The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 05, 1910, Image 4

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JUtifalillllllllt4M VHH)Hftii
. i. '
One ymfna.. ..
Hi months. ,. ..-,..
Thrrc months.
(tnmlsbly In ailTanct.)
. .
WKDNHSDAY, OCT. 5, 1910.
What ore the formers doing to
ward raising cattle and hogs for
next season's market? A Red
mond man paid $20 for pigs last
(spring. He Las already sold
rnotigh to bring him too cash end
lias five hogs left. Their care and
feed is a very small Item ia con
nection with a general farm.
Now that Jay Br.vernnu ha
been nominated by the Republicans
for Governor, watch the Demo
cratic Oi West give him a run fot
his money. And we shall not be
surprised if West beats Bowerraan
West's record of public service i..
certainly better to date, but he has
a heavy normal Republican major
ity to overcome.
The Deschutes country ought to
be well represented at the district
fair to be held in Prineville October
18-33. It will pay to exhibit there
the products of this region. No
thing else will so convince the
skeptics. Wcstendcrs should at
tend the fair, too. It is worth
while to cultivate ncighborlincsst
Premium lists may be had nt The
Bulletin office-
mandatory statutes there is nothing
to prevent present officials from
acting upon this wholesome prin
ciple. Kx-Senator C. W. Hodsou of
Multnomah county starts the rush
of the "Old Guatd" to get aboard
the good ship Insurgent Hying the
Statement 1 flag. There will be
no more "Assemblies" in Oregon
to perpetuate the rule of the old
machine. But it is smalt credit to
anybody to discover this at so late
a day. Anyone having the sense
that God gave geese must have
foreseen the result that has come as
easy and natural as a summer sun
rise. Abuses will creep into the
new system as the Old Guard gets
to pulling it around to the service
of special interests and private
cliques, and another renovation
may then be necessary; but for the
present the old-smoothies, the plug
uglics, the political parasites and
pilferers and schemers who have
for so long run the Oregon inn
chine, arc in a boat afar at sea
without oar or compass or even
bible, and the cause of popular
government takes another step
The dynamiting of the Los An
geles Times, whereby a score of
innocent workmen lost their lives
and property worth half a million
dollars was destroyed, is another
blot on American civilization. It
is utterly repugnant to the spirit of
American institutions. Labor has
suffered under many disadvantages,
it still suffers and always will, but
such outrages will not remove them.
While there seems ground for strong
suspicion that the violent and long
continued hostility of the Times
toward union labor provoked this
fiendish crime, it is gratifying to
see the responsible officers of labor
unions condemning it and joiuing
in the movement to discover the
offenders. Vengeance cannot be
permitted to supersede law and fair
The 'Arnold irrigation system is
another illustration of the truth of
the aphorism that "Great aches
from little toe-corns grow." Wil
liam Arnold entered a desert land
claim seven miles from the Des
chutes river seven years ago and
then began to devise means of
watering it He found that a con
siderable problem confronted him.
However, he was instrumental in
orKanizing the Arnold Irrigation
Company which struggled along
and has finally surmounted all ob
stacles and achieved success far be
yond anything at first contemplated
by Mr. Arnold! This system now
provides a means for reclaiming
12,000 acres 01 dry land, the water
rights for which alone are worth
today $120,000; the plant is now
easily worth $200,000,
Albert Abraham Is All Rlzht Free
Press and Liberty.
I.ookino Glass, Or.. Sept. 39,
IMitor The llulletln, In your iue
of the 3 1st hist appeared an editorial
wherein you (poke of Senator Albert
Abraham's riecendency and worthiness
of the nomination (or the office of
coventor. I wish to express my crstl
tude to you for this juit statement. Mr.
Aumnam 1 lamer was uorn in roianu,
and hli mother was Miss lull llinkle of
Douglas County, Ore., and a daughter of
one of Oregon' most prominent pio
neer families, I have known Mr,
Abraham since childhood, and 1 have a!
ways known blm to be a man of sterling
worth and iutecrltr and a bic-hearted
whole-souled gentleman, "one whom no
one can bur." Manr papers throuuli
out the state were afraid Sir, Abraham's
issue would tie rejected by the masses.
and in part it was. but the vote of the
three antis being divided gave it to Bow
erman, a man who did not receive his
nomination in a manner suitable to me.
