The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 31, 1910, Image 4

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SlX SHClltnS...iiiiMi,..mMM..Mit
Three month.-...-...'.. .-..,
(iHTMtaMy la advance.)
...! t.jc
WEDNESDAY. AUG. 31, totq.
We have pictures and lotiR de
acrlptions of the "smudging" of
orchards in famous fruit districts, of
the spraying and the mulching and
special protections for trees and
vines and plants, from sunny Mex
ico to snowy Canada. Notwith
standiog which the beat of them
suffer occasional failures from frost
or drouth or insect pests. It was
only a few years ago that the Flor
ida orange industry was almost
totally destroyed by an unseason
able frcerc. It has hardly yet re
covered. But Florida is still a fine
orange country. California suffers
reverses every year in some of its
noted fruit sections.
Those who are skeptical of the
agricultural value of Central and
Eastern thegon its power to pro
duce, for example, apples, or toma
toes or alfalfa should think of
these things. They see here none
of the evidences of special care
which is bestowed upon such crops
in regions famous for their produc
tion. Why should they expect
here without special effort such re
suits as are obtained elsewhere
only after the expenditure of
money, time and careful study of
the peculiarities of the locality?
Such unthiuking, offhand con
drmnation means nothing but
poor and unfajr judgment on the
part of those who jump to such
hasty conclusions. It is unfair to
expect of a raw, new section that
perfection which is scarcely ut
taiucd, after long study and cul
ture, in old and well-developed ter
ritory. The natural peculiarities of the
country must be studied and hu
mored here as elsewhere. Then
we have the right to expect results
Such success as come without sjs
tematic, intelligent effort simpl
prove that nature is unusually
kind here.
controlled before material damage
had been done.
The Bulletin has for distribution
an interesting and valuable report
of ForcnMcr Ileal on the climate of
the Deschutes Valley. It is worth
while to huve accurate information
on this subject. This official state
ment clears up some things that
were mysterious.
Officers or the county court of Priiok
county were In Eugene to confer with
the officer of Lane count; with a view
to cetilnz tbe McKenzie road over the
Cascades pat into better condition 10
teat automobile miitu make tne trip
easily, tbe visiting officers promising to
make a Rood highway on their title of
the mountain if, the road on this fide U
made better.
Such roafl would be of immense ad
vaatage to Eugene. It would mean
that all the travel from tbe interior of
Oregon Into the Willamette valley even
a far aa Portland, would come through
Eugene. By all laeam, let the couutv
court make any reasonable agreement
with tbe county court of Crook county
and let this trans-Cascade highway be
opened to public travel.
Such is an editorial extract (torn
the Oregon Regis'er of Eugene
The proposed road would be of
vast value to Bend. One result of
its completion would be that all the
automobile and tourist traffic from
Willamette and Washington points
which now comes into Central Ore
gon by way ot Tbe Dalles and
Sbaaiko would enter over the new
However, may not such a high
way justly be considered a luxury,
important, to be sure, but worth
having and paying for only after
tbe local roads are put into good
shape. It is far more important
that farmers have good roads over
which to haul their produce tbe
back-bone of a country's develop
mentthan that effort be made on
bigger projects, however valuable
tbey may be.
The citizens of Wallace, Idaho,
with their town practically de
stroyed and their water supply cut
off by forest fires, were driven to
drinking beer as a last resort.
Moral for tempcrnnccitcs: Live in
Central Oregon, where the timber
doesn't burn.
The German Kiscr has indeed
opened his mouth and put his foot
into it.
While he (.President Taft) is still con
viuced that tbe Payne-Aid rich law is the
best tariff law tbe country has bad up to
this time, has at last reached the con
clusion that there is decided room for
improvement. Portland OreL'onian.
Revision of tbe "best tariff ever
passed" will be Taft's keynote for
the congressional campaign
Sounds familiar, somehow. It
was not so very long ago that
"tariff revision" was the "key
note" in r presidential campaign.
And what came of h excepting
W. H. T.'s installation iu the
White House? and,, bow, indeed,
can there be poibillity for "im
pravenwnt" in such a Utopian
tariff law as the present?
Horn Acquires Properly and Will
Oreatly Improve It.
A. II. Horn, who acquired an
interesi in the Bend Brick & Tyle
Co. together with F. A. Hunnell,
Fred Van Matre nud 0 W.jGert
son iu May, took over the entire
property ou August 5th In June
the company was incorporated with
a capital stock of $20,000 all now
controlled by Mr. and Mrs. Horn
The present capacity of the yard
is 15,000 brick a day. This will
be doubled next spring, says Mr.
Horn, when a Ipt of the best ma
chinery will be installed.
L. D. Wlest Writes of Thoughtless
Damage to Laterals.
The Bulletin, at the request of
the writer, prints the following
letter of a Bend citizen who objects
10 certain alleged abuses of irriga
tion ditches, causing private loss
and public iuconveuience.
