SMiSSSb jgarTi i-:Xti,xsau sr.. -.,! i-JwrT-TV--:.j:EIare:r Bau---1HBSsa2E5 ! --. . BUY LOTS IN iii 1 - TO SWAMP THE LORDS. A Threat That Always Brlngt Eng. land' Upper House to Terms. To override the veto of Ibe bouse of lord by a vrbolenale creation of peers In a plan that can beeo often threat en t-d. bat hardly erer put Into prac tice. It certainly places tbe king In a very unenviable predlramrnl-o much so that In 1710. after a crista of tbe Jtlnd. George 1. caused to be Intro duced Into tbe lords a bill for limiting tbe power of tbe sovereign to create peer, a nort of royal self denying or dinance. Tbe measure was twice passed In tbe lords, but twice rejected by tbe com rnonn. wbli-b waa lucky, for bad It been ranird It would bave made tbe bouse of lords an almost unchangeable body, entirely beyond tbe control of king or minister or commons. Tbe nearest approach that was ever made to -swamping tbe lords' was In 1832. wben tbe fate of tbe great re form bill trembled In tbe balance. Over and over again tbe measure bad been passed by tbe commons, only to be re jected by tbe lords. Tbe country was furious. Payment of taxes was re fused. Mow broke out everywhere. Tbe prime minister. Lord Grey, went to tbe king and begged blm to create new peers to carry tbe bill, nis maj esty refused, and tbe ministry re signed. Tbe king, however, presently changed his mind and. fearing a revo lution, agreed to tbe creation of a hun dred new peers, 'or more If necessary ." Then, very reluctantly, tbe upper bouse gave way. and tbe bill became law. London Family Uerald. THE DEATH DICE. A Murder Cass In Which They Re- turned a Just Verdict. Tbe German emperor some time ago presented to the Uobenzollern museum the "death dice" with which one of bis ancestors decided a difficult case la the seventeenth century. The his tory of these dice is generally given as follows; A young girl bad been murdered Suspicion fell upon two young soldiers. Halpu and Alfred, who were suitor for her hand. They both denied thuli guilt, aud even torture failed to ex tract a confession from either. Then Elector Krederjck William de elded to rut tbe knot by means of the dice box, Tbe two soldiers should throw for their Uvea aud tbe loser should bo executed as the murderer. The event was celebrated with great solemnity. Ralph had tbe first chance aad threw sixes, tbe highest possible number. Tbe dice bos was then given to Alfred. Ho fell 'on his kneea and prayed. Then he rose to his feet and throw the dice with such force that on of them waa broken. The wbolo oas bow- six, tha brokenono also WIESTO $25 to $250 for the first 100 lots 25 Down, the Balance on your own terms. LOTS, 50x140 feet. STREETS, 60 and 80 feet. ALLEYS, 20 feet. As Choice Residence Property, close in to schools, churches, business, etc., this beautiful addition is THE BEST OP ALU. Free Water Right with each lot. Remember, when we have sold 100 lots we give a CHOICE CORNER LOT ABSOLUTELY FREE to the purchaser holding the lucky number. Let us show you over this property. Central Oregon Realty Co. gave six on tbe larger portion, and tbe fragment split off showed one. This was a total of thirteen, one be yond Halpb's throw. Tbe audience held Its breath in amazement. "God has spoken."' cried the prince. Italpb. appalled by what he regarded as a sign from heaven, confessed bis guilt and was sentenced to death. Chicago llecord-Uerald. Got What 8he Wantsd. MI can stand for some things, but not for everything." said tbe clerk as be watched a stylishly dressed young woman leave tbe store. "What U tbe matterr asked the proprietor, who bad walked up unob served. "That woman who Just left bustled np to tbe counter and asked to see men's shirts. I showed her every style and color we carry. After in specting tbe entire stock she rose and thanked me sweetly, adding: 1 didn't wish to purchase any. Tou see. I am making my buibaud some shirts, and I wanted to be sure I was doing, them right. My husband U very partirnlar about tbe flnlsb of bis shirts. And they say married women are so considerate." Tbe boss smiled and walked away. Bostou Traveler. The Sun. It is computed that tbo temperature of tbe sun would bo expressed by 18,- 000 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermome ter, or about ninety