The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 31, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 55
Would Have Definite Understandlng.
with Railroad Concerning (Ircen-
wood Avenim tlridge Dumping
(round Matter U Discussed
At Itut ulKht's council meeting
Treasurer Spcuccr's report won
rcud, showlni a Iwilunce In the city
treasury of foo6 86 on AtiKiist and.
A synopsis of the report from
June to la na follows:
June to. Pat. on hand.f joj, 46
round charges and dog
licenses 106 75
Tases yfi is
Near beer liccntee.,.., 779 m
I'lnci,, 17 50
ToUl $1154 86
Water rent jt jj 08
lall repairs, etc..,,,, ,,7 47(11
Vollcc ,,. if 45
Mltacellauy 47
IUI. lu Treat. f -5 86
A proposed ordinance regulating
character of the railroad brieve over
Greenwood avenue was read for the
accond time and put on the table
on Triplctt'it motion, Onell accond'
I11H. On Trlplctl'fl motion sec
onded by Sellers the Recorder waa
instructed to notify the Oregon
Trunk tha they must submit plana
and specifiditious of the Greenwood
bridKC be lore the council's next
regular meeting on September 13th,
and unlets thla waa done legal item
would be taken to atop the bridge
making until a definite understand
inn had been reached between city
and railroad.
Mayor Merrill appointed Carlyle
Trlplett day policeman. The coun
cil did not ratify the appointment.
On Sellers' motion, seconded by
Ovetturf, a committee of three,
Sellers, Orerturf and Kelly, was
appointed to investigate the possi
bility of securing a dumping
ground for public use.
Policeman Chapman reported the
jail In need of fuel and blankets.
On motion of Ovcrturf, Trlplett
seconding, it wna ruled that here
after private complainants must
deposit $10 with City Attorney to
insure appearance of complaining
witness. City Attorney's salary was
raised to $10 a month and he was
Instructed to have printed special
forms for complaints and warrants.
He also was instructed to draw up
an ordinance restricting to 8 mile
on hour'thc speed of autos, and re
quiring use of lights on motor
driven vehicles.
John Hdwards of Hcnd Announces
Candidacy for County Office.
John 15. Kdwards has announced
himself as a candidate for the dem
ocrntlc nomination for sheriff
Mr. IMwards Is 11 resident of Hcnd,
For seven enrs he Ims lived in
this section of Central Oregon. In
the Gist country, coming from
Ilioivosvlllc, In Lynn county.
Camping Party tins (land Luck with
dun and Rod.
Mr. mid Mrs, Trlplett, Mr. mid
Mrs. Brock, of Portland, rind Win
Hrock, and Mr. nud Mrs. Dulls re
turned Saturday from a u-dsys
vacation trip to the south. The
Indies traveled in an auto, their
husbands driving with camp equip
ment and hounds.
When about midway between
Lakes Crescent and Odell the men
saw bear tracks in the road, evi
dently very fresh, as they obliter
atcd'the marks of the auto tires,
which was but a short distance
ahead of the wagon. "Bill"
Brock', with a saddle liorce, rifle
and his hounds, started out after
him, treeing and killing him with
in a half-mile of the road. The
party reports six buck killed
and the best of luck fishing in the
Owners Inspect Lands of The Dalles
Military Road Urant.
On Sunday Walter Martin rnd
Peter Martin, together with W. J.
Burns and Win, MacKcnzIe, ar
rived in Bend by auto having come
from a trip of inspection of the
lauds embraced In The Dalles Mil
itary Road grunt, some 450,000
acres in Sherman, Grant and
Wheeler counties.
The Martin brothers are of San
Francisco. Their father, Kdward
Martin, bought the road lands in
187a, Mackenzie represent the
Portland firm of Balfour, Guthrie
& Co., who also arc heavily inter
ested in the lands.
Peter Martin remained here a
couple of days, the rest of the party
leaving Monday morning.
DKches for Pipe Rapidly Due Dowa
Wall Street.
