GOES TO PUEBLO BARNES OF LAIDLAW TO AT TEND EASTERN AlEETINQS. Runaway Accident Unds a Mountain Trip More Stock Added to Dairy Herd General News Notes or the Laidlaw Vicinity. LaidiAW, Or., Sept. 27. W. D Barnes departed on his eastern trip ou I'riday, as a delegate appointed by the Governor to attend the Na tional Irrigation Congress at Pueb lo, Colorado, September 26-30 On the 6th of October he will also attend as delegate from Oregon, the National Farmers' Congress at Lincoln, Nebraska. Later he wil visit his old home, relatives and friends, at Davenport, Iowa. The Sirys, father and son, their families, and Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Albert Harper, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs, Howard spent a very pleasan t vacation m the mountains, return ing last week. Mr. Harper had anticipated their arrival and met them at Dave Siry's as that storm came up Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harper had got into their boggy to start home, just as a vivid flash of lightning and heavy H " luuuucr arareu iuc uorscs and they rau away through a barb m the penitentiary which was-pro-wirc fence, throwing Mr. and M-s i nounced by the trial court. Harper out, severely hurting Mrs Harper about her head and face. The horses were badly hurt when found. Mr. Belt and Mr. Siry were also shocked, and the tele phone poles near were wrecked. Mr. Dayton has made a valuable addition to his dairy herd by the purchase of four more cows. Mr. Dayton and sons attended the State Fair at, Salem and report it as a good one. Rob Sturgeon and family are bick again in town, after a time spent on the farm caring for the crops. Grover Gcrfeing with his brother and wife, left last week for an in definite stay at Wallowa, Oregon. He bad the misfortune to lose his fine stallion by death just before his departure. Grandma Myers is living again in the-little white cottage on Cook avenue. Mr. Allen went over the moun tains and purchased four cows and brought them home. Another son was born to Fred N. Wallace and wife on the 25th of September. R. G. Sturgeon was chosen to carry the election returns to the County Clerk at Princville. G. W. Updike of Metolus. with bis daughter, Mrs. Stiles, visited in Laidlaw a few days last week. Miss MolJie Nichols has been on the sick list for some time Mr. Wilson is having hay baled this week. B. Y. Couch started today lor Shaniko to bring freight for G. W Horner. Mr. and Mis. Mitt Couch left today for an extended visit in the East. S. R. Benham expects to start for the Willamette Valley Tuesday to meet his sister, who will return with him. A team belonging to George Conch ran away Friday evening, slightly injuring one of the horses. The lecture given Thursday night by Walt Dyer, the well known Socialist speaker, was a de cided success. After the address refreshments were served by the FOUR HORSE UVERV. Bend Livery, Feet! J. H. WENANDV, Prop. ALL KINDS OP LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Ught ladies of Latdlaw Local free of cuatgc and were enjoyed by the large audience who attended the sneaking. FROM LOWER BRIDQE. To Urldco Deep Canyon Moving a Home Across Country, The settlers of the John Howard neighborhood on the west side ol the Deschutes below Lower bridge arc preparing to bridge Deep Can yon, which they have to cross in getting to the Deschutes bridge They ate to provide