The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 31, 1910, Image 8

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(Coatlnettl from page I.)
kier, Klraer Merrill, J. Bun, C. C
Cooper. W N Ray. R, II. ftayley. C. I.
ikekrr. W II Courtlier, J. K. Wlnier.
C. II. Sparta, W. W Lontj C. W. Up
dike A. D. Parks. Frank Pancake. I. P.
Morgan, Alvia Rliegs, K. Griffin. W. il.
Weysaer, A. A. Burris and P. B Bayuc.
Contractor aad Statist Men Have
SenetMng of a Squabble.
Affairs among the railroad build
era working oa the outskirts of
town have been so sew hat lively
during tue week. The trouble be
gan last Thursday. Scth Bryan, of
tue nrm ot Bryan & Youngtrots,
who have the subcontract on four
miles of grading northward fronH
dcbo, uua irouoie witu a group ot
station men including Joe Rofst,
alleging their work was unsatiir
Bryan ordered the men to quit
the job ami get off the right-of-wuj
This they refused to do He thvn
got Sheriff Elkins ovei, who on
T r-t y raorning told the station
eacu to gel out, tuouU it is UMOer-
stood ho papers were.served Jlry.
aa states that the Nation men "let
out" were paid $3 a yard for tbe
work dftw, instead of 80c, an Mipu
lA4 Ail ut t,jcr men are back on
V gi0 ttxept Ross, who wants
aget Uefc the work on the cut
WCta Greenwood. Bryan says
Kus has threatened bU life and
that of EHglHer.r Scott, and it is
WfldTHtoo4 wiU try to have him
bouwl over to keep the peace.
Tbrcsiag nt Powell Suites.
C. A Graves ot Powell Buttes
was in town over Sunday. He re
hortit that C H. Foster's big sew
threshing ewtit U threshing all the
wraia sar tbe Buttes. Mr. Foster
has a 1. lip. traction cBgise, 28
inch cv leader threshers, a blower
mnlc waeea. ttc. The outfit is
rsekotwd the beat in this section of
tbe lUU.
flnfrrf- Lar F Opvaiz.
k. sr.ll fluaiw at Lara's next Sat
u.bWaM tbM hmmI interest la
GOOD UNTIL SEPT. 1 st, 1 9 1 0
To purchasers of lots in Park Addition, Lava Road Addition and North Addition
who desire to erect houses this year, we will allow a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of
r "- : ttfiseca?
5ra, either quarterly or monthly
""'"'' i
'.- '
that it gives tbe patrons of the "Big
Store" their first official viewoHts new
storeroom on the second floor. Follow
ing ont tbe scheme of dcpsrtmentlrlog
their various lines. Lama has opened up
tbe entire second floor of tbelr building,
connecting it with tbe main floor by a
browl inauie stairway. Ladies apparel,
housefuruUhlux goods, cnickery, rugs,
rurtaius, etc., hereafter will be dis
placed on the secor' floor. Groceries,
men's fornisbines, sboes, etc., will oc
cupy tbe entire first floor. An attrac
tive day of entertainment, refreshments
and sourcnirs, is scheduled for Satur
CUvarPaat of Illusion Parfermsd by
an East Indian.
A retired naval official wbo served
lost la tbe cast says tbe feats of tbe
East Indian Juss'crs are woaderful.
lie dtes oue.
While be was an officer 00 board a
P. and 0. steamship two natives came
aboard at Madras, be says. Tbey were
a Juggler attd bis assistant. After tbey
bad performed a unmtx-r of minor
feats and bad gathered quite a crowd
around them tbey called for a sack
and a piece of sailcloth.
These having been provided, tbe
chief jaggler made a small teatlke
structure with tbe canvas and some
stools. n tbea pieced his assistant
In tbe sack a Ed allowed a sailor to tie
Ibe ksot which bound him a fast pris
oner. This dose, the chief carried the
,Mck bite an epea space, warning tbe
'people te stsBd bsck some distance.
jm .,. !.... . I .. 4 Ait .fin.
ftxm imti warneu tiu nu auiuiatnj wn
venmtioa with bis AMtstaat. wboae re
pi'l could be distinctly beard coming
fmffl tbe sack. Huddenly tbe chief
raabed forward, picked tip tbe sack
b4I dumped It overboard, wbere. te
tbe horror of tbe passengers and crew,
It sank oat of sight
lasmedlstely tbe captain rushed for
ward and seised tbe man under tbe
full belief that be bad murdered bis
eouipanlou. but tbe Juggler only smiled
anil, polntias; to tbe canvas, asked that
it be raised. This was done, and tbe
stipesed drowned man was dtscov
ered squatting on tbe deck. 80 real
totle bad bees the throwing overboard,
bewever, that It was some time before
the surprised passengers could realise
a murder bad not been ceearaltted.
