The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 28, 1910, Image 7

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'" " - T ' -
Maldng Pure
Th a
jtip Modern oirw
Ty A Minion toljim
m ratrenli In "Mtdtrn 1)mUi
I IMira CImIW7 Ca., Mtii.) futUW, OftiM
IIciKlquuitcrs for
Clurlc lloyd, Prop.
All kinds of Fresh and
Vegetables, etc.
Ikflt of Service.
Call and Qlvc Us n Trial.
Real Estate Exchanges
of all Kinds
miU noflM, without anarje, in in
Srietififfc flitter can.
A handrimalf Uluatreted (. L-"1.
nUllon of any tetanus? ntna , Taenie. M
M f?mr nmntJ.i, U BoW eilkTedealeie.
A Rdalnre Wreetorr of Mth Cllr
Town nod Village la Oregon am
.'M.ltlnilkrt. 1,1,1 A llaCetntlVI
r Mtti cur,
flra-un And
hUrlfh at rarli plar.. Loratien,
rttiluplnr rnrlllllr una I
(lr( lilrerlory oi each, Wui
and l'rofrealoa.
B. U Ml CO.,
HMtlle, Vuh.
i loo.
The Bulletin $1.50 a year.
Anrre.tln ntielehenddaaeflHnaaay
euleklr aaerrtam our ifiiMn free nenee an
". .ui"l r m.,n.l.i'tf.l. tlANOtOOt cm j'
I'altuia lan liitoueb Maim Cw. rcl
rfffUj Ktfltt, without ehar, la lb
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Cull on or telephone us for the Heat Seasoned Wood.
Custom Wood Sawing Solicited.
All wood is cut green, therefore assuring good live wood
Wm. P. DOWNING, Projprtotor.
a jLmMmtm
I'fetldenl.. ,
Hecielaty of male... ,. .
Htrtetaty iifTrratury
Herniary of lutrtlor ...
Mectelaivef War
..William If. Tn
JamriH niirtinaii
I'hllaiidet C. Knvi
I'faukllii MatVcagh
Rlchatd A. Ilallliigrr
J. M DIckliiMti
Hectttetyof Navy
. ..(it hi von J Meyet
Meitilaty of Cuinmrfce and I,alKr..Chailre ffagel
llMlinaalcr tlriirrnl , ... . 1'iatik II. IIIU'IiuhV
Attorney flriietal., ... .)oige W, Wlckef.ham
nctitlaryuf Agtlcullilf Janice Wilton
bmelaty of (Male ..
Trratiiirr ; ,
Allumry Oetictal ,. ,..,
HUpl, I'ullllC llletltlCllQII..
Hlalf I'llnlrr
I', W. Ilcumu
.. I'. W. llfHll
l. A. Hlrel
A. M, Ctawlotd
1. II. Acketman
W. ft, Iiiiuutway
IMUy ami I'uut CiiuitiilMliiiitr J. W. Jlalley
ConiuiU'luucrof l,abor Htalletlra,.. .0 V Hull
. , , iThoe, K Campbell
Ualliuad Cominleeloiier CIyr1r II, Allchlaou
lll.walil Weat
(lam and l'utralty Waitlcn.... R. II, Mevmaoti
Malt Kngliirt r John II Ixwl
U. H. Henalott,.
Illicitae 11 ciiartiMi
Conitreauitii I .V .!.'.,"'"'
IT. A, MclllMc
I I' A. t.llM.1.
w . m lima
Htiuiamt Judftt I H, Itaklil
I win. K. kiiik
I Yt i. aiaicr
Alloiiity,.... ....,
, W. I,, marialia
. I'ird W, Wllwn
ftiAlB luiii(ir Con turn. (WAiaa.)
Inhn II. t.fwli, Malt lliiliifcr HaUm,Or
II T. Ilnlaalr, Bu4 III. No. I Ilvnanra, 't.
