a: -J vis if ., , ..-v-Tr.. ,... r -wl.. . .. rr. -.j . . - ,..- i -- ' .-'--r..L-.:-!. ... , -, ..'-'---: ( c ( ( V ( ( ( ( : : ( l () Bend, Oregon. () () 3 :; 3 ) 3 m) ) : REVOLUTIONARY QUILT CONTEST, i Have You an Old Quilt? A QUILT WITH A HISTORY? If so, enter It in our Revolutionary Quilt Contest which begins next Monday and continues all the week. We are conducting this contest in con junction with stores all over the country in order to discover who possesses the most interesting Quilt in America. $500 in Prizes are Offered for tho thirty most interesting, oldest, most unique or most artistically made quilts entered in the contest. It costs you nothing to enter your quilt you do not even have to make a purchase and tho entries will be on display at our store next week. Wo want soma woman in Bend to win tho first prize. Get one of the Books of Rules They're Free for the asking -and learn all about it. While in the, store ask to seo ddiso7)& 1A0t MA (MEANS RGADY SEWED.) This is tho name of a now cotton batt made of twenty sheots of puro white, fluffy, carefully selected cotton, each sheet tho full slro of a largo comfort (72x04 inches), placed smoothly together and stitched in parallel columns, three inches apart, all the way through. "RBDDISODE" has created a revolution in bed coverings because no quilting frames are required there are no lumps or thin places no piecing or patch ing is necessary and tho cover, no matter of what material, can bo removed and washed without tho batt falling to pieces, Wo aro tho solo-distributors of MReddIso4o" in Bend. 3 I , :J ) ) ( - ) i V . 9 'A ) MCXWjMSL3. Ben Oregon. () () t () () THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES. gft'S8'85'8v88v8'S BITS ABOUT TOWN. About linlf mi Inch of water fell lit Monriny'ri storm. East or West It h the best. Cleve land's Baking Powder, $l size peroxide do cents. Run CKOB8 I)KU0 STOKK. 30tf Mm. J. If. Uyan returned Friday night from a short visit in Port Innd. Mr. and Mm. IJcrt Caldwell of Holland were Hend visitors thin week. 1'ok RiiNT Desirable office room over the First National Hank. 27lf School tablet,' big values, a for 5 cents. Rkd Choss Drug Stork. iotf Wantud Chambermaid and laundry womnu. TlK PILOT Burnt INM. a8tf R. fi. Mtilzlg returned Sunday from an extenecd visit to his former home in Pittsburg, Penn. For Samc Uglit team, weight about 3ooo lbs.; hack and harness. Iii(uirc at Anne Ham. 27lf Mr. and Afrs. L. Corbin were down from their Holland homestead Ust Thursday nud Friday, For Sai.ii Pine milch cow and two rhoice .sow pigs, also hay and potatoes. Inquire of R. Spencer. Just Think Quality, accuracy, and skill for all prescriptions com pounded by us. Kim Cross Drug Stork. 3otf For Sai.u Good heavy team, new harness and wagon for $285; worth 350. Telephone G. W. Horner, I.aidlaw. tf Wantjid 100 head of horses to pastuie. Kxcellcnt feed, consisting of rye, alfalfa and bunch grass. Lim Davkni-ort. 28-30 The Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell will conduct religious services at the Richardson schoolhouse next Sunday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. W. H. Wilson and son left Monday morning to return to Port land after visiting n few weeks with Hend relatives and friends. For. Sam: or Excuangh A few lots in a new town in Central Ore gon; will trade one for motorcycle. Address A-U., care The Uullctiu. Dr. A. A. Hurris has moved his office to the Holaling building, over Merrill & Wilkinson's, where he may be found hereafter. 29 32 The ladies of the Guild and the Whatsoever will give a Cafeteria Supper at the Hend Reading Room next Friday evening, which all are invited to attend. 30 II. S. Finlcy started his moving picture show last Saturday night. A big crowd inaugurated the season and the nightly attendance since then has becu good. Dr. V. V. Faulkner now is es tablished in his new and well equipped dental offices in The Bul letin building and is ready to do all kinds of dental work. Receiver Rcdficld of the D. I. & P. Co. is expected back from Port land tomorrow. No definite settle ment of the ditch company's troubles has yet been made. The Bulletin has on hand a num ber of the Great Northern illustra ted leaflets "Opening Up Central Oregon." These will be given to anyone who cares to use them. Jasper G. Pickett of Oshkosh, Wis., is a Hend visitor this week lie is n former acquaintance of Postmaster Minor and came in to look over the couutry generally. MIM.INKKY O v it N I N o Mrs Herring has received her stock of trimmed ladies' hats and will have her opening sale tomorrow (Thurs day), to which all ladies arc in vited. 30 Ask your grocer for the 3 lb. and 5 lb. cans of Cleveland's Baking powder. They have the screw-top, metal handle under regular cover. Always air-tight aud useful when empty. If you bad a fire touight what valuable papers would you lose that could not be replaced? Rent a safety deposit box and avoid the risk. Yqp keep the key, we deep the box. 2711 Mr. aud Mrs. William McFee and Tohn McFee. nrivate secretary of Contractor Henry, returned last week from a pleasant excursion to Crater I.nke and left next day for the railroad. Koh Sat.r 88-uote Plaver Pi ano, fancy mahogany case, fine tone and action, latest improved operating uevtix. never uwu, jusi arrived from factory, Iuquire of The uulietiu. 37" Bring your kodak films and plates to us for development Negatives selected aud papers used that will give pleaslug toues lu the prints. Skward & Campbs&t,, opposite (be i'ostoffice. J 37 tf A. M. Drake returned Monday from Portland. Bend's first teain Inundr) opened for business this week. Sulphur, 10 rents per pound. Rn Cross Drug Stork, sotf J. U. Ilcyburn and family are down from their homestead, guests at H. E. Allen's. Complete line of rubber goods and crutches kept in stock at Red Cross Drug Store. 3ot( Lara has made a new warehouse by enclosing a structure formerly used for an Implement abed. Wanthd Men to work in log ging woods or sawmill. Apply to Roberts Bros., Sisters, Oregon, 30tf The Bend Commercial Club will bold its first monthly meeting to morrow night at the Reading Room. The work of Frank Bennett, the new window dresser at Larra's, gives a metropolitan appearance to that establishment. The reception given by the La dies' Library Club at the Reading Room last Friday afternoon was largely attended and a very suc cessful affair. Kenneth Bcebc and Lloyd Smith of Portland were in Bend Sunday on their way borne from a motoring trip up the Willamette Valley and across via Crater Lake to Klamath Falls. A safety deposit box in our vault is an ideal place for your val uables. Costs but $3 50 per year. You keep the key, we keep the box. Thk First National Hank ot Bend. 271I For Salk Two of the best ranches on the Upper Deschutes may be had at a bargain. Also fine ranch at Powell Butte with plenty of good Spiing water. In quire of Dick Vandevcrt. 28-31 Mrs. A. A. Burn's and son Vic tor lett Monday for Eugene, where the latter will enter the State Uni versity. Mrs. Harris's mother, Mrs Babb, accompanied them and will remain there through the winter. Mrs. A. M. Drake spent the fore part of last week at J. E. SawhiU's, on Big River, and Mrs. Sawhill re turned with her for a short visit in Bend. Mr. Sawhill came down Saturday. The Sawhills returned home Sunday. Tor Salk Lomdrr We have in one dry ahed 80,000 feet of finWhed Intubcr, 11 aizea and VintU from 4 to 24 inches iu width. Alio door ami window jui. window stools, building ihiuglea, etc. We can make arrangements to deliver anywhere. Send ui your orders. J. N. Matten Lumber Co., Rotland, Ore. tf William McMurray, Genera,! Passenger Agent of the Harriman lines, and W. Bittle Wells, of the