To tbe Editor:
Considerable annoyance has been
caused by people throwing obstructions
into the Wiest-Tabor Lateral in order to
(jet across the ditch. These obstruc
tions, consisting of rocks and litnln,
have been thrown in by different per
sons at distances of about loo yard
apart and cause refuse to catch thereon
in such a manner as to cause dams, there
by frequently overflooding the ditch and
in some instances causing more or leu
damage. In one instance posts and
other rubbish were thrown Iu to take a
traction engine across. It would prob
ably have taken the part who threw it
in about five minutes to remove iu The
posts and rubbish were left in tbe ditch
resulting in the ditch being cut at this
point and the public road iu the. vicinity
practically ruined until it can be re
paired, anil causing damages amounting
to some I to. While it no doubt is fre
quently necessary for people to cross
aim recrots private mtciics at uiUerent
points, obstructions left therein are a
nuisance and should be removed by the
parties tnrowiug tuem in.
L. D. Wikst.
Drunk .Railrort Worker Almost Kilts
Bartender at Hiliman,
A serious decrease in Hillman's
population was narrowly averted
on Sunday when Pete Moro, part
owner of a couple of near-beer joints
in mat town, was nearly killed by
an unknown Austrian railroad
worker. It appears (hat a row in
Moro's saloon resulted the "Bo-
bunk" drawing a knife and badly
cutting up the bartender. Dr.
Hofcb of Redmond' attended the
wounded man, who will recover
The assailant and bis companions
escaped and as yet have not been
apprehended, uor are their names
t htreliy announce myself as a caillUtt to
uccvrd Intaeltlo the drive of County Clttk, sub.
lectin the anurorol of the Demon site niters, ol
Crook County at the yrtnis.r)r lUsn to I held
PcnleuilKr S4,loio,
Respect fully,
Wasrkn Drown,
t hereby anncunee myself a candidate to
succeed myself to the otttce ofKherltr, subject to
the ppronil ol the Republican volt rs of Crook
County at the primary election to be held Hep
Umber 14, Isio. Ketucctfully,
PaANit Klkiks.
1 hereby anuouce myself a candidate forSher
In" of Crook County, suhject to the approval of
the Democratic Volets at the ptlmaiy noml
bating election to tx held Heptttnber it, 1910.
John It. Howards.
I hereby announce myaclf a candidate for
Sheriff of Crook Couu'.y, subject to the Itepub
llcnn voter atthe lllmary iiumluattna tleclloit
la be hcbl Mcplember w. 1110, twill highly ap
preciate any ami all thine done by my menu
for my nomination. If nominated ami eltdctl
will da all in my power lo have all Ian tnlomd.
It espect fully,
Millard TairLsrr.
t hereby announce myaclf aacamlMale for the
office of County .Surveyor, subjret to the aproval
of the Republican voter of Civok County at the
primary election to be held September 14th,
Kcsprct fully,
DKoaoa H. Ybvno
To tke Democratic mler of Crook County: I
hrteby announce niyxlf aa a candMils fur the
oRlceofhhrnO" of t-Vct County ubjfcttolhe
approval of the tHmocratie voteta of the country
at the primary nominating election lo be held
September t Vi
II T. N. lutrovR, llle, Or.
To the Republican voters of Crook County t I
he'tby announce myeelf a a candidal) for the
orbce of Hherlffof Croak County, subject to the
approval ol Ihe RcuMlcn vol eta of iheenuulv
at the primary noniluallug election lo be held
September 14,1910.
J. A. Coi'LTaa.
For Sale.
Span of six and elght-vcnr-old
mares, weight about tooo lbs, each,
set of new hack harness, good
Spnuldtng hack, Milburn wagon
mid 600 or 700 bushels of seed ryc
Inquire of Mrs Jas Turner at the
ranch at Powell Unites 35-37
All people interested in water In
the Central Oregon Canal: There
will be a uicctitiK the nt Saturday
iu September at l o'clock at Mu
sters Opera House in Bend to form
an association important to all
settlers. Come. '335
A man who whispers down a well
About the stuff he tin to sell
Will never trade suit make Ihe dollar
Like he who climb a tree; and hollers.
I'or SAtK LuxiiiKR Weliave In one
dry shed fc,ooo feet of finished luttitier,
alt site and kind from I to 34 Inches
In width. Also door ami window Jains,
Window stools, building shingles, clc.
We can make arrangements to deliver
any where. Seud u your order. J.N.
Maslcn Lumber Co., Rostand, Ore. tf
Bend Hardware Co.
Owing to a decline in wire
products we aro making
new prices on Naik and
Galvanized Barbed Wire
as follows:
NAILS, base,
per keg ....
Heavy Galv. Barbed
Wire per 100 lbs. .
