VH T4JUtggVJtmJSiWalMaBffrWfcMCTfr WggSaWffaj-'r--l 9urtvrrfitam .ffli U CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of tle World at Large ToHiiBrkt tteneral Reiums of Important Eventi Patented In Condensed Form far Our Busy Readers The Pacific Coast fisheries wilt start seal farm. Denver gets tho next convention of the Knights Templars. Oregon troops In camp at American Lake helped to fight forest fires near Colvllle, Wash. Health authorities In Berlin fear the invasion of cholera and arc taking precautions against It. Federal grand jury in Chicago brings charges against Thomas G. Lee. Ar mour & Co. 'a manager. Election returns in Alaska give delegate to congress, James Wicker sham, a plurality of 2,000. Aviator Le Blnac in a 488 mile race in France made the remarkable speed of 100 miles in one hour and 65 min utes. Mrs. Delia Totten shoots and instant ly kills James E. Sutton in a dispute overs line fence, near Wenatchec, Wash. An explosion of dynamite in an ex cavation in New York City Injures 20 persons and causes a panic in the neighborhood. Senator Aldrlch denies profiting by the tariff on rubber through his in vestments in concerns Interested in tho rubber industry. The forces of General Lee Christ mas, supporing the Bonilla movement in Honduras, are approaching the city of Cellba rapidly. Pensions for Alaskan dogs who have served their time in the harness is pro posed by Marion P. Mass, commander of the department of the Columbia. The Illinois Central railroad com pany, by order of the corut, will re cover losses from the Memphis Car company which defrauded that road of thousands of dollars in car repairing. Encouraging weather reports indi cate that crops will be better than had been expected. President Taf t receives visitors three dsys a week only, reserving the others for recreation and rest. United States has pretested against injury to American property m Nicara gua by Madriz soldiers. The famous Best & Belcher mine, one of the famous Cemstock group, of Nevada, was destroyed by fire. Trouble between the Catholic church and Spanish government has been tern perarily averted and permanent peace overtures are being made. Officers of a Jap warship In the bar ber of Shlmkic. Janan. refused to aid an American steamer in distress, and who bad awed xor assistance. A Ssn Francisco man paid $2,065 for a special car from New York to San Francisco in order thst his pet dog might ride with him instead of In the hsggsge car. Over 40,000 Knights Templar were In the parade of that order In Chicago. One was caught between street cars and killed, and another badly injured by being thrown and dragged by his horse. A 150-pound sturgeon In Niagara river leaped at the headlight of a mo tor beat and landed in the boat, where his struggles disabled the engine, and the launch narrewly escaped geing over the falls.' Spain fears the Csrlists and Cleri cals are working together. Taf t has ordered a vigorous fight to reclaim title to valuable Indian lauds. It is said that Taft and Roosevelt are in perfect accord on the question of direct primaries. Over SO society men and women were arrested in a raid on a gambling bouse at Narragansett Pier. A second venire of 100 men has been exhausted in the Lorimer bribery case without securing a single jurlor. Thirteen were killed and many In jured in a head-on collision between a fast passenger and a work train In California. A deer swimming the Columbia river was lassoed from a launch and captur ed, and will be presented to the Fort land city park. Stevedores, cleaners and painters of the Hamburg-American stssmshlp line will go on strike. Eight thousand me chanics of the company are already out. Cuba faces a crisis in her political affairs. ' A 5-year-old boy In Chicago was badly injured by a thoroughbred gsae rooster. He was unconscious when rsseued. A hor-3 fell hind feet first Into a large manhole of an underground eon dult in Cincinnati, and his struggles shert-eireulted electric wires to sueh an extent, as to stop down-town traffic. Chinese and Portuguese ferees have captured the