Suuset magazine, are expected to visit 'Bend next week. Frank Robertson will meet them at Shan iko and bring them through with bis auto. Mr. and Mrs G W. Sanborn and son and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Prael of Astoria, who had been on a mo toring tour through Western Or egon and crossed the range at Cra ter Lake, were in Bend last week on their way home. Tbey bad en joyed a very interesting and pleas ant trip. V. D. Williamson of Spokane, and Paul C. Bates and J. II. Hoyt of Portland, coustituting the Crane Prairie Bear Club, returned last Thursday evening from a week's hunting trip with W. P. Vandevcrt at Craue Prairie. They brought out the pelts of five bears to prove that they had lived up to their rep utations and bad a good time. W. P. Ttrlckson. who lives on an Irrigated truct six miles east of Bend, finds turnips a very success ful crop there. He brought to town this week two specimens, one meas uring 19 inches in circumference and weighing .jj( pounds and the other being 14) inches around and $)i pounds in weight They were pulled just two mouths after the sowing of the seed. President Frank Robcrtsou of the Bend Townsite Co. came In Friday night, driving his car through from The Dalles. 0. C. Letter, City IJditor of the Pottland Oregouiau, came with Mr. Robertson to spend a few days of his vacation in Cen tral Oregon. He was here eight years ago and entered a timber claim up the river. The change that has taken1 place since then makes it a totally new country to him. The Bulletin has a larger adver tising patronage than any other Central Or. paper. There's reason. Members of The BEND REALTY BOARD -o- BUND TOWNSITE CO. BF.ND RKALTY HXCHANOE J. L. BYRNE CENTRAL ORE. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DESCHUTES REALTY CO. J. A. EASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. HENKLE HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. W. R. RILEY BEND LODCE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets 011 Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J.D. 0AVID80M, U. O. COS. M, W. SAVE MONEY r.jilSL! our Insurance Nerticalterxl Fire Relief ef 9re;M (MUTUAL ) Home office, Salem, Ore. Let me explain. S. II. SNIDER Agent, Bend, Ore. Mrs. E. J. Herring Facial Massage, 5tiaaipGcSaj, Scalp Treataeat, Manicarifg Manicure Article, Marcel Comb, Ideal Uruihea, Skin Food, Sanitary Hair Rolls. Dr. A. A. BURR.S,ra llrmlrr. Uftt SwrtWuIIy Trratcd Without the t)e of Dnp or Surgery, by Ibr Natural Method of ilcallaf. Chron ic IMkiki Specialty. ConauluUoa Free Member of the Mat a oil National Naturopath Society. Office In Johnaon nSJc Dead. Orrjoo Peter Lehrman GENERAL IlLACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bond and Oregon Streets. B. FERRELL Physician and JSurgeon Office over Deschutes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend, Oregon. GEORGE S. YOUNG CIVIL AND MININO ENOINEER Bend, Oregon POLK'S GAZETTEER A Uoaluta Director of each City, Town na tu ut u. ahtnV. sUlaa; DeactlptlTS Hhlppltur raeUIUea nnl t'.i tl4 Directory ot eacb atiulaeaa C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFVICK IN ytRST NATIONAL U&NK DI.DO. BUND, OKKGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO., DRND, OKKGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPFICU OVKR FIRST NATIONAL BR". Office Hour: 10 to la a. rti.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. ui. Bknd, : Oregon F. O. MINOR rosTomcK buildino LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal l'upcrs Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. INCORI-OUATKD. ABSTRACTS OV TITMi to all laud and town Iota in Crook county. B, F.' Secy. rrineville, Oregon. And lraIMlen. ,Ui? t!$" i- ) Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines ut the Library and let that institution gel the benefit. Subscribe for TUc BuJlctla.