The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 21, 1910, Image 4

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SI i month,
Thtt month...,
(tnrerUbty In tdranc.)
WEDNKSDAY, SKPT. at, 1910.
la tbis week's advertisement of
the First National Bank of Bend is
a suggestion that should command
the instant attentiou of farmers in
this vicinity. It is not a glittering
general statement but a very con
crete thing. "Over $50,000 of
Bend money has been taken to
Prineville and other towns this
year for cattle." Why aren't the
cattle raised here and the money
thus kept at home?
What are the great cattle and
sheep states Texas and Oregon,
where range is abundant and
cheap? No; Ohio, Illinois and
Iowa lead the range states. There
shepherding is unheard of, no
romantic round-ups occur. But
every farmer has a dozen or two of
cattle, some pigs and a flock of
sheep. These are taken care of in
ordinary course of work on the
farm, without special help, without
special expense. By prudent man
agement each is made to fit into
the farm economy. A few head at
a time are turned off to market, and
it is like finding money. The re
sult Is that each community pro
duces a little more than it requires
of these staples and is able to con
tribute something to feed the great
cities. Prosperity must follow.
Farmers hereabout should think
of tbis raMter. The lack of ready
money 'aeed not deter. The bank
says it will help. Here is some
thing to engage the attention of the
Bend Commercial Club. The idea
should be kept before the farmers
till they act upon it.
A Bend loan agent is this week
sending $1000 of Oregon money
back into Nebraska to put live
stock on a farm. The Ncbraskan
borrows on his Oregon timber
claim. He sees profit in the trans
action and will make it win. Our
own farmers have a much better
opportunity. Will they take ad
vantage of it? Not vast herds and
flocks, but small bunches of stock
will solve the problem.
force themselves. Are you entirely
satisfied with law enforcement in
Crook County? Wc do not mean
fanciful or spiteful or fanatical law
enforcement, but impartial, fair and
square enforcement for decency
and safety, the public good. It is
well enough known that Millard
Triplett as Sheriff would enforce
tlte laws without fear or favor,
without needing to be watched and
without waiting for stimulating
messages from the Governor, lie
has the backbone necessary for
making a good Sheriff.
There is good reason for sending
C. J. Recti to Congress. He is
clean, aggressive, opposed to cor
rupt political machines, an intelli
gent worker and fair fighter. Ki
lts is nothing. Shepard is a cor
poration attorney. Lafferty is a
whiffet who, as special agent of the
General Land office, reported ad
versely on Siletz settlers' claims,
then resigned and solicited the de
fense of the same cases for fat fees.
lie belongs distinctly to the ranks
of the undesirable.
Every voter should get out to the
polls next Saturday and vote to
nominate men most likely to serve
the public interest faithfully. Those
who have proved to be inefficient
should be turned down without
question. As to others, the voter
can only do his best to inform him
self and then be uuided by his
intelligence rather than his prejudices.
Loyalty to principles of govern
ment set forth in the creed of a po
litical party is quite different from
loyalty to a corrupt political ma
chine that is masquerading under
the cloak of noble principles to
strangle popular government.
the Pilot Butte livery bam. It at
tested the fact that that particular
spot was 3629 feet above sea level
and also bore the fearsome legend
that a penalty of fajo Is provided
by law "for disturbing this mark."
In the Course of progress it is
found necessary to improve the
strict at that point by removing
the ledge ol rock upon which this
momentous record is inscribed, and
the question bus arisen as to the
city's authority "for disturbing
this mark." The Common Coun
cil, that ancient and honorable re
pository of civil liberty, has wins
tied with it without result. Tlint
it was highly presumptuous for the
government of the United States
thus boldly to invade and tresptss
upon n leading public thoroughfare
in Bend the Beautiful is admitted
on all sides. It is supposed to be
part of that nefarious policy of con
servation invented by Mr. Pinchot
and eternally howled about by the
Portland Oregoniau. Hotvsotncvcr,
all the agencies of municipal gov
ernment stand in awe of that j 150
penalty and uo hand uplifts to clear
the street.
