The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 28, 1910, Image 6

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    III. . iiei Mm illHliiil ml HI 1i i.ll.diEfcMwil il mmmtm
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Th. CtmpMtr Tried to Bo Funny and
Got a Surpriie.
Blgnor Leoncavallo, I be composer, re
counted ao am cuius experience that
befell him In a theater where be occu
pied a stall ooa evening to bear tba
perform ore or bla Tagmcd."
At tbe Ooala a trauger sitting next
him kept exclaiming enthusiastically:
"What a ruasterplec! What a per
fect raasterplecer
Leoncavallo, Imagining himself utter
ly unknown la tbe audience, thought
ft would be dne fuu to play tbe critic
cf bla own work, so chimed In Iron
"A. masterpiece! I don't in tbe least
agree wltb you. air. I'd a musician
myself, ao know wbat I'm talking
about. Tba fact la this opera Is a
worthless production and brimful of
imitations and plagiarisms. For In
stance, that caratlna Is CIcbed bodily
from Berlioz, tba duet In the flnt act
It all Gounod, whlla tbe finale la a
aorfy copy of on you will find In
Next day Leoncavallo drove to tbe
railway station and bought tba leading
local Journal On comfortably seating
himself In tba train be opened It and
was aghast wltb astonishment at en
countering the following lines;
"fllgoor Leoncavallo's opinion on
TaglUccL' Declaration of plagiarism.
Confession of a composer bereft of all
Tba great Italian muter added. "Br
Sdently my neighbor was a Journalist
who bad dogged me, but to this day
1 hare cold ablrera every time 1 recall
tea Incident."
Sir Edwin Landeeer' Experlonee With
a London Fanoier.
Blr Edwin Landsecr, the animal
painter, one time was about to put tbe
finishing touches to the portrait of a
dog belonging to a nobleman and was
expecting a visit from bis model when
tba owner arrived in a slate of great
perturbation without tbe dog. The an
lmal bad been stolen. After talking
over tbe loss wltb Sir Edwin tbe own
er decided to leave tbe matter In the
patntera bands, together with a ten
pound note aa a reward for ttu recov
ery of tbe dog.
Blr Edwln'a acquaintance wltb tbe
4og fanciers was Urge, and be sum
aaoned to bis aid one Jem Smith, who
be tbougbt might pot bim on tbe right
track. lie showed the man tbe picture
M4 the banknote and promised that
If tbe dojr waa restored no questions
should be asked. Six weeks later
SEullb arrived at tbe studio leading tbe
tniaslBg dog by a piece of string.
"Here (a your 10," said the artist, "and
X ieuppo I must ask no questions.
So poy that the affair is done with
$25 to $250 for the first 100 lots
25 Down, the Balance on your own terms.
LOTS, 50x140 feet. STREETS, 60 and 80 feet. ALLEYS, 20 feet.
As Choice Residence Property, close in to schools, churches, business, etc., this beautiful addition is THE BEST OP ALL.
Free Water Right with each lot. Remember, when we have sold 100 lots we give a CHOICE CORNER LOT ABSOLUTELY
FREE to the purchaser holding the lucky number. Let us show you over this property.
Central Oregon Realty Co.
you may Just as well tell me about It."
After a moment of hesitation tbe
man confessed that be himself was tbe
thief. "Von. you thundering rascal!"
exclaimed 81r Edwin. "Then why on
earth bare you kept us In suspense all
tbU timer "Well, you see. gov'ner."
was the anxwer. "I stole the dorg. but
tbe gen'lenmn I sold blm to kep' Mm so
Jolli close that I hadn't a chance of
nicking blm again till yesterday, and
that's tbe truth, s'elp me."
Olrds as Oracle.
A mmt remarkable superstition of
tbe Kenya ha of liunieo la tbe runsulta
Hon of bird If. fur example, a Ken
yab baa to undertake a long Journey
be will not risk It without having drat
consulted tbe "dakkl." a kind or hawk.
If tbe bawk die wltb Ita wlnga spread
out to tbe right side It Is a good algu.
but If It goes to tbe left or daps lu
wlnga tben the Journey la not begun In
any circumstances. The next day tbe
Kenyab tries once more until tbe
bawk gives tbe sign which be wants.
Thus tba continuation of tbe Journey
depends on tba dlgbt or tbe birds.
Some birds are of greater Importance
than others, and also to tbe singing of
tbe birds attention Is given. Other
animals are also consulted, and tbe sea
Dyakacall every animal a "bird" when
they consult It.
Prodigality of Life In AncUnt Egypt.
