The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 21, 1910, Image 8

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The Bend Townsite Company
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41 iym - 'aiaaaaaaiHiaiiaaaVbi'.
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- Sal
hoicest Residence Property
- North Addition
Business and Inside Rtestdence Property.
v- ' , I
ML ' . fit -. , &!Wff vt
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Lava Road Addition
Residence Property in the Heart of the City.
Center Addition
A Sightly Residence Section Without Building Restriction.
Park Addition
This Beautiful Addition, with Building Restrictions, is the "Nob Hill" of Bond.
Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets.
Cj. i,
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t ,rt ii4t
Two Trained Teacher la Charge.
News of the Town.
Laidlaw, Or., Spt. 19. Tlie winter
term of school opened Monday morning
with a goodly attendance of pupil. The
teacher are both new bere, bat come
well recommended. Miss Florence A.
Hunnell ha charge of the Junior De
partment She ha taught at Rosland,
Powell Butte, Arnold' and Breese.
Professor G. W. A. Russell, who baa
charge of the Senior Department, has
been a teacher for 38 yean, mott of the
time in the Willamette Valley. The past
year be was at Gist and Clorerdalc. He
came to Oregon from Healdsburg (Cali
fornia) College.
V. 7. Myer and family, with Grand.
ma Myers, have cone to Laldlaw for a
hortstay. They are welcomed In our
valley by all, old and young. Mr, Myer
pent most of the week In Frinevill:
taking testimony in a lawsuit.
Because we have a good school, house
are in demand, for homes.
Mr. Wbeatley returned Saturday from
a business trip to Prineville.
The Bayley road crew is down at Trail
Crossing, making a new grade at Crooked
John Howard Cook and family of Red
mond spent a night In Laidlaw renewing
old acquaintances; all because their auto
Mr. Harris of Medford, an old friend
of the Wltne rt, has been looking over
the country and hunting for a location
for a sawmill.
Crane Prairie Bear Club on Its Annual
V. D. Williamson of Spokane
lungles and bracing atmosphere of the
Upper Deschutes Kiter. This is the an
nual gathering of a few adventuous
spirit with more enthusiasm than dis
cretion, who have heard the "call of the
wild." If you have an ear for mutlc,
you will loin us at Bend on September
I7th. and thereafter for a period of ten
dors you will enior the pleasure of the
solitude of the wild, interrupted only by
the baying Hounds or tlie growls 01
bruin. I'or the safety of our families,
a well as consideration for our creditors,
we hate surrounded ourselves with the
best talent that the country affords, the
expedition being in the hands of the following:
(Continued from page I )
a if somebody hsd appropriated money
It looks to Die
whofam record of JJ wild ran. at rcll a a
itpunuoa lor owniur unuroken ntutt
Chief Cook Itad U't.l, wlib a rcrarii of 67
timmcr. In tht wool, and who feme at a
enci oa not Jl reachr (he ColumM Hirer
Chief Hunter and Mttrr of Hound Dill Vjn-
ri 11 n. l r ti. , ( ncTeri, wiin jnaucar.cini 10 ni cretin. well
and Paul C Hates and J, Hoyt Of I tlhebettunchoriraluellioundlnlhcHUte
Pnrtlonil nmn In frnm rtii- rnilrnnd I A..I.Unt Chief Hunter nd Seoul Cl Itatun.
Sunday cud left Monday for a
bunting expedition up the river
with W. P. Vandevert. William
son and Bates were here last year
and bad sucb a good time then that
this yrar they got out a bigb grade
inwitation printed in four colors,
with name embossed in gilt on a
front cover desien shorflPK a bear
dancing in the branches
tree and two hunters
dogs considering the
Following is the enticing inviTStloW
You are cordially invited to loin in
our annual bear hunt in the Yellow Pine
For Salo.
One cook stove, z heating stove,
2 sets of bed springs, 1 iron bed
stead, 1 sanitary cot, 1 mattress, 1
highchair, 4 common cbairN, t baby
Hand us your subscription.
ing fund in lieu of cash
from that fund, or had failed to make
good what belonged to it."
Attorney Hrlttol was adorned with his
legal war paint when consulted about
the litigation.
"We are going to the bottom of till
thing now,' said Mr. tlrUtol. "I am
not yet ready to announce my charge.
The papcrtjirc being prepared and will
be filed in the United States Court with,
out delay."
R. S. Howard, Jr., is assistant
cashier of the bank of Ladd & Til
Ion and Receiver of the defunct
Guaraty Title & Trust Co., which
was taken over by the Ladds. The
$25,000 of bonds in this case came
through that failure.
Receiver Rcdfield left Friday
morning for Portland, to be present
at the sale of personal property
inni wai to nave taiceu place.
day. Roscoe Howard, 'who
in Wednesday nicht with Atto
W. T West, left for Portland Sat
1 flM!- 5&v
rP )Mrw
r&fl t)aMPV
Stetson Hats. Cluett-Peakody Shirts, Arrow
Brand Collars, Michaels-Stern Clothing, Hole
Proof and Interwoven Socks, Cutter & Cros
sett Neckwear, All America Shoes.
That's a Few of our Lines.
Are there Any Wetter?
Wcnrejiut (retting open. Come in nnd look
tilings over.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Wall Street.
place at Prineville
also affected by the
er and will not take
Gents' Furnishings Lates
New line of Fall and
Winter Suits, Men's
Fine Shoes, Sweaters,
Coats, Underwear and
Our new Jin
Suits have arrlvJ
a new line of Al
Coats, Unclerweai'
Wantkd Chambermaid and
atindry woninn, Tint PaoT
Juttu Inn, a8tf
A lady's tan cloak was found in
he street between Ilend nnd Dcs
htites nnd awaits the owner nt The
iulletin office.
Dr. W. W. Faulkner now Is cs
ablished in his new and well,
quipped dental offices in The ISitl
ctlu building and Is ready to do all
ciuds of dental work.
The North lateral company next
Monday will put on a force of men
,0 complete ditches for delivery of
rvater from the main Arnold canal
.0 the most northerly lauds to be
lervea irom that source.
Gospel services will be conducted
at the church next Sunday morn.
Ing and evening by Rev. J. I.
Vouel. Subject for the morning
sermon Is '"The Heart's Doxolo.
gy"j and for evening, "Sacred
Trails," All ore cordially luvltcd,
U J Bggieston has bought of
J. M. Lawrence lot 9 of block 3
consideration .1000,
For Salic ok KxcitNOit A few
lots in a new town In Central Ore
gon; will trade one for motorcycle.
Address A-D., care The Hullctln.
Steve Steidl left Saturday for
F.ugcne where he will attend school
through the winter. He drove over
the mountains with Mrs. Dick Van.
devert nud children, who have nlso
gone to spend the winter at Kugcne.
Saloon Cloaing Ordlnanco Vetoed,
Mayor Caldwell has decided to
veto the ordinance passed by (ho
City Council nt Its last meeting te
quiring the closing of saloons
nhrhts nnd Humlnvs. Tiw. . i
for his vetoe are tlmr ! r,n.,..-
Is too rigorous In defining the nres.
ence of any person in the saloon
within the forbidden hours as
prima facie evidence of violation of
tho law, thus preventing a mint
from going to his own premises. ,
The Mayor' nlso thlni i.n r-
second offense the tnnltv shm.M
be rcvocatlou of license.