Over 400 feet of trench has been
dug for the new water mains along
south Wall street. The contract
for digging the ditches has been let
to Johnson & Co , comprising the
s ft t f
rrew mat nas ueeii cni-agcu 111
erecting the electric light wires.
All the wooden pipe is now on the
ground ready for installation aud
will he put down as the ditch is
During the last week wires have
been put in place on the poles and
much progress has been made with
the flume below the new dam,
which will supply power for the
If you wish to hove your ex
press and light freight come in
along with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tint Coknutt Staok &
Staiiiu Co. J5tf
Your Bank and
Your Business
Success Depends upon
Satisfactory Service.
The Deschutes Hanking & Trust
Company trusts for its popularity to
giving its customers kindly and in
telligent service. And expects to
. advance its own interests by being
of service to the public.
We invite correspondence and
welcome all who mty desire our
services in a business capacity.
The Deschutes
Banking & Trust Company
"Conswvativa Banking for Conservative People."
fc. B. DMRDPrea. J. W. MASTURS, Vice Vxt.
M. O. COR, Cahler.
Staats Charges Against George- Mobbs
Nut Sustained In Trlsl Second
Case Against Williams Novef
(lets Before Jury.
George Hohbs was declared not
guilty of the charge of selling in
loxicatiug liquor preferred by Syl
vester Staats ami tried yestcrda)
before W. W. Orcutt and a jury
consisting of J. I. West, Chris
Woods, J. Fleming, J. A- Hastes,
O. C, Ilenklc aud Chnn. Krickson.
The case originallv was called
for Monday but as the prosecuting
witness (ailed to appear was post
poucd until yesterday. Stouts tes
tided that he bought and drank
Hudwciscr beer at HobbV place on
July .tth. However, on cross-ex
amluation he was unable to swear
from whom he received the beer
and who waa in the s-iloon.
T, It. J. Duffy, Ant. District Attorney,
represented the State, anil V. A. I'orbca
sad Ceo, Dernier the defendants.
A second complaint had been brought
agalnat Williams Brothers by Staeta for
telling wuitkey. Uullv, on Tueiay,
made a seconif complaint, abandoning
the first, ami sitting for another jury
and not that originally empanelled on
Monday. I'orbca objected, on the
itround that the two claimi were Identi
cal. A jury suitained I'orbea and the
Kcond complaint waa dUmlacd. Duffy
did not return to the first, and the mat
ter wn dropped.
Letter Demands Money Payment and
Secrecy on I'aln of Death, Alleg
ing Misrepresentation In Lo
catingMay be Joke.
New Teachers and Scholars Start
Work Next Week.
The Hcnd schools will open their
fall term on Tuesday the 6th ol
September. School Clerk Wlest
reports that as yet it is impossible to
give an exact estimate of the num
ber of pupils that will be in attend
ance It will, however, be consid
erably iu excess, of last year's
This year, for the first time, the
schools will have a male principal,
J. C. V. Harrington of Decatur,
HI., has beco chosen for the posi
tion. He is a graduate of the
Iowa Stale University and hat.
been, for several years, in charge ol
government schools at La I'az aud
Oruro, Bolivia, South America.
Miss Anne Market wlllretuiu her
position iu the High School. The
name of the second teacher us yet
is unknown by the Hoard.
In the Grammar School Miss
Nona Richardson aud Miss Flor
ence Young are back Miss Kath
erine Haskins of Ashland, Ore.,
and Miss Ida M. Anderson of Grid
ley, Iowa, are the new additions to
the teaching force.
Mrs. Glenn II Slack will have
charge of the Arnold School and
Miss Augeline Young will teach
the new school in District 73, east
of .Bend.
On August 9th John Steidl, of
(lend, received a letter threatening
uis life and that of hi family unless
the sum of $650 was paid to the
blackmailers. A picturesque fea
ture of the hold-up scheme, which
-.macks somewhat of the dime
novel, is the demand that the
money be pur in a can and buried
beside a certain telephone pole near
Mr Steidl's residence.
, The alleged reason for the black
mailing is (hat Sleidl located the
writers upon worthless land in the
"High Desert" country. Evi
dently this is an attempt to turn
possible suspicion from the perpe
tratera of the letter, for Mr. Steidl
says that he is on excellent terms
with the ten men he has located in
the country referred to, whose
names he has recited as well as the
amounts paid by them to hicu, the
total of these location fees lying
considerable less than the amount
While there is some possibility
that the writer of the letter really
thinks he can bluff Steidl out of the
cash by threatening to "blow his
family to hell", as well as make
him keep the matter quiet by sim
ilar threats, Steidl and bis friends
arc inclined to treat the matter as a
"raw" practical joke.
Steidl has buried the can, as or
dered. Hut instead of putting the
$650 in it he inclosed some lava
rock and a note requesting the
blackmailers to call in person for
their money. The invitation as
yet has not been accepted, nor has
the can been disturbed. Both the
Sheriff and the postal authorities
have bad the facts of the case
placed before them. As yet no
clue to the letter's authorship has
been run down.
Below is a verbatim copy of the
Bknd, Or., July j, 1910.
Mr. John Steidl:
I and my brother and two other rela
tion have come to a aprretneiit two
make you pay ui back a little money
that you robbed from ua by lokntcd ui
up there on de bay dem-rt and nil at re
prraentcd it to ua and told ua that it
would ralte and it won't dame thing
and yare node it wouldcut alt you
wanted waa to rottaf our bard erned
caib. We are men with a laniily and
aold our good bomea and came bere and
and now we are broke if yon will jutt
pay tlie 4 ol us tboof$o tx liunurcu anil
fifty dlars we will it square tbl money
mutt tie put iu a can and berled the 4U1
telenbone pole atartinr from vour houe
on the laliitaw road and in gold coin
coin on tbe north aide ol tlie pole ami
beried a inches under tbe aoll aud if
you will give (i or auy thing or let lint
letter out for 11 mouths we will blow
our bead off if thia moneys isn't there
rite away we will blow your house and
family to hell, beeaute thla is to much
to stand, and dotint ou go there to
look for 12 montbet either Yours truly,
Johk Stum.,
Jlend, Ore.
And be lure you dout let thla be
Rough and Dressed
Delivered In Bend
Per Cord
Woman Under Ball (let Out of Ton
Despite his angelic name, one
Angel Christo, an Italian, came to
grief on Sunday evening. Ac
cording to the story told by Christo
he was in a room over P. C. Row
lee's bowling alley on Wall street
drinking a bottle of beer supplied
him by a woman there. When he
said he had no money, says Chris
to, tbe woman took Lis purse and
fished out the required change, and
also, according to tbe Italian, $35
in bills. The woman then toW
Christo to "get." which he did
only with the assistance of George
Hobbs, who was passing and
ejected, at the woman's -request, tbe
Italian, who spoke no English and
could not make understood bis story
of the alleged robbery.
Christo then got T. E. Duffey,
Asst. District Attorney, who hap
pened tn be in town. Duffy ap
pointed C. M. Davis constable to
serve a warrant. Davis arrested
tbe woman, and a trial was held
before Justice of the Peace W. N.
Orcutt. Tbe woman, who gave
her name as Mrs. J. Dohnau, was
bound over to the grand jury un
der $200 cash bail, charged with
larceny from the person.
Late Monday night the woman
left town fn company with Messrs.
Morritsey and Ward, the prize
fighters, says L L Fox. Tbe men
procured a team from U'enandy's
barn, saying they were going to
Laidlaw, and the woman's trunks
were loaded on Freighter Patti's
wagons. Tuesday evening We
uandy'a team was returned by a
man named Adams, who brought
them from Redmond. Telephon
ing to the Redmond police de
veloped the fact that no trace could
be found of either tbe woman or
her companions.
It is understood the $200 bail
was furnished Monday by a num
ber of individuals, each contrib
uting small amounts.
- Smith's Stera is a Mummer.
It is doubtful if in any town sev
eral times tbe size of Bend there is
a better equipped or more attractive
men furnishing store than that ol
the R. M. Smith Clothing Com
rwny. The big crw suiptnent of
men's and boys' clothing, just re
ceived, would Ik a credit to any
city establishment.
There will be meeting of the sub
scribers to tbe Commercial Club at tbe
K. P. Halloo Thursday, September 8tb.
Over tOO Samples of Deschutes VaMey
Products from TM Sectten are
Sent to Great Northern for
VubHclty Work.
On Sunday morning over 100
agricultural exhibits collected from
the ranches in the country sur
rounding Bend, were shipped to
Portland, to be used by the Great
Northern railroad in its "Oregon
Car" and other publicity work.
These included samples of prac
tically all tbe grains and grasses,
in sheaf, as well as a goodly rep
resentation of root crops. As it
proved a little too early to get
threshed grain and the best in po
tatoes, a full line of these will be
collected and sent in later. Powell
Buttes was well represented; the
lands of tbe Deschutes Irrigation &
Power Co. contributed many valu
able specimens, the Toraalo
country sent samples and a partic
ularly large and fine lotofexibits
came from the Columbia Southern
lands near Laidlaw, these having
been assembled by Fred Wallace.
All tbe exhibits were wrapped
and. packed Saturday, by a large
group of enthusiastic volunteers,
after a series of photographs had
been taken. Among those who
contributed much time to tbe work
may be named, A. A. Dickey, C.
L. Hotaling, J. N. Hunter, Elmer
Merrill. C. D. Brown, J. Goodfel
Inw, Earl 'Houston and Messrs.
Sutherland & Mcintosh, who made
tbe packing cases early Sunday
morning, making possible shipment
of the exhibits with freighter Ar
mond Shearer who was leaving for
Among the many excellent
samples sent were six Silver King
onions from Guy Sear's ram h, the
six weighing 8 lbs. and 4 on.
Some beautiful specimeaajtfbjghly
finished juniper as wmmtmrm,.'
fine specimens of yeifc
latter prepared by tl
Development Co.
anions: tbe exhibits.
Samples raised by the following
ranchers were sent, in many in
stances a considerable number of
exhibits coming from oue place:
Ray Wilkinson. L. D. Wlest, E. A.
BuMCtt, G. W Wimer &. Sons, J. If.
Buckhoti. ). Ooeil, Ralph Caldwell, D.
I & P. Co., C Sykea. R. T. jobnwin, J.
L. Gltrton, Ouy Sear. Geurite Gates
Joe Ulliott. Millard Triplett. A. McCal-
(Continued on page 8.)
US First National Bank
Dr. U. O. 00. PmUwl C. A. SATHCR. Vlca Pratldant
0. 8- HUDSON. Oathlcr
Capital ruUr paid ... 823.090
SlockhQldtrV liability S26.0OO
aurviut aa.oeo
Get Your Winter's Supply.
Pilot Butte Development Co.
We Are Now Publishing Monthly
"The First National Bank
of Bend Bank News'
A magazine In which e tell you from month to month o
our proxreM; how uc have grown; bow yoH helped in this
growth; what we can do for you and what yon can do to help
us further iuciease the large bu.iucas we are now enjoying.
Age Coisidered, We Believe We Have
the Best Bank it Oregon.
During the 17 months we have been in businew. we have
increased our deposits from f , to over f The
number of depositors haa increaaed from 17 J to 619. We have
earned and placed to our Surplus fnnd as a further protection
and safeguard for our depositors, f 5000.
It yon ilealro thia piper sent to you or your friends, rill out
tbe coupon.
Beud, Oregon,
Dear Slra; j .
Plcaie send me your Monthly Magazine, "Hint Na
tlonal.Bauk of Bend Bank New." (without coat to Hie).
Name, . ,,.,.....,
V. V. SMITH H. C. K1.U