The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 05, 1910, Image 3

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Good Candy
k Insurance
vin4'l a. t .1
Ionk for till
lit HtnmlH fur
4tj&rtina puro unu
MoltoioiiH hi Candy.
II IMtra Cwfettlsttrf C., Mlrt,, fIUJ, Orirt
Oniric Hoy J, Prop,
All kinds of Fresh mid
Vegetables, etc.
Dent of Service.
Call nmi (live Us a Trial.
Real Estate Exchanges
of nil Kinds
it is now
will again U In effect between
September Ijtli ami Octolicr
15th, tturlntt which txrlotl tick
el to SMANIKO will be on tale
dally front
CHICAGO at . .$33.00
ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00
OMAHA . . . 25.00
ST. PAUL . . . 25.00
and from other cltlea correa
pomliiiKly low. Theae arc West
bound, one-way farea unlv, but
anyone here ran PUHI'AY (or
icfallvcaor frlemla In the Hast.
If ilctlrcil. Coiuull your local
railroad aent
to let the world know of our
vaat resource and apleudld op
porttiiilllc for ttOMIl UUILO
INC1. Wrllo to everyone you
know In the ltast. Send them
good Inalructtve printed matter,
and tell them that the cot of
KctthiK here la but little moro
than half the tiiuai cost, and to
call on a reprlieutattve of the
O. R. & N. CO.
for all ileilred Information, or
The Bulletin hat a inrccr culver
tlslnt! natronnKC tlmn any other
Central Or. paper, There's a reason.
I am Offering for Sale at
Prices Ranging Prom
$3 to $8
the following land In
Crook and Lake Counties,
All 16
All 16
All" 36
All , 16
All 36
All 16
So. half 16
All 36
All 16
All 36
All 16
All 36
All 16
West half 36
West half 16
East half 16
West half 36
All 16
Nor. half 36
West half 16
All 36
All 16
NW. M 36
Tuwnihlp5 Kange l(
20 15
20 16
20 16
20 17
20 17
20 20
21 15
21 16
21 18
.21 18
21 19
21 19
21 '20
21 20
22 15
22 16
22 16
22 17
22 17
22 18
22 18
22 19
22 19
22 25
23 19
23 19
24 19
24 19
24 20
24 20
26 18
. 26 18
26 19
26 19
26 20
All transfers will be made through
the Washington Trust & Sav
ings Dank, Seattle, Wash.
304-5 Liberty Hldg., Seattle, Win
li)l Ttic IMIU. irj-LUt No. 0JJ41.
United Mate Land Office,
The Dalle, Oregon, August t t 10.
Nolle I. hereby given thai
Th. factnc kaltwav Comrvlliv.
whospoiorficddicM It 11. Ieul, Mlofls,
Mi Ihlt 7 tly el August, isis, filed la Ihit otoc
Its application to select under Uic provisions of
the Act of Congress approved July i, ItHyo
Kill Jv7, to). esleoded by Art of Cougtcs.
aprruud May I?, if. Pcglnutng at lb iur
irr tml Ol IRC wch .wr ui csimh J7,wt. ,
south. Hang II llasl. W X., running thence
41 ma ch.lrii la oust No. I. Irwnre south to
chain. In post No, i. thence nl soclislnl la pol
no. 3, wene eowin so cnsin. io w nu i rail M chain to post No, y thine
north M (bslac la post No ! lhciKtu(M
chain, to poH No. 6, thence north wcli.ln.lo
lh ptac of beginning, which tract when sur
veyed wilt be described a.. NK.W MtU.ftWK
ni'X, Ike. tj, Twp. m Boulb, Rang II liast, W.
Any anil ll peiemis claiming adversely th
lands described, or desiring l object beceus or
iii inltt.f.l eh.r.rtrr of Ih. l.nJ. or form
other reason, to lb disposal la applicant, should
nlclhclr anuiavitsoi protest in inisomcc,onor
belote Ihe Ji day of October, loio,
swil CW.MOORM, Register,
Department of the Inlctlor.
U. A. Land OOlc at Yd lMllta, Or.,
Hcplcmbcr Ijtb, tylo.
Nolle U berth glvrii that
Albert Itairyroan,
whoa poalofltc addreae Is IXnd, Orcson, tlld,
on the Jtd day of fcbtuaiy. In Ihl
orficc Hworn toutcmeul and Appllcallon, No,
oMS. 10 purchai th K tttU bit. II. T 17 .
K. it II . w. M . and lh Umber Ihciron, nudcr
lhpollonaoflhartof June j, Ur. and acta
amendatory, knowu at th "Tlmbri and Hlou
Law." at auch ealu at lulglil be fticd byH
ntalKtnt m, and thai, puituaut to tuch appltcn
(lun, lb land and llmlxr thereon haeebcen
anpialKtlilh Umbel cMlmllct M board
fcctatfl-so tier M. and th land i; that aald
applicant will offer dual proof In aupportof hit
appllcallon and .worn atilcinent on the tlh day
of bcceuiber, llio. before II. 0 KIIU, V. . Com
iiiU.lourr. at lilt oOlce, at Send, Oregon.
AnyixiMn It al lllieilr lo ptolett tbltpur
ehatebefot entry, or Initial acoutctt at any
time bcfoi iMteul Uauca, by filing a corroborlcd
rodaell In Ibla olTice, alleglnc faclt which
would dtlcat the tnlry.
to-il C. W. MOOKIt.Ketl.ler.
IHpattmcnt of the Inlctlor.
U. 8, 1 and OBce at The Dallft.Or.,
Augutt i, igio.
Nolle la hereby glren that
John II. lleyburn,
oflltnd. OrtKOii, who, on Augutl , IjoS, made
llotnetlead, No. oij6, for cM awjf See. II and
nejf uwtf.nwtf neHKec. U,T. B.. K. lolf . W.
M.Vhat hlrd liollce of Inteijtlou lo mak final Br.
car l'toof, to e.tabllih claim loth land above
.. i, l-fi.r.. it o. Itllla. U U. Cumiulwlvuer
at hU offlce, al Jlend, Uiegou, on the th day of
ocioiier, iqio.
Claimant namea aa wllnttteai
W. V. Vaudeveil, C. II. Allen, J, l. Hawhlll,
John I'elera.alJ of Ucnd, Oregon.
6-ja C. W. MOOHIt, Kegltter.
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Cull on or telephone us for the Best Seasoned Wood.
Custom Wood Sawing Solicited.
AH wood is cut greet. , therefore nssurlng good live wood
Wra. P. DOWNING, Proprietor.
How Undo Sam lliilliln III Linen In
llio l.nnd of thrt AtlUnlKlit &un-A
Koanlullon that Alntoat Proved llir
Undolni; of Threo Kcally wne.
HNVONIt wlio hat tierer fait Hie trail In Id
laud of lh inldiilght ton can iwarn-l)
tllilliecoiilial'lii Hie dlfferi lit lall
ludrt Willi In Alatka there II nun li lo mill ml
iiuelbillie la .till on lli Amereaii cniilluenl,
anluitl llfeaeein loo tomewlialtlugglth TliK
aaine alngglih Indotruc It alw a tropical char
acltiUUc at the general trader la aware, bul,
Hlfrrent nont I lie far uorlh, II l crcr pttth-rfy
tleil and capable of mure tntaiicoo ilTvrt.
tlrlually th effrel It thought to a medium In
th temperate tone. Tak th people ofillfTrr
cut cltlft of lh United Stale for caampl. In
Atlanta they pec up lb tlreclt aa though the
mental vUlon waa fined atlghlly antlwtoiinii
ol-Jt about ahalf mile ahead thai wat about It.
ellpfiom llirlr gratp, In New Voik people go
and com with Hi complacency born ofa.tur
a nee, with utl enough bediaggted aualelyti
tuggtil Ih ''mollycoddle" In Han I'ranHtcn
they h an Indolent way ofdoilug aliont the
paikt, on thelawnt and Ih braeh, andjutl be
for th earthquake their .ancllinonlout manner
In Ih. fenylmatt with the automatic piano play
Ing wat eery marked III Portland, (Or .) about
7 p. m they itunter fullli to the place of aniu.e
mrtit In Ihc rain with tucb f.l at to
be poiltleely iituwtllug to behold.
Holiilhefarnoilh Ih Indiana and It.klmo.
of Alatkbluokllkr th breathing Inmate thai
Dial I hey ate, and the lilbcrnelipg bear tleepa all
the winter, 'flie niuote, howertr, It at fleet
footed her at tltewhere. Th tarriboullretoB
llit mot, which owing lo lb damp nilrky lt
oflh atmotphete In tummer pimlucetl by the
low angle of lb tun, It to b found tfywhere
KabMIt are.plenllful, and Ih elteama are full ol
nth when not froicu up, 'iheic arc a great
uuuy auluaalt that bear valuable fur, and alto a
eery roarac.halred porcupine The rarca, the
"camp loWn," a ipecltt of UueJ.y end Ihc
genuine belered American robin, with hit awry
comedy, It In ceklenc wllb manyothetaaithe
tun'a rt mill the anow In aptlug. Itowera
buret fotth'ln anight and ere long the Kant tim
ber and partly barrrn placet arc laden with ber
rice of either a flat or acetout flaror. Among
whkhlea wltdnaubeny laiuch aburltnccat
lo tinge Ihr watcia oflhe Yukon Kieer a led
Uhhue. Tbcrt lino polMin either In aulmaltor
vegetable In Atatka. Hut the bane ol all things
the wolrea art not In It wllh the rouKjolte. The
writer actually aaw.'them fly from under ke
broken n llulcheKin rrrek, a twlft mountain
trtera In the Klondyke region, when It wat
cold enough lo freere a cru.l thick enwigh lo
bear the weight ol a pack mule with fine needlea
from th tverfroten ground a few feet bUw
piercing the awinty moving cuirenl. foietelllug
Ihetpeedlty approaching AretiC nlghl. when li
Ittocoblettowarp and Iwlrt lee like mlw.
Mge, where, at Kagle, In the I'rlgld nar, near
the Arctlcctrcle, old hoi never thewed bit face
for alt week.
On the Mb of September the writer waa for
tunate enough to tie Included In a bunch of j"
wllh a mute-puk ncort I wend II way over Ike
Yukon lllltalnaaoutherlydlrrctlaa from Kagle.
Ibe firtt (own on Ih American aide ol the dlvtd
Ing line of Yukon Territory and latka, m
mile up the Yukon Klver. loitunate ttlelu
the drlackmcnt tent out In the Ml, to worken
th telegraph line then. In HM. being conraeee)
by a iMtalllvn ol the 7th Infantry tkivughlhe
heart oflhe wlUleincM, 4iumilri, t. Yakle.,.!
Ih coatt, becantc of th greater hatd.hlp.
that th bunch that went out tbe fallowing
ptlng had lo baffle with. They left Kagle. fori
Itabert. la february o ae to get out over tbe ice
andanrrlbcetrr.aii thawed and lbeiad.lIr.ol
moanttlaa wet alto Impa .tabic wet compelled
lo build raft UmU and float hurdredt efrullct
down Buihrd torrenltof Ice and water In l'erty
mlle and Yukon Klvett back to Kagle The ex
perleoc might not We compared to Waiblngton'a
eroding the IHUwere, bul ran. were bl en the
then but Utile known raptde ef I'orty-mHe for
upwarda of a hundred tnllea, Ihenr loi tulle.
down the Yukon, and day. of work In euntlruct
Ing more, while th provi.loni were ever lighten
ing tb 111. Add to Ihli.on Ihc Uit when Ike)
weic but a few day out, they autTHed the wit
eoruc teutage and clothing from fire, whkh wat
very aerloua mailer In weather that would
fleet on lo death In a few rulnule If caught
out unpterted.
Reaching the place hrie the line had been
wotked lo, which waa about loo mile out and
led through very lough country, after being
about three weeka en rout owing to dela)
cautedby high water In l'urly-mile, webada
high old lime hunting and .lathing th ttall
which led through comparallvcly 0en country.
fur about three weeka, when on Ihc return or the
packlraln,w atarted on th hlk backtothc
V had v trouble rccroatlng roity-mllc, at
th alteam bad already a bridge of Ire thai
would bear a packlraln'a weight. And oil the
third day we found ouraelvca on the ridge over
looking that alream, where Ihc writer had foot
Ithly followed a peck of a hundred or more ol
wolrea that had howled around our camp early
that morning, with only a Krag Jorgenten rifle
and half a doien cartridge. In an effoit to gel a
ahol, while on the way out, Tblt place now pre
Muted a moat enchanting acetic. Th wind,
full of arctic mitt had blown ao long and eteady
In the tain direction that II formed atreamera
offroatlnchta long clinging to every twig and
bur of the p rk-llk thrubbery, and the alilyfoot
tprue Uvea vrlth their cloa growing brauchct
ttaudlng her and there looked like great while
plumea, which with the tun at a low degree In
the he vent tending a ray of reflection through
the auroral mitt, th enchantment wat bewil
dering lu coutreit with the luiurloutjungletof
Tropical palmi and mango tlghtulngbug acene
which fllngc the exploding volcanoea oflhe Illln
plnei, aud whkh the writer had for two year be
fore been accutlotued to. However,' It looked
exactly like my tady'a bonuct with a great gold
hal-pln ttuck In it.
Theteventhday on the, trait back the wilier
wat In a parly of three who got atf eatly atari,
back-tracking a it of the packtraln eacort
which had been held Ju rracrre and aent out
later with additional aupplle 16 meet ut where
we had camped at the prttlou night, with hope
of getting a ahot at aoiuc carrlbou, aa Ihrywerc
patting here lu great uutnbcra golug to their
winter atainplug ground. We had only one
Krag bclouglng la our acjuad. There had been
acvcral huuehraoffrom two to tlx accu the day
before, to we were quit confident of getting a
hot. After going about two or three mtlea
through an apparently unlimited cxpante of
acaltetlng email tteca, known aa a uuddle ',
weauddeuly became aware of the fact that the
I rack t we were following were made by a forked
hoof animal, and that there waa a regular mate
of trail, running lu apparently all dlrccllont
through th fool or more of mow. In pur effort
to recover th mule trail In the courae of an hour
or ao we ran arrow the other member a-of the Ue
tachnicul straggling hither; and thither alto In
tearch of the trail.
Conditions were comlug to a more or (cat ilea
perat paat, aa It afterwards proved, for two of
the men tailed to get atruns out wllh the baud,
af.r tbe writer upon recalling a ttory of a acout
following Ih trail by horsehair on the buihea
and fnrlliwllti doing IheMinelhlng, and Ihey
nrver allowed up for fHr day alter the maorlly
if th ilrtail had arrived My In (-.rrlroii. A
rtHii parly hdl.ii tent ouland ret nrneil after
frulll4 tearrh and the mm wouM hav ilwibl
le.4 atarved or Iroien In death but far th friendly
'lutilert of atone IwlMn whot hull they
IhthmIIo run arriw. alter vrimlciliig
for ft hour, and who allerwardi put lli'm In
ellh a nMlkrarrler art hit ilof'lcl. On wai
ownptltetl to have hM Ihuinb anipujaled twice
ifite he reevvered from llir fTltSf lli4illl
rhey had etruckllKlr I'll match before finding
Hie IikIIiih.
Ai we were gelling out of the Jungle Into fairly
ipeti ground a anil lo the sergeant lu charge
from Hi rear wai heard. Aieumlng It lo be one
iirtlicpaekera wllh Ihc Imentrwi of eliinilng
ur direction, the wrilcr anggetlnl l the other
Iwoboya In the lead. Hulger aud Conway, that
Ihey hike nlghl and day and .cure a march on
theulher fellewa ly beating them In If they
ihould lake a illlTerent route. The tuggettkiu
patied wlthmrt a mtmenl's heillalion.
Hare enough the main d'lacbment went down
Ameliean creek en tlielee, slept all the following
nlghl, a l their liardlatk, canned delicacies and
Irauk tbelr c(fe, btrlh alsupperand bteakfaU
at utual, making the tfeort cut down th tc and
landing tafely In f-wrt ligbert abut I p. m
the following dar, a euupWif hour ahead rrf
the renagailes who aealed Ibe Yukon Hills when
llwatalleait lo below, while Ihey (Oie reue
j.iln) tiler turn ahoullng spoil, making a long
(retell beyoud Ihc neat camp the packera had
made, had a'arted a fire and wat ctoklng grouse,
of which H1 hli had been knocked oft out
often ihott by Ihc writer with the "gtiplpe" we
hail with ul, Ihe dltlanee Irum one being 50
yatdl, when, ill all thing, who thouM come pik
ing upour trait but the ll-opilal Corps attendant,
who hid been ao far behind that he had failed
to otMtrvc the change of direction by Ihe main
(mi neh
After dividing our lunch with him, at he wai
rhutly unprepared etpeetlng lo make camp at
uwat.hehad eaten Ibe ennlrnttof hlimraikit
early la the day. kp hit Hi" high placet again,
lit Wing ceieiprtled lo atop ever new and then,
build a Are In an old Hump and warm up a
lllllr, aud waa alio handlepd by Ihe alow.
.-uaeh who had followed in, ao we made Utile
headway, finally, along about midnight, our
troublea multlpllid ten-fold, when we came to a
place where Ihe paekrra had run Into a bunch of
etrtltwii ami gatleppcd hither and thither over a
radlu. of a a-uate mile ef mountain! ebootlng
11 mere ehsnee, alter wandering around for
Iwohouri, all Ihla lime keeping within hailing
dlitane a we had been doing while atrung out,
we aoddenly reevenlied Ibe place where we had
made camp Ihc third night out from JUile.
TMe wai Ihe flrtl time thai wc had remembered
pollvely anylan.lm.rk whatever.
AHcr butldlna a 3r and warming up ome,
white trying lo mentally rcaHfc and graiplhe
deeperate atraighlt of Ihe oeaailon, we had torn
more irouM to find the lead on account of the
going around of a ery sleep hill which wc had
aealed coming out, that required several miles,
and the drift snow aWng tbe tkJg. The writer
gilnto the reacne. ai he discovered that by
walking where the anow had drtnrd Into the
trait II yjuh! bear ouee weight and atone aide
it would net. This nmc Into pley agiu l.ter
on when we reached and pauetl for loKe.
through an aeu and level stretch where Ihe
wiad h4 a fate aurp aud Ihe landmarks wre
cvMptelety uawtelligla to u.
The aigMs wc saw In Alaska were many and
too numerous foe illttali. Among them be
rogtheruHat II o'clock si night, near Circle,
as we m.mtU down Ihe rteee on Ihc itturn trip
lo cIvtHaaUott tax loMowIng summer. Wr
wet then ih ih Anitc sotie The suu aperd
drgr aleeie Ifce Jmmimhi. .Uurd ship wc
WMrd City, havtug stopped al Iiivhi
City, Y T , Can , a day aud nlvht on going in
frain hkagway via. A'tulc fata Ky .landing
safely In rasn rraucsiah alter Ibe atrtencc of on
fear l a day
- "- rv"'''fgMWJi
Deurtmeut of the Interior.
V. . Laud Office at The Dalles, Or.,
September so, isis.
Notice Is heeby given that
raulle A Nlswosrger,
rhae DOvtefDn; aodrtu it IwihI. Oreren. did.
aolhetthdav of Juue. 110. file In thltefBce
dwurn btalemeflt and Aiplialln. No. 06947. to
purensec lae hh aH. uw( 14. if b.(
. 11 n . ai , awi in iiauxr inereon. nnacr
he rxavt.ta. of the act of June I. iSX. and acta
amendatory, known as the -Timber and Stone
Law, at aucn vrnuc aa migni uc nteu uy
.tf.r.lKin.nt. and that, purtant to sucn
aptdwalron. the lawt and Umber thereon
nave been apptaiMd. the timber estimated
HMuolieard feet at ? ceuta pe M. and tbe
Untl fiy. that said applicant will offer final
prvul in euppott M her application and
iwoia stalemeitt on Ihe Uh day of DecembcT
iota, belue It. C Itllla t'.S. Ceumlsiloncr, at
hisoffik at llenu, Oregon.
Anvnreaon is at llbertv to rH-otrst thla our
ch.K Uelore entry, or iultlstc a contest at any
ated affidavit lu this oloce, alleging facte which
weuhi ueieai int emiy.
yti C W. MOOKK, Register.
Iepaitraentor the lutctlor.
V. it. Uud Orficc al The Hatlct, Or.,
beteiabcr Itlh, rjlo.
Notice Is hereby given that
lUrl n. Houston,
whec iHHtoffrfe addreu la Ucnd. Oregn. did,
on Ihe nth day of January, roio, file In thla of.
tic Sworn Htatemenl and Application, No. 04)4,
lo purchase the ael iU tWc. jo, T. 17 8., R. 1
It., W. M . aud Ihe timber thereon, under the
proviilonaof Ihc act of Juue 3, itrS, and acta
amcudatory, known as the "limber aud Stone
Law.' al such value as might be fiaed by ap
praisement, and that pursaul to aueh applica
tion, the land and limner thereon have been ap
r raised, the timber swltuisted OMno h-sard feet at
1 u per l and the land lio. that atM applicant
will offer hual woof 111 suuuoit of hit annllca-
llou and ixoru stslemeul on the lit day of
December, lyio, before II. C. Kill. U. H. Com-
mlulouer, at nit omce at iienu, urcgon.
Any ron It at UUrty to protest this pn(
chase before cutty, or initiate a contest at any
llnic le'oie intent taiucs, by filing a corrub
uralcd attldall In this otnee, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
rt-jH C. W. UOOKIt, Register.
Department of Ihc Interior,
V. H. Land Office at The Dalle, Ore.,
a September 7, lyio.
Notice It hereby given that
Jamca It. Sawhlll,
ofllcnJ, Oiccon, who, on April nth 1909, made
nunTiinu! tw. iry, iw, mwi,,.HuN
awMIWc. 1. aud nctf uw See. i,T. aoH.M.
U.K., NY. It., hat bled uotloc ol lutcution to
make nuai cviumuiaiioti ikvoi, 10 c.iauu.a
claim to Ihe land above ucsciibcd, before II.
C. Hills, U. S. rouuulsstoucr, al hlsoinceal
lleiiit, (iretoii. on in tjin uay 01 uctoocr, 191J.
Claimant names as wuiicsms;
C. II. Allen, V. I'. Vandevctt J. B. lleyburn
Lulhcr Mclke, all of lleud Oregon,
jji C. M. Moo Hit, Register.
Iiii.1i lo Aelilcweut and Hntrv. Iienkrt-
ment of Ihe Interior, llemral Laud oitic,
VVasliliiglou, U C , July i, 11)10. jouce is nere.
by glvcu that the public Ian, in the fotloning
described urea. wfiUU were excluded from Ihe
Deschutes National I'oictt, Oregon, by proclaim
tin,, l ihe irrsiiieut dated Mav so. igio. If not
otherwise withdrawn, reserved, or approuilsted,
will by Huthorily of llw riccictaty oflhe lutctlor
pe rcaturii! 10 trie iiuiiui. uuui.ui on wwi ,.
1010. and broniie sublect to settlement on aud
h.rih.i.late. but nut ttienliy. oltnu or aeleo
tlon until on and after November Ji, 1410, at the
Vultcd Mates Land Olftce at LaVevltw, Oregon;
1.. 1 i k u 11 it . hect. 1. s. 10. 11 aud in lu T.
11 H.. K. I . bee. 5. 6 aud yand W.J, of
8cc Si Willamette Meridian. Warutug la hereby
eoprcsily glvcu thaluo pcrsou will be peiraitlcd.
. i. TT.1j hhu a-! tit uhalHi'sir sisi,1a.a
10 gain or .m muf ,,,-..... ..v..
auy ettleiueul or occupation beguu after May
jo, 1410, aud ptior to October at, wio, aud alt
tuch settlement or uccupattou la hereby forbid
den. OHN MCPIIAUL, Acting Aulttant Com,
luissloucr of lb General Laud Otter. Approved
July H, iiot 1'KANK 1'UIKClt, I'ttst AuUtaut
Secretary of lb lulcrior. aj-ji
The Bend Steam Laundry
Is now in operation prepared to do
all kind of work. Laundry called
for and delivered.
Get Your Name on Our Regular List.
Has Just Received a Big, Full Line of
Pads, Pencils, Note-books, Envel
opes, Erasers, etc.
The Children car. get their
School Supplies
PENCIL BOXES now only 5c.
bring the buyer Valuable High Grafe Chn
Articles FREE.
We Sell at a Small Profit.
$50.00 Down
$50.00 Down
Choice Residence
Lots in
Aubrey Heights
$50.00 NOW
The Future Resiaieace District
of Greater lend. - k
Contracts ore let for several houses to be
bUt immediately.
Deschutes Realty C0.
THE BULLETIN is the Icadiug: uewspapr of CENTRAL QRKGON