' IWX it ollnii M IMMiMtttmtoiiman. t M I I I-.. .... - ... - r H Mll . -'-"--'"- -v. f.-y f.Aj...tl 1 WSv2?S22v2v0vCv2vCvCv2Cvc?v --wwwwwwWWVVVW W'V ''-'' I '"''rv1' P w Bend, Oregon BITS ABOUT TOWN. Wantkd A woman for Kcneral housework. -Mrs. II. E. AuilN. Mm Goodfcllow of Oregon City is visiting her son, Joe Goodfcllow. Mr. and Mr. L. Doouar of I'rlncvillc were liend visitors Mod day. For Runt Desirable office room over the First National Dank. 37tf For SAt.it Chickens and two. ycnr-old colt. Inquire of Ed Hal vorsou. For Sam: Light team, weigh about 3coo lbs.; hack and harness. Inquire at Atiue Ham. 3jl( 2 THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES ( V v ( ) . ) M. S. Lattin & Co. City Real Estate Fire Insurance. Bargains This Week $75. ROCKY LOT IN WIKSTORIA; $50 in work will make it prettiest lot hi the addition. Price 75. Terms: (owner's.) FIVE NICE LOTS IN WIKSTORIA ADDITION at $150 EACH. $150. CORNER LOT, level, fine building ullc, within two blocks of proposed school house. 150. Terms; (owner's.) Auto Stage Line Baldwin tib Cordon BEND KLAMATH FALLS. Arrive nt Bend 12 o'clock noon Sundays unci Wednesdays. Leave Bend 1 ; 00 p. m, same days. Headquarters at Pilot Dutto Inn, Watch FRIDAY SPECIALS In Our Grocery Department! URELY ns an advertising feature we will offer Specials In our Grocery Department on Friday of each week. We will mark a single article at cost for the one day only. There will be a different article on sale each week. This is a strictly cash proposition and no cash discount tickets will be issued. This Week's Friday Special- GOLDEN ELK TOMATOES Regular 20c per can Special, 7 cans for 3 ft ; f ,-- ( smmw mmy mww m orcgon s Mashed potatoes arc made whiter and lighter by adding Cleveland's liakiug Powder beating. Most tip-tcdate complete pre scription room in Central Oregon at Red Cross Drug Store. tf The first rain of the fall came Tuesday morning of last week when a quarter of an inch of water fell. Mrs. Nellie Wright lost Saturday bought the Star Hakeryand Restau rant ou Bond street from E. Mon crief. Did you say good coffee, yes; you get it at the Smith Restau rant, "just like mother used to make." 26-28 For Sai. Good heavy team, 'v' for the new harness and wagon for $285; worth $350. Telephone G. W. Horner, Latdlaw. tf ' Take your prescriptions to Red Cross Drug Store for accuracy and fresh Drugs. tf WllV is there such n crowd nt the Smith Restaurant cvety meal? Ilecausc Mrs. Stevenson is do tit? her own cooking. 39-28 Wantkd 100 head of horses to pasture. Excellent feed, consisting of rye, alfalfa and bunch grass. Lkk Davhnport. 28-30 FOR SAI.lt OR EXCHNOK A few lots in a new town in Central Ore gon; will trade one for motorcycle. Address A-B., core The Bulletin. To keep from having wet feet this winter buy a pair of those leath er lined wnter prool Nittletou Shoes of A. L. French, Men's Toggery. Por Saw: Pour head of beef cattle, 3 hcifeis and 4 milch cows At the first plnce west of Powell Buttes postoflice. Phaki, Fui. KKKSON. 26-29 Miss Nellie Scoggin brought to Bend Inst Saturday a lot of crisp firing beans grown on her home stead at Tumnlo. No frost bothers such vegetables there. The Bulletin has on hand a num ber of the Great Northern illustra ted leaflets "Opening Up Central Oregon." These will be given to anyone who cares to use them. Ask your grocer for the 3 lb. and 5 lb. cans of Cleveland's Baking powder. They have the screw-top, mctnl handle under regular cover. Always air-tight aud useful when empty. If you had n Arc tonight what valuable papers would you lose that could not be replaced? Runt u safety deposit box uud avoid the risk. You keep the key, we deep tue box. 27U Mrs. G, W. Hall wrote from Pocatcllo, Idaho, lust week, saying the family was having n fine trip on the way from Bend to Grand Junc tion, Col., though the weather w'us quite warm, Por Sai.k 88-note Tlayer Pi ano, fancy mahogany case, fine tone aud action, latest improved operating devices, never used, just arrived from J factory. Inquire of Tue uuueiiu, 37H A safety deposit box in our 3 1 ) ) 3 ) ! 