pirate city ofColowan, island of Macao. APPLES 8100,000,000 A YEAR. Western Men Make Big Predictions for Northwest Country. Chicago "While apples arc not yet the principal products of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, thoto who are familiar wtth tho unrivaled ell matte and soil and other condition? bettevo tho ttmo is near whon th apple yields of tho four states will be worth 1100,000,000 n yoar and tho cut ture of the king of fruit will bo the chief Industry." H. L. Moody, a member of tho cham ber of commerce and other organisa tions in Spokane, Wash., sntd this In an address on "Applo Culturo and Irrl gatlon in tho Northwest," nt tho first meeting of the Chicago Irrigation association at tho La Sallo hotel In Chicago tho evening of July 23. Judge Charles F. Flshback was toastmaster. Mr. Moody added, among other things: "Federal and stato engineers ssy in reports to their respective departments there are approximately 200,000,000 aH, a apan ararBrBVBVeaVjafs J ,n eaVaSa It. U MOODY. acres of undeveloped arable lands in the United States west of tho 88th meridian, and men versed in agricul ture assert that under proper cultiva tion this area could bo made to produce hotwron and 4.500.000.- 000 bushels of wheat yearly, or other crops In proportion, ino settlement of theso lands would mean homes for nnt Inm than 20.000.000 noDUlation and a source of added food supply, and, as a consequence, permanent prosperity. "The four Northwestern states con tain 253,894,760 acres. Lees thsn 6 per cent of this land is occupied oy farms and the total population U not more than 3.000.000. in an area of ao.7 inn aniiaro miles. More than 60.- 000,000 acres of this Isnd Is adapted to Irrigation. named to appics ana properly watered the minimum crop at maturity would be a matter of 20,000,- 000,000 bushels, or about 40 per cent of the total crop of the united Slates in 1909, when less than 23,000,000 bar Toln of annlea were harvested. "I mention these Xacta merely u show the possibilities of the country as. proof thst, as gold was tho strong miimut which sent the first American across the continent to the California ceast in 1849, so today tho apple is at tracting thousands upon thousands mora neonta from Eastern. Middle Western and Southern states to the (rest orchard belts of the Northwest. "The apple Is king throughout the ut K7nrtltwaforn rlnmaln. Brut It In conceded by pomologies! experts that no district in America stanas nigner in fruit production. With Increased transportation facilities and the stesdy influx of settlers, the early attempts in the vslleys and uplands have become more pretentious and systematic Irri gation plants have been established by private individuals and corporations, and the United States government is expending enormous sums In reclsim- !ni Ikn vnlranli waiiia which aro so wonderfully rich and fertile and so pe culiarly ausptea to raising unoiem ished fruits. Apples grown in Washington, Ore gon, Idaho and Montana are in demand in flirt Eaatam and Middle Western states and in Europe and Australia, and the markets are being extended year hv vear. ExDcrts in the East who have studlcd'eondltlons in the North west frequently refer to these states as 'the world's fruit basket,' adding there has been established in a, com paratively short time a domain where the first foot of soil, properly cultivat ed and Irrigated, is worth more than all the mines from Alaska to Mexico nd alt the forests from tho United States boundary to the Arctic sea." California Gets Two Fairs. Ssn Dlesro. Col. California Is as sured of two expositions to celebrate the opening of the Panama canal In 1915. Voters' of San Diego, at a mu nicipal election Aguust 9, decided to Issue $1,000,000 in bonds for improve ment of the city park, already selected as tho exposition site, and for the con struction of permanent buildings to constitute the nucleus of tho fair. This is regarded as a ratification of tho agreement reached by representatives of Ssn Francisco and San Diego in con ference at Washington last May. Death Comes With Riches. Salmon City, Idaho Crushed to death by a fall of rock, tho body of John Doyle was found by a party of prospectors northwest of this city. Doyle wss working alono and the fall of rock show that he had just struck a rich lead of gold-copper ore. It is not known how long he had been lying dead among his newly discovered rich es, as it was by chance that his body was found. Dor1 had been prospect big in this district for many years. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE MUCH INSURANCE .WRITTEN. Report Shows Phenomenal Growth of Insurance Butlnets. Snlom S. A. Koxer, insurance com mtuiionler has comploted his first com prehenslvo report of all the tnsuranco companies doing businesses in Oregon, it Is tho annual report of tho depart ment and covers tho period between March 1, 1909, and when tho oflko was created, to December 31, 1909. It shows a phonomoimt incrcaio of legiti mate insurance business in Oregon Atnco tho enactment of tho law in 1909 cresting tho ofiko of insurance com missioner, Tho report contains a statement of the total risks written, gross premiums recotred, premiums returned, losses paid and net premiums for taxation of alljmthorlxed companies and associa tions, both domestic and foreign, for tho year ending December 31. It con talnsjja statement showing tho aggre gate Inauraneo business transacted within tho stato since 1890 and tho amount of taxes and llcenso fees. It also contains n synopsis of thn general annual statements of all companies au thorised to transact business In this state. The total fire risks written last year In Oregon, according to this report, equaled $202,897,923, of which $177, 192,866 were written by stock com panies and $25,705,067 by mutual com panies. There were during tho period 82 stock fire Insurance companies writing risks in Oregon and 12 mutual companies. POWER DEAL ABOUT CLOSED J, L. Blalidell Plans Improvements on Myrtle Creek Plant Myrtlo Creek Ncgotlstlons for the purchaso of.tho electric light and pow er plant of the Myrtle Creek Water, Light & Milling company by J. L. Btalsdell, of Portland, havo been al most comploted. Electricity will be supplied to Myrtle Creek and Riddle. This is the beginning of the covering of tho entire Umpqua valley with elec tric transmission lines. Speclsl atten tion will bo paid to tho farmers if they wish power for pumping water for Ir rigation. A 24-hour service will be Inaugurated. Thta nlant wilt be a tcmnorarv one. and will be replaced by a transformer substation. All the small gasoline, itim and water cower Dlanta will be eliminated and replaced by transformer substations, whlctj win do suppnea oy a modern hydro-clcctrlc plant which will be located on ono of the rivers in the county. The wires will be strung on high steel towers placed from five to 10 to a mile. Tho transmission w.111 be 100,000 volts at the beginning and 160,000 volts when conditions demand. Steps have already been taken towards se curing a powerslte on one of tho rivers. Mr. Blaisdell was at Riddle recently looking over the town. Ask for Water Right. Redmond The Odin Falls Power company at Uie last meeting of the council, submitted an ordinance asking for a franchise to furnish tho city with water, light and power. The company proposes to generate its power at Odin Falls, on tho Deschutes river, and transmit tho power and. pipe tho water to this city. Tho Crook County Water, Light & Power company of this city, has also asked for a franchise to put In wstcr works, light and power. This company has a project at Cllne Falls, four miles from the city, that they are developing. State Treasury Richer. Salem Oregon's state treasury will be made $709.87 richer because Charles Schellor died, leaving no heirs and no will. The state will also own a watch valued at $10, this being all tho prop erty left in the estate after tho pay ment of expenses. Suit to dcelaro tho money and watch escheated to the state was entered in the Circuit court by District Attorney Cameron against It. It, Northrup, administrator. Schel ler died on September 1, 1909, New