I I iii'ii"nnf; un" iTT-TiiniiMi frT"Tn' rsr in'firrarn . r , i Pt a, j- Crescent THE JUNCTION CITY. Situated 50 miles south of Ilend, on the Oregon Trunk Hailroad and on the Nation Cut-oil of the Southern Pacific, Crcscnt oflcra Great Investment UargHins. Spcuinl Inducement' for Uusiness Men and Home Makers. Automobile Service from Ucnd LOTS ON EASY T E R Al S See L. L. FOX, Uend Agent. Central Ore. Improvement Co. 1.. P. WAKGPIELl), Manager, Crescent, Oregon. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STREET, BEND, OR. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET CANDY, FRUIT, CIGARS AND TOBACCO M. J. KELLY Davics building, Wall St., DliNI), OREGON A. D. MOE, The Tailor fin received a full line of Fall and Winter Samples Suits niuilc to order from $15 00 up Cull ami 8ce the kiuii)Ic leforc buiu clstwlicro. Clrau lug and prcMinn given upcciul intention Shop on Bond St. National Cash Market Davics Building, Wall Street F. W. STAFFORD, Proprietor MERCHANT TAILORING A SPKCIALTY tJie yfteis uoqgerij V FINIS ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER SHIRTS 8S&&8 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR The Nettleton Shoe MEN'S TROUSERS A. L. FRENCH WullStreii, BEND, OREGON FIGURENtOBLEMS Qoms That Are to Be Found In tho Old Arithmetics. ALL OF THEM "PRACTICAL" Thai Wat What tha Inquisitive Boy'a Father Told Him, and iha Lad Start' d Out to Verify Iha Qtatemsnt Tha "Praetleal" Eaamplss He Dug Up. Wne education more practical a gen eration oro, or did Jolin'H fiithcr rtudy Ida book a inure thoroughly tlinu John docer John la it seventh (trade ntudent In the public schools, lie nsUi-d hla father to help hliu solro tho followlng problem! "A., nuked how much money lip bait In tho bank, replied, 'If I had SKI more I would bare $1,000 more than half what I now have.' How much money tmd A.V ' "Much a fool problem." inld the tn then "Trll (lint teacher to ask the cashier. You have bteii (teetering me with problems llk lliut for a week 8upKw your lencber naked you how old you are. Would you tell her 'If I were ten times as old na I am, dlinln lebrd by forty! wo, I would be thirty yean older than dad, ami If dad were one-fourth a old aa "he now la he would be my ngeT What would your teacher do If you answered In such a tnannor In my day wo had practical problem In our arithmetic." In order to InTcstlnoto bta father's statement John went to the public li brary and naked for an old arithmetic. Tbe librarian Rare him Itlcbard'a Natural Arithmetic, fie turned to the paea marked "I'racllcal EjercUes" and reads "A. puta ula whole flock of abrcp Into three paaturea. Half go Into one pan lure, one-third Into another and thirty two Into a third. How many lu tbe flock r That's queer," anld John. "Prnc tlcal cxcrcliea too. Here la n man who wanta to find bow many a beep be baa. He counts tbero ao be will know when he baa half of them. Tbla half he puta Into a posture. Then bo couota out a third and puta It In another pen. Next be counta what's left and flnde be haa thirty-two. After a little fl mir ing bo finds bow many In tbe whole flock. Very practical 1 rucm drd didn't study that book." The next book be examined wsa Mllno'a Inductive Arithmetic, edition or 1870. In mtacellansoua example be found tbe following: "Two laddere will together Juat reach tbe top of a building aorenty-flre feet high. If tbe aborter ladder to two Utlrde tbe length of the other, what Is tbe leagtu of each?" "Why didn't he measure each ladder aeparatelyr Joha aafced himself. That problem t not practical. I guraa dad U older than I thought. 