riMMbrMB 4WMtaaMfe li ndlf imtii . . ...J . U pMH4UiM tlHMiM 4 i -J -' BUY LOTS IN '- I .ton 3 flwvjt . I Ths Social Breakfast. A London newspaper wonders why wa no longer Invite people to break fast The reason la to be found In ttie state of mind that usually possesses the free and Independent citizen at that hoar In the morning, a eta to of mind that makes him unbearable to himself and to every one who comes near him. Presumably It was not ever so, for Invitations to breakfast were onco common enough, and not so long ago cither. Mr. Gladstone used to have guests to breakfast every Thurs day morning as recently as lKit, and It was thought sufficient to supply ten and c-ooVe. eggs, bread and butter and perhaps some cold meat Hut the really solid breakfast had count Into fasbton long before tbeu. ant' It Is aald that the English learned the f nub Ion from the Kcotcn. Motley, when be waa ambassador to England, found that the substantial breakfast was grievously opposed to the simpler cus toms of bis own country. He says. "When 1 reflected that all these eo ple would lunch at 2 and dine at 8 I boned my bead In humiliation, and the fork dropped from my nerveless grasp." Argonaut. Dig Clocks. The big fin. k of the Metropolitan tower at MHdMon square. New York. Is by long odds the costliest and most elaborate public timepiece ever con-strut-ted and Is the only great clock la the world operated wholly by electric ity without the touch of human hands. Some of Its other wonders are Its size, being the largest four dial tower clock and the third largest clock of any size to me world, and Its altitude, which la the highest of any clock In the world. It has also the biggest and heaviest striking bell. The other three largest clocks are the one face dial of the Colgato fac tory In Jersey City, which is forty feel . across, the next In sixe of mammoth public chronometers being tho dial at St. Bombort'a, In the old city of Mo lines. In Belgium, which Is thirty-nine fee, across. Bt. Peter's of Zurich, Switzerland, has a dial face twenty-nine-feet, and then in order comes the Metropolitan tower clock, which Is twenty-elx feet six Inches In diameter. The Origin of the "Marstlllafts." . In the reign of terror under Preron . and Barras, when hundreds of vie '' Urns wcro carved by tho guillotine and tho people rose against the aristocra cy; was born the hymn of France, composed by Itouget do l'lsle. IIo was as officer of engineers and at a banquet was-nxked to compose a war song. Ho wroto it in bis room that night before going to bed. and the next morning hi hostess, the wife of the mayor of Strassburg, tried ft on a plaijo, and In the afternoon tho orches- tf-B nf tha lltMtcr nlsveri It In thn square of tttrsssbarg. where It created ' WIESTOR $25 to $250 for 25 Down, the Balance on your own terms. LOTS, 50x140 feet. STREETS, 60 and 80 feet. ALLEYS, 20 feet As'Cholce Residence Property, close In to schools, churches, Free Water Right with each lot. Remember, when we have FREE to the purchaser holding the lucky number. Let us Central Oregon Realty Co. much excitement and gathered many volunteers. Jtougct called It a song for tho Army of the Itblne. but subse quently It was sung by a regiment of volunteers, mostly assassins, who marcbed out of Marseilles to Paris, where It was appropriated by the cap ital and called the "Uymno dea Uarset lais." Out Joseph Ilougct. the author, died in poverty. Deshler Welch In Harper's Magazine. Wsstmlnstsr Hall. Westminster hall, England's old hall of the king's Justice. Is one of the world's notable historical shrines. Built four centuries before Columbus sailed for America, burned, restored. building west of Home. Here some of tho early parliaments met, aud hero the second Edward was expelled from bis throne. Here Klcbnrd II. was de posed, Charles I. condemned and Crom well balled as lord protector, whose bead. If the legend Is authentic, wax afterward exposed from one of the ball' pinnacle. Westminster hall was the scene of tbe trial of Warren Hast ings. In It sentence of death was pro nounerdon William Wallace. Plr Thom as More, Somerset. Essex. Strafford and Guy Fawkcs.-Ncw York World. Trlsd to Fly. John Milton In "Urltain to tbe Con quest" says that tbe youth King Har old, last of the Saxons, strangely as piring, had made and fltted wings to bis bnnds and feet. With these, on tbe top of a tower, spread out to gather tho ah, bo flew more than a furlong; but, Uie wind being too high, bo came fluttering to tbo ground, maiming all bis Umbo yet so conceited was be of bis art that tbe cause of bis fall was attributed to tbe want ot a tall, as birds have, which he forgot to make. ' His Rscommtndatlon. Tom-. Hello. Dili.' 1 bear you have a position with my friends Skinner & Co.? BUI Oh. yes; 1 bave a position as collector there. Tom That's flrsf rate. Who recommended you? Bill Ob, nobody. I told them that 1 once collected an account from you, and joy Instantly gavo me the place. Ffrmnsss of Purposs. flrmnctn of purpose Is one of tbe most ueoesairy sinews of character and ono of the best Instruments of success. Without It genius wastes Its efforts In a maze of Inconsistencies. A fJusss at It. Teaclier ot class In grammart Wbat do you understand by "parts of speech'' Tommy-It's-it's when n man stntteraC'blcago 'i'rlbunn. The Julletln $1.50 a year. BEND, Hit Him Coming and Oolng. An attorney weut to n livery stable and hired a team for two or three hours and at the end of that time. In a stnto of abscntuilndcdness. left tho team at another livery stable, whoro It remained eight days. At stable No. 1 there was no worry about the team. Tbey know tbe nttorney was perfectly good for tbe wiy. They kuew that If ho kept tho I mm a month tho bill would be paid promptly on presenta tion. Tbey presumed that he knew what bo vrni ntwut and concluded It was Ills business and not theirs. At stable No. 2 there was eipjal freedom from anxiety. Tbe attorney came there, left tho tram and went away, '"""' ", ."" ''" " "" " the burse down" on tbo office slnte. knowing hltn to be a business mau who paid cash. l)leov ery came at last, and the lawyer was presented with two bills, one for eight days' hire and the other for eight dnys keep. lie paid both bills promptly, but It cured him of Itelng nbscntmlnd cd for nearly a whole moulb. Ths Coffss Cup In Pints. The expression "to give u rup of coffee" has In Persia a somewhat omi nous slgnlllrnnre. This Is due to the fact Hint the coffee cup Is one nvng nlzed medium for conveying poison Some years ugo the governor of Aspu dana, having long been at daggers drawn with the chief of n powerful mountain tribe, determined In this way to put an end to all trouble. He professed to entertain a great degree of friendship and esteem for tbe chief tain and Invited him to visit him nt hi palace. Tbe cblef unsuspiciously came, accompanied by bis two young sons. For a week they wen' roynlly enter talned. Hut at last one morning when tbo chief en tne Into his host's presen e he was coldly received, and an nttend ant soon stepped forward with a single cup of coffee In his band, which he of fered to the guest. Tho latter rould not fail to underatand that he wns doomed. Preferring, however, steel to poison, ho declined tbe cup and was thereupon, nt n signal from hU host, stabbed to death. 8slsd of ths 8hos. Freshmen hnvo troubles tho world over. Tbe "conscrfls," ns tbey tire called at tbe famous Hcolii Polytccn- nlquo In Paris, aro subjected to nn amuslug Initiation called tbe salnd of shoes. Tho freshmen report some days before the upper class men so that thoy can receive their uniforms and becorao familiar with tho routlno of the school. Tbo first morning after their tormentors return tho freshmen are aroused by a demand that tbey throw their shoes out of tbe windows Into tbe courtyard. The shoes are gathered Into a heap, and, kneeling In a big cjrcjo around this, tbg fresh- the first 100 lots business, etc., this beautiful addition is THE BEST OP ALL. '.:t,. sold 100 lots wc give a CHOICE CORNER LOT ABSOLUTELY show you over this property. --"' OREGON I men are obliged to go through como I ridiculous gymnastic movements al tho commnnd of their superiors. When the study bell rings they have but n minute to appear In thechJM rooms, and It Is a strenuous minute around that pile of shoes. LEE HELPED HIM. The Old Soldltr That Asksd Foe and Rtcsivtd Assistance. General Itobert E. Leo was sitting on tbe veranda of his Lexington home one afternoon engaged In conversation with some friends when man. Ill clothed and covered with dust, appear ed at tbe goto and timidly beckoned to the goncraL Apologizing to bis friends, Lee rose at onco and went to tbo gate. Very soon bU purse appeared, and bo was seen to give tbe man somo money. His friends, knowing the extent of bis charity In any case of sufferiiia. real or apparent, looked on with so inn Impatience, for thoy knew bow slender bis means were then and bow many calls of the same kind came to him. "General, who was that)" one of tbem ventured when he bad returned to bis place. "One of our boys in trouble," was tbo half smiling nnswor, for tbo gen eral knew the remonstranco which his friend was longing to make. "What regiment and company did he belong tor persisted the friend, anx ious. If possible, to unearth the sus pected fraud. "Oh, be bo fought on tho other side," was General Leo's calm answer. Chlnsra Buslntss Honaity, With doe respect for others, thf Chinaman Is perhaps tho most honor able and upright business mau in thiv world today. His business principles aro founded entirely upon honesty, and bo edliorcs to tho policy with the Inslstenco of n leech. Tho cbaso after dollars stops If he has to resort to low tricks to got them. Of course a little thing like telling a falsehood occasion ally docs not bother him so much, but whon it comes to plotting and schoin lug to dofraud somo ouo tho task bo- comes distasteful. Tbo equal of the Japanese in Initiative and foresight, bo is much their superior when integ rity U concerned. A Japanese does not tblnk twice before deciding to gut tbo best of you. Ho calculates that you aro llablo to ebango your mind or get out ot reach If he Indulges In a little mental debato as to tbo propriety of cheating you.-Book keeper. Outdone, "no doted on Alice and would have married her but for her mother," "An; uermother" "Yes; hor mother was still more attractive." f .-i Something Wrong, An Australian uuttioiievr who was reputed to bare more education than professional ability wus vmleavorliig to sell somo cattle to itu audience ol tunu bauds. "Gentlemen." be began, "I haw a partk-ularly nlco lot ot heifers and bullocks, and I may say that the heifers predominate." Ho was Interrupted by a very agri cultural voice from tbo crowd. "I tbort there was something wrong with 'em," It said, "or you wouldn't hsvo to sell 'cm." A Timely Trip. Little Brother (who has Just been given some raudyi-lf 1 were you 1 shouldn't taku sister yachting this afternoon. Ardent Suitor Why do you say that. Tommy? "Well, I heard her toll mother this morning that she feared sbo'd bars to throw you over. Lipplncott's. Finding Him Out. Indignant Coustltuent-Thls Is tbo fourth tlmo I tmro called to see tbo senator by appointment and fonnd him out every time. Prtvatu Secretary (of eminent stntesmnui-Oh, well, I would not mako n fuss about that. Accord ing to what tbo pnMirs say, everybody U undlng him out.-Clilcngo Trtbuno. Own Up, A man should never bo ashamed to own bo lias been In tho wrong, which Is but saying, In other words, that bo 1 wiser today than ho was yestorday. Poim). , Do Not Delay Your Fall Plantlag Otffl iUIUWt CATUOO rsstfy ts UfltmUt suflu nn ss Ittutt 8TRAWBERRY Oat uiaU ImpnrUtltn lists sr men iruovHAnoH. uixnu, JAPAN sod tbs AI0&K8 JU..1 do. itttiottockssrsuowrrtil Kirly ordwt cats tsloct rttwrtUV ASK ron CATALOO NO, U PORTLAND SEED CO. VOHTULHD, OtWQON MrSflaraj9s rtli FRUIT, SHADE II rMHD ORNAMENTAL -4 4 i 1. .. . -" MliMd Firs. Puttoti-Ayres-I am cavlaro (0 tbo general, you know. Miss Innocent Oh. are you really? My brother Is lit tho military oo.-Holon Transcript. Grief Is crowned with consolation.- Shakeeare. PREVENTION THE BE8T SAFEGUARD If for any cuc the hone or other domestic animal exhibits a lack of energy, proper rrltih for food, or an tpixarsnra of general debility, timely action should be taken for the restoration of its health. In the natural food of our dotnntic animals Nature provides ccrtnln peculiar mcdiciusl hctbs, Itavc, barks aud root which seem necessary for their health. Pacific Stock Pood In Ktty condeiunt form is intended to supply tho cuentUl virtues of those health-giving nsluul remedies, and is prepared cxprcsily for those animals deprived by nun of thrfr natural food. It Is an alterative toulc Mhlch stimulates the various organs of the Ixxly, promotes the secretions, tones up the general system and restores tho disordered conditions to a norms! state. It stimulates tho appetite, Improves tho digestion and assimilation of food, purine tho blood and I mutes a K"' health condition, Ilooklet free. Hoyt CiiituiCAi. Co. Portland, Orcgoa THE BEND BULLETIN Solicits Inquiries About Up-To-Datc JOB PRINTING MODERN TYPE, MODERN MACHINERY, MODERN AtBTHODS. Call at office or phono us. Pliono No, 56 Wall Street, near Ohio. 1 tl C i- .