. I' THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. VIII MINI), OKHOON, WltDNItSDAY, SKPT. 7, 1910. NO. SO (I ? (I J i) f R r. 1 i, iv i LINES ADJUSTED HARMONY IN WALKER BASIN Railroad ami Ditch Companies Alako Mutual Concessions Ueclani- tlun Work 1'roceoillnK Fast on Possible. Forty to 50 men nre kept -cm ployed 011 the Walker Ihslu re clamation project of the Deschutes Land Company. Right-of-way hni been cleared lor n distance ol seven miles from the hendgute site In the George Mayficld meadow, but the work of canal excavation hat been held up by the strike of the union machinists in Portland. The big steam excavator under construction there, which was to have been tie livcred on the ground and put in, operation weeks ago, is not yet fin-' ished. However, it is expected to be ready soon. President Morsan is now in Portland to rush the matter. For u considerable distance be low the hcudgutc there was serious conQict between the Hues surveyed for the main canal nnd lor the Oregon Trunk Railway. From the naturc'of the ground, which re quired both to pass around a cer tain hillside at about the same eleva tion, it was difficult for cither to get out of the way of the other. It was finally found that a small canal could be curried around the critical point and still leave room for the -railroad. Therefore, only enough water lor some 3000 acres of high land that could not be env ered by a lower channel will lc conveyed in this high-line ditch A short distaucc below the larger canal will be dug for the main body of the land. The railroad company has avoided conflict with the canal where it could by moving its sqrvey to the eastward of the line first located. The spirit ol mutual accommodation thus observed has resulted in harmonious adjustment of a matter that might have made a lot of business ior the courts and postponed large development ac tivity. President Morson says 10,000 acres will be under canals by next April, so that crops can be raised there next season if the owners de sire. Land sales arc surprisingly good. Though the State Board will accept proof for, less than the government legal subdivision (.0 acres) the tendency lately is to take the land in as large tracts as the law will permit. ENDING SURVEY EAST Enj-incer Kuncy Finds excellent Line to Harney. K. K. Kuncy. locating engineer of the Oregon Trunk Railway, came in Saturday from the camp south of Hampton Dutte and re turned today. He nays he will have finished the work In hand by Your Bank and Your Business .AJCE ALIKE IN THIS ONE RESPECT: Success Depends upon Satisfactory Service. Tie Deschutes Banking & Trust Company trusts for its popularity to giving its customers kindly and in telligent service. And expects to advance its own interests by being of service to the public. We invite correspondence, and welcome all who may desire our services in n business capacity. The Deschutes . Banking & Trust Company "Conservative Banking for Conservative People." J B. BAIRD, rrc. J, W, MASTERS, Vice Prcs. M. G, COI, Caihler. the middle of this mouth. The Hue is dellultelv located from Hcud to Harney lake, nbotit 20 miles .southward from Hunts ready for construction crews to build the road, And n most excellent line It Is, according to Mr. Kitiiey, The maximum grade is six-tenths of one cr cent nttd the maximum curva ture 3 degrees. It is not thtough n Hat country, but the cuts and fill-. about balance each other without long carries and when finished the road will be economical to operate Railroad construction north of Ucnd Is proceeding steadily. The recent dlflctilty between contractors and station men has been adjusted and everything Is moving forward satisfactorily. ARNOLD FLUA1E DONE. Water to Pass In Ten Oaya When Rock It Taken Out. Kngitteer Young says the 5420 feet ol flume at the head of the Ar nold ditch will be completed today A rock cut ubout 500 feet long at the tipper end of the flume will be finished in the course of the com iug week and then, after the flume shall l calked with oakum, which will require a few days more, water will be turned down the new canal to the Silver Lake road From thcra to the lands to be watered the service is provided for by several subsldary .companies the North Irrigation Co, serving the northern put of the trjrrllor) afltclcd, ifud the Pine Forest Co and sub-liUeruls taking the caiteru and southern districts. The main canal will carry water sufficient for 10,000 acres. Tin flume construction is said by ex pert to be the heaviest and best In the Deschutes v-dlcy. None of the subsidiary ditches lo now in condition to convey water Work on them has waited until the main canal should be a certainty A. few weeks of work will put the system in shape for actually water iug the thirsty land. Saw the Atotcor. S. C. Caldwell, I. C. Whlttc.l ami lack Kellcy were up Hie river to thr Kotilnwn hrhlgc Sunday ami happened to I looking to llie wcatward and taw the brilliant meteor that fell In that ill rcctlon shortly alter noon. They thought it was tint a few mile away and (ell In the Cascade mountain, but Irourtheac count In the Portland Oregonlan It h evident that it wai no mall thing. Ap patently It was a bright here ai at I'ort laud and Astoria. Organization Meeting. There will be a mass meeting ol the subscribers to the Commercial Club at K. of P. Hall, Thursdn) night, Sept. 8, at 8 o'clock, for tin purpose of organizing the Clul and such other business as may come lefore thr meeting. COMMIIKCIAI. Q.UII COMMITTKIt. New Itooks (or Library, II. II. D.ivies today presented the Ucnd Library with a (till set ol the works of Robert C. Iugersoll, 12 volumes bound in leather, bran new. DRYSADE CALLED Ul)T WHTS ATTI1ND MUBTINQ Consequently Attempt to Adjust tho Matter ol Shrievalty Candidates Leaves Dad Taste In livery body's Mouths, Rkdmond, Or., Sept. 5 The 'drys" called n conference here Saturday und the "wet" nttcuded It, There may be some diiTcrccc of opinion us to just where these classification lines full, but hardly u difference of opinion us to the re suit, namely, uisiaiiiiactlon on both sides. The "Drys" or Law 'and Order people, appointed tho meeting, L. I). Wicst of Iletid taking (lie lead. The purpose was to come to some understanding relative to candidates for the Crook county shrievalty. Tlicy were not satisfied with the candidacy of Sheriff HI kins for rcnomlnatloii. Priuevlllc "drys" last week had endorsed Millard Trlptett of Ilcnd The conference here was understood to be for the purpoic of concentrating m one candidate to oppose Hlkins Millard Trlptett of Ilcnd and John Coulter of Madras were the candi latcs affected. At first it appeared to be under stood that the Hcud nud Mudraseun. thirties would abide by the decision it this conference nnd one of them withdraw. Trlptett, huweve r, found that certain parties active in support of Hlkins were greatly In tcrestcd in nrrnuging the work of the conference and in getting a large attendance of those suspected of Hlkins partisanship So Trip lett would have nothing to do with the meeting and he hiked nut for Laldlaw. Coulter stayed and ad I r cased the meeting and received its .'tidorscmcut. A score of men were present, three-quarters of them from Redmond. In speaking to the conference Mr. Coulter said he would try to enforce the laws but he indicated u doubt as to whether the present "dry" law would stand the test of the courts. This Is seized upon as showing a purpose to straddle the jurstlon nnd both the "drys" and he "wels" criticize it. Meantime Triplet! proceeds with 'lis campaign, based upon enforce ment of the law as lie finds it, without doubting or quibbling. To Whom It May Concern. Take notice that the Common Council of the city of Ilcnd hn ordered section seventeen of ordi 'lance No. 13. prohibiting the building of fires within one htm lrrd feel of any building within the corporate limits of the city of (tend, to be rigidly enforced ClTV KltCOKIIitX. Subscribe for The Iltilletln. Rough and Dressed LUMBER BSISSJSIStSaaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSt. ALL SIZES OF DOORS and WINDOWS "REX FLINTKOTE" AND MIKADO" ROOFING BUILDING PAPER , DEADENINO FELT AND TAR PAPER 16-INr SLAB WOOD Delivered In Bend (t5 CA ' Per CordJ. .....:. &O.DU Get Your Winter's Supply, Pilot Butte Development Co, CALDWELIMOD SUCCtiUDS MORRILL, RESIQNI3D Ordinance to Close Saloons Sundays Anionic those Introduced Con tract wild Water Company Renewed Pollen Service, Mayor C, W, Merrill presented lilt re signation lo the City Council Inst night, Ix-cniue he w removing to California to reside. The re'lguatltm w accepted with eitret and & C. Caldwell wa chowti uimnlmoudy lo fill the vacancy 111 me ucceuioor ruction, air, Cald well wa the candidate who opiKiasd Or Merrill latt December and lacked hut one vote ol tying the tucceuful candi date liken. Three new ordinance were presented and iaucil first reading. One Ii to re quire saloon to close from Saturday midnight to 5 o'clock Monday morning, another to provide a license (ceo(io kt quarter for moving picture show, and tlie third to regulate the driving ot automobiles within the city, 10 milt, an luinr being the limit of apcrd. Alderman Triplet! preaculed the verb al request of Policeman Triplet! lo I permitted day work hall the time In stead ol being continuously on llie night hltt. Marshal Chapman aald he would not ervs l night, A motion was patted delluiiely giving the marshal day service. Then Chapman aald he hail "no desire to hog It" and presented III terbal resignation, which was laid on Die lablo until next tm-etlug. It wu admitted and stated that the city la now for the lint time In Its lil.tury receiving adequate police service, and a detirr was innuileil lo keep It II slble. No bad (eellug was manifest, the uurshst'a disinclination to do night work being bcl on his age and health, It was voted to renew the contrac with the Ilcnd Water, l.lghl & IWei Co. at ft,) per h)drant (or the 11 atrret hydrauia lor the mining year Thla It tile Mine price now (Mill, When Mayor Merrill' resignation waa presented Alderman Sellers was chosen lo fill the vacancy, nrer Ida pro test. Then the question of filling thr aldermsuie vacancy that would thus be created came up and finally the whole thing was settled by choosing 8. C Caldwell 111 1 or and leaving Seller as alderman, MUST WATER LAND. nitclngof Main DltcJus not Sufficient (or Proof. That the state Und officers are taking u new interest In Irrigation matters is indicutcd by the follow ing matter apieariug in a Salem dispatch in the Portland Orcgotilan. fearing that i bad precedent might U established if a ruling of the Interim DciMiiment on the (lueellou of .uo acre. ol land under the Dechulea Reclamation ?i Irrigation Company (Bwalley Ditch should I allowed lo stand, a special ci fort will lw made by the Detert laml Hoard lo overthrow the stand taken b) the luecior In passing judgment There are uooacretlu thla project ueai Hcud, but on J JO acre ol II, it I talil that the main canal crot.se the land and a lateral runs through it, but the laud l till held to be nut reclaimed. It list been customary lo allow the coiutruc lion ol the canal wlthlu a mile, or In thr vicinity ol llie laud, without the con Unction of .the 11011 laleraU, It It held In the opinion of the board that it would be a needles watte ol money to place the mailer Individual laterals, a they would be trampled down before an jl actual icttlcmmt and It would be nrce aary to practically entirely icnmstiuci the work. If the ruling ol the Interior Department la adhered to on arnical It will affect all ol the priijeota In the state and It I chimed will rrsult In a great loss lo the various companies promoting Ilia work, Acting Governor llowerman this after noon announced himself as dlasatitflcd with the laud hoard's interpretation of the meaning of "actual settlement," which Iscomlrurdby the board as mean ing 10 daya In granting land under the I'cderal atatutes actual settlement Is required. He made objection today lo aollie of tlin i tuple drilling patents, In one cam It being ahown that the fam ily resided In North Dakota, where Did wife s Ktrnllress and the husbiue was on the laud (or comparatively short lime. BIO STORE OPENINQ. First Department Store In Crook County Formally Celebrated. Lara's rebuilt nud rearranged store was oflivially mill formally ocned last Saturday. The place was thronged with eoplc most of llie nay, Mrs. Jnra nud Miss Uwlng served ice cream and wafers 10 the visitors in the rest room nud there were plenty of cigars for the smokers. And the store enjoyed the best day's trade for mouths. The entire upjicr flor of the building is now added to the sales room space, lcing rcacln-d by an 4sy stairway in the middle. The iflicc is also removed to the tipjMrr door and ndjilnlng it is the rest room, which hus been a feature of the Lara store. Another exclusive 'catiirc now udded is a Indies' dress mg room. The ladles' ready-o-.vear goods and the hotiwfuriilsh nig department crockery, mat .lugs, etc , etc. are on the second door, well displayed and convenient. Phis spreading out gives room for belter dlspluvs below and iiiurt comfortable handling of the bust les. The displays in the big plate glass windows attracted much at eution, being artistically designed ind in no wise inferior to those ol metropolitan stores, Lara's now claims the distinction of being the only department store in Crook county. Large School Attendance. The Ilcnd school opened Tuesday (Monday tielnc I.abor Day) with a large stteudauce, It wa evident in advance that another teacher would be needed and the School Hoard held a apecial iiieellng Monday cvcnlnu and elected li Harriet DoUeu, wImi recently came 0 Ileud from Itlglu, III., lo teach the Seventh and UUhth yrade. One of the argcr room In the High School bulbi ng Is being divided to provide the nee -ssary quarters, MUs Dolseu is a graduate of lilgln Vcademy, after which she attended Vorthwestern t'ulverslly. at Itvaustou. tor a year. Since then she has taught iwo year at llarllett, 111, Irrigation Settlers Mcctlnc. Notice is hereby given thnt 11 ncetiug of settlers upon the I). I & P. segregated lauds will be held it Llustcr's Hull, Hcud, Saturday, September 17, tqto, at a o'clock i. in., for the purpote of complet ing organisation for the common ood A ill 1 1 attendance N desired 16 a8 W. K ScoTT, Secretury. OH. U. C. COlt, President U. A. SATIIKK, Vice Pre. C. S. HUDSON, Ca.hler The First National Bank of Bend AcnO, Orcflon 0. P303 Oaiillal Blocli paid In full S3S.0O0OO SluchholilarV Liability S35.00O 00 surpiui ...... as.ooo.oo . Statement of tbc JTIriU national ttnnh of 33cn0, Orcoon, As ranjtrad lo th Troiurv 0narlmmt of lh Unlttd Slalat, Washington, O. C, ap. Ul, 1010 T A8BIT8 - LIADIUTIIS Loans and nlcounti.,.....v.........tiiJjS J4 lt rdran ..m......... . Iij" 7S lUnk llulldiug and Lot j.Soo ou Hurullut aud lUlures.... I MJ w 0, H. Ihiuds ami I'lcmluiu...... II, Too w I'fre rerCenl Rrdtuitilloii I'uud . 61 tu DulnoMUANKS?. $5,58M3 Total, .st-eass. ln&A? jj Comparative ( L September 1st, 1010 September 1st, 1000 Gain for one year -Per cent of increase NUMBER OF September 1st, 1010 - September 1st, 1000 - Gain for one year - - Per cent of increase - Our desire Is to accomplish tho greatest good for tho greatest . number of customers, SETTLERS MEET. WILL ORQANIZG POR HELP They Deformlno to be In Position Press Their Cauto Ucforo Reclamation Company or tho State Board. to More than 50 Intelligent, earnest settlers upon lands under the Cen tral Oregon canal of the D. I. & P. Co. met at Llustcr's Hall last Sat urday afternoon, In accordance with public notice previously given, and agreed to form an association to look after their irrigation inter ests. Temporary organization was effected by election of Charles P. Harris chairman and William K. Scott secretaiy. These officers, to gether with K. W. Richardson, P. H. Dcncer und Philip C. Hurt, were constituted a committee on permanent organisation and to con sult other organizations nud settlers at Redmond and Powell Butte as to their desire to join in a general association re present I ng all settlers on the D. I. &. P. segregation. Iu the general discussion of the object of the meeting and methods tor attaining it various views were expressed. K. W. Richardson urged that all the settlers get to gether lor organization that should represent the entire segregation rather than settlers under the Cen tral Oregon Canal only. Klmcr Wornstaff deemed It cs scutial to organize. "For two sea sons I rcsccdcd and then this year los) toy crop through lack of water that I paid for," satd he. "We arc paying for water we are supposed to have, and we arc not getting It. We must organize. We should go at it right and we've nil got to go together. Then we can act with some effect, cither by going to the company or the Slate Doard. We can't put up with prcseut condi tions." Philip C. B'.trt thought the man ner of construction should be looked into, to see that it complied with contract and would give the service needed; "We can't stand il to have ditches breaking all the time ns they have this season," Lc said. "We must see to it tliHt ditches are constructed right. The $1 an acre put up with the state as a guaranty is not much of a de posit." Mr. liurt was also of the opinion that it would be best lor (Continued on page 8.) CaplUt paid In (Utl.M,..............m.iieo oo Buf .,i... . w . nur)iut..,. ...........,....... 300000 UudlMe4 I'toMi- ..,..,,.,..-.... 7j jf , " " ClrtuUllou.....M..,-.... Iljuw D"w-1"- -'" To taim Wi7 Statement DEPOSITS. $185,375.25 " 76.080.63 $109,294.62 244 per cent 'DEPOSITORS. , - - - 618 - - - 275 - - - 343 , - - 224 per cent JpjtMtlnBw