times the tempera ture of boiling water. This Is about Ave times the temperature that man Is able to produce by artificial means. The light given off from tbe surface of tbo suu Is reckoned aa being 0,300 times mora Intense than thst of tbe molten metal in a Bessemer converter, thourJ that is of an almost blinding brilliancy, or. If we compare It with tbe oxyhydrogen flame, tbe sun sheds a llgbt equal In brilliancy to 140 times tbe intensity of tbe limelight. Plant Thst Feigns Oesth. In South America there U a plant, a species of mimosa, which resorts to death feigning, evidently for tbo pur pose of prevailing grass eating ani mals from eating it. In Its natural state this plaut has a vivid green hue. but directly It is touched by a human finger or by any living animal it collapses Into a tanglo of apparently dead and withered stems. Among British wild plants the most sensitive to touch is the Insectivorous sundew of English bogs. Loudon Globe. Kind Critics. "How did Jones get such a reputa tion both aa a singer and an artist?' "Ho sang, before tho Painters' club and painted pictures for the Mu sician union." Cleveland Leader. BEND, THE STATELY STORK. His immense Power on the Wing and Hie of Voice. In Holland tbe nests of storks are generally on tbo summit of a tall post. put up on purpose for tbem, on which Is fixed an old cart wheel. Bays an English writer: "A Dutch gentleman of my acquaintance has one such post I la bis grounds within sight or his It- brary window, but ho Improves on tbe eart wbei by having an Iron frame work for tho reception of the net The first year It was put up. toward tbo end of J fine, a solitary young stork used to come dally and lnsect this framework. I saw blm there my self one day, standing In tbe empty re ceptacle exactly like a would be bene dict Inspecting an empty house, con templating the view Hnd wondering If tbe drains are all right. The verdict was apparently favorable, for next season saw the nest occupied by the uewly wedded pair Their power of wing Is very fine, and on hot days 1 bave watched them ascending spiral circles, bardly moving their broad, black wtnga. till thpy have looked no bigger than (lien After the young are batched they uppeur to be suspicious of one another and unwilling to leave tbe nest unguarded " j Storks bave uo voice The only noise they make Is "klapperinjr" (snap ping tbelr great red mandibles rapid ly and londlyi Thus tboy greet one another, generally by throwing nark , the bend until the upper mnudlhle rests on tbe bnrk. but occasionally "klappertng" Is performed with the bead and bill In the nam rut position. GREENWICH MERIDIAN. Its Relation to 8tsndsrd Time I- Thle Country Standard time Is the time in nun mon use regulating the ordlmiry iif fairs of life. It Is derived from the sun. Leaving out of bitoiiiiI mniill Irregularities of tbe solar motion thai are of no consequence for our prevent purpose, wben that rulestlul body Ik on the meridian of any place we nil I the time of that place noon, or IU o'clock It follows that when It Is noon hi wiy given placo it Is slmllurly noou ut all other places having tbe same merit!! an. As tbe sun rises In tbo east aud seta In tbe west. It Is evident that wben it is crossing tbe meridian or any place it must have already passud that of places to tho eastward and not yet reached that of places to the westward, in other words, wben it is noon in the given place It is forenoon In places to the westward and after noon In places to tbe eastward. Now, 10 degrees of longitude corre spond exactly to one hour of time dlf-' ferenco, and therefore tbe local times of Uw traj standard meridlana gU O R E Q O N far" from Greenwich by an even num ber of hours. In tbe United Htolea tbe standard time meridians are those whoso longitudes are west of Green wich 00, 73. 00. 