The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 31, 1910, Image 6

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Choice Residence Lots.
Beginning: on Thursday, September 1, 1910, we will sell 100 Jots in Wiestoria at greatly reduced rates.
25 Cash
$25 TO
Your own terms
on the balance
Wiestoria is located in the center of the residence additions to Bend. The lots are, with few exceptions, 50x110 feet, nil alleys arc 20 feet
wide and the streets, being 60 and 80 feet in width, not only sufficiently provide for ingress and egress to and from the property, but also for
proper sidewalk spaces and passageways for future electric lines. Most of the property is but a few blocks from the Oregon Trunk depot location
and -is conveniently situated in reference to schools, depot, business portion, churches and manufacturing sites. Two PERPETUAL WATER
RIGHTS, one from the Pilot Butte Canal and one from the Arnold Canal, arc appurtenant to Wiestoria.
Every lot in Wiestoria is thoroughly protected by comprehensive building and other restrictions. ABSOLUTELY NO OBJECTIONABLE
ESTABLlSHfllENTS OF ANY DESCRIPTION WILL BE PERAUTTEP. The position of buildings upon lots Is regulated, so that all will be a
Wiestoria has impressive Pilot Butte for a background. From an elevation of 3650 feet it gently slopes westerly towards the Cascades
and Mend, affording magnificent views of 10 snow-capped mountain peaks and the far-stretching timber lands.
The Bend Bulletin of July 27, 1910, in its comments on the different additions to Bend, refers to Wiestoria as follows: "This land is beauti
fully situated, commanding a magnificent mountain view, and is dotted with junipers and stately pines." '
Every sales contract or deed for the 100 lots to be put on sale September 1 has an individual number.
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon Exclusive Agents.
Threading a Ndl WhMa Riding at
Full Gallop.
Setae staazlej; feat of horsemanship
havo been performed bj cowboys and
IsaMaaa, set to speak of those atou
Ishlngljr expert Coroojrks. bill ll J
doubtful If these hare vwr extredt-d
the feat of a Itlf Irregular rarulrjrtnuu
Cossacks hare been seen to snatch a
baby from Its mot tier" arras at full
jallop, tosa It Into the air, catcb ll nud
repeat the performance. Indian riders
ta the far west lure sprung fmm their
bones' backs while the animal were
morlag at full gallop, picked op ar
rows sad remounted lojttantlr In a
staBdlsg posture. Bat who ever beard
of a Cossack, an Isdlan or a cowboy
t&readlaa; a ueedJe while at full sal
lop? Tb horsemen of the Itlf coast use
sbmU meaata. slight, but quirk and
wiry, of thoroughbred Arabian barb
type. Those of the Irregular carnlrjr
perforin all manner of charges and
erolutloss. They will throw their
swords and matchlocks Into the air.
catcbtng them b tbo hilts and stocks.
On one occasion, br way of offering
some new and unusual entertainment
to a French officer Tlsltlng that region.
It was announced that ono rider would
attempt the needle threading feat.
X needle and a piece of thread possi
bly two or three feet lir length were
produced. They were both banded
aronnd for Inspection. The needle was
a cambric one and tbo thread fifty or
sixty doe.
The rider galloped his mount down
the sand about 400 yards or so. lie
Anally wheeled his horse and remained
Utloeary. facing bis audience. The
sua who beld the needle and thread'
wared them In bis hand and rode to
ward the other. When be bad corered
about two-thirds of the dlxlnwe be
baited and wared bis band to the far
ther one. Immediately the latter spur
red his horse Into a gallop and came
toward the audience at full speed. As
be paiMed the other be took the needle
asd thread from bis companion, bent
orer for a momest and pulled up when
be reached the visiting Frenchman,
holding the threaded needle trium
phantly orer bla bead. -St. Louis He
They Are Permitted to impose Small
Fines en Offenders.