T. M. hailou, Bu.l. I)l. No, $ Iiakct Cl.y.dl.
lodir II. C. Itllli
Claik - Waiirn mown
HIirillT. 1'iauk Mklua
Tiraiuin .W. I'. Klna
'!.... . - J. II, 1.1 1'ellclla
Mcliuol Huiliilrihlcnl . U. A. I'olil
out)of. u rmi a. ki
ConimlMlonria..... ...,
I K. II. II. 1 try
' 1 Jamra Kk
Ciacuir Cotiat - I'litt Monday In May;llilid
Monday In (Mulr.
I'aoaaiH Ctivar I'lul Monday In racli monlli
CuuMitaiimaaa' Covar I'lial Wnlnialay
In January, Match, May, July, mritnili
aud Nurtltiocr.
Iknu Kiiovl. Diaraicr No. It.
I. II. Kay
L.C. Iloiatlng
.-... I I). Wll
J.C. I' ll(iilii(lon
Mlu Anna 11. Maiktl
MlM Nona MkhatdKiu
MIm I' (J Youua
MWa llmrirl Dolwn
MUa Ida M- Audviann
MlMKalbrrlnt llatklna
Mil, lllrnu II.KIaik
J C Caldwell
11 c. mtii
(l.H. Ilualtr
I II. I.tlrrltulf
T. W. Tll.U
I, II. Kcllry
W. II. rviUcia
N4lMirMtr that Oftgen Tiunk Hall
way baa Bird wMh Hie tttnUi til lha rlly bl
Hrnd. lit pTlllUm, and will, al the irautar mm
Ina ullha nmmoa counrll of Ibr ciiyof Iwnd.
lot In Id al( o'clock, p. m . on Ihcnlhdayol
(Mtilvr u iwllllen and apply loi
III. araiion 01 lb (millona 01 Ihr lolloxliia
amrd lltrlaand alley' Ibal lit tvlwnn llth
and I Jill alittta In Hit Cllr of Itrnd. towlt
Juuipar Atrnar, lionwoud At nu. Ilawtbotu
Atnur,aud fir Artnuc, and tbcatlryaln Uotka
. y. Jl. tU and u.
MyCAaar ft Kaaa, lla Allomtyt.
D.lrd Au(u.l otb, lia. n-rj
II) Tkt Datlra 117-I.I.I No, 07J41.
Unllrd Stair Mnd Offlcr,
Tlit Dallra, Orryon, Auit( t 1910.
Nolle la Kcttl.y ilrtn thai
Tbt Noilhtrn FaclAc Railway Company,
how poatoftV addma U HI. Iaul. MlnucaUa,
baa Ihla If day o4 Auguit, 1910, Alrd In Ihlt ofhc
llaaiipllcalianlsaalrcl under Ibr pioTl.lou.of
IbtArtof Conftra aptxovnl luty I, lM( aa ratcaHlnl by Act of CongrtM
appco.rd May 17. lyua: IKrlanlng al th quar
trr pualof tbt weal aide ol hectiun y, Twp, M
iKMlb, Kania 11 ICaat, W M., tunning Ihrncv
weal a cbalna to potl No. I. Iheuc aoulh
chalai to pual No. a, thence weal mbalna lo poat
No 1, Iheoct aoulb m cbalna lo pott No 4.
thene eaal m cbalna la poat No, J. tbenr
notth M cbalnea lo pott No 1. thenre raat x
chalna lo pual No. 6. tbenr neitli fochalnato
Ihe place of t tinning, which liarta when aur
veyed will txdracllEed ai SUU HHU.HWU
!(. tkc 1). Twp, to IWutb, Kaug II iiatl, W .
Any and alt pctaooa clalmlnr adeeiatly hr
landa deKrtbrd, or .Waiting Id obJt becauaa of
Ihr mineral character of th land, or fur any
other rraaon. lo Ih dlapoaal lo applicant, ahould
die their alSdaelia of protcal In tbla otter, on ot
Ufotr thcil day ofOcloorr, 191
JV-Jl C, W. MOORU. Kegllter,
llepattmeut of lh tntcilor.
