The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 14, 1910, Image 6

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Bl month
Tare taoalh
(tarartaMr In "Jtu.)
. .fa
WEDNESDAY, SEPT,, 14, 1910.
The Wisconsin primary election
vtM a great victory for clean and
progressive government. Senator
LtFollette, who has for 20 years
been fighting corrupt political ma
chines and practices, was sweep
Ingly endorsed for re-election, not
withstanding the strenuous efforts
of the stand'pat interests, and even
the Taft administration, to beat
him. The Taft administration, bj
the way, does anything but lead in
American politics today. It plug,
along in the old grooves prepared
by the talented corporation lobby
ists and attorneys and "statesmen,"
ahyiug nervously at anything like
a progressive idea from the people.
But the people are taking things in
their own hands just the same.
Oregon will not be less emphatic
than were Wisconsin, Nebraska
and Iowa in turning down the re
actioaary, stand-pat policy. Pity
that we haven't a man like LaFol
ktte to lead the fight.
he evidently relied upon this. It
is also true that so many of his
"friends" absented themselves
from the final committee meeting
that his opponents were able to
adopt a slashing report against
"him. His "friends" would not
have been absent, it is safe to snv,
except by tolerance of the Admin
istration. Thus does the President
practically force retirement of Dal
linger without personally aikiug
for his resignation.
Now that readjustment of the af
fairs of the D. I. & P. Co. is about
to be effected is it not worth while
to get rid bf all the litigation that
is hanging between the irrigation
cotnpauy and the Drake interests?
The welfare of the community is
greatly affected by thes qmrrels
They ought to be cleared up.
wiped out. A little pressure from
the public at this time might bring
important results. Co-operation
will do wonders. Wo do not be
lieve the best Interest of cither
party requires this litigation, and
the public has some rights that are
entitled to consideration.
For Sato.
Span of six and eightycar-old
marts, weight about 1000 lbs, each,
set of new hack harness, good
Spauldlng hack, Milburu wagon
and 600 or 700 bushels of seed rye.
Inquire of Mrs. Jas Turner at the
ranch at Powell Buttes. 35-37
For Saik I.imiiKR Wc have hi on
dry itied 80,000 feet of fittlihcd lumber,
11 Itei ami klmli from 1 to 34 Incliei
In width. Atio door and wluJuw jaun.
window atool, building shingle, etc.
We can make nrrantjementa to deliver
anywhere. Send ut your order. J, N.
MMtcn Lumber Co,, Roaland, Ore. tf
Dtpittmtot of Ihelnlftlor.
17. S. taod Office at The Dallta, Or.,
Auguu 14. if i.
Notice I htttbjr tirtn lhl
John D. Htjbiim,
of Prixl. O.'cron, who, on Aofiitt 6, iaS, made
Itomctlrail.No, vijS. for H nil 8c. itatul
nV nwtf.nwVncUScc, M.T. ml)., R. to if., V.
XI., h AIM nolle orldlctitlon to make final At.
Jrarrroorlo nUbllth culm lo the Uml aburc
tvtib0. btfut II. C. Kit It, U ft. CommlMloacr
at hl office, at Bead, prtgon, on lh 4th lUr of
October, laio.
Claimant lumn wltHMw
W. r Yandttrrt. C. tt. Allen. T. R. Ahlll.
John Peter, all of lieml, Orena.
t-o t. w. iiuukk, HtfMttr.
Did you say good coffee, yes
you get it at the Smith Rcstau
rant, "just like mother used to
make." afi-aB
The Deschutes Banking &
Trust Co.
No, M,
at Hem, In Ih Stale of Oieson, at the clH of
cutiu nctttiuif r 1, 1910.
t,oana and illteounta ..,... tio.Mi (4
Ovtrdran. aecurexl and unweurnl ........ tN JJ
nanatn(OouM,tiriiltuie,aminatuie I1J07
Due (loin aDDruvetl ttaerr hanbi.
Checht ana other tb Item,.... ......
C.hon hand....
l.apenean,,M.,n,,M..M...,...,M.M. ,,.
Total ..t,,,,. ... ,....,,, ,. .....,,
Capital ttock paid In-
UndlTldrd pmflt, trta raptnaea and
laae pakl . .. ,
Due to bank anil banketa.,.,.....,.,.
Individual ilepoallt tudjecl lo check.
Total ,..,. .
777 W
.- MM
.... i.taj j
f ii ty
.... t Jaw 011
. 11,541 ai
. y,(u 6;
Count of Crook.