Tbe reckless prodigality wltb wblcb
in ancient Egypt the upper classes
squandered away tbe labor and Uvea
of tbe people is perfectly startling. In
this respect, as tbe tnonumeuta yet re
maining abundantly prove, tbey atand
alone and without n rival. We may
form some Idea of tbe almost Incred
ible waate when we bear that 2.000
men were occupied for three years In
carrying a single stone from Elephan
tine to Sals, that tbe canal of tbe
Red sea alone cost tbe Uvea of 120,000
Egyptians and that to build one of tbe
pyramids required tbe labor of 300,000
men for twenty years.
An Infamy,
Sorao j ears ago we remember meet
ing at tbe door of a secondhand book
shop an excited Irishman. lie bad
Just bought tbe "Irlsb Melodies" for a
shilling wbeu be turned round on tbe
bookseller aud burst out, "But I could
kill ye for selling these Immortal gems
to cheap!" London Athenaeum.
The Handwriting.
"If you look about tou " ssM th
ominous acquaintance, "you will see
tbe handwriting on the wall."
"The handwrltlnir on tho trull rfn-a
ot vorry me," replied Senator Bor
chum, "so Ion aa tber don't ea rum.
maglng Into ray private memoranda."
Washington Btar.
The Bulletin $1.50 a year. 1
Curious Instruments That Ware Used
In the Middle Ages.
In an old tower In Nuremburg there
la a room aet apart especially for tbe
preservation or tbe curious Instru
ments of torture used during the un
certain period historically referred to
as tbe middle ages.
In that room you can see thumb
screws of tbe most approved pattern
closely arrauged along shelve filled
with "liar helmets" aud "bridle' for
gossiping women Oue horrid relic,
called tbe "spike wheel." In a henry
cylinder on oue side of wblcti xiiinil
out two or more svurr of almrp Imu
spikes. lu days of old when uo "'
fender had been sentenced to uudergo
a "rolling" be was strlpixtl naked uud
firmly bound on a plank, fare dowu
In tbls position the "spike wheel" was
slowly dragged up and ileum tils back,
tbe number of lime ileHndlug upon
tbe gravity of tbe crlnio uud tbe word
ing of tbe sentence.
In several lnstnm-e tbe poor victims
were prodded so full of bole that tbey
died before tbey could be removed
from tbe plank When death was In
tended tbe number of "rolls" was not
specified, but double lengtli spikes,
heated red hot. were put In the surface
of tbe cylinder Tbls mode of carrying
out capital punishment was hardly aa
expeditious as the guillotine, but It
waa equally certain.
Have a Wing Spread Qrsater Than
That of Many Small Birds.
Tbe largest butterfly known to nat
uralists la found only In HritUti New
Guinea, and specimens are worth any
thing from SI0O upward The male
measures elgbt Inches serous tbe
wings and tbe female not less than
eleven Inches, a wlug spread exceed
ing that of many small birds.
Tho story or tbe first discovery of
this gigantic butterfly 1 a curious one,
saya tbe Wldo World Magazine. A
aaturallst eaw a specimen perched on
tbe top of a tree and, falling to cap
ture It by any other means, Anally
shot IL
From tbe fragments be decided that
tbe spec-lea was entirely unknown to
science, and be forthwith fitted out an
expedition at a cost of many thou
sands of dollars to go In search of tbe
magnificent Insects.
Two member of the party fell vic
tims to tbe Papuan cannibals and an
other waa rescued only In tbo nick of
time. In eplto of this Inauspicious
commencement to bis enterprise, bow
ever, tho naturalist persevered and
ultimately succeeded In obtaining a
number of perfect specimens.
Origin of th Letter V.
alio letter V may bp .regarded, as the
mutilated remains of one of the aytn
bola uacd by the ancient Egyptians In
their hieroglyphics or picture writing
A common animal In their country was
the two borued sand viper, a represen
tation of wbtcb stood for V. Tbe
priests ultimately found that for tbe
practical purposes of everyday life It
was a waste of time to use elaborato
hieroglyphics and Invented n kind of
shorthand to meet tbo occasion. In
this tbe snake was reduced to a V
with a dash (V) to represent horns
and body, Tbe Phoenician adopted
tbls letter, and from them we get cur
V by loss of tbe dash, leaving only
tbo two little horns of tbo original pic
ture. Tbls snake Is still common In
Egypt and U probably tbo one men
tioned In Genesis xllx. 17, "Dan shall
be a serpent by the way, an adder In
tbe path, that bltetb tbe homo heels, so
that bis rider shall rail backward."
Travelers tell us that It Is still addict
ed to this unpleasant bablL
Wet Weather and Camels.
