Crescent UK JUNCTION CITY. SiLuiitcri'jSO miles south of llond, on the Oregon Trunk Kitilroml and on the Natron Ctit-oH of the Southern Paeilie, Cresent oilers CJrcat Investment Harains. Special Inducement ior Husiness Men and Home Makers. iVutomohile Service from Hend LOTS ON EASY T 12 K M S Sec L. L. FOX, licucl Affent Central Ore. Improvement Co. L. P. WAKHI'IIILI), MniinKcr, Crescent, Oregon. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lots. Timber Lands Bought nnd Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STREET, UEND, OR. O'DONNELL BROTHERS I UNION MARKET I candyTfru JiRSfB lOBnCCL I (Al I kTJI I V UnvlesHulldlnjr.WnllSt., A. D. MOE, The Tailor Hits received n full line of Fall and Winter Samples Suits iiiiulc to order from $15 00 up. Cull nnd see the samples before buying elsewhere. Cbsin hit; Hiid pressing Riven special attention. Shop on Bond St. A. l. FRENCH uic y'Lens Uoqcery - M K R C II A N T TAILORING A 3 1'BCIALT V My business is increasing. I have had to increase my stoic and stock and have just received n ntll line of Shoes, Wool Underwear, Cout Sweaters, etc., and the snappiest line of Hats ever shown in your city. RIQHT PRICES RIQHT QUALITY HM WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with tho best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bhnd, Orhqon THE PRIZE PRESENT. It Wss ths O.m of ths Wedding Gifts Hs Attursd th Orlcf. Ilorod, iinsponknhly Itored. hn found himself In iIih room where (lie jtlfls went displayed, Hut I lieu ho iiiIkIiI ns well lo licrit ns nn plneo elm, he nrKued, for everything rutniiflrtl Willi (i weddltitf wild a lion. I1U Knru wun-Uri-d listlessly over Iho collection iif sllror, men I forks. Mil kIiism iM-rry bowls iiii onyx clock till It fell mi 11 fiiilcd lllllii old .liipiiiicHo print iiIiihmI lilililfii behind n IiIiI'iiun rlniflnK dlsli thai looked mt If It might lnm been hand ed down by the clirf dwellers. In another moment he was before It, tliiKllnsr with nxclienicnl. tho spirit of " collector rnmpniit. "An Utansiro, stiro ns you'm nllrel" ho exclaimed, lookltiK about for mime ono with whom to share ills Joy. Any hody would do, no he ttipped n stranger on tho shoulder mid announced with (ho nlr of ri'iHirthiff (ho dlsrowy of n diamond mine, "lt' nil Utamaro, the real thlnitr "A iwhatr naked llm man, ndjtintlnc Ida glasses. "It Is by Ulnmnro, (lie master of Japanese artists," ho answered us he fled In search of his wife. Him would understand, "To think of-wasting II on (hone donkeys who won't know ll from n signboard!" he crumbled. Ho found her shaklw: hand with tho bride, so ho rushed up and nint' tho clrl'a hand enthusiastically, "I tiavc Just been admiring that (wachy Utamaro!" ho exclaimed excitedly. "A peachy Utamaro: What's that?" nskiM) (tin bride, mystified. "That rare old Japanese print up there. It's tho com of your wholo lay out." "Ohr exclaimed tho brldo faintly, looking a ditto queer, so he thought, as alio turned to greet another guest. As his wlfo draceed him nwny be demanded to know what Iho dickens was tho matter with that Utamaro. "It wns our present to them," she moaned. "I didn't dare tell you. You would haro wanted ll for your collec tion.'1 Ins Angeles Times. A BOSTON LANDMARK. Tin Orsuhopptr Wssthsr Vans Psreh d Atop Fsnsull Hill. Perched on tho cupola of Fnneull hall Is a grasshopper weather ratio which Is not only ono of tho oldest raues In the country, but U famous as tho product of ono of America's earliest woodcarrers and artisans, Bbcm Drowno of Boston. Drowue's shop was on Ann street In tho north end. Of the many ranes ho tnado onty threo aro now known to bo In ex litence tbo ono on tho Bbepard Me morial church In Cambridge, which formerly was on tho steeplo of the New Brick church on Ilanorer street Id this city and known as the rerenge rane: the ono Id the collection of the Massachusetts Ulntorlcat society, a rel ic of tho old Boston prorlnce bouse, and Iho one on l-'aneutl hall. This grasshopper of copper. hammer Mi out by hand, has large glassy eyes, which In the sunlight shlnv like fire. It wan made In 17-12 at the order of I'eter Faneutl when the hall, his glfl lo I he town, was Hearing completion. It has not, bnwerer, lived a life of unbroken pence, for several times It has beeu near destruction. In I'M when Boston was shaken by an earth ipiake. the