timbers for a structure 300 feet long and 70 feet tall. The county is then expected to build the bridge and make good approaches to it. By far the best road to that local ity is down the west side from the Sisters road at Gist. No grade ou that route exceeds 5 per cent and there is no sand or rocks worth mentioning, whereas the cast side road is sandy, hilly and rocky, testing the power of a good auto. John Howard i about to move his dwelling a fine two-story modern house from Its present location on his homestead to a new and more sightly location about a mile and a half nearer the Des chutes bridge. Supreme Court Against Qrlcksons. According to news received last Thursday the State Supreme Court has affirmed the judgment of the Circuit Court for this county against C. H. and Bettie Erickson. This action Would put in effect the sentence of a year's imprisonment i sentence 01 a vests The Cricksons were jointly in dicted and convicted of assault with a dangerous weapon upon Leonard waiters. A feature of the defense was that Ericksou had the right to protect his wife and that Walters bad knocked her down before Erickson made the assault com plained of: In the published news it appears that the Supreme Conrt decision hinges upon the absence of a showing that Bettie Ericksou was the wife of C. H. Erickson, the presumption being that if they were not husband and wife an at tack upon her would not justify his assault. The Ericksons now pro pose to get busy with the evidence of their marriage. They are each held under bond of $2500. Socialist Nominations. (rrinrrUlc Rcrtc-r.) The Crook County Socialists held their "aucmbljr" at Belknap hall Mon day afternoon and nominated a (ull let of county officers, central committee men, and bad a jollification afterward. A Urge number of Social iiti attended the meeting. Following is the ticket: Ilert NichoL, of Laidlaw, Sheriff: Alex teverenx, ot GUt, Clerk; C. W. Allen, of Laidlaw, Commissioner; II. P. Wil holt, of Princville. Treasurer; J. H. Hor ner, of Madras. Surrevor David Wr. er, 01 rnneviiie, coroner. The county central committee elected coniUts of C. C. Brir. chairman; B. V. Wllholt, secretary; B. Pyatt. W. II. Bird aonir. I. II. Hornev. Alex Leverenz and J. R. Benhara. committemen. Light Prospect for Redmond. (Keilmond Hub.) The prospects are again bright for electric lights in Redmond if not in "sixty days" then, let ns hope, as soon as possible. BROTHERHOOD OF OWLS! Is Organizlnr In Uend Have You Joined? The Brotherhood of Owls is the most progressive fraternity on earth. It of fers membersbin to all white men l good moral character. Ita rituals deal only with the humanities in which all white men agree. It teaches Charity, Love and Mutual Aid. It teaches prog. ress in the qualities that make men belter husbands, better fathers, better sons, better brothers and better citizens 1 11c cuiiiing years win see more men marshalled for human fellowship than the combined armies of today can mus ter for force and murder. The Brotherhood of Owls is beneficial social and fraternal. Full information can be had by addressing the State Or iranlrer, M. P. MacIJacheron, or his deputy. J. W, Howard. Pilot Butte Inn, Bend, Oregon, 3j SADDLE HORSES. & .Stable Co. and heavy Horses for Safe, U.JL..II. Real tUtaU Transfers. (Report! hy Crook County AbUcl Company, IlluttltlO Itedmoml Towmlte Co. to Howard Contract Co,, Lots 