Camels are very seusltlro to mois
ture, lu tbe region or tropical rnlus
tbey are usually absent, and If they
come luto such with caravans tbe re
sults or tho rainy season aro greatly
feared. Tho great humidity of tbo air
explains tbe absence of tbo camel from
the northern slopes of tho Atlas and
from well wooded Abyssinia. This
sensitiveness expresses Itself In the
character of different races. Tbe fin
est, most noble looking camels, with
short Ulk-llko balr, aro fouud In tbo
Interior of desert, as In tbe Taureg
region In north Africa, and tbey can
not bo used for Journeys to moist re
gions. Even lu Fezxan, south or Trip
oli, tbe animals aro shorter and fatter,
wltb long coarse balr. aud In Nile
lands and on coasts lb Is tbe same.
These animals, too, are loss serviceable
as regards speed and endurance.
The Eye of the Musk Ox.
Tbe akull of tbe bull musk ox Is re
euarkable for tbe development of the
eye orbits, which project sufficiently
beyond tbo piano of tbe froutal bones
to compensate for tbo Interruption the
borne would otherwise mako In the
range of vision, Tbe musk ox, bow
ever, does not seem to rely greatly on
keenness of sight, far lea on acute
nesa of bearing, for tbo ear are of
small dimensions and nro completely
covered by tbo heavy growth of fur
about them. Tbo organ of sccut are
evidently more highly developed, and
tbey exact of tho buntcr bla greatest
Just Imagine I
"Why don't 'tbey bovo women on
Juries?" she asked.
"Imagine a woman sitting through n
long argument by a lawyer and not
Interrupting," wo tho answer she re
ceived. Buffalo Express.
The Purchase ol Diderot's Library by
Catherine II. ol flume.
Empress Catherine tl. of ltula was
a great reader and a luter of hook.
On of her service to letter In UiimU
was tho purchase of the libraries of
Voltaire and Diderot. Hbo waa a warm
friend and admirer of these I'rcucb
philosophers, and their work Interest
ed her because she was eager to learn
new theories of Killtlca and govern
menL Voltaire's library or about 7.000
volumes Is now a part of tbe Hum
slnn Imperial library lu tbe Hermitage
palace, aud In tbe brill devoted to It
U Iloudon's statue or Voltaire.
Tbe story or Catherine's purcbaso of
Diderot's library Is Interesting. It Is
creditable to her tact and her generos
ity. Diderot named $73,000 as the
price of bis library. Catherine II.
offered blm 180.000 and named a a
condition of tho bargain that her pur
cbaso should remain with Dldorot until
his death. Thus Diderot, without Icav-
Ing Paris, becamo Catherine's librarian
In bis own library. As her librarian
ho was given a yearly salary of $3,000.
Ono year this salary was not paid.
Then Catberluo wroto to bcr librarian
that sbo could not havo bla or her
library suffer through tho negligence
of a treasurer's clerk and that she
should scud him the sum that sho had
set asldo for tho caro aud increase of
her library for fifty years. At the end
of that period sho would mako new
arrangements. A check for $100,000
accompanied this letter,
Do Not Delay
Yonr Fall Piantlag
0UX WW CATJO00 retty k (eitineer
tuilM riii s letvett
t sioeine r bnii 1 u
Oar uiaul Incorittlooe bare er.
tired Iron PBAH0B, UOLLAttU,
JiPltf and Ike AZORt sod "To
laiuatlMkaarenuwrrtilj. Kirly
crdere mui mImI riMrreUa'
iW ROtip
111 If AbbW MaMLaaAM
Tee Much ol a Target
rtrown How did you feel, Jones,
when tho burglar bad you covered with
hi revolver-pretty small, eh? Jooe
Hinall Great Scott, no! 1 felt a lAj
s tho aide of a houie-lloston Tran
If fur any couic the hot or oilier
domeetlc animal cihiblt a lack of energy,
prujx-r rrlUli fur food, or an appearance
of geneial debility, timely action should
lo taken for the restoration of its health.
In tho natural food of our dotncitlc
animal Nature provides certain peculiar
medicinal hcrbe, leave, barka and roots
which seem nrccswy for their health.
Pacific Stock food in Ktrally
form is Intended to supply tho eucntlal
virtues of tlioee health-giving natural
remedies and Is prepared cxprcsely for
thoe anlmata deprived by man of their
natural food, n u an alterative tonic
which stimulates the various organ of
the body, promotes the secretions, tones
Uj the Kcntral syeteui niyl reetorca the
lisonlcrtd condition! to a normal state.
It stimulate the ap-cilte, Improves the
digestion anil aulmllatlon of food, ptirltlc
tbe blood ami iuiurcs a good, healthy
condition, liookiet free.
Hovt CiiitMiCAt, Co. Portland, Oregoa
Solicits Inquiries
About Up-To-Dnte
Call at offlco or phono us.
Phono No. 86
Wall Street, near Ohio.