I like rour independent attitude of ex
pressing yourself so freely, and I feel
that we would have a better state were
all newspapers conducted on the same
basis as yours. All is not lost while we
have a aingle newspaper that is free
Given a free press, we may defy the in
sideous enemies of liberty. It intructs
the public's mind and animates the
spirit of patriotism. Its loud voice sup-
firesses everything that would raise
tself against the public liberty and its
blasting rebuke causes incipient uespot
ism to perish In the bud.
Geo. A. Crank.
Publicity is a great cleanser of
government about the greatest we
have. There ought to be more of
it. If a corporation desires to
mike an indefensible contract with
a State Board it goes quietly and
gets the matter through before
the public knows anything about
it. If special contracts and priv
ileges are desired from the County
Court or City Council the matters
are presented and worked through
before the general public knows
anything of them. If a few people
ask for a new school district the
Boundary Board proceeds, without
any notice whatever to the old dis
trict, to dismember it. These
things ought uot to be. The pub
lic ought to have notice of all these
matters before, not after, they are
accomplished, so there would be
opportunity for protest if found
necessary or desirable. There
should be more light on all such
transactions. No contract 'involv
ing public rights should be en
tered Into without opportunity for
hearing of all - interests affected.
The laws should be changed to .re
quire it, but in the absence of such
Ballots Were Wrong.
Laidlaw, Or., Oct. 3 Editor Bulle
tin. The election returns for Crook
County are not as they should be for
Representative for the aistdistrict. Wc
are entitled to two Representatives in
the legislature. The Republican ticket
read "Vote for one" and giving the
names II. P. Belknap and W. Lair
Thompson when it should have read
"Vot for two." The Democratic tick
ets were correct, "Vote for two," but
they had no candidate. The majority
of voters thought Belknap was running
against Thompson and so marked their
ballots. This is not a fair showdown for
Mr. Thompson. In this case na harm
was done, but the result would have been
disastrous if the Democrats hail run a
man good and strong. We must do
better next time. Harmon Cook.
For Sale.
One 16 h. p. Russel portable
engine and boiler, $350. Just
the thing to run a well drill.
shingle machine, planer, wood saw,
or small threshing machine.
27tf Ehnd Brick & Tiui Co.
Friends Take Notice.
Just ns soon as I get done cut
ting sotnl' lng I will bring you
wood. I will get done iu about
three weeks and if yot can't do
without that long I will bring you
some on Sunday,
3otf V. M. Carticr.
Bring your kodak films and
plates to us for development.
Negatives selected and papers used
that will give pleasing tones in the
prints. Skward & Cami'iikm,,
opposite the Postollicc. 37tf
11 S11 m n 1 1 1 'i -r
Upaitmnl oftht Interior,
V S UnJ Offl St The ballet, Or.,
Stntcrabtr If, 1,1 o.
Nolle Is hereby ittn that
Ami II. Msiktl,
lio rwlofflc kUtrtM Is Utnil. O'rjca, lkl, on
Ihejlhilay or I'cbtustjr, llo. Al fnthUomc
Biroin Alattmcnl unit Application. No. ojy&J, to
purvhsM inr nwlj iK ". T 17 .. k. 11 it ,
W. M , snil thr tlmlxr thtrntn, under the prw
virions of the set of lunr J. tjS aii.l ads atntmt
lory, known th ' Timber ami ".ton Law."
at such value as mliht he fln by aptalst
ucutiSiul Ihsl. pursuant lo such application,
the laml anil limber thereon hsrc been apprslil
the limber rstlmatnl iHinu board feel atll.M
per M, ami the land ill . that aalil nppl).
cant will offer Anal proof la ttppott of her appll
cation ami sworn ttatctiicut ou Ihe Mh Usy of
Itoxmbtr, wio. before II. C. Hills. U ft. Coin
inluloner. al hli office al Brad, Oregon.
Any pernon la al liberty Iu protest iMs pur
chase brlore entry, or Initiate contest at any
lime before patent Issues, by BtlnK corrobo
rated affidavit in Ihlsolbn, allttiUK facts which
would detest lh entry.
jo-jo C W. MOOKlt, KraUter.
If you wish to have your ex
press nml light freight como Iu
along with your letters uml daily
papers, have it come iu ou the mail
line. Tint Counktt Staou &
STAUUt Co. astf
For tala. -Milk
cows, 1 well bred Jersey,
have Ikcii milking n short time.
Ranch 5 miles southeast of Sisters.
R, O. Andrhws,
39 34 Clinc Willi, Or.
Department ol the Interior.
U. S. Land Offic at flit tMlles, Or.
September If M.