Oae advantage accrues to the re
apectabie bmhUm . f thf community
fiww the fQjsxtajiM $ which tbo
Pwdsa paNwTaMtlcjkhta'tbe affairs of
awy tasabfcawt ? rt city. If be is a
eareral man aad always carrlfs papers
which nay serve to establish his iden
tity be ia practically iromuae from the
jnjfrrttttr of tela arretted aad marcb
S Jrrt is." aftlM aajasja-
! deed, be commits some especliilly hei
nous crime. Does he drive fuxter than
the law permits, does be enwit a bridge
on the left bund side, be Is stopis-d by
the guardian of law and order nud re
quested to give bis uatue. If he hn
bis papem with him the pollcnitw .
may then and there ltuxiHe a flue o
from I to 3 marks. If then be admit
that be Is In the wrung and imy !
fine the Incident Is cloned. If. tiov
ever, be wishes to upM-nl from the n
llreman's declxlon he may do no. Even
In that cam he is not arrested, hut
day or two later be In not I tied to a
pear Id court uud answer to tbe r
agsluxt hi in. Hut then If he Is foipi.
guilty tbe luwcKt due that can be liu
toicd U .'! marks. That ibU cu-toui u.
permitting the policeman perxonully In
impose small lines U little uudrrtood
by foreigner Is shown by u remark
made by a gentlemnn who had lived In
Germany the greater part of bis life
and la Dresden for a number of year.
Id reply to any Inquiry as to whether
there was ever any question of iorrti
tion In tbo police department be re
plied: "No; none whatever as far as the
higher officers are concrrned. Tbe in
dividual men. however, may be bribed
occasionally. For Instauce. If I were
to walk on tbe gram In the Oronxcr
garten and a policeman cnugbt me at
it I would give him a murk or two,
and that would end the matter."
The late Sir Charles Hammond wa
addressing a meeting during u general
election, nt which lie wou u seat In
Newcustle, when a man Interrupted
blm. -(Jet yer 'air cut. Cburller be
Blr Charles, who was a mugUtrnte.
calmly adjusted III glares and si
lenced the Interrupter by saying, "SI)
friend. If I nm nut mWliiken, I hare
been Ibe means of hnriug your hall
cut before today," Loudon Taller.
A Wal) street broker, turning tin cor
ner of Uroud street, huw h friend com.
lag down Ibe seM which feud out of
tbe office of u well known financier.
This departing caller hud u chUMteued
and bored eiprenxloii on bin Imiidjonie
face, and tbe Wull street broker In
quired the muxe. With thoughtful de
liberation bis friend replied;
MI Just have been exticrlenclng the
unconscious Indolence of conscious
wealth." New York i'rexa.
"Better take a bardwood table
ma'am. It Is the fasbluuuble thing."
the dealer Kald.
"No," said the young woman; baby
will soon be old euougb to hammer,
and be never could drive a nail Into
bard wood. I'll take a plain pine fabler-New
York Journal.
Simple RuUs That Will Aid That
Who Wsnt to Ltsrn.
"It Is luexciixuble for crumps to
cauxe the dm lb ot a good swimmer,"
remarked an old uud culuuxhullc
"Auy normal penuin can float In tbe
water." be said. "A good swimmer
can learn more euxlly tlmn others, and
he should leurn It. There may be hu
man bodies that will ln eu 1 1 rely sub
merged if unsupported, but I doubt It.
and I know that xtirti ixMlles are rare
"i'rulmbly the ImxIIi-h of drowned
people sink Itecnuxe they have tuken
In large quantities of tvater. Whether
Ibis Is or is uol Ibe explanation U not
"U'ltb tbe air expelled ns much as
possible by ordinary breathing and
with no swimming moremeut some
part of the head will remain nboro Ibe
water. If the exieriment is to be pro
longed It Is more agreeable to throw
tbe bead back and have tbe nose above
tlio water, but that U a detail.
"When you are In the water you
should practice floating. It Is easier
to float In deep than In shallow water,
but until you have learned to swim
prudence demands thai you remain
where you can stand with your bead
above water. Walk out until the sur
face is near your shoulders. You can
float In a less deptb. but It Is more
difficult. Allow yourself to fall back
ward. Slake no effort to prevent
sinking. Let your noso point to tbe
tenllb. Your bead may go under wo
ter, but It will rise again. You can
take my word for It, knowing that 11
you full you can stand on your feet.