I. at CI. CL. raihlee uftli atmv.H.irtl htnk
do tutcmnlv aweat that Ihc abort lUteiuent It
true to the beat of my knowlfdat and belief.
U. U. colt, Cathler,
Subeetlbetl and aworn la hfnr m thl. ttth
day of Hepterubcr. 1010.
I', tl. MINOR, Molaty ttiUlc.
U n. luino,
J. W. Maaraa.
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes. Paints, Class, Iluildcni'
Hardware, Hooting. Everything yon
ncal for your new House or new Store.
Wall Street, Wall Street
C J Reed ought to be nomi
sated lor Representative in Cou
gress. He stands for a progressive
Republicanism and he is thor
oughly Oregonian in all his inter
eats and sympathies. Albert Abra
ham should receive the nomination
for Governor. He is a dean man,
has a head of his own and would
make au excellent executive. No
machine controls him. For Attor
ocy General J. N. Hart is dis
tinctly the man, if for no other
reason tbau to rescue the office:
trom its present disgraceful control.
Having abused rf for two terms,
Ciawfcrd is still demanding tbe
office Does be want it for life?
Willis S Duniwuy is tbe man for
State Punter, trum everv coiiMtlt-r
ation economy, efficiency, hon
esty, Mjuare dealing. He ha
served one term and has made
good We have no better ground
for juigint: our public servants.
Holy, holy, holjrt Great Republican party!
Early crcry mcralag oar aoof wc ratae to thee I
Thus runs tbe Portland Oregon
Jan's sacrosanct chant. And yet
the Orrgonian has repeatedly de
clared that it was not a Republican
newspaper. Then why is it o dis
tressed because the people have an
inning instead of tbe nefariout
gang that has been riding the Re
publican party? Is a corrupt ma
chine tbe Republicau party? The
people will rule, notwithstanding
such efforts to deprive them of
their power. Why is the Oregon
ian so active in furthering ring
rule? What is its scheme? Does
that paper exert itself so prodigi
oul for considerations of high al
truism? We wot not. It has u
selfish interest to promote. It is
sore. But tbe highest public in
terest does not really demand that
the Oregonian be appeased. Let
tbe galled jade wince.
Let's see, when was it the Sher
iff was constituted our law making
power? The Sheriff says certain
shops may remain open Sundays,
and they remain open. He says
they may or may not sell pepper
sauce and the peppersauce depart
ment opens or closes. The
statutes? Fudge I Who cares for
Who killed Cannon and his mis
erable train of confederated vil
lainies? Was it tbe President?
Well hardly. Our President, sorry
to say, loves his case too well; he
does not kill off any of the vermin
that pester our political life.
We venture the hint to our es
teemed Redmond contemporary,
the Hub, that theft of news is no
belter than any other theft. If the
efforts of others arc worth appro
priating, common honesty requires
that credit be given.
Bend should by all means have
an active commercial club
Homesteaders about tbe forks of
the Dcicbutca river, or ebewberc,
have no cause to fear from with
drawal of land for power purposes.
A homestead properly initiated is a
vested right and cannot be dis
turbed by subsequent acts of tbe
government. Subsequent acts of
eutryman showing, for example,
(bat lie did not enter the land in
good faith for a home, but fraudu
lently for some species of speculation
might have an important bear
ing on bis case; but the govern
nent cannot withdraw laud that
it has contracted to deliver to a set
tier. It can only witdraw vacant
land. Therefore homestead set
tlers have only to comply to the
end with tbe contract they have en
tered into with the goycrnment,
and if they do this no withdrawal
or reservation made subsequent to
their date of entry will effect them.
Unuaual Duclnaia Mathod of a Mar
chant In Waatarn Canada.
In tbe Bookkeeper la recorded a cace
which clearly cornea under tbe bead of
-unusual business methods." In a
thickly aettled prairie dUtrlct In west
ern Canada, not far from Moose Jaw.
a few Canadians bad opened op a coal
mine, tie product of which the sold
to tbe surrouodlncr fanners. Settlers
would come lo wagons and sleighs and
toad their own winter's fuel, which
cost tliem from $1 to S2 a ton. accord
loc to the ran. It was early winter
when 1 flrst made the acquaintance
of this mine and lis remarkable "su
perintendent." and my first reception
rrom thru individual was a Cerce yell
on his part, with the frantic brandish
la? of a Ions stick and tbe words;
"What tbe dcrll are yon doing? Can't
yon see? Are jou stone blind?"
I was literally walking through his
books! Since morning and this was
at S o'clock In tbe afternoon-be bad
beeD keeping a record of outgoing
sleighs and wagons of coal In tbe snow.
About twenty farmers were drawing
mat day. With bis stick be bad writ
ten the Initials of each In a clean spot
In tbe snow and with that same stick
had registered tbe number of tons they
bad taken away. I had spoiled o De
dal r or bis "books." and it was an
hour before be becamo at all affable.
I was still more astonished when 1 en
tered the "superintendent's'' little
board office. Tbe walls were black
wltb pencil marks, figures and names.
A fire would bare burned down his
"book" of twa years past.
Bend Hardware Co.
Owing to a decline in wire
products wo arc making
now prices on Nails and
Galvanized Barbed Wiro
as follows:
Best Wheat Land
from Bend to the lands nnd return for nil who'locate.
Write for Particulars, to
Merrill &b Wilkinson Company
NAILS, base,
per keg ....
Heavy Galv. Barbed
Wireper 100 lbs. .
Light Galv. Barbed
Wire--per 100 lbs. .
Wo have in stock a full lino
of the famous
Bend Hardware Co.
Riverside and Ly tie
The coming Residence District of UEND. Lots
50x140 feet, $150, $175, $200, fl!25, $i!50, $175, f JJOO.
20 per cent, citsli, bitlnnce $10 per month. These
lots are sure to increase in value, perhaps more than
double by the time you make the lvs.t payment. Let
me take you out and show you this property.
Fire Insurance J. A. EASTES, Agent,
Notary Public Oregon St.. UUND. OR.
$1800 Two Lots near Depot Site.
SI500 sooxtoo feet and nice, four-room cottage.
$350 Relinquishment t6o acres jtf miles from Rend.
$S0 Per Acre i6o acres two miles from Dotal, feet
of timber. Will be desirable for five and to-acrc tracts.
Can be irrigated.
WO Per Acre no acres three miles cajt of I.aldlaw, all fenced,
Co acres in cultivation. All Irrigated. Improvements
cost'$t6oo. Pour-room house. One-fourth cash, bal
once t, a and 3 years.
W I have listed Dusincss ond Residence property in all
parts of the City and Addiilons. Also FARM PROl'URTY in
all directions.
List Your Property with Mc for Quick Sales. I Am Havlne
A1nny Calls for FARAl PROPERTY.
Secretary BalUner will doubt
less realize that there is more 'than
one way to skin a est. iMsrue
that a majority of the Congress
ional investigating committi
would vote lot bis vindication, am
Whars Microbes Thrlvs.
The alimentary canal Is tlio most
perfect culture tab known to bac
teriological science. Ho part of tbe
body is to densely populated wltb
ralcro-orsaolsms. It Is estimated that
In tba alimentary canal of tbe areraee
adnlt about 120.000.000,000 microbes
com Into existence erery day. Tbey
crowd this region ao densely tbat scl
entlsta originally believed that tbey
were IndUpeusable to human life. Ac
cording to a writer in McCluro's, Pas
teur, wbo first discovered tbem, main
tained this riew. but recent inrestlga.
tlons bare rather dlsprored It. There
are many animals tbat exist In perfect
health without any Intestinal bacteria
at all. Polar bears, seals, penguins,
elder ducVa, arctic relndccr-these and
other creatures in tbe arctic zone bare
few traces of these organisms.
Good Goods at the Price of the Other Kind
Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and
Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass,
Roofing, Paints and Oils, Studcbakcr
Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the
Best. Come and see us.
We have farm lands and city property
for sale. If you wish to purchase, see
us. If you have anything for sale, see
us. Wc are here for business and will,
treat you right.
Ircetanr of eacti City,
lilaco ia Oresan aad
elfins' a Vc.crlptlrs
A noalaaaa Director
rown and VUIr
Waablactaa. del
riketeh at cab place
HUlDBlna Vurllltlca ui
tUd Dlrcctorr at Md. Buaiscaa
aad lerofcatloa, "
S. . POUT Jt fW.
" ' .T. IT- "I-"
ocitiu, watu.
i lae.
Hotel Bend
Corner pond and Oregon Sts.
Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day
HUGH O'KANE.'Manager
C- C. R.CO.I
Hotaling Building, Wall Street, Bend
Pk, Pastries mill Cake. :: Meals Served at Regular
noiid St., next to llulletln OHlce.