rane fell to the ground, hut ofier being supplied with a oew leg by Iho son of Iho man who made ll It was replaced. Five years later Faneull hall was seriously damaged by fire, but the vane remained linnet, and when Hit hall wns rebuilt the grasshopper was once mure given the place of houor, Another disaster befell It when In ISSU n flag was being raised lo cele brate the anniversary of the evaeua Ion of iho city by the British. The hop per hopped to tho street below. But In n few days It hopjsl right twu-k igaln, and there It has remained ever ilnce, with tho exception of an oecn iloual removal for repairs, Boston tllobo. Whn Solid Iron Flosts. Experiments have shown lha If a ball of solid Iron be lowered Into o mass of llipild Iron by means of a metal fork the ball at drst sinks lo Iho bottom with the fork, but that In i few seconds It will leave the prong and rise o the surface, where It eon Unties to tlotit until It melts. Tho ris ing Is explained by the expansion of tho ball, duo to heating, whereby It becomes, hulk for bulk, less dense than tho molten metal.-Ht. Umts Ilepubllc. Kipling's Corncob, "Dd Kipling ever steal ono of my corncob pipes!" said tho Into Mark Twain once. "Never, unit If ho says so he's wrong. Ho tried to steal ono lnit fulled; then ho tried to steal another, but I pre vented tho theft and gave It In him. probably tho ouly plpo that Kipling over gut bouest ly." Thrift. An economical uousewlfo urnnk a quantity of sliver nitrate by mlstiiko 1'ho doctor, who had been hastily sum motied. ordered largo drafts of tho white of eggs lo be administered "Mory, Mnry," murmured the almost uneousclous patient, "savo tho yolkr for puddings!" Buceess Magnxluo. Ths Chsmplon. "By tho wuy," coutlnued tho neai sport, "who s tho lightweight cham pion of America V "It Is still n matter of doubt," an swered tho wlso guy, '"Homo claim tho tltlo for ho coal dealer, whllo oth ers say tbo Iceman Is entitled to 1C" Chicago News. POWDER AND GUNS. Cvldsno That Tiny Wsrs Usd Long Osfors (ho Chrlttlsn Crs, There Is abundant evldeiieo (lint the origin of gunpowder and artillery goes far back In tho dim ages of the past. The Hindoo code, compiled long be fore Iho Christian era, prohibited the milking of war with eminou mid guns or any kind of tlri-srins. gulntus I Urdus Informs it Uihi AlexsHder (he (I rent met with lire wi-Npoim In Asia, and I'lilNolniliis wiys tlmt Alex ander's conquests were arrested by the use of gmiK)wder. It Is nlo written I hut thime wlso men ln llted In Iho rllles of tho (liiuyo "over threw their enemies with temiiewt and thunderbolts shot from I lie wulls." Julius Afrleiinus mention-! shiMitlng powder In i In- yi-ar ''iVi. It wn lined In (he slet-e of Constantino ple In (VIS. by llm Arabs In ijxi. nt Tln-Kxaloulen III IKI, lit the siege of Belgrade In 107.1. by tho Creeks In naviil buttle In I00S. by the Aralm against the Iheiinns In 11-17 and nt Toulouso In 1'JIH. It apiK-nrs to bare tieen generally known throughout civilized Kuropo as early as I.TW, mid soon theresfter It imide lis way Into Ituglatid, where It was mmiufiieiiireil during the reign of KIImiIicIIi, and t learn Unit n few arms ere Msewil liy the Kug llsh In 1.110 and that they were iied at Iho buttle of Crecy In 131U. Casslcr's Magazine. SHERIDAN'S RUSE. It Ssttlsd ths Drsmallst's Account With His Wins Msrchsnt. It Is related of Itlehard Brlusley Khrrldau. the drnmntlst mid staiesmsu, that, uhvuys In debt, he hud among his creditors the brothers Challe, who wcru tho iiartners In a wlno tlrtn In 1775. One day when he wns giving n din ner party to some distinguished people Kherlduii sent for ono of the brothers, told blm be was now nble In settle his account and Invited him to the dlnuer party, asking him to come In-fore the hour for some private conversation. Challe arrived early, nnd he was no sooner In the house than Kherhlan sent off n servant with a note to (he clerk, desiring him, as Mr. Challe was fa vorlng blm with bis couisiuy, to send as soon as possible three dozen of burgundy, (wo dozen of claret nud two dozen of port, with u dozen of old bock. Tho unsuspecting cleric sent the wlue, with which tbo guests were so pleased that they asked where It came from. Bberldan, turning toward Challe. said, "1 am Indebted (o my friend here for all (he wlue you have tasted and am always proud to recommend hint." It was not until tho following morn ing that Challe realize! the double meaning In Sheridan's words. The debt was canceled. A Qussr Flih. A male llsh which hatches the ymine of Its mate Is the Chromls pater familias. It Is found In the like of Tiberias, I'alestlue. Strange to say, this Industrious fish hsteb.-s Its young In Its mouth. When the female has spawned In tho sand, the nutle approaches and draws the iiuss Into bis gills, wherv they remain until hatched, when they strangle out ol their confinement Into tbo parent's mouth. As many as 'JOO perfect young are sometimes found In the mouth of an adult male. How the flsh manages lo feed Itself without swallowing the young Is a mystery. The grown flsh Is about seven Inches long and one and three-quarters wide. Its back Is olive green, shot with blue, and the belly la silver white, market! with green and blue. Near ancient Caperuntim some hot springs form a small Btream which runs Into (ho lake, and It Is In these warm waters that the chromls abounds. No Common Dog. Ocntlemnu (to dog dealeri-I gave you n high price for this dug, last week because you warranted It to bo n good bouso dog. My bouse wus brdVen Into last night, nud tho dog never even barked. Dog Dealer-No, sir; I quite believes yer. Mo was loo busy looklu' for Ihe burglars, so as (o be able to Identify 'em, to even think or barklu'. If you was out with this 'ere dog nud was to meet 'cm burglars he'd "know 'em In a minute, lie ain't no common barklu' dog; he's a reg'ler 'lectlvo nn worth 'U weight In gold, ho ls.-1-oudon Answers. Not Hr Fault. Mrs. Lapsllug was expressing her re gret that she bad becu nimble on ac count of llluess to bo prcseut nt the funeral of u neighbor. "1 always feel," sho said, "that I ought to attend tbo obloquies of a Irloud. but I Just couldn't go,"-Chlca-go Tribune. Inhsrltsd, "And now." anld I'rofessor I-ong-hunter as ho greeted llcury I'eck, "what shall wo niako of your little boy a lecturer? Ho baa n alncero taste for It." "I know be has," replied tho malo parent. "Ho Inherits It from his moth-er," Dividing Hsr Wslnht. "Don't statu! ou that dellcnto table to bang the picture! Murthn. It'll break. Vou'rotoo heavy." "Oh. no, I'm not. mum. It'll bear me. I'm standing ouly on ono foot." FOUR HORSE LIVGRV. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. II. WENANDV, Prop. AIX KINDS OP LIGHT AND IIBAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS. BARLKY, WHEAT. CHOP WHEAT, MIAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Sale. Wo aro Inclined to bellovo In those whom wo do not know because they tiovo never deceived u3.-jQb.n8on, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, ACREAGE, HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS, TIMBER LANDS. o See Us For Bargains in Real Estate The Home Land Company OF BEND, OREGON W. VV. ORCUTT, Manager Write Us For Reliable Information I We advertise extensively-nll over the United States nnd consequently get many inquiries from prospective buyers. List your lands with us. Wc can sell for you. "F Conic to see us when you are in town. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You sre cordially invited to mkeTHB 110TKL DALLBS your resting place while waiting ovrr between trains on your way to snd Troui i'urlland. New, thoroughly equipped, modem hotel; it cam best, elevator; suitrs snd rooms with baths, l'irst class cafe. Kates ranging from 50c and ft upward. Ideal Stopping; Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. The Bend Machine Shop HENRY LINSTER. Prop. : REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS , We hnve Milling Machine, Lathe, Drill Press Vulcanizer, etc , etc. 1 Automobiles, Farm Implements, Sawmill Machinery, etc. Agency for JACKSON AUTOMOBILES The best on the market. Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. Vulcanizing a Specialty. J. II. WENANDY UUND OR. F. L. BUNTEN SHANIKO, OR. l Central Oregon Automobile Company WENANDY-BUNTEN AUTOMOBILE CO. DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shaniko, Madras, Redmond and Bend and all interior points, For further information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. Seo HI2NRY SCHP.WfiL, Uen Agent SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE THE BULLETIN is the leading newspapr of CENTRAL OREGON MMMfffJIKriWVMM