U. H. Laud omrr al TKr Ualtca, Or.,
tHptember lyth, If 10.
Notice U hcit by glecn that
Allint llatryman,
hoar ttoatofBc addrraa la Iteud. Orrroo. did.
011 tht lid da of HetTuary, Isilo, blr lu Ihla
otflc hwotn hlalemrnt and Application, No.
0)91), to putchaa lb eW ncU rtrc.l), T. 17 K..
R lilt.W M, and Ih limber thrtrvn, uudei
lh pioelaiona ol lb act or June J. lira, and acta
amrndatoty, known aa the "Timber and Monr
U " at aach value ai might be Aird bya-
!ralatnient, ami that, putauant to auch appllcm
Ion, Ibe land and Umber thrtton liarrberu
appralaed, tht tlmlier callmated 10.000 M board
frclalliyi ivcr M, and the land loJ thai aald
applicant will offer Anal proof In aupiwrtof hla
application and aworn alatrmrnl ou Ih Mb day
of Itrcctutwr. iio, lieforc II. C. WIU. U bVConi-
mlaalontr, al bla omce. al lie ml, Oregon.
Auy raon la at llbertr lo ptolctt thli pur
chaa before entry, or Initiate a contrat at auv
lime belote pateat laauca, by filing a cotrobortrd
aRVIavll lu tbla omce, alleging facta whlcji
would dcleat the entry.
Vil C W. MOORU, KtgUter.
IXpiltratnt of the Interior.
U. 8, 1 aud Office at The Dalle, Or.,
Auguit 11, 1910,
Notice It hcitby glren that
John It. Iltybutu,
of liend. Oregon, who, on Auguit 6, ipj, madr
llomratead. No. ojyl, for cH aw Kcc.ljand
ticK )(, naif neff nee. 14, T. ) ., K. m K..W.
M , haafilrd nolle 01 Intention lo make Anal Ave
Sear I' ralabllah claim to the laud above
eKtllied. Wfbie II. C Kltla, U H. l'ommlloiicr
at hla olBce, at llend, Oregon, ou the 4th day ol
October, 1910.
Claimant namra al wltntaaeai
W.I'. Vamlevett, C. II. Allen, J.J. Sawhlll,
John I'eleia, all vf lleud. (Itegon.
Ki-jo C. W. MOORIt, Xegiater,
Subscribe for The Dullctlti,
aafitaati i
Managing (ha Wtalher.
It 11111) unruly Un mi I it ilmt rnti.rol
of (hi1 wtwitliur Uy HnrciTiTX wiih ill-
loiftlllli-r lllalK'lll'Vlil III ll" Vl'l)' ft'H
IxTMOiia In iliu Hlitoi'iitli ttMiiiiry, llui
It (lie liulk'f wnti iK'ld tnnrv KinitiKl)
iiIoiik imiv louHi lliiu limn Miniilii-r It
tvna nround lliu I In I lie nitlicr limn
vlaowliuro. An Inlo iia 1070 11 irn vi-Iit
k'lln tia huw, holnir liit'iilinitt i I'ln
land. 1 ho cnplnlii out nulioro in Itiii
11 Ivlnd from a wlriml. 'J'lie fri hum
10 kroner (naj 'M ihlllliiKal find n
pound of toliK-co. 'J'lio tvlwird tied 11
tvoolrn ritf with tlirvo knoU In It t'i
llii ninal. UntylfiK the llrnt knot pro
diicce Jtml lint wind Ihry irtint, aoulh
wegt. 'i'lmt alfirki'iiliiR. iinlylnx knot
No, '1 rpvlrm It for ft lime, Inn ktiol
No, ! hrliifa up 11 fearful iiorilu'iiMi'r
which ncnrly alnkii ilium, "fjul m-xcli
ornre. dUcitt niivlKnrc" wnn n iniirli
(luolcd pliraac. True cnotifcli of one
trnTulf-r. It would npin-nr. itcclnir IhIh
reported to Imvo prujed during it
lorin: "0 lird. I nm no coiiimuii Ix-k
irnr, I do not lriiililc iIhv every diiy
for I nprrr prnyiHl to ttni ln-fori', mitl
If It pleiitc thro to deliver 11 iu tllU
oiico I will never 'prny in Hie' ficuln
ft Ions n I llru. Atlantic Slouihly,
Norway' Love For Ojormon.