4, $, 6, blk. 47, Red mond; Mjo. l.titctta l'ulllnm to Georue O. Vul Hani, 3-s Interest In nu undivided tj6 interest in water rights of Snow Creek Irrigation Co; f 150. I.on I, l'ux, ct ux, to J. II. Weiinndy, Lot a ami j, Ulk. tj, Bend; ft, Guy Sears, t ux, to Henry , 15d wards ItH of iic'l, ar' of w( nnd nw,V of e See ao, T. 15, R, 15; tsoo. LtdUvr Townslte Co. to William lllrehlin-er, lot 4, blk. 8, Laldlntv; fioo. Kvit foindeter mid liuibatiil lo Cnrlyle Triplet!, ,V acre in Lytic acre tracts; t.xvx Lytic Townsltc Co. to Carl vie Triplet!, same tract at last described (nultclaiml. Consideration i. C. M. KetlticM. et ux, to Hamuli Bccktnati. lot it. blk. 10. Butte. Con sideration fi$. ltinnia L. Cliate and htuUml to Wil liam J. Wood and wife, lota 5 and 6, blk. 5, Cline l'nll: fitoo. Otto II, Talbot, et ux. to Orcuott Trunk Railway, part awjf ! Sec. is and iV nc'l Sec 32, T. 31, k 10; ft J. T. Youui!, e ux. to Ore 1:0 1 Trunk Railway, two strips of laud In eM of awV Sec. 3. T. 17, R. 13; ft. Laidlaw Townsltc Co. to Mrs. J. A. Rankin, tot 19, blk. J7, Laidlaw. Con sideration f 100. Cliarlrs lioril to Uaviil A. nnil Alex I. Boyd, ( ueX and u)j tetf Sec. 6, T. 18, R II C. I. N'lswotiRer to Sadie A. Nlswon gcr, lot 13, blk. 3J, Bend. Coiulilera tioti ft. Redmond Townsltc Co. to T. M. Jolinsou, wjj of lots 31, 33, 3j aud 34, Redmond; 350. I'red N. VanMatrc.et ux, to A. C. Lu caa, )i of nw'i ami lots 3 aud 4 of Sec 17, T. 13. R. 11; $1400. Bend Towusite Co to Anna S. Walte, lot 4, blk. 33. 1'ark addition, Bend; fjou. Redmond Towusite Co. to I'loren Weston, cjf lots t, 3, 3 and 4, blk. 34. Redmond; ffijo. W. It. Staats, et al, to Joseph S. In nea, tots 7 and 8, blk, 18, Deschutes; io Lylle Townsltc Co to Kmll L Krick son, lots q. 10 and it. blk 14. Lytic; Also. Laidlaw Townsite Co. 10 miter x Hyde, lot 19, blk. 14, Laidlaw; f ijo. Patents from the Uulted States as fol lows have been Tiled; Joseph I'. Talari, nw Sec I T. 33, R. 9. Charles B. Swalley, w,l ttU Sec. 33 and nw.1 ue and elf of nw Sec. 33, T. 16 R 13. Ella II. Sexton, atf of sw4 and atf of se Sec. 11, 30-10 Joseph 1'. Sexton, nej Sec. 14, T. so, R. 10, Carrie B. Hurd, sc,1 Sec. 15. T. so, R. ia IMward P Brosterlious, ie Sec. 9, T IS, R 13. Deeds from the State of Oregon as ioiiows nave been tiled: To Geo. I. Gates. itf of swV Sec. 13: nwtfsejf Sec. 14. T. 14-13. Caroline K. Jackson, owjf of nurj Sec. 35 and nejf of swX "d nw of seX Sec. 34, T. 14. R. 13. James Pots, se Sec. 15. T. I4V It. 13. Hmma Kane, nw of ncj4 and ,nc of neif Sec. 10, T. 16, R. 13. Hugh II. Davies, hw V se(, ne "M Sec. 30, T. 15, R 1. T. 17. R. ii. 13 ana c4 ol sex itc- Julius Burklurdt. ael of sw,' Sec. 9, T. 16, R. 14. Mina U I'.hters. wj of swtf Sec. IS, T. 14, R. 13. aud uX of uw Sec 10, T. 15, R. 13. S. V. Harris. tc'J of sc nd c of ne4 Sec. 34, T. 17. R. 14. R. C Hmmele, lot 1 of Sec. 4, T. 15, R. 13. Ruth Colemsn Williams, ne swjl, etf awtf, SW.J4 se nnd sX X Sec. 33. T. 17, R. 14. Jeannette A. Coleman, neX nw, nw neX nd sw neX Sec. 37, T. 17, R. 14. Dan Catlow, swX Sec. I, T. 16, R. 13. Clarence It. Pratt, nwX Sec. 8, T. 13, R. 13. W. II. Hayden, nwtf seX Sec 13, T. R. 13. Mate! Kulesch, lot 4 of Sec. 3, T. 15, R. 13 and awX swX Sec 34. R. 13. J. II. Jensen, neX swX Sec. 39, T. 14, K. 13. li. R. Tichenor, neX nwX Sec. 31, T. 15. K- 13. J. O. Hansen, swjf neX Sec 3, T. 15, R- 13 II. M. Smith, nwX neX Sec 33. T. 