Since peace hath her victories no
less than those of war, the Council
has Instructed the City Recorder to
write the Director of the Geological
Survey ut Washington, I). C giv
ing that functionary the opportu
nity to remove the confiscatory
mark or to authorize its removal
without bloodshed. Should this
pacific move fail oneol two alterna
tives will probably be invoked:
Hither a statue of liberty will be
erected 011 the spot and the street
turned around it, or there will lie a
direct nssaiilt on the offending
works by the Bend Concert Band.
'Tnoc Manna
AnTOn. Minting lktMi Mill rtKMTtpUnn. nil,
?nnlTon ! ftiWr mihII;(). tmtMnlf.
Umotrlrllf rn.m.l.nW lUNOCUOK on l.m.
t'.t. mi !' thiviiih ilmm AUdttMlK
rTfTMIflMKr, Wlinoy. vn-rjw. 111".
'TfTMl W KV .III"'.! V". I- "
Scientific American,
mi, (oar months U b, il Ji-.1l.
George S. Young comes to Crook
county a thoroughly trained civil
engineer, with special experience in
irrigation, mining and power work.
The voters will make no mistake in
giving him the Republican' nomina
tion for County Surveyor.
Senator Albert Abraham of
Roseburg, candidate for nnti-as-
sembly Republican nomination for
Governor, is not a Jew, as many
are led to believe from his name.
The Portland Orcgonian nude the
mistake during the last session
of the Legislature of supposing
that Abraham was a Hebrew and
from that basis criticised him for
his position on certain bills. But
it soon found out different.
Abraham is a prominent member
of the Christian or Campbclite
church, to which body at least one
of bis parents also belonged. He
is a man of substance and charac
ter who docs not stoop to the petty
devices of practical politics he is
not In politics to get a living. But
he is a good fighter when aroused
and not all the powers of darkness
can move him from a course be
believes to be right. He is the beat
timber in the field for Governor.
What other town not upon a rail
road can show the building activity
that Bend does? Many a railroad
town would be proud of such build
ings as are going up here $4000
and $5000 residences, for instance.
As to Quality.
Secretary and Governor Ben
son's actions relative to Carey-act
reclamation have been governed by
the advice of Attorney-General
Crawford, whose course has been
anything but consistent, straight
and fair. The present unsatisfac
tory condition of the D. I. & P. In
tcrprlse both from the standpoint
of settlers and from that of the
company Is due to the neglect of
the State Board more than to nnv
other cause. Proper supervision
and control by the State Board, the
discharge of its plain duty, would
have prevented the present cm
harassment and hardship. Neither
Benson nor Crawford should re
ceive a vote from Eastern Oregon.
Both bail from Roseburg and tbey
represent lis worst. Crawford's
record just escapes the penitentiary,
Benson Is a weak tool.
The laws are made to be impar
tially enforced by officers chosen
tor that duty. Laws will not en-
Nino Homeseekers from North Want
Central Oregon Land.
Four years ago, when the craze
for Canadian farm lands had
reached over to the south side ol
the international line, J. P. Dailey
and family went up from Montana
and entered a homestead in Al
berta, near Red Deer. The first
year was enough to convince them
that Alberta farms were overrated
the climate was frightfully severe
and growing season too short for
safe farming. So they dropped the
homestead and moved over into
British Columbia, where Mr.
Dailey leased a section of timber
Now they are back in Uncle Sam's
land, where tbey intend to stay.
They nre running a restaurant in
Bend and looking for homestead
land. They are convinced they can
farm here much better than in Can
Mr. Dailey, his two sons, Oscar
ana (JIarcuce; son-in-law, James
Wbaley; and five friends, Louis
Paiment, Alfred Thorner, John
Hogberg, Edward Repsummer and
V. D. Harris, all from Canada,
will take land in Central Oregon,
probably in the same neighborhood.