1 I I :: : A vault is an ideal place for your val uables. Costs but ?3 50 per year. You keep the kcv. we keen the box. Tin: First Natiovai Bank ol Bend. aytf Bring your kodak films and plates to us for development Negatives selected aud natvrs used that will give pleasing tones in the prints. Siiward & Campiikm., opposite the Postofficc, 27tf Bring your kodak films and plates to us for development Negatives selected aud papers used that will give pleasing tones in the prints. Skward & Campiwu., opposite the Postofficc. 37tf The Bend Bulletin will give a copy of the special Central Oregon edition of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Bulletin to all payiug overdue subscriptions before Sep tember 15, as well as to new sub scribers, tf Rev. J. A. Mitchell's College Song looks are in the community and he desires them for use in the proposed entertainment for the benefit of the Bend Library. The borrower is requested to leave them at the First National Bank. The 14-year-old son of Charles HUSIOII. tile l'ritinvilll nliNnmnn diedof dipththeria last week in the mountains near Diamond Lake, on the Umpqun side of the divide His sickness lasted but a few days Only an eldei brother and the camp tender were with him. F. F. Smith and family returned last Wednesday evening from a motoring trip through Western Washington, going as far as Bel linghum. On their way out from Bend they purchased an Oakland car in Portland and covered 1600 miles with it before reaching home I'or Balk I.OMUUR W'c have hi one dry med 80,000 feet of finished lumber, nit titi-s and kiuda from 1 to 34 Incites in width. AIo door and window jams, window stools, Imildinj; shingle, etc. We can make arratlucincuta to deliver anywhere. Send is your orders. J. N. MhsIcii Lumber Co., Koslaud, Ore. tf A score of Pythlaus sat at a ban quet at Taggart's restaurant last Thursday uight in honor of the visit of Darwiu K. Yoran of Ku gene, Grand Chaucelor Com mander of the order, who was ac companied by three other Eugene members, J. F. Mncglary, Fred G. Stlckels aud Johu L. Dillard. TM 111! ) cpjuw 2 Mrs, M. J. Roberts and young ran of SUters have gone for a visit with relatives in Northern Michigan, The Bend Library Club will hold It") first meeting after the summer vacation next Tuesday afternoon nt ? o'clock, nt the reading room. Everybody is invited to be present. The mairiagc of Lewis II. Rod clific and Miss Mabel Roberts, both of Bend, took place at the home of the bride's parents in Salem, Sep tember 10. Mr. ond Mrs. Radcllfle will be at home in Bend October '5- Frank Robertson, of the Bend Townsite Co., left Sunday for Port laud, driving through to The Dalles with his auto. Mrs. Waite and Miss Kwiug, who have been spending some time in Bend, went out with him. Five new Oddfellows were given the initiatory degree by the Bend lodge Monday night Abraham Wolfe, II. A. Johnson, George S Young, K. D. Mcintosh and Allen Thompson. There was an inform al supper in the hnll and a general good time was enjoyed. E. K. Cull, who has been man ager of a merchantile company at Cowichc, Wash., was in Bend this week for a visit before going to WarrcnsburgMo.. for the winter. He was accompanied here by J. O Strand of Cowichc. Both men have property interests here. The Vandcvcrt family left their Lava ranch Saturday morning to drive across the mountains to Sa lem. Mrs. Vandcvcrt and Misses Maude and Grace, Miss lone Fish er, and George and Will Vandcvcrt composed the party, having two teams nnd full camp equipment. The boys will drive the teams back home and then, with another brother- Clint, return to Salem, where all the young people will at tend the Willamette University the coming year, Clint matriculating in the medicnl department. Auto Company Setts. ''The Central Oregon Auto Co. this week sold out to the Cornet Stage & Stable Co., which will hereafter conduct the business. The sale included four Chalmers Detroit cars, with garages and al equipment. F. L. II 11 n ten had previously acquired the interest of J. II. Wcnaudy in the company, and now he makes the transfer to Cornet. Mr. and Mrs. Buntcn will go to Canyon City, Colorado Henry Schewel, who has been the Bend agent of the Auto Co. for some time, will go to Arizona. The change of ownership will make no