m' ?. 1,1 I. IT...'.-., vi mi.l ihr laud iiMlhli'S lhal aaM at Ii u lr M sml Ihe land iioiiiiii in.i . au'llMiil wilt ..fief lliial .i.f Iti '"I't""' h'.VJi an illealloli and awoiii.l.ltmtH on ' ' olliib.r ww. Ufnie II t ' " """ ..iui..ii.i at liiaumi- at llend. llltKOU . . Ally twianil Is l IIIkiIV l WHttl IHH !'' thawUlotrenliy.orliilllalea twilel ' " Um?lHrfoi lilti.1 laiitts. b flllim wilvl-raf id in llm ulhi-e, afltslna lfl '" would defeat lh.sjrw MtMItltt ,,tr. TSe Home Land Company RcalIEstatoand Insurance HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. SATURDAY OCT. 8 DON'T FORGET THE DATE SATURDAY OCT. 8 ' From Comedy to Tragedy. Cuteh the swing ol "Yip I Addy I Ay" DANCE Delightful Music DANCE LLnster's Varfoty Hall. Palace Res tati rant Rooium for Rent Confeclloiiery, I'rull Picnic SupplleN, Clifnra J. P. Taggarl & Co. Itstlniate tut n'loutyii Wall l'r si I'Uttlsilil t'llip, N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger CllcaixMt ami llest Wall I'ajn Ham itlea In (lie enmity, (let My I'llse. Iloa yh lleml, Orruoii. Bend Planing Mill Ornamental and Interior Mill Work, Storo Fronts and Fixtures, Sideboards, Cabinets and Furniture, Door and Window Framing, etc. Architects and Builders. Sherritt & Woolley Fresh Fruits ORANGES - : BANANAS, LEMONS WILL DK CARRIED IN STOCK BY US IIKRRAPTBR. CITY DRAY CIIAU1.IIS OOHTJItN, I'UOl. --7Mf CITY DMYi mv Wl! IIANDI.ll l!VI!UVrill.N(l Leave v-our onlera Willi Nick tutiltli Wall hi., lleml The Buckley Express Co. Direct Kxprca Service lictwccn Slinnlko anil lleml. Two Riga Hacli way .every week Careful Attention. Bend office at Auno's Barn I'ltone onlera to Redmond nt our cxeuie. No 5Jtniricl Wt.wjaa Fine Candies Williams Brothers. CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland (2b Mcintosh FIRST-CLASS WORK UUAKANTUBD GSTIMAT13S PURNlSIIGD ON ALL KINDS OP WORK FOUR HORSE LIVERY. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. II. WENANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND IIUAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS, AH Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No, 18. . ' T . Horses Uought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Sale. Wood wood I liave nothing but the finest of dry block wotxl. Alt It coMit you, In i6inch length, U f.t.50 a cord in your yard Dry Iimb Wood $. oo n cord. Scc F.M.CARTER when you want wood, .asaaa J T 1 lsVV yJ-4)W , iARSfliBHHfeUHBw km ft Y,aW V jJTt sLaaalVaK'sf FT I VuHsBBBBbW ( XkifllTtlSBBBBsVsBBii BWsKbbsbK vHtVll I V HalrBHVBBVl IHUHVbLlVT lJlHIBSSSSSSSSSSSfBf JT-t .jJw " ji vifl JOHN L1EOAT DltAUIR IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired !