I mMMb MMIM1M MHHHMHMI f " . i Hi - . '. 1 i J - K- I The Bend Townsife Company OFFERS YOU THE Choicest Residence Property IN BEND. North Addition Business and Inside Residence Property. " ' Lava Road Addition - Residence Property in the Heart, of the City. v Center Addition - A Sightly Residence Section Without Building Restriction. Park Addition This Beautiful Addition, with Building Restrictions, is the "Nob Hill" of Bend. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets. s.. ?' T iV-' nV If :w 1 ! -.,.. INSURGENTS WIN (Continued from page I.) For RrpmeaUUra la tiWlort Brlkaap to, Tttwrtt i j. Edrd. VorCoaat- ComaiU-ioarr IUjUj- t, Roiua I. PorCnntv BurMM !. v.. .. JS;,Sbe.f!r,h .... W. OrwU - LAIDWW PRBCIKCT. JudRCa of election were F. V. Swisber, K. B. James and J. N. B. Gerklnj-, and clerks P. N. Wallace, R. G. Sturireon and Harmon Pnntr Votes cast were, CoafT-KUU J.lafftrty ,i, Mtti n. Satpbmli.lUa-. ' " ouwlr:rtu'orsuuBc",w wini,7' JJor Junict ct Saprrtac Cain-twaa j, Mc- For AUaracy aatral Crawfofil ij. lUrt II. frSlSr.rta?."UT"CUrkes' "'"rCoa. Fjt Circuit 'adce-Stirk u. Bradjtutr , For County Commlloa-T-Brtt7 J. Roaia J?!?00. Su-wor-Rlce II, Youaf 14. Jor J iutic or ine rtacc- f . C. Tborw trol wd Miller waj aocalnttcd by the puuSn for Siri7Si7-"Tt. L.'" T ' jj; . " wo aarias 00 caad). VOTERS REGISTERED. Bend Second, Madras Third and Red Mond Sixth In List. In Prineville. the most doduIous precinct of Crook county, 326 voters registered of whom there were 138 Republicans, 76 Demo icrats, 7 Socialists and 2 Inde- I nnrfent Tlifa im ( mrr ftftftrt ,-, A .. W AMWt. IUMII were registered last year. The seranr! tirerlnrr In trtt county is Bend with 160 registered voters; rat R., 31 D., and S I. Here there was a eain of 01 over last year. Madras comes third with total of 39) &f Km 40 D., 8 S., 6 I. and 1 Pro. Kutcher is fourth with 101 voters: 62 R., 27 D., 10 S., 5 I., and 1 Pro. This precinct has 97 less than last year, but it then included Madras, which is now separate. Dehllt. the fifth nrerinrf having a total of 102; 64 R 18 D., 5 S., 15 I This Is a gain of 37 in the year. ttedmond comes sixth with a total of 101; 70 R., 20 D., 5 S., 5 I. and 1 Pro. This is a decrease of 1 vote, but last vear it included Tetherow precinct, now reporting 96. In Black Butte precinct 94 voters registered. Ireland 18. Laidlaw 67. and Powell Butte 94 In the entire county there were registered IIIC Hennhllonna. inn Democrats, 83 Socialists, 82 Inde Dendents and o nrn)iil)itiiinlt a total of 1800 as against 1707 a year ago. Special Work Dy Freemasons. No Personal Grievance. Dr. P. II. Dencer, chairman of the meeting of segregation settlers who organized the Water Users Asso ciation at Bend September 17. asks that the published report of one of his statements be given a little fuller so as to avoid wrontr infer ences. Theeport printed was that "the chairman annfrenf fhi. finril.lifn of having to pay for water without a.f f.l -. -. a getting .- ut. uencer says he has no nemnnal rnmnlalitt ncralni the service of the irrigation com pany ana uis statement In the meeting was general and merely in recognition of the hardship that others claimed to have suffered. , There was special work at the local Masonic lodge last Saturday night, when Judge Hills was made a master mason, Thirteen of the fraternal brethercn came over from Prineville to assist in the cere monies. These were Dr. Charles S. Edwards, T. M. Baldwin, D. P. Adamson, W. P. King, C. P Smith. T. II. Haner. W. T. Pnn. cake, J. II. Wiglc, G. W. Noble, u. u. wyiue, uale Jones, M. Ii. Brink and I. Michel. After the I lodee Session there WO n anrenrl J at Taggart's, with covers for 33. 1 ue visitors returned to I'rinev iiie Sunday. Progress of Railroad Work. The Oregon Trunk contractors have been for the nast week work. ing on the Y iust south of town. where a spur is planned to go to the mill sites Otl the Sisemnre nlnre Work on the spur leading to the dam and power plant has been stopped until there shall be a rk'ht of way adjustment throuch the Lytic acre tracts. The overhead crossing at Green Qentg' FurflishingsLatest Styles Nev line of Fall and Winter Suits, Men's Fine Shoes, Sweaters, Coats, Underwear and Hosiery. kkJ9 Our new line of Fall and Winter Suits have arrived. Come in and see the LATEST STYLES FOR MEN. Also a new line of Men's Shoes, Sweaters, Coats, Underwear and Hosiery. Yours for Business, wood avenue has been completed to the satisfaction of the city coun cil. J For Sale. Milk cows, 1 well bred Jersey, have lu-rn mlll-Ini. n ilinrt iim Ranch 5 miles southeast of Sisters. K. U. ANDHKWS, 39 34 Clinc Falls, Or. Tannyaon Disturbed. This story Is told lu Jtobort II. 8lier anl's book -My I'rlentls (tio French :M "A BrnDddauslilcr of Wordsworth, bclnc full of admiration for I ho youoir )oet who was to succeed her cratiil father In laurcato honors, was onco taken to aco Mr. rnninti li xtra Taylor, tho wlfo of another poet of somo dlatloctlon. Teuuyson rocclrcd them Tcry badly, showing great Irri tation at being disturbed, and when Mrs. Taylor rallied him on his manner bo saldi 'Madam, I am a poor mail, and as I can't afford to buy tho Times I hire It from tho stationer's. He charces mo a nenuv far It wMei. ntt. tics mo to keep It for an hour. Why will peoplo always select Just that hour to come nml pall tmnn m V A tin- which he fiung out of tho room. Irnv Ing Mrs. Tennyson to apologlzo for his hrusquerle." Wimmsm TURPIN h WHITSETT ,- Currtney In China. Wrltlnt from tho lnttrlnr nt fliln. n trarelcr says: "Currency Is prlmltlto to a decree. I.umn ullvi-r onir in ihi and copper 'cash.' Colnwl money la not current. Kvcn lu llonnn city, which U distant only two day by mil from Pckln, lump silver, tho Mnmncum brous currency that tins been used for conturlcs, Is still employed. It Is cut Into small nlocca hr huuiinir nml rhU el. Ercry town mid rlllngo hits lt own wcignis mm scales, nnd llicro la no protonso at uulformlly," Tha Man and ths Parrot. Exasntrntcd I'liri'linxer-niiln't nn guaraulcu that thU purrot would ro peat every word bo heard? uira noaier-Ccrtaluly I did. "Hut ho docan't repent a sluglo word." "Ho" repeats every word ho hears, but ho never hoars any. Ho li i-.c as a post." Life's Parcsntaaa, ' It SOmollmoH hnnnena Ihnt mnn -- .-- ,M. w M.IIIJ jiays an errorless gamo becauso ho ac cepts mighty fow chances. Tho man In tho tight gurdon Is pretty sure to havo a better fielding record than tho JborUtop.-Atchlson Globe. M CALIBER MODEL 1010 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABIowof2038ibs. This now Winchester 6hoots o heavier bullet nnd hits a harder hlnw titan nny other recoil operated rifle made. It id mora nowerful than the .30 Army, of blg camo huntintr fame. The. loading and firing of this riflo are controlled by the trigger finger. It jins uie tub 1UUUE8 or tiioh Stn4 lor lltuilrtlrJ tlmUr ItUt JturlUm Ihli mw rim y,kitk Ml HI Mil M pvw,, (,, WINCIIESTM HEflUTltSO AKJJ3 U) 5, Ni UaTca, Coarw, U. S. A. ' llljMidj 00 YKAnS MssbsHEXPERIKNOR Tnot Manns QCII0N9 fiAnwitiMLivai Am Anrona iMidlns a tUith mi dMcrtptlnn mir onlctlr .ii.fUIri r,,r oulnn fie wli.tii.r an SckWific JifmerfcaH. A btndiomdf llluitrttM ,klr. UriMt fir. eolation 0 nr cl.nuea lourn.l r'il. IJ wsKssdfew ;