"If you have followed Instructions
you should float tbe first time. The
Important thing to remember first, last
and all tbe time Is; Hold your breutti
all tbe time unless you know you will
take In air and uot water.
"You who have pot learned to float
may be thrown into tbo water. You
may have a few hours or h few sec
onds of warning. Use those few or
many seconds to get control of your
self, and there are two things you
should bring to tbe front In your
thoughts. llcfraln from breathing ex
cept when you know you will take In
air and uot water, and If a swimmer
attempts to rescue you make no effort
to grasp blm czcepj, when and as bu
"If be is a wlso and a good swim
mer ha will not allow you to do this,
aa an effort to grasp blm will add to
bis labors, and be will need all but
strength." Cleveland I'lalu Dealer.
The effect (hat 11 a person suffering
from nostalgia took some ashes from
tbe hearth In bla or bcr old borne and
strewed Them oa tbe tiro In tbe strange
place bo or she would be rid of the
homesickness aa cosy remedy appar
ently, but it bad two serious draw
backs. Tbo first was that after using
the remedy In the uew borne one would
never be content In any other place.
If one were to move from the home
stead to which one bad borno tbo
ashes one would always long to get
back there again Just as much as ono
bad longed to get away from there.
And tbe second "drawback was that
one couldn't carry asbes along every
time one moved to a new place, be
cause tbe remedy could be lined once
only. After that It lost Its charm and
bad no effect. Bo that, taken all In all.
It was a rather dangerous experiment
to make.
WInUr Hems of Dtsr,
Tbe winter borne of tbe American red
deer ia very Interesting. Wbea tbr
snow begins to fly Ibe leader of tbe
herd guides them to some sheltered
spot where provender U plentiful. Here
as the snow falls Ibry pack It down,
tramping out a considerable space,
while about tbcm the snow mounts
higher and higher until tbey cannot
get oat if tbey would. From the main
opening or "yard," as It Is called,
tramped out paths lead to tbo nesrby
trees and shrubbery wblcb supply
tbem with food. In IbU way tbey
manage to pass tbe winter In comparu
tire peaco and safcty.-St. Nicholas.
Family Relation.
"Who is that man you were Just
talking witbr
"That's my brotber-lnlaw."
"He looks enough like you to be your
own brother."
"Ho la ray own brother. Wa are
"Twins? Then why did you say he
was your brother-ln-lawr
"Hecaujio be Is. I bare three broth-ers-oao
in law, one In medicine and
one ia tbe army,"
Hs Explain! It "
"See here, young man," said Ibe
stem parent, "why la It that you are
always behind In your rludles"
"Uecauae,"' explained the youngster,
"If I wasn't beblad I could not pursue
them." Chicago Hews.
Gloemy and Pssullsr,
"What la tbe baby crying for, my
"I duaaoi 'a'a alw'ya crying, I never
came acrawat any one wot looks upon
tbe dark side of things as 'e does."-
LoadoB Puuch.
Ashss From th Old Hartb.
A quufnt Hwedlsli legcud concerning
a cure for homesickness appears In
Eclma Lagerlofs book "Tbe Ulrl From
the Marsh Croft." truttslatcd by Velum The covetous man loses whst be
antoa Upward. Tbe tradition is to do not get.-Seneca.
J. atterson Druo L,o.
"' ' " ! I .1 . I HI. .1 ... I- .
(Successors to Mertlll Dtug Co.)
Candies and
Cleaning and Pressing
I lmve opened it Tailor Shop in tlie
K M Smith Clothing Co 'a Store, in
Bend, and urn ready to do nil kinds of
cleaning pri-miiit imil altering, and
nil classes of Grnt'a Tailor Work.
Satisfaction guaranteed JfclAN 15 II OSS
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Call on or telephone us for the Uest Seasoned Wood.
Custom Wood Sawing Solicited.
All wood is cut greci therefore nnsurltK nnd live wood
Wm. P. DOWNING, Proprietor.
Table always supplied with the boat that the (own affords,
Neat and Comfortable Rooms, wh Okkoon
Try THE BULLETIN for Job Printing f