Wlint IIJoriiHiin wim to hla own
oplo la Im-kI mnde clrnr liy an Inel
dent which occurred nt liU Moved
Aulcfftad not I ohk tH'forti lit wn
forced to tnrt on tils tlnnl Jonrnej
to Paris In nenrcli of nuolhrr lenae of
heiilih nud life. A regiment pHed
tlio pine In I ho con mo of n miiueii
cr. Ha connnnndcr ent word nhend
to tlio Kwt naklnif hlni to review I ho
nolillem hn (hey inarelied liy. HJorn
eon utood on tlio Tcrnuda of hht lioiiae.
itirrotitideil j hla entire fmnlly-n
mnn who had never held rinr puhlN
oitlcc. mind you! Aa tlio troop np
pronchitl on the highroad below oil)
cent and men K'ire I ho aallitc due lo n
rommnndltiK eeneral or niemlier of
(ho royal houie. Hut Ihla waa not all.
I'roui tho rapidly tnovlnic nuikn rtne
0110 mistily shout aftrr nuoiher-n
iwntnncoui outburst of devotion and
jritllluile auch It ha been irrnnttsl
very fow men the fortune to Inaplre.
-IMtvnrd HJurkmati lu Amerleau Itc
rlew of Itevlewa.
Figures of Sptteh.
A well known vetitrilouUt who had
connentcd to tire n perforiimuco In nld
of charity heard that certain member
of hU pronecllvo audience were de
teruilne lu wntch tho movement of
hi mouth with the cIomwi acrutlny
with a view of confounding him. The
nlul't came, the nlteiiduulN curried In
tuirti dummleN on chnlrx, nud the nrllat
iuhiIh hi appeiiriiiice. lit iHTform
nnc wit unuaually aticceiwful, the
mnacle of hi face rIvIdc no evidence
of his art. Tho cIihiiri-h of tolec were
mnrveloua, and 1 ho netouMied crowd
at tho cloac of tho uxhllittlon cavo hlui
n roiulnc cheer. Aicnln and ntrnln
they called him back, and ho cxpreas
ed bis plcasuro by Iniiumcrablo bows.
At Inst tho cheerltiK ccaacd. and he
was ermltteil to retire. Scarcely had
ho done so when the threo "lay" u
urea cot up from their chnlrs and witlk
ed off tho stace. Tho reulrllofjulst hnd
employed threo friends to Impersonate
hla usual mechanical figures.
Tha "Dull."
Tho orljln of tho word "bulP ns tho
dcllulllou of it coufused utturauco l
doubtfu!. Some phlloloRUJts say It
comes from tho I'rouch boule "fraud"
-mid others that It I derived from
thu Icelandic bull-"uoueuius" Mntty
definitions haro been attempted, but
tho best probably Is that of Hydney
Smith, Writing of tho difference be
tween wit nud "hulls,- ho says; "Wit
discover real relations tbnt nro appar
ent; 'bulls' admit npparvut relatloui
thnt nro not real. Tho stronger the
appnront connection nnd tho uioro com
plcto tho real disconnection of the
Ideas tho greater tho surprlso and the
better tho 'bull.'"
Whar Looks Don't Matter.
AproiH) of a tilled fondguvr's mar
rlugo to a rich nud rutber pluln Amerl
en n gtrl n New Yorker said:
"Tho count has 110 cnuo to com
plalu. Tho ethics of such a marrlapo
ns his nro but tho ethics of tho matri
monial agency.