14. R. 13- Heirs of Rotert M. Davis, 11 wX 'M and neX of swX Sec 18, T. R. 13. For Sale or Lease. Large new livery barn almost completed up to date and first class in every way. Good location. -For particulars address Cabmichabl & Mastjjn, 29-32 Rosland, P. O., La Pine, Or. The Bulletin has a larger adver tising patronage than any other Central Or. paper. There's a reason. R ED CROSS DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists PURE, FRESH DRUGS WATCH OUR WINDOWS POR Weekly Specials THEY SAVE YOU MONEY '- "' " -' - PEOPLE of OREGON it Is now UP TO YOU The popular COLONIST PAIRS win again lie 111 eiicct netwveii September 13th and October 13th, during which period tick ets to SHANIKO will be oil sale daily from CHICAGO at . .$33.00 ST. LOUIS . . . 33.00 OMAHA . . . 25.00 KANSAS CITY . 25.00 ST. PAUL . . . 25.00 and from other cities corres pondingly low, Tbenc ate West bound, one-way fares oulv, but mitotic here can I'KUI'AY lor relatives or friends lit the Ht. it desired. Cumuli )onr local railroad agcui NOW IS THE TIME to let the world knnw of our vast resources and splendid op. portunltles for ItOMU HUILO INO. Write lo everyone you know in the Hast. Send them good Instructive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of KcttiuK here is but little more than half the uul cost, and to call on a reprlscutatlvc of the O. R. & N. CO. for all desired address Information, or WM. McMURRAY (1UNCRAL PASSfiNOnR. AQI1NT PORTLAND, OREGON r irtiiH SPECIAL SALE Lap Robe Dusters, 20 per cent Discount ONLY A Just Received A fine now lino of HARNESS and MICHIGAN BUGGIES. Como In and get tho price. H. J. EGGLESTON Bend Planing Ornamental and Interior Mill Work, " ! T , -,- . - -.. I I I Store Fronts and Fixtures, Sideboards, Cabinets and Furniture, Door and Window Framing, etc. Architects and Builders. Sherritt Fresh ORANJ3ES BANANAS, LEMONS WIU, DK CARRIKD IN STOCK I)Y US HKRKAFTIJK. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. '- NOTION VOU IH'ltMQATION. Ititlm nt nf Ihr Inltilor, U H l,miomcatTh!lltM)iriMi Annul! ji two, Notice tihtttbr given tlut Msry litCoutey, wti(xe iMMtultiee silli U lli'l, Crook County, niriioii,illil,oiilhe lyili Ur of ikliilirr. ivVi In till, ollle Honi RUIciiiriit suit Aiilillcntlmi, No. V54JA, In (urclif Die HW'UHIIU Hrc . Ti WH., K II Itait WlltaliKlIt MtlIUil. lil Hie llmtxr tlinroii, iimtrr the iruvllun ol lh act of June J, iSjh, ninl Sit. .mrniUloty, known lli"liiulii anil Hloiie l,aw," l iicli vnlilf a. iiiIrIiI Iwllinl lir Biit.nnnit sml lint. mt tiisnt to niih rtiilcHlluii, the In ml ami tliutxr tltmou lisveliern Mllmsl'.t sml vsliinl y l lillrsm, Hit Umber e.tliu.Uil uu.wu litl lcj ali.oowrM . srnl Ihelmnl iiuIIiIuk. IIi.I W titllciit will oirrr nrnil irxit In iitnit (lwr iillclloii ami nuiiitUUiiiriil on I he Mill liny olitlulitr, win, Mtf II C Itlli., U. ft, Cum uituiuiur. at IiI.iiIIUt l lltml. Oirnon. Any vioii nl lllxity .i notri till. 'r ch Infill run y, or liillUte roiilstt at any lime lr(oie iMtiut U.ilci. Ii mini a lulloUu.l' il .mil.vlt In illnih, aflratni fkcl) willed woiilil (Ufl tlie entry. IJJI 0 V. MOOHIt, Htttt.ttr. N0T1CK Oil UltHTOKATION 01' I'DtlMC l.smU lu AtlilrNiciit sml llnlry. Iie.it' incut of th Iiittilur, tlmniul l.iut intiv, Wsihtuitlau, U CJulyM, 141a. Nolle I. hilf by lvii lhl Hie luitiUelsiul.ln llir rullonlhi i1kiIIkI ! which ri ilwlfil from the tit-Khulr. N.tluu.l I'uir.t. Oirson, by nucl.ni. sliouol the ItoUKiiliUlrit Mny w, iviu, If not ulhcrmrlK wlllnll.wll. Hlnl. ur JitnuinUttil, will by nuUioilly of llit ttrmuryorih Inlrilur be it.Unrtl to Itie (mtillc lUm.lii iu (k-tbr II, ism. ami Uomir ulirit lu xlllcniriit oil ami autrth-l il.lr. bill nut tutulty, IiIImk vr mUc lion uiltll uii anil adrr No inber 11, llw, at I lit I'nllnl htatr. Unit Ulllc at Lalttvlcw, I'lfnuil tut. IIH..H ls !