Nolle Is hereby given thai
tuca nnwvRifii
vihoo poetofflcr address t wild,
nt. ih .ihdavof lune lolo. Alt
Sworn Htalemenl and Application. Ho. ofton?. le
purchsie Ih stJw n)( ( o,T it Ik, H u It.,
w M., and Ihe limber thereon, under the pro
visions ol Ihe al or June j, i?s, ana acts amen.i
ni.nv. known as the "Tlmbct and Won Law.
al such value as mliht be Aacd by appraisement,
and thai, pursuant lo such application, the land
and Unit' thtnron have been appralwd, Ihe
Umber estimated jo.fco iwarti iceiai 11 Swr
M, and the land )o, that said applicant will ol
fer Analproolln support or his application and
Mm .l.lrnirnl on ill Mh da of llCCCinlwr.
lute, bcluif It C. Hills, V . Cointulttloncr, at
hlsomc. al ItenO. ireon.
ai.v twiaon Is al liberty to Molest this pur
chaslfor entry, or Initial a contest al any
iim, w.r.,,1. rtni lain, bv Attn a corrob
orated artldavil In Ihl ofllc, alining facts
which would Ueleal Ihe entry.
r. . .11.1
Al In this oRItt
As to Quality.
All manufacturers of prepared rooGng have two or more
grades, the cheaper grades being made of the less expensive
materials. While making a serviceable roof, these cheaper
grades do not have the lasting qualities of the first grades,
and should not be accepted by a builder on the understand
ing that he is getting first grade material.
Wc have the first grades of the two largest manufactur
ers of roofing In the world the RUBGROID and the
OENASCO. These brands are required In government speci
fications, which is a guarantee of their superiority over
other roofings.
As to Price.
The Bulletin $1.50 a year.
ijou 1 heater
Latest I
Moving I
By buying a full car of prepared rood 11 jf direct from the
manufacturers we save the middleman's profit, and also the
difference between the carload and the less than carload
freight rates.
This is wLy wc cau sell the first quality roofing at the
price usually made on cheaper grades; and we can sell the
cheaper grades at correspondingly lower prices. We carry
both grades and can save you money on either.
Bend Hardware Co.
"im m iiawmiWiaMiiii mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmim
Change of Program Sun
Jays, Tuesdays, Fridays
Admission , . . . . JStfs
Children lOrits
Good Goods at the Price of the Other Kind
Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and
Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass,
Roofing, Paints and Oils, Studcbakcr
Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the
Best. Come and see us.
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes, Paints, C.luss, lhiildcrs
Hardware, Hooflnj?. KvcrylliinK you
need for your new House or new Store.
N. P.
Wall Street,
Wall Street
The MerriIlWilkinson Co.
Every Location Guaranteed. Automobile Service.
Garage and Repair Shop
at lowest rates possible with good service.
the way you wish It done. Give us a trial.
Riverside and Ly tie
The coming Residence District of HEND. Lots
50x140 feet, 8150, $175, $'200, f2'J5, $250, $275, f00.
20 per cent, cash, balance fit) per month. These
lots arc sure to increase in value, perhaps more than
double by the time you make the last payment. Let
me take yon out and show you this property.
Fire Insurance J. A. EASTES, Agent,
Notary Public Oregon St., HUND, OR.
$18003 lots, comer and inside (100x140) near depot,
$1300 4 lots and a neat 4 room house close in.
$20 Per Acre 640 acres, no rock; would make n fine Dairy
Ranch. Only a few hundred feet from the river.
$50 Per Acre 160 acres two miles from Hctid, 1, 300,000 feet
of timber. Will be desirable for five and lo-ncrc tracts.
Cau be irrigated.
WO Per Acre tao acres three miles cast of I.aldlaw, all fenced,
60 acres iu cultivation, All irrigated. Improvements
cost $ 1600. Pour-room house. One-fourth cash, bal
ance 1, 3 and 3 years.
t0F I have listed Husincss and Residence property In all
parts of the City ami Additions. Also FARM I'ROPURT Y In
all directions.
Wc have farm lands and city property
for sale. If you wish to purchase, see
us. If you have anything for sale, see
us. We are here for business and will
treat you right.
Hotel Bend
Corner Bond and Oregon Sts.
Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day .
HUGH O'KANE.lManager'
C. C. R.CO.
HotalJng Building:, Wall Street, Bend
Pies, Pastries and Cake, :: Meals Served at Regular
Mrs. Nellie Wright
Heiul, Or,