"A inau called nt n matrimonial
"'I am interested,' he said, 'In tho
young lady who has $'.0,000 lu her
own right. Could you let mo seo her
photograph V
"'No; thnt Is not the custom.' the
agent replied. 'In nuy case over $100,-
000 tho photograph la never naked
Working Him.
"I want tho otllee. of course," snld
(ho nsplrlng statesman, "but not unions
1 nm tho people's eliolco."
"Wo enn llx thai, too," srtld hlfirnm
pnlgn mnunser, "only you know It's n
good deal 'nioro enpelislvo to bo tho
people's choice limn It U to go In ns
the compromUo candidate."-Chlcngo
Friendship Is n vnso which wheu It
Is Hawed by heat or violence or acci
dent imty ns well be broken nt once.
It can never bo I runted ngntn, Tho
moro grnreful nnd ornnmentul It wax
(he moro clearly do wo discern the
hopelessness of restoring It to Its for
ttior sluts. '
A Continued 8tory.
"What did your wlfo any wheu you
stayed out so late last night V
"I don't kuow, Mho hasn't finished
tolling It till to mo yct."-Dotralt Krco
In this world It Is not what wo tnko
up, but whnt wo giro up, that makes
us rlcu.-Becchor,
Llf In tho Tent of the flovlnj and
Eloquent Oedoulna,
"Uy living with the Anibi, doing
no they i)ld find iiioviiik with them lu
their mlgrii limit," write Doimlna
Crirruilier In the (leoKniphlciil .lour
mil, "I ohlfilfied iin Inalghl Into their
mode of llfu and rustoms. Tilings
move slowly In the i-nat, mid I iciit
fourteen days lu buying three rnincls.
Hut tho tlmu wiih tint wasted, I
tiidled Arab maimers, learned more
or less how to 1111 with my hnuds,
how to vtenr tho A rub t-oMiimo with
soma comfort, how to drink coffee
n la Arab, nud, most dllllcult of nil.
how lo sit stilt nil day long doing
nothing. I found tills last most try
ing, moro especially became It was
cold. A Kednuiu tent I n drnfty place
at thu beat, but In midwinter It Is
almost unbearable, On tun occasion
lucre was snow on the diwert.
"Wo used In feed nut of a huge
round dlh, leu of us at a time. The
faro was cnmelx' milk and bread In
tlio morn Inc. nud In (ho evening we
generally hud meat nud rice cooked
with nn enormous 11 mount of fnt. Mur
ing the day we rtppeasttj our hunger
by sipping strong black coffee. At
u Ik lit tin-re was always a large group
of men lu I ho lent of tho sheik, and
tho talk was carried on far Into the
"Hloipuenco Is n highly prized talent
among tho Hedoulns, and not only
would they recount their stories In
tho most beautiful mauner, but on
occasion, to thn tutio of a single
stringed violin, they would sing ex
tempore songs for hours ou end."
Wilt Never Know,
fltymour-lt Is hotter to bo fight
than president Ashley How do you
know? You've never been either and
VPver will b.-Chlcngo News.
When the fight begin within himself
a man's worth something Drowning.
Ilrpaitmentof the Interior,
f it Land OITx at The Dalle. Or.,
tteptember i4H. tyi.
Na4l It hereby green Ihat-
liait n HraaltMi.
whna tMMteffie eddfeaa la Hcn.1. Orrevn. did.
n the 11th day of January. wi. Alvlnlhlaof
Are Hworn matemrat aud Apt4aritln. N. .
lo perelaax' the aeV !( nx. i. T l7rl..K la
H.. w. ai.. aaa in nmrprr inern unoerinc
iHovtaHmaof the act of June t. tai. and arta
amriHlalofy. kwwn aa the "limber and Klonr
Lew." nt suaIi value aa anient l-e filed bvat
ptatarmtut, and that, patient to auch apptka
lion, Ibe land and limbrr Ihereon havcbeVei ap-'
Maiaed. the timber estimated ho c-a bjard fert at
i w per l. attl tn laaxl lyi. IHai aaai appneant
w II uffrr final -tvof in aupinrl of hit apptka
iHm and aworn atalrmeni on the tat day of
mUalunrr, al hi orfr at Hend. Otrgon.