(.,, 1,1. In, namlli In T. IIH.H ia It, Hm. J, A ami 7 ami V 4 of H. B. Wiilaintlle Mciiiliau. Waiiilim la luittm rsxuly sUtn that no iimi will l itiiiilltnl lu vain ur e-smlw any lUhl lilrti mulct any Ktlltmrnl ur oniiallii iH-tfiiu aflcr Slay to, lyim ami i,ur to iKIober 11, lyiu, ami all such arlllrmrnl ur umitialloii I. hcrttiv foiblil .Ull IOIIN SICl'IIAl'U Ailing Aa.ui.nl Cum iniwiniicr ul Ih llrnn.l l.aml OHUv Ainiiiirl JiilyiMVio , I'HANK riHKCIt, I'li.t Allanl puitiary Dim. luimur. mi N0T1CK FOH IMJIUilOATlON. Iki.lllnrnl uf Hit liitrihir, V. n Uml Oinor al The Itattra, Ore., rW(itcintir y, ll. Net Ice li tmtby ln that Jamta It. Kawhltl, of Html, Oieyoii, who, on Aptll llh r). mail lluuir.trail. No, otN. lor l.i't jam! 4 ami V ij Wc 1, ami n.M iiwU fee is,T.mH,h. II li. W. M., ha. ulnl nullor ol Inltntlon lu make Una! eouiiiiutaltim irool, m r.laulLh claim lo the laml about iltNtllml. Klufc II. C. Itlll., H. H. CommlMUinfr, al hl.um-eat Itrii'l, utCKon, on the ijth day ol IHluUr, iia Wlalmal name. a. wiIiicvk.. C. U. AlUn, W, I' Vamltril ). II. Ilttburu, Luther Mclke, all of Ikml tii,on. tMl C l,MIiKlt, Kret.t.r NOTICE FOH I'UULIOATION. I)lvtlmt nt ol the Inltilor. U H, I.an.l OHWt al The IK.1U.. Oie , AUflKl IS, 1. 1.. Nellec U heithy given that - I'lancla II Station. of !..Mtw,Olria, who, on May o. iu, maile nomtiiiui, no. ij4j cimi nu, ajiwii it mitt .mi ! ,,. m1 ..1 h I, ii.U nl fee IJamlnwU naUfrr i, T. It l . U III! W M ha Alnl iwiWm er liilrnllan lu mkt Itn.t Ae-yer 1'iouf. lu ,l.lIHh (lain, tu the laud abut i1k,IIk.I. t(M( II C HUH. V H t'ommlMtofliT. at hi. olflt. al Uenil, (Ut(a,B lh.4thU.fof iXtwtKr, li. . . n.im.in name. a. wim.. 1i,nl W.llarr. larab Thufti. I'lank Mulk. Hatty Itaylty, all uf lkllaw brrtun J r V n. HUVnUilliinil PUV LUIT Mill & Woolley Fruits Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rout Confectionery, I'rnlt I'lcnlc SiippllcH, Clrnm J. F, Taggart & Co. lUtliimtrs on Hiitlcatloti Wall Taper at 1'oillaiid 1'fUes N. P WE1DER PAINTER & Paperhanger Clicaiiot mid Ilest Wall Tat ei .Sum. plea lu the county My friers. Get Hox 39. llrml, OrcKou. CITY DRAY CIIAHI.ItH QOKTJItN, 1'ltOI. CITViDi?W www m r- r MXm.mT' Wil IIANIU.U UVIiMYTIIINO Leave your orders with Nick Ktiillh Wallet, llcnil JUia Buckley Express Co. Direct KxprcAs .Service between Slinnlko anil llcnil, Two Kli Hncli wny every week Careful Attention. Bend office at Auno's Barn 1 1 Phone order to Kctlnionil at our expense. No INO I ff Strips CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland (b Mcintosh FIRST-CLASS WORK UUARANTUUD nSTIAATHS FURNISMGD ON ALL KINDS OP WORK Wood wood I liavctiothitiK but the finest of dry block wood. All It costs you, fu i6.iiich length, is f. 50 a cord in your yard. I)ry Limb Wood ?.oo a cord. Scc F.M.CARTER when you want wootl. JOHN LEqAT DltAIJtU IN Harness nnd Snddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired t "t;y -Jrs55-M4si,ilk-J! " 1 $ m 1 1 ) 1 . M 9 t ' M I ! I t