103 and 120 degrees. Tbe time of these meridians Is re spectively four, five, six, sovoa and eight hours earlier tban Greenwich time because the sun In traveling across tho sky from east to west pass es the Greenwich meridian before it reaches the American morldlans. New York American. Laugh and Orow Fat. "Laugh and grow fat" U an otd say ing, aud there is more than a little truth In It, asserts a doctor. "Tbe convulsive movements which we call laughter exert a very real effect upon the bodily framowork. They cause the arteries to dilate, so that they carry moro blood to tbe tissues of tbe body and the heart to beat moro rapidly, so that the flow of tbe blood through (he vessels is hastened. In other words, laughter promotes the very boat condl tions for nu Increase of tho vital proc esses. Tbe tissues take up more nu tritive material and Ibe waste products are more promptly removed. A guod laugh sends an Increased flow of blood to tbe brain. This immediately causes that instrument of thought to work better, with the result that gloomy forebodings are scut packing." The Origin of the Mastiff. Mastiff la a term applied to a very large and powerful species of tbe ca nine family, and there Is considerable conflict of opinion regarding the origin of tbe word. Some claim that It is de rived from tbe Italian mastino or the French mastln, both of which signify large limbed. This word, they say, was gradually corrupted Into ronsty, a Lincolnshire expression meaning very large, muscular or big. until it grad ually assumed Its present form. Oth ers again say Its true origin Is the old Gerraun maaten, to fatten, becausothu mastiff Is a large dog and so seems better fed than any other. Loudon Field. Good Scheme. "It's a shame," commented tbo friend of tho restauraut proprietor "What's a shame?" asked tbe res taurant proprietor, "Why, that you bave to give that pretty waitress all the tough steaks for tbe patrons at bor tables." "Ph. I pay her extra for that You ee, sho Is so pretty uot ono mini would kick If tbo steaks were so tough they pulled bis teeth out." Chicago News. Fteaion Enough. "Why does sbo think he has such ft splendid futuro?" "Iiecauso sho has promised to marry him, I guess," Houston 1C Thu Eternal Feminine. "Myrtle has gone Ukii the vaude ville stage nml brut made an Instant big hit because of her daring." "What la her actr , "Hhe sings lu a csgo of mice." Lip ptncotl's. Adversity Is tbe first path to truth. Byron. Progress. "Flow is your bof getting on at school 1" "First rate." answered Farmer Cora tossol. "Ilo'a golu' to bo a great help in tho farm. Ha knows tbo botanical homes for cabbago ou' beans already, on' all bo has to do now la to leant to raUu 'cm."-Vushlngton rltar. r Candy j) a tbe "Ma4ra K let" 1 1 c. utn , r.tiit.4.ow. ) Patron! ast4f C14iitty SEND NOW for samples of our "Diamond Quality" RE-CLEANED Farm and Field Seeds, Grasses, Clovers, Vetches, Alfalfa and Grains for FALL SOWING "Wo have Bpeolal Mlxturco for Bpoclal PtirpoHcs Dry Lend Patture Mtsture, Wet Land Patturo Mixture, Special Mixture for Burned.over Lend, Cover Crope for Orchards, Tell us tbs nature of your soil and your iocs! ooudltlons. Ovsx 20 years' experl. enco right here In tho Pacific Northwest qua Ides us to Advise you, AtlhrCittttf Ne.eO PORTLAND SEED GO. PORTLAND. OREGON ff Fo A 4 PREVEHTIOH THE BEST SAFEGUARD If for hiiv cniiio the In mo or ntlrtt Jouiftfttie animal tihiliiU a buk of energy, prwrr rrluli fur food, or an aiw4raitre of general ilrlnlltv, tlmrty nctloii should be UVcn for the restoration of its hrattli. In the natural food of our domrflte iniwaVs N'4tuie provides certain culUr medicinal hell, trvc, turke awl route which seem iircnuuiry fur their health. Pacific Stock food In K'tlr eoleHl form is Intended to -'!y the nuentbil virtue of litoee health-giving natural medic and U prepared cxrty far AiM-iiel deprived by mH of their irl fil It la an sltrrutlve tonic k etiuiulstes the various orgHi of r body, promote the rretlHiH, tones i the K'Urral "otein nml restore the ''WK'lend i'omlltiutis to a normal slate. i elituul the rtltc, Improves the httoetioti hiI .uiiiUtion of food, piirifle. '.lie blood Mn. liuurc a ;ood, health totidltion lluokicl fire. UovT l llKMii M, Co. I'lttUtnl, Oregoq M CALIBER MODEL 1010 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABlowof2038ibs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rille made. It is more powerful than tho .30 Army, of bi& Bumo hunting fame, Tho loading and firing of this rifio are controlled by the trigger finger. It JUTS UHB TUB lIAUHKnOr TllOfl A SnJ for IlluilrattJ tlrrular full duet Hint Ihll mm tlllt whlih kai ilrtnttH enj powtr plui- WINCIIKSTKH HEFKATI , AUUS C0h New Haven, Coau., U, J, iu wrmmTBR ?-