1 want an older book." Tbo text written In 1SG8 waa handed to him. Tbe book waa evidently Influ enced by tbe civil war. for It waa Oiled with problem dealing with battering down fortlflcallnua and the auttcnance of aoldlera. Oue problem waa; "If twrlre piece of cannon (eight een pounder! can baiter down a for (rota In three bourn, how long will It take for nineteen twenty-four-pound-era to batter down tbe ame fortresaT" "Tbat'a flue for a general. John re flected, "but dad any that I am going to be n captain of Induitry." Another arithmetic of the nme date had the famoua flib problem with which John' teacher had troubled him for ilx weeka before be himself Anally explained It to tbo class. The flah problem la: "Tbe brad of a flab la ten Incbea long. Ita tnll la aa long as It bead and one-half the body. The body la ai long aa tbe bead and tall both. Uow Ions ' tha flihr Very handy problem for a butcber. John turned to the Common School Arithmetic, edition of ISM. "Here I'm aure to And something good." he reflected and rend: "A hare Marin up twelve rod lofore a hound, but ahe I not perceived by him till she haa been up one aud one-fourth minute. Bbe runs nl the rate of tblr-ly-alx rod u minute, and tbe bound ruu at the rate of forty rods a min ute. How lonK will the mew last, aud what will be tbe dUtunce tho hound ruuax" "What difference does It make how far tbe hound ninar John naked aa be turned to the Scholar" Arithmetic, edltlou of 1807. Tbe present high coat of living made the flrat problem Im practical for present day purpoaea, John coucludcd. Tho problem waa aa follows; "If I give eighty liuauels of potatoes at SI cent n bushel and 210 pound of tlnx at 15 rout a pound for alxty-four busbolnof salt, what U tho salt worth a bushel?" Another problem waa: . "A good taun drlrlng hi gueat to market vn met by another, who said, flood morrow, master, with your 100 gcem".' Snys he In reply, 'I have tint 100 geese, but If I bad bo(f aa many as I now have and two and one-half geese besides the uuntber I uow have ajreudy I should have 100.' "How many geeae hod the many How loug would you pormlt a man to live It he mode such un answer to you 7 "Phew!" John nlghcd as he wiped bis forehead and Imuded tbe hook back to the librarian. "Dad must have skipped these practical problem. - Ktiwa City Stur, Wo are never ao ridiculous by the qunlftlea we have aa by thoaa we af. foot to have.-KocbefouauW. PAWNSHOP LINGO. A Business Chat Bttwtan a Cuitemar and Hla Unci.. Mnybo you oarer had occaalon to go to a pawnshop. Probably It' Juat a well. If you ever bare gone thure, though, you may have learned that tbe pawnfthop ha a lingo of ita uwn. Hero la a conrentnllon overheard oh, n man told me about It In a place on Ontario street. A young man with a worldly wise expression had Jut walked In. un hooked a large gold watch from a chain and banded It to Iha man acres tho counter for Inspection. "How many do I cop on tbo chtmcrT" be Inquired nonchalantly, "Cough your flgure," anld the duck behind lite counter. "Would four aawbuck find you in the front parlor?" "Not ao. my rheelld. I c'n get a dray load of 'era for forty." "Aw. well, pas mo oTcr alxty Mexi can, then." "Nope. Cosno again. Thirty's too ntrong too." "Bay, bo. where do yoo think I get thl llcker-hy flndln' li out o' twelve face In tbo picture?" Inquired the young man with a duguated leer. "Anyhow, twenty-Are' tbe rock fig ure. That jtoe Not bin Iras. "Twenty-flve on a gilt dial," mar mured the money lender aa he wrote out tbe ticket and tbe transaction was ended. The next customer waa a red haired youth with a forehead about one and one-elgbth Inch high and carrying a suit of clothe under hi arm. "How often for tae happy togs?" be nsked. spreading them out on tbo counter. "Up to you." "'Bout foar. then. They're gay one." "Split." wild the other laconically. "Better rake It down too. Can't play tbe high one." "Wbut-on'y a double on theia giddy rag?" In a tone of Injury. -Two' tbe limit." "You win." And. taking the two dol lar bill and bU ticket, he went hi way, Cleveland Plain Dealer. FAULTS OF GOLFERS. To Cur Them the Play of Exparte Should Be Studlsa. Tbe common fautta of the golfer may be named In tbe following order of Importance: Swinging too q sickly, taking the eye off the ball, holding the left band under the club, keeping tbe bands too near the body and standing too near tbe ball. The easiest, says Outing Indeed, tbe only satisfactory way of curing all these faults la to go out and watch aome drat class experts play. If you cannot And any expert of tbe Aral clas go for the best available. Thl. of course, t rudimentary ad vice and certainly not original. Tbe yeaagest caddie at St Andrew baa learned to request hi master to keep hi eye on tbe ball and not to pre. The troublo 1 that no amount of book teaching will make you follow tbla ad vice. There hi only one way to hit a golf ball. Yon must watch a good player and Imitate what ho doe. Moat be ginner make tbe aerloua mistake of taking leaaon from profewdonale who watch their pupil play and try to cor rect them. Tbe pupil would get twice aa much good out of tha lemon if he would watch the profeaatonal play aud think as little aa possible about him self. The human being U naturally Imita tive. If you alt and watch a good ten nis match between first class players you will unconsciously ("Blab- your atroke better tbe next time you take up a racket. With golf tbla b- par ticularly true, because nothing Is so Im portant aa tbe rhythmical timing of tbe atroke which dUUnguUhee a good player from bad. Mads a Social Outcast la court circles In England it la a aerloua nutter to Incur royal displeas ure. The man or woman who doea ao intentionally ceaaea to be recognised by his majesty, which means social extinction. Tho offender's name 1 struck out of tbe visiting list of every person who Is anybody in society, and should tbo offender, be a man he ts po litely Informed that hla resignation from hla. club or clubs would not be oat of place. No man or woman of social repute will la future know hits, and If be be In the army or navy be has ao option but to resign, for he will And himself cut dead by every one' of hi brother oScers, Loadon M. A. P. Hla Own Hands. A fashionable painter, noted for bis proline output, was discussing at a studio tea In New York a recent scan dal In tbe picture trade. "Look here, old man, said a noted etcher, "do you paint alt your owu pictures?" "I do," tho other answered hotly, "and with my own hands toe," "And what do you pay your bandar the etcher Inquired, "I'm thinking of starting an art factory myself." Awaiting Hsr Chancs. aJaud-I do wieh Tom would harry up and propose. Kbel-Uut I thought yon didn't like him. Maud-I don't. 1 want to get rid of hlai. Boatou Transcript In and Out. Wlgg Ttore seems to be quit a dif ference between a job and a attuathw. Weg-Oh, yea. For Instance, when a fellow lose hla Job ha often finds Witt self In an embarraaslo sUmUm. K'hllade'PB.U Record. , . FOUR HORSE! LIVGRY. SADDLU MORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. . WENANDY, Prop: AU, KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. l8. Horse Boueht and Sold. Llrht and heavv Horse far Sale. i ; FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, ACREAGE, HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS,, TIMBER LANDS. See Us For Bargains in Real Estate The Home Land Company OF BEND, OREGON W. W. ORCUTT, Manager Write Us For Reliable Information U We advertise extensively all over the United States and consequently get many inquiries from prospective j buyers. List your lands with us. We can sell for you. IT Come to see us when you arc in town. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You arc cordially Invited to make THE HOTKL DAM.USyour resting place while waiting over between trains on your way to and from Portland. New. thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths. I'irst class cafe. Rates ranging from 50c and $1 upward. Ideal Slopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. The Bend Machine Shop HENRY LINSTER. Prop. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS We have Milling Machine, Lathe, , Drill Press, Vulcanizer, etc , etc Automobiles, Farm Implements, Sawmill Machinery, etc. Agency for JACKSON AUTOMOBILES The best on the market. Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. Vulcanizing a Specialty. J. H. WENANDY bknd oa. F. L. BUNTEN SHANtKO, OR. Central Oregon Automobile Company WNBY-MTEN AUTGMNLE C DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shuntko, Madras, Redmond and Bend and aU interior points. For further iafarautloa vrite Central Oregon Automobile Co. ' See HENRY SCHI2WEL, Bend Ajent SPSCIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND 1AGGAG1? THE BULLETIN U th leading uewspapr of CSNTRAL OREGON M I