" c i-i r . - j- - 1 t v Crescent THE JUNCTION CITY. Situated SO miles south of Henri, on the Oregon Trunk Huihoiul and on the Nation Cut-oft ol'lhu Southern Pacific, Crcsent oilers Great Investment Murrains. Speeial Inducement.'! for Business Men and I Ionic Makers. Automobile Service from Henri LOTS ON EASY T E R Al S Sec L. L. FOX, Ilcncl Agent Central Ore. Improvement Co. L. V, WAKEFIELD, Manager, Crescent, Oregon. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STREET, IWKD, OK. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET CANDY, FRUIT, M. J. KELLY Davlc Building, Wall St., bend, uneaoN A. D. MOE, The Tailor lias received a full line or Fall and Winter Samples Suits made to order from $15 00 up. Cull nnd hcc the samples More buying elsewhere, Cl:an ing and pressing given special attention. Shop on Bond St. National Casli Market Davles Building, Wall Street F. W. STAFFORD, Proprietor MERCHANT T A 1 1.0 R I NO A 5PK0IALTY Uie Jlleris xJogqerij FINE ASSORTMENT OK SUMMER SHIRTS 8S&S58 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR The Nettleton Shoe ANEW KjflTrXFC Tom FC1TDC LINE 01' A. L. FRENCH Wnll Street, BUND, OREGON MQRRISSEY WINS OUTCLASSES BEND FRUITER Oron Ward Is Trimmed Uy Callfornlan In Second Round In OnSlded Sernp Preliminary floea Arc nntertnlnlnjj Ulg Crowd, The utory of Monday evening') boxing bout at Llnstcr'a Hall in told easily, It wasn't n fight, but a inusnacrc, for "Kid" Morrkscv had Orcn Ward auuiliilatcd 30 seconds after the gong sounded the commencement of hostilities. When the two pugs came into the ring the Hcnd man easily whs the favorite with the good sized audi encc. In Ward's corner were Charles Carroll, Hilly Gertcn and II. A. Keough. Morrisscy was backed by EdCuiTand McssraArgvle and Jan. Scrrnvallc. ArlhurSealcy rcfererd the bout and Joe Innes kept time. J iiil before the scrap started Master of Ceremonies McDonald announced that word had been re ceived that Young Sullivan of Sac rameuto challenged the winner. At a little after nine the men went at it. Ward wcnitd to want to cat up his man and before things got going it looked as if he might be able to, his extra weight over Morrissey's 136 llw. giving him a huskier look. Ward landed a good right the first clip. Then Morrisiey got busy. The little Callfornlan, quirk as a bill collector, outclassed his opponent at every point. He danced around him, Jabbing continually with right nnd left, drawing blood Irora Ward lips about the fifth face blow, and covering himself, or cleverly dodg ing, Ward's ugly swings. In the first round the Bend man's bull like rushes, made at he crouched close to the floor, with Morrissy's help carried him out of the ropes live limes, a couple ot times lu the round he was ou the floor re ceiving count. As he came back for the second round, Ward appeared groggy. During the i minutes of the round he seemed unable to land or even attempt a blow. He was a badly beaten man, on the floor several times before he took the full count and Morrisscy was named winner. Something of a row occurred at the end of the go, Ward's seconds maintaining that Morrisscy had used tape on his hands and not soft gauze, as agreed. Morrissey and his backers denied this. The bands of both the men had been ex amined before the fight by oppos ing principals and seconds. A purse of about $150 went to the winner. Cyclone" Lowe and W. B. Coop fought the first preliminary, Lowe handling the other man easily. "Battling Kid" Rockncy and "Slug, ger" Argyle provided the second eutertuinmcnt. We are agents for the Espey Auto Stage Co. THKIMST LINK 01' AUTOS IN CiSNTRAf, OREGON. We take you Anywhere, Any Time. Cent. Ore. Realty Co. Phone No. I. .JSLaflRLRSLamLato jraLawNLaUB aLaLwNaBSafELaV JOHN LEOAT DKALBK IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired BEND COUNTRY IS BEST Return to Deschutes Lands, Search (or tlttter Unsuccessful. The By ram brothers, after a long trip of investigation, made with the expectation of finding a better fanning country than Wmt cast of Bend, have decided that cftcr all right here in the Deschutes Valley is the the best irrigation "propo sition" to be found. DuJtrcath Byram hus returned to his i6o-acre ranch ou the Central Oregon canal, eight miles east of town, which he left last fall, selling most of his equipment. With him is his father nnd mother, they hav ing sold their property at West Lake, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Syd ney Byram will return it) a couple of weeks. They have investigated agricultural lands in the Wil lamette and Rogue River Valleys and iu California, and are quoted as saying that no where did land values offer the opportunity fouud here. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light Height come in along with your letters and dully papers, have It come iu ou the mall Hue. Thk Cqknktt Staok & STAlilK Co, 35tf I Wood Wood I have nothing but the finest of dry block wood. All It costs you, iu i6-iuch length, is 54 50 a cord in your yard. Dry Limb Wood $4.00 a cord. Sce F.M.CARTER when you want wood. Ultimate! on application Wall Taper at I'ortlind Priori N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Best Wall Taper Sam ples in the county. Get My Prices. Box 39. Dcnd, Oregon. F. O. MINOR rOSTOPPICK BL'IUMNO LI FE FI RE ACCI DENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Papers Correctlr Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS d(K? BEND LODGE Np. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moou of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J. D. OAVIDSON, 8.CT. U. O. CO. M, W. I '1 C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OPPICK IN PI HAT NATIONAL BANK M.DC. BKND, ORKGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUXk, URND. OKKGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPPIClt OVKR FIRST NATIONAL BK. Office Hours; lotoiaa, ni.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Bund, :- Oregon Dr.A.A.BURRIS.rWKKB llctlcr. Wiki tkuccwfutljr Tmlnt Without the Uh of Drugs or But jtry, by the Natural Method of Hllnf . Chron ic DIcK a Specialty, Ctmiulutloo Pre McmUrofth BUt and N.lloutl Naturopath Society, Office la Johntou bldg., Bend, Oregon B, FERRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or, F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend, Oregon, GEORGE S. YOUNQ CIVIL AND A1ININU ENQINEER Bend, Oregon FOUR HORSE LIVERV. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. If. WENANDV, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT, CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Sale. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, ACREAGE, HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS, TIMBER LANDS. See Us For Bargains in R.eol Estate The Home Land Company OF BEND, OREGON W. W. ORCUTT, Manager Write Us For Reliable Information I We advertise extensively all over the United States and consequently get many inquiries from prospective buyers. List your lands with us. We can sell for you. H Come to sce us when you are in town. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You are conllaUr invited to maVe TUB IIOTRL DALLES your resting place while waiting over between trains on your way to and from l'ortland. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; slcam heat, elevator; suites and rooms Willi baths. I'irst class cafe. Rates ranging from 50c and ft upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. The Bend Machine Shop HENRY LINSTER. Prop. REPAWNS OF ALL KINDS We have Milling Machine, Lathe. Drill Press, Vulcanizcr, etc , etc. Automobiles, Farm Implements, Sawmill Machinery, etc. Agency for JACKSON AUTOMOBILES The best on the market. Gasoline and Lubricating Oils Vulcanizing a Specialty. J. H. WENANDY BKND OR. F. L BUNTEN SHJLNtKO, OR. Central Oregon Automobile Company WENAM-1UNIEN AUT0M6MLE C9. DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Sbaniko, Madras, Redmond and Bend and alt interior points. For further information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. See HENRY SCHGWEL, Bead Agaat SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE THE BULLETIN U tb Wading newspapr of CENTRAL OREGON J