Still a aby.
"The last tlsse I saw bis was thirty
years ago. wbet be was a baby."
"Well. I saw him yesterdsy, and he
Jusa't chanced a blt."-8t, Louts Star.
For Cash
EARLY. Th Saw Mill fe now in operation axri
Townsite Company
Office comer Wall
Cutting It Mart.
.MIIow Ions can you stayf asked a
hostess wbo bad received au unexpect
ed visitor coolly.
"No longer than I can help," was tbe
crisp reply. "I have telephoned to
have ray trunk stay at tbe depot and
to notify se of tbe Hrst train I can
take home. 80 sorry I caa't stay
kneerr Chicago Record-Herald.
Dangtrous Reproductions.
"An artist. said Mr. Tecchum.
"should strive to reproduce what Is
Geareut 10 bis thought and deepest In
ble affection."
"Ten," replied tbe mercenary genius,
"but the laws against counterfeiting
currency are so severer' Waablagton
His Rsqustt.
Jndge nave you anything to say
before t pass sentence? I'rlsuner (who
knows buman nnluroi Yes, my lord;
I should like you to bnve your dinner
before you pass sentence upon me.
Londen Scrap.
A Oltlscture.
"My wife Is foreign born. Bhe al
ways talks broken English when sbe Is
angry with e."
"Gives yoa a dlalecturc, so to speak."
Washington Herald
Gents' Furnishings Latest Styles
New line of Fall and
Winter Suits, Men's
Fine Shoes, Sweaters,
Coats, Underwear and
- Hosiery.
and Ohio Streets
Tbe Bulletin bas on band a num
ber of the Great Northern illustra
ted leaflets "Opening Up Central
Oregon." These will be given to
anyone who cares to use them.
Dtpsrtmtat ot the Interior.
U. B. Land O&t st The Dalles, Ore.,
Augutl is, 191a.
Notk l hereby ilwn Ihel It. uerion.
orrjtldUw.Oreioa.whP, oa Hiy w, 1904, mede
ilometlred. No, liSI' (BerUI No. ojiy) fur
w) aw Sec. M.T. It S., R. II it.
W, M. ht Slid noilce or loleatlon to make
Snsl Sec-yeer FrooT, lo eiUblUh cUim to the
l.ndebo.e decrlbid, before II. C. I'.llli. U. B.
ri.ul.ili.a ., 111. nM r mt ttand flfaanH tt
the 4th cUr of October, 191.
I ClelnUBl neiute wtlDeaws:
fted WalUcr. Jeceb Thoep, Frank Murk, Hjivurv. All ai rLAiaiair. ijrrvoa.
j ri C W. MOOKK, Keglater,
Department of the Interior.
V, D. I and OSke it The Dalles, Or.,
Augutt t, 1910.
Notice la hereby siren that
John D. llaybnrn,
of Bend. Oregon, who, on AuguatS, ifrf, made
llomeatesd. No oiyJ. for tX awjf Bee. llsnd
nX BK nwtf B'tf Bee. K,T.UI.,W,H,
ha Sled notice of lolcullon lotuake Snalfie
year proof, to eatattllah rtalm tothe laud alwve
ite-crlbed, before II. a K1IU, U H. ConimlMioner
at hla oSVe, st Send, Oregon, on the 41b day of
October, 191.
Claimant names aa wltr.cMca:
W. I. Vanderert. C. B. Allen, J. !. Sawbllt,
John Vetera, all of Bend. Oregon.
'j6-y C.W. MOOKK, Keglater.
plwty of lumber available
Stetson Hats, Cliwtt-PeakMly Shirts, Arrow
BrnJ Coltors, Michmh-Starn Clothing, Hole
Proof hh tots3rwovn Socla, Cutter & Cros-
&tt Neckwwtr, All America Shorn.
That's a Few of our Lines.
Are there Any Better?
We arc just getting open. Come in and look
things oyer..
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
WsH Street.
Take vour prescriptions to Red
Cross Drug Store for accuracy and
1 rem uruk'H. tl
Our new line of Fall and Winter
Suits have. arrived. Come In and see
a new line of Men's Shoes, Sweaters,
Coats, Underwear and Hosiery.
Yours for Business,
Warranty Deeds, Honds for Deed
and MortKSKc Blauks for sale fat
the Ilullctin office. ,