They have means to develop and
improve the ranches and will or
ganize a thrifty community.
The Daileys did well with their
British Columbia timber. Under
the practice that obtained four
years ago the province permitted
an applicant to take 640 acres of
timber and bold it for a term with
in 20 years upon payment of an an
nual license of $1 12.50. When cut
the provincial government received
50 cents per thousand royalty, and
after that no further license fee was
exacted. The government did
not dispose of the laud at all, but
only the timber. This method of
disposing of timber has been dis
All manufacturers of prepared roofing have two or more
grades, the cheaper grades being made of the less expensive
materials. While making a serviceable roof, these cheaper
grades do not have the lasting qualities of the first grades,
and should not be accepted by a builder on the understand
ing that he is getting first grade material.
We have the first grades of the two largest manufactur
ers of roofing in the world the RUUGROID and the
GENASCO. These brands arc required in government speci
fications, which is a guarantee of their superiority over
other roofings.
As to Price.
By buying a full car of prepared roofing direct from the
manufacturers we save the middleman's profit, and also the
difference between the carload and the less than carload
freight rates.
This is wLy we can sell the first quality roofing at the
price usually made on cheaper grades; and we can sell the
cheaper grades at correspondingly lower prices. We carry
both grades and can save you money on cither.
Bend Hardware Co.
Builders' Supplies
Doom, Sashes, Paints, Cllitvs, Huihlcrs'
Hardware, Hoollng. Kverythlng you
need for your now or new Store.
Wnll Street, Wn Street
Best Wheat Land
from Ik nd to the lauds nnd return for nil vtlulocntc,
Write for Particulars, to
List Your Property with Ale for Quick Sales. I Am Having
Many Calls for PAKM PROPERTY.
Merrill (2 Wilkinson Company
Riverside and Ly tie
The coining Residence District of HKNI). lots
50x140 feet, $1M), $175, $200, $223, $2fi(, f'JTfl, 8100.
20 per cent, cash, balance 10 per month. These
lots arc sure to increase in value, perhaps more than
double by the time you make the bust payment. Ict
me take you out and show you this properly.
Fire Insurance J. A. EASTES, Agent,
Notary Public Oregon i$l., UHND, OR.
$1800 Two Lots near Depot Site.
$1500 200x100 feet and nice, four-room cottage.
$350 Relinquishment :6o acres j,yi mllos from Hand.
$50 Per Acre 160 acres two mites from Mend, 1,300,000 feet
of timber. Will be desirable for five and io-acre tracts.
Can be irrigated.
$40 Per Acre 1 30 acres three mllos oast of I.aldlaw, all fenced,
60 acres in cultivation. All irrigated. Improvements
coit $1600. Pour-room house. One-fourth cash, bal
ance 1, 2 and 3 years.
g)9" I have listed liusinosi and Residence property in all
parts of the City and Additions. Also PA KM PROPKKT Y in
all directions.
Good Goods at the Price of the Other Kind
Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and
Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass,
Roofing, Paints and Oils, Sttidebaker
Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the
Pest. Come and sec us.
J, (lOOni'Kl.t.OW
. We have farm lands and city property
for sale. If you wish to purchase, see
us. If you have anything for sale, see
us. We are here for business and will
treat you right.
U. S. Government or City of
Bend Own Wall Street?
Two years ago the U. S. Geolog
ical Survey sent engineers through
this country to establish and mark
elevations above sea level. One of
the bench marks was nlaced in
Wall street on a rock in front of 1 1
Hotel Bend
Corner Bond and Oregon 8s.
Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day
HUGH O'KANE.lManager
C. C. R.CO.
Hotaling Building, Wall Street, Be.'id
Pies, Pastries and Cako. :: MeaIsServed at Rogular
Mrs. Nellie Wright
Itend, Or.