Light Galv. Barbed
Wire per 100 lbs. .
We have in stock a full line
of the famous
r 1
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes, Paints, (Jhtss, Builders'
Hardware, Hoofing Everything yon
need for your new I louse or new Store.
Wall Street, Wall Street
Best Wheat Land
from Rend to the lands nnil return (or nil who locate,'
1 Merrill
Write (or Particular, to
(5b Wilkinson Company
1IKNI), ORltC.O.V.
As additional evidence that forest
fires iu many cases do not oyve
their origin X4 , careless campers or
malicious persons it is pointed out
' that tbe recent threatening bUze iu
the vkinity of Snow butte (or
BacbaWr .butt M it is known by
waatf .'tosMgvtite irt peak to the
MMtiwaWsVof the Three Sisters,
spkwters) was in a locality beldota
or aver viaited by white taea, or
Indians. Of course the (ire
na1 volcanic origin, and tbe
mly rtrtiMttl theoiy is that it was
mt by UfMalt)?. However, it was
W. D. Barnes Delegate to Farmers
Congress Grangers J'Jcnlc.
hAWiAW, Auk, 29. W. D. Barnes has
been appointed delegate to the farmers'
National Congress at Lincoln, Nebraska.
He will attend tbe congress.
The Ticket Island Grange took their
well filled basket and hied themselves
to Rene West's ranch on the Dcscnutes
on Thursday, Aug. 35, for a pienje'din-
Bert Miller and Chauncey Becker went
to Bend Monday night.
W. D. Barne' relatives of Daveunort.
Iowa, who have been visiting with him,
returned Monday,
O. Laurgaard of the O. W. P, Finance
Co. is again iu Laidlaw.
II. C. Metke, who is Interested
Kciimond, was here Wednesday,
The petition of Millard Triplett of
Bend as a candidate for sheriff. wa dr.
culated here last week and a number of
signatures secured.
R. II. Bayley, county commissioner,
win .; a vauuiuaic iur recicciion.
F, R. Pheonix and I, E. Tetherow of
Keumomi visited us last week, collect
ing material wr a new map.
Uncle" Prank Nichols" "Aunt Molly"
and Ed Dean returned from the moun
tains Monday evening. N
Bend Hardware Co.
Riverside and Ly tie
The coining Residence District of HEND. Lots
50x140 feet, $150, $175, 5200, ii!5, SiiCO, fJ75, $1100.
'20 per cent, cash, balance f 10 per mouth. These
lots arc sure to increase in value, perhaps more than
double by the time you make the bust payment. Let
tnc take you out and show you this property.
Fire Insurance J. A. EASTES, Agent,
Notary PuHic Oregon St., I1KND, OH.
$1800 Two Lota near Depot Site.
$1500 200 jc 100 feet and nice, four-room cottage.
$3250 One of the best located business lots in the city.
$50 Per Acre 160 acres two miles from Ilcticl. 1,300,000 feet
of timber. Will be desirable for five hud io-acre tracts.
Can be irrigated.
$40 Per Acre uo acres three miles at of Laldlmv, all fenced,
60 acres in cultivation. All Irrigated. Improvements
cost 51600. I'our-ioom house. One-fourth cash, bal
mice 1, a and 3 years.
0f I have listed Ilusiiiesi and Residence property in all
parts of the City and Additions. Also FARM l'ROPKRTY in
all directions.
List Your Property with Mo for Quick Sales. I Am Having
Alany Calls for FARM PROPERTY.
R-DterhT" .
m wo s mm m.k lJrT. MP
LvLaaaaat J. aBBBBaLw '
aaaaaaaCaoH 5kaaaaaaaar r
iaatfiZs. Wi5hLt ;
iFishing Season
Commences April First. We
carry a full line of the very best
Die new shipment just in. Rods,
Flies, Leaders, etc.
S. C. Caldwell
EVERYTHING for (be Hsbermaa.
We have farm lands and city property
for sale. If you wish to purchase, see
us. If you have anything for sale, see
us. We are here for business and will
treat you right.
Notli is hcrebr circa that there will be
offered for1ir nud sold tpufchcuct!m at my
raurfl On the Dtachut a rfvr In rrnnl, v...H.r
Oregon, on baluid.r. btvltmixr i. loin ll
1 o'clock p. m.. the folloffiair dcacrlbbl nrunni.i
OuecacstnuUorrcl rosre with white spot iu
rc, S lo 9 ytara old, branded O with quarter
circle over ft, ou left stifle. H
Utrd August 17, 1910. "
Hotel Bend
Corner Bond and Oregon 8ts.
Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day
HUGH O'KANE, Manager
Q. C. R.QQ.
Hotallng Building, Wall Street, Bend
Pies, PofitriM and Cake. :: Meals Servd at Regular
IJond St., next lo llulietln Office,
IlltNI), OK.
T7T" iW