change in time schedules or prices. Onions a Sure Crop. On the 15th of last April Millard Triplett sowed three kinds of onion seed in his garden in Bend Ber muda, Prizetaker and Red Gar ganis. He is now harvesting from this sowing as fine a crop as any body would wish. The bulbs are well grown and the flavor and tex ture of the finest. From two rows of the Bermudas, each 40 feet long, two sacks of onions are harvested Mr. Triplett is convinced that this country is specially kdapted to onions; they are a sure and profit able crop here. Even a small winter or salad onion he has in his garden, of which only the tops are used, submits to cutting below the surface of the ground three times in a season and thrives. These onions have produced six years un der this treatment, without leplant ing, and are yet vigorous and sue ulent. New Abstract Company Formed. ' The Pioneer Abstruct Company has been formed in Prineville and taken over the abstract, insurance and real estate business of J. L McCulloch, the pioneer abstracter ol of Crook county. The new firm is composed of A. R. Bowman and C O. Pollard, both experienced title men. Both men have been con nected with the Department of the Interior for a number of years and ire hence verv familiar with the question of public laud titles, Mr Pollard is an expert abstracter and comes from the Title & Trust Com pany, the leading abstract firm in Portland. Mr, Bowmau is an attor ney aud contemplates the practice of law in conuection with attending to the, legal end of the abstract busi ness. The new firm is checking over all of the county records to make sure that their books are absolutely accurate. 28 Notice If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Tint CORNitrr Stagb & STAiiut Co. 35tf Por Sale. Oue 16 h, p. Russel portable engine aud boiler, 350. Just the thing to run a well drill, shingle machine, planer, wood saw, or small threshing machine. 27tf Bund Brick & Tiut Co. Atejnbcrs of The BEND REALTY BOARD BUND TOWNSITE CO. BKND REALTY EXCHANGE J. L. BYRNE CENTRAL ORE. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DliSCHUTES REALTY CO. J. A. EASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. HENKLE HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. W. R. RILEY BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visitine brothers always welcome. J. O. DAVIDSON, Bcr. U. O, COC. M. W. SAVE HONEY iy,fe.. WITH TIIH HorlicnKuml Fire Relief of Oregon Mutual, home office, Salem, Ore. Let mc exnlain. S. H. StflDER Agent, Bend, Ore. Mrs. E. J. Herring Facial Massage, Sfeaapefag, Scalp Treahncrt, Maaktriag Manicure Articles, Marcel Combs, Ideal finishes, Skin Vood, Sanitary Hair Rolls. Dr. A. A. BURRIS.r3KJ5!i llolcr. Wmm SoecrMfullr Trntttl U'ithoiil the Vtt of Drcs or tmtgtry, by the Nlurl Wcthor W tln. Chron ic Vitmt m Spctfe jmtulutloo ffc Mtobctoriht SUtc ami .Hailonil Nilnropith ttodttjr. OIBce la Johntoa BMc Dtnd. Of rrtro Peter Lehrman GENERAL BLACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bond and Oregon Streets. B. FERRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend, Oregon. QEORQE S. YOUNQ CIVIL AND MININQ ENOINEER Bend, Oregon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICK IH FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. BUND, OREGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO., nRND, ...... OREGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFF1CK OVHR FIRST NATIOKAL UK. Office Hours: 10 to w a. in.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. 111. Bknu, x :- Orkgon F. O. MINOR J'OSTOFFICK BUILDING LIFE PI RE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and ConveyancinR AH lK"! Papers Correctly Orawn. FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. INCORl-ORATKD. ABSTRACTS OP TlTMi bo all land and town lots in Crook countv, B. V: Wyi.dk, Secy. Prineville, Oregon, Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library und let that institution get the benefit. POLK'S GAZETTEER A Bnlac nlrcioir f each City. Town Md VUUca la Ontu u4 wuauiKa. civias unpuo ttkttch lach vUttt, Irtloa, HtUpplac JVelUU oad Cll tl4 Director? at Mk UlutecM Mtt tratcMlan. JB. LTOUC CO- bo. eiua. tvmm.