Any ieia.Hi la at to tieuteat thla nur-
Cho btlure rutty, or Initial' a rontnl at an)
lime befotr patent Imu, by riling a currub.
.itaini anhiaeii iu inie enjce, alleging laci
whnrh woi defeat the entry
M--A C W MOORK, Rrglater
I am Offering for Sale at
Prices Ranging From
$3 to $8
the following land in
Crook and Lake Counties,
Section TownalilpH Range It
AH 16 20 15
All 16 20 16
All 36 20 16
All 16 20 17
All 36 20 17
All 16 20 20
So. half 16 21 15
All 36 21 16
All 16 21 18
All 36 21 18
All 16 21 19
All 36 21 19
All 16 21 20
West half 36 21 20
West half 16 22 15
East half 16 22 16
West half 36 22 16
All 16 22 17
Nor. half 36 22 17
West half 16 22 18
All 36 22 18
All 16 22 19 22 19
NW. tf 36 22 25
All 16 23 19
All 36 23 19
All 16 24 19
All 36 24 19
All 16 24 20
All 36 24 20
All 16 26 18
All 36 26 18
All 16 26 19
All 36 26 19
All 36 36 ' 20
All transfers will be mode through
the Washington Trust & Sav
ings, Seattle. Wash."
304.5 Liberty Bldg. , Seattle, Wu .
Mourning Colors.
Intending to symbollz the gloom of
night, "when alt men sleep," blnck It
tho color of mourning nil over Huri'tw.
In Persia pale brown nuiterlals aro
worn for mourning, the color of with
ered leaves. Hoth sorrow and hope
aro expressed to tho south sen lilnnder
In black and white stripes, whtlo In
Ethiopia the mourning color Is grayish
brown, which represents "the earth to
which all men shall return." Purple
and violet hnvo been the mourning col
ors for cardinals and kings of Trance,
and whtto Is worn to express grief In
China. In Hyrln and Armnnln sky bluo
Is nern at the death of a relative nnd
Is Intended to express tho belief that
tho deceased has gono to heaven. In
Bgypt and Ilurtna yellow Is wora, to
symbolize the sere and yellow leaf.
London Answers.
Reslly Antique.
An excellent plaster of parts cast
may bo seen In one of tho Egyptian
galleries of the nrltlsh museum of the
famous sycamore statuette known as
Ute "Shclkh-el-ItctPd," or "Village
Has Just Received a Big, Full Line of
Pads, Pencils, Note-books, Envel
opes, Erasers, etc.
The Children can get their
School Supplies
PENCIL BOXES now only 5c.
brieg the buyer Valuable High Grade China
Articles FREE.
We Sell at a Small Profit.
$50.00 Down
Choice Residence
Lots in
Aubrey Heights
$50.00 NOW
Tho Future R.esi4ence District
of Greater Bend.
.Contracts are let for several houses tobe
built immediately.
x ,
Deschutes Realty Co.
.v.fT v.-.wv;
SHcikh." The original dates from OOOf
II. a and In still In perfect condition
although It I tin oldest known speel
men of wooticsrvlng. It represent an
overseer of the workmen engaged la
building the pyramids close to Snkba
rao, wliero It was discovered. London
Tho fllrnnger-Wns the new candi
date much put out when they threw
the state eggs at htm? Nfltlre-He
was. sorr. He was awful decomposed.
London Sketch.
The Real Grievance.
"You are always complaining, Ton
ought tn be satisfied with the money
you've got."
"I am. It's with that which t haven't
got that I am uot satisfied."
A Reminder.
"Rlncc I've come buck I find that
I'm forgotten by all my friends."
"Why didn't you borrow money of
them beforo you want nwayj
Judge's Library.
$50.00 Down