The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 28, 1910, Image 3

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h Mh(i'r iimnii
I Uammmb
irttiiw utiHi iiiln'M Uiw
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rin" ii ifi
The Bend Machine Shop
Wc hnvc Milling Machine, I.titlic,
Drill l'rcno, Vti)cnnlxcr, etc., etc,
Automobiles, Farm Implements, Sawmill
Machinery, etc.
Agency for
The best on the market.
Gasoline and Lubricating Oils.
Vulcanizing a Specialty.
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.
A. D. MOE, The Tailor
Has received a full line of. '
Fall and Winter Samples
Suits made to order from $15 00 up. Call and
see the samples before buying elsewhere. Cltnti
lug and pressing given special attention.
Shop on Bond St.
Table always supplied with the best that the town affords,
Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, OmtGON
Davits Uulldlng, Wall St..
uie ALetis Jqggerij
My business is increasing. I have had to
increase my store and stock and have
just received a ftill line of Shoes, Wool
Underwear, Coat Sweaters, etc., and the
snappiest line of Hats ever shown in
your city.
A Paarl Qtrlngtr't K..n Cyi,
Tlio pcnrl atrltwr vyu become
practiced In the duliHtlon of r-il mid
Imitation pfiirlM, Onw til'ilit'c In nxinilly
ludlclimt. A uvtiulnu peurl hus n btiril
look. It present n sort vt aliHI-llk
urnco with an Indescribable bliiidi,
'i'hls blush Is so cleverly eoiliilerfcltcd
hi wax Imitation Hint oven (hone who
nro accustomed to handling iienrl day
after day nro llkoly to In dceolrcd.
In ono of the Inrt'O Now York Juw
fir hnusrs Inst whiter n customer
purchased n hand pnlnlrd tnliilnluro
set In n frnino of Imitation jH-arl.
On examination It wns found Unit hdv
nrnl of tho pearl had Im-cii allulill
dofaccd, iiikI Itio wholo thlnir wns nrnl
to tho inanufncturhijt room for ro
pnlrs. 11 chnnco II cnmi' midrr (he
vo of one of tin' pwirl atrhim-r. who
Instsntl dotecled four wuiiliie jH-iirl
In tho clrclo of Iniltntloti wit- ulxmi
tho picture. Tho frnino hud paused
through n dozen expert hand with
out nn one' noticing the pri-m'tirr
of rrnl pearls. No ono eould account
for their being there. If the had not
been delected tho purcluiMcr of tin'
friiinn would huvo had n bargain, for
tho four genuine peurl were worth
many fifties more thnn the pic lure
nnd tho rest of Its scttlng.-Now York
Oplrlt of Young Amsrle.
A lonelier In a Philadelphia public
tfchool narrated tho following account
of how nn aspirins; young Itullnn till
sen wns beginning to show the effect
of nn American environment. The
stor, which wns told at n teacher' as
soclntlou meeting, runs something like
Ton had been nwn from achool
about a week, and when ho allowed up
ono uorulng the teacher asked hlui
where he had been.
"I ran awn,M snld Ton.
"Itan awn! Whnt did ou do Ibst
for?" asked the teacher.
"My father vra going to lick me, so
I thought I'd tun away," was tho rv
The teacher by further questioning
brought out tho fact Hint Ton for
nonio trifling dereliction had In-vn
threatened with a bmtlng nnd had
stayed away from homo tho bt pun
of a week.
"Hut our father has tho right to
whip you," nald tho teacher.
"Yes, ho may," added Ton, "but 1
wns born in this country, nnd I don't
want no foreigners to lick mo." Pitts
burg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Costa nioin Volcano!.
Costa Hlca has been subject to earth
quakes for many years. Part of the
republic Is exceedingly mountainous,
nnd In this part of tho country there
aro more than a acoro of volcanoes.
Bomo of them dead, but a few thnt
break out periodically. There are
thrco or four that Iioto been active
for more than n century. Koine of
theso aro near Kan Jose, tho capital.
Ctatn ttlcan boro always believed that
earthquaken, which tho country has ex
perienced ever lnco It wo first net
tled b Kpnnlsti adventurer, were
caused by tho volcanoes. Tticro 1
good ground for this belief, becnuso It
hna been noticed that earthquakes of
more or lens Intensity followed the nc
tlvlty of tticso volcanoes. If tho vol
canic eruptions were violent tho earth,
quakes were correspondingly But ere.
Washington Tost.
A Witty Retort.
A good story Is told of two great
Irishmen, tho lato Archbishop Plunket
aud Father Heal, tho well known
pnrtsh priest of lira. Making tholr
way together to lira railroad station
ouo mornlug. tho priest urged that
the should hurry, but the prelate's
appeal to his watch convinced blm
that they had ample time. They ar
rived to sco tho train for Dublin dis
appearing. The archbishop's apolo
gies were lavish. He pleaded that he
bad always hnd unbounded faith In
his watch. "My dear Lord Plunket,"
was Father Hcaly's rejoinder, "faith
won't do without tho good works."
Uluckwood's Magatlue.
Alkarntsa Is tho unme given to ves
sels ef vcr porous earthenware which
when Oiled with water aro always
moist outside and owing to the evapo
ration of tho wuter ou their surfaco al
ways keep their contents cool. Alkn
rosea enn be mado from any good pot
tor's clay by mixing with It 10 per
cent of Its weight, dry. of very One
sawdust and then working It. On
burning the sawdust Is destroyed aud
tho clay thereby left porous.
Startsd In Ouitnttt.
"Father thinks I ought to go in for
business a bit," remarked tho gilded
"Mado a stnrt yetr
"Oh, yons. l'vo ordered three busb
uess suits and had me name put un nt
a commercial club." toulavlllo Con-rlcr-Jourunt.
Hsr Instructions.
Conductor-Ticket, please, rnsson.
ger Certainly, sir. Hero Is the key of
my trunk, which Is In tho bnggngo ear.
hi tho pocket of my second best dress
Is my mtleugo book. Harper's llaxnr,
Llfs and a Living,
Man a man has mado a good living
who has made a poor life. Some men
havo mndo splendid lives who have
mado very moderate and even scanty
A Hard Task.
"Now, sir," snld nu Irish barrister
with severity to a loquacious wltnoss,
"hold your tongue nnd give your ovl
douco clearlyl"
Happiness consists largely In being
too bus to bo nilsQrublo.-8boldon.
Otorlss of Frederick the Orsst
tu the eoumo of some military evolu
tion Friilerhk the (treat of I'msnIh,
Irritated by ..owe iiilMiukunf n euptnln,
run lifter lilm with hlx Kilek In order
to strike him. The captain ran nwny
Tim next morning the cominiuidliix of
fleer reMirted to tho king Hint the olll
tor In question, one of the mont etll
dent In the rugluienl, had sent In hi'
pnperH. "J'ell him to come to me,"
twld tho king, Tho olllcer. In grent
IxTltirhnllon, vntno "(lood morning,
inujor," ho niMMtrophlsed the officer,
who wns speechlcwi mHIi ntirprlHr. "I
wanted to tell you of your promotion,
hut you rim so faxf I could not catch
joii up. (lood morning"
Another llmo an olllcer ntlcmpled In
get ii Colorado Into hnd odor with the
king by telling his majesty that he
was a drunkard. In it HUlnequeut bat
tle tho hitler's (line wni consplcq
oils, whereas his slnnderer played n
wry Kor part. When nfterwnrd he
defiled past thn king nt the head of
his regiuiDtit his mnjenty cnlled out to
him In n voire of thunder, "Tho sooner
you take to drink tho better!"
Th Old Tims Surgton.
HefnriT anuexlhelles were known the
surgeon's only exKillent was to abridge
his patient's xufTcrltigs by working
rapidly. In this the old time surgeonx
did wonders. They hnd n contrnj nnd
n surely In their hands that nre now
seldom found. One dny the rclebrntt-d
sdrgtou MulNonneure hnd to amputate
the leg of n (Nior duvll, who began to
howl In n dr mice. "I'll ghe you my
watch," said thn surgeon, "If the oper
nllon lasts more than n minute." The
man accepted the offer, hut was ohllg
cd to forego the hamlome watch, as
the operation took less time than it re
quires to di-wrltte. To nmputnto nu
mi t tho shoulder Is a most difficult
operatiss. Dr. tJiugenbeek of Ger
many did It In two minutes. A ynuug
physician who en me to see him per
form the tM-ratlon adJUMed his spec
tacles to his nose so as not to lose a
single movement, hut when the spec
tncles were In place the ofM-ratlon wo
over and the seiered arm Iny on the
floor. Times hnre changed much since
Dr. Johnson's Church.
Kt. Clement Danes lias never forgot
ten the fuel thnt Johnson worshiped
within Its walls. The ew In which
he sat (It Is In the north gallery, close
to the pulpit i Is mnrki-d by a brass
plate which was ercited by the parish
loners In 11. In December. ISSt. the
centenary of Dr. Johnson's denth wns
olwcrvcd by n memorlnl service, when
n special address was delivered by the
Itev. Dr. Lindsay, at that tlmn rector
of St. Clement Danes. Johnson's pew
wns on thnt occnslon draped In violet
Johnson wns always coustant In his
nttcudauca nt church on Good Friday
aud Kaalcr day. On April 0. 1773. he
went with lloswell. "Ills behnvlor."
writes Hoswcll, "was. nn I had Itnngtn
ed to myself, solemnly devout. I shall
never forget the tremulous earnestness
with which he pronounced the nwful
petition In the litany. "In the hour of
death nnd In the day of Judgment, good
Lord, deliver usj " London News.
Fine Art of Lstttr Opsnlng.
In Itmxla one letter lu every ten
passing through the post Is opened by
the authorities hh n matter of course.
Indeed, the (Htstiil authorities of every
country have exiert who have raised
letter uHnlng to n flue srt Borne
kinds of iwpor enn ho steamed ocu
without leaving any traces, and this
simple operation Is finished by re
burulshlug the flap with a bone Instru
ment. In the case of a sent a matrix
Is taken by means of new bread be
fore breaking the w;tx. When other
methods full tho envelope Is placed be
tween pieces of wok1 with edgo pro
jecting one-twentieth of an Inch. The
edgo of the envelnH! Is first flattened,
theu rutighcucd uud finally silt open.
Later a hair line of strong whlto gum
ts lipplled and the edge united uudcr
pressure, London Chroulclc.
Charity and Prudsnes.
Tho contradictions of life aro many.
An observnut man remarked recently
tha be was prowling about a certalu
city square when he enmo upou a
drinking fountain which bore two con
flicting Inscriptions.
One, the original luscrlptlou ou the
fouutnlu. was from tho lllble, "And
whosoever will, let him tnko tho water
of life freely."
Above this hung n placard, "Please
do uot waste the water," Youth'a
Stswsd Utsrs' Horns.
Doers' burns when youug may form
a dish for human consumption. Sir 8.
W. Haker writes, "When tho large
horns of the sumbur. or wapiti, are
growing they make, an excellent dish,
tlrst scalded to divest them of down
aud theu geutly utewed with a good
sauce uud n fow vegetables." London
Hsr Dsscrlptlon.
Muggins-Women have such queer
ways of expressing themselves! Hug
gins-Such as? Muggins-Well, my
wlfo was telling me ubout MUs Yellow-leaf
nnd said she was a sight to
liehold and lu tho very uext breath
said she wasn't tit to he seen.-l'hlla-dolphin
Rural Amtnltlos.
Fair Passenger-Hut, good gracious,
why dldu't tho train stop here? It Is
supposed to. Porter-Yes. miss, but
tho engine driver has quarreled with
tho station master. Pelo Mete,
A Conclusion.
"Her husband doesn't smoke, drink,
chew, swear or piny cards."
"Introduce me. Widows are my spo
clalty." Uoustou Post.
Central Oregon
3 Fair e:
October 18-19-2021-22
Over $2000 in Premiums and Over $1500 In Purses
Three days of Base Ball. $350 In Purses and a
Silver Cup. (Write the secretary for the conditions
in Baseball Contests.)
Many sports, including foot races for semi-professionals, all
distances; Bucking Contests; Saddle Horse Races, etc., and a
Baby Show.
Good Band Music. A. big time for everybody.
Someone will get that $2000 for Agricultural Exhibits.
Get a premium list ot The Bulletin office and prepare something
to take to the fair.
Friday, October 21, is School Day. AH pupils in Crook
County schools in free on that date. All schools will be dis
missed for tiic Teachers Institute on that date.
Many people will be nt this fair to see what is grown in
the country. Wc should all unite in getting up a show that will
be a credit to our country.
Of keeping your clothes cleaned and pressed.
It adds neatness and refinement to one's appear
ancc, and appearances are worth considering,
whether in business or not. A- well dressed
man always commands attention, while if his
trousers are soiled and baggy and his coat is out
of shape it invites indifference.
We offer all modern methods such as steam
and French dry cleaning, repairing and altering
at metropolitan prices, and if five years' experi
ence in th.e best shops in the country, with fas
tidious care in all our work, appeals to you we
Solicit your patronage.
See us sbout Joining our Suit Club.
Oae suit a week cleaned, pressed, re
paired and buttons sencdon for......
$2.00 per Month
Peerless Pressing Parlors
See Us For Bargains
in Real Estate
The Home Land Company
W. W. ORCUTT, Manager
Write Us For
Reliable Information
H We advertise extensively nil over the United States
nnd consequently get ninny inquiries from prospective
buyers. List your hinds with us. We cun sell for you.
M Come to see us when you nre in town.
Hotel Dalles
The Dalles, Oregon
You are cordially Invited to nialceTHR HOTRI, DALIES your
rcstluK pUee while waiting over betwren trains ou your way to and
from I'ortlaud, New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam
heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths. 1'irst class cafe. Rates
ranKlng from 50c and fl upward..
Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon.
N. K. CLARKE, Manager.
TUB BUWjmN is the kadlug uewspapr of CENTRAL OREGON