Industry at Beaverton. Beaverton Tho plant of the Beaver ton Clay Manufacturing company has begun operations. Tho erection of buildings and the placing of machinery has been in (progress for several months. The manufacture of tile will begin about tho middle of the month. A large forco will be employed and the now industry will mean much for Beaverton, Enterprise Fall Grain Heavy. Vnlovnrlia Allhnnph thn inrlnir wheat in Wallowa county is light, ow- intr tn thn iirv season, tno ran irrain. now being cut in many districts of the county, Is good, Tno raraaise and Vlnra districts, north of here. It Is es timated that fall wheat will go from 40 to 60 bushels an acre. Forests Burn Nesr Grants Pats Grants Pass Forest fires have raged for several days in the mountains near Grants Pass but without any serious damage to personal property, although ono or two ranchers would have lost their homes had not neighbors given timely aid. OREGON HAS OPPORTUNITY. Oomul Miller Recommends Pears Bo Placed on Par With Apples. Portland "Europe Is clamoring for Oregon pears," writes II, B. Mlllor, American consul nt Belfast, Ireland, In n recent letter to C C Chapman, mannger of tho promotion bureau of tho commercial club, and ho follows this with tho ndvlco that pears as well ns apples bo exhibited at tho forth coming Portland Applo show. Mr. Miller prctonta such sound argu ments for this action and potnts out so plainly tho benefits that nro likely to result from it that tho commercial club will oamcaly consider tho proposition with tho vlow of having both fruits ex hibited. "I was formerly a frultgrowor In tho Itoguo Ulvor valley," writes Mr. Mlllor, "and am now planting quite a largo orchard noar Sheridan, Or., and am therefore immensely Interested In this movement. t "Two vslucs aro to bo derived by jilaclng pears on a parity with apples In your show ono la tho Inspiration for tho growing of larger ami bettor fruit and tho other Is tho advertising It will glvo tho poar-growlng Industry. I am convinced that tho Oregon pcr has as great a futuro as tho Oregon apple. It requires great attention to encourage and cultlvato It. It alto needs labor and attention to encourgu tho production." FIRST WHEAT SALE MADE. Average of 01 Cents Paid for 10,000 Bushels at Pendleton. Pendleton Though grain growers In thla vlclntly havo been loth to soil their holdings at existing prices, ono Important deal was made Saturday. E. W. McComaa It said to havo socured two or three small lots of 40-fold whest, totaling about 10,000 bushels. It is understood that tho average price was about 81 cents. Tho regular quo tations for club and blucstem aro 76 and 85 cents. Mr. McComas has been tho local rep resentative of the Northwestern Waro houie company for a number of year, but it now buying Independently. Most of tho whoat bought by him la to bo shipped to California for milling purposes. Tho rest will probably be turned over to the Dyers Milling com pany, of thla city. Rancher Loses 1 0,000 by Fire. Pendleton Seven hesd of horses were burned to death in a fire which destroyed a largo bam, machinery sheds, wagons, farm implements, sev eral tons of wheat hay, and 1,000 bushels of barley on the John Tlmmer man ranch near this city. The loss is estimated at $10,000, with no insur snee. The esuse of the fire Is unknown as the buildings were all in flames when discovered. Of eight valuable work horses only one cssped. Code Two-Shtrdt Printed. Salem More than two-thirds of tho work on the new Lord code has been completed by State Printer W. S. Dun iway. Two thousand pages have now been on tho press, and there are 3,000 pages In all, Including tho Index. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Bluestcm, 96090c; club, 80 088c; red Russlsn. 84085c; valley, 92c; 40-fold, 87088c; Turkey red, 90c. Hay Track prices: Timothy, Willamette- valley, $18019 per ton; East ern Oregon, $20022; alfalfa, now, $13015; grain hay, $16. Barley Whole,$23; cracked, $33 ton. Oats No. 1 white, $31(333 ton. Green Fruits Applet, now, 6Oc0 $1.60 per box; apricots, $101.26; plumt, 76c0$l; pears, $1.2601.76; peaches, 40076c; grapes, 76c$$$l,76; blackberries $1.75 per crate; loganber rles, $1.60; watermelons, 9Oc0$1.25 per hundred; cantaloupes, $1.6003 crate. Vegetables Besns, 3ft 5c pound; csbbsge, 2i((l2cX: cauliflower, $1.60 per dozen; celery, 00c; corn, z&c; cu cumbers, 60c per box; egg plant, 8(0 10c per pound; green onions, I Be nor dozen; peppers, 60c per box; radlthcs, 16020c per dozen; tomatoes, uff eoo per box; carrots, $1(3)12.6 per ssck; beets, $1.50; parsnips, $1051.25; tur nips, $1. Potatoes Now, $1.1601.25 per hundred. Onions Walla Walla, $2.60 per sack; Oregon, Z0Z.Z5. Butter City creamery, solid puck, 34c per pound; butter fat, 34c; coun try store butter. Z4c. Eggs Oregon candled, 28029c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 18c per pound: springs, 18c; ducka, 16c0l7c; turkeys, llvo, 20c; dressed, 22025c; squabs, $3 per dozen. Pork Fancy, 13c per pound. Veal Fancy, 12013c per pound. Catto Beef steers, good to cholco, $5.6005.76 fair to medium, $4,60005; cows, and honors, good to choice. $4.40(84.76: fair to medium. $3.60tf) 4.16; built,' $303.76; stags, $2.60(3! 4.50; calves, light, $5.7600.76; heavy, $3.6005. Hogs Top, $10010.26; fair to me dium, $8.0009.75. Sheep Beat Mt. Adams wethers, $4.2604.35; best valley wethers, $3.76 04; fair to good ewes, $3.6003.75; lambs, choice ML Adams, $6.9000; choice valley, $6,5005.75. Hops 1009 crop, 8012c; oldt, nom inal; 1910 contracts, 18c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 13017c per pound; valley, 8012c; mohair, cholco, 82083c. HARVEY W, SOOTT 18 DEAD, Beit Known Nowtpaper Man of Norlhwott Hat Paiied Away,. Baltimore Aug. 7. Harvoy W. Scott, editor of tho Portland Oregon Ian, died at Johns Hopkins hospital shortly before 0 p. in. of heart failure, 32 hours after a surgical operation for prostatectomy. Ho wont off tho operating tablo Sat urday morning In strong condition. Thla mnrnlnir at 1 nVlrwlc ho ItCtfRtl sinking and Jn tplto of tho best stimu lants known to medical scionco ma heart grow steadily woakor until tho ond. lie was contclout almott to tho last and tho end was painless. With him were lilt wlfo and ono of his bom, Leslie Scott, who had accom panied him on his trip to thla city for turglcat relief, In Portland Mr. Sctot taavca two aont, John II, and Ambroto II., and ono dnughtor, MIbb Judith. Mr. Scott began falling nearly three months ago from an attack of sciatica. Early In Juno ho went to Hot Lake, Esatom Oregon, hut the baths there greatly debilitated him. At lost con vinced that only surgery rould relieve him, ho ttarted for Johns Hopkins hos pital, from Portland, ono week ago Innt Thursday morning. Tho operation was pronounced en tirely successful and tho surgeons and physicians were confident of recovery up to this morning, when an unexpect ed weakness of tho heart ensued which tho physicians were (wwcrless to cope with. Mr, Scott was apparently as strong on arriving hero last Monday as when leaving Portland four and one-half days bofore. Tho doctors here poreclvod his heart weaknett, but thought ho could go tafely through tho operation and its lubscquent effects. At Mr. Scott's request tho operstlon was per formed Saturday Instead of Monday. RUSH TO RICHES RUINS. Cardinal Gibbons 8oet Hlitory of Rome Repeating. Now York Cardinal Gibbons tat on the tpacloua veranda of a Long liland country house and, as ho witched tho automobiles flit down tho road before him in one unending stream, moralized on tho dangers of self-indulgence that havo beset all republics. "I think," heaald, "we are closely approaching tho ago of extravaganco and inordinate pleasure, offored by Romo just before her fall. Tho cry of today Is for more ami more riches. The rich msn is greedy for more. It Is tho tame with tho well-to-do. It Is the tamo everywhere. "Truly, wu have many generout among the rich, but.I would with more of them were contlderate of the un fortunate. Tlila great deal re for riches Is making pcoplo very telfUh. "Then there It a dctlre for Inordi nate pleasures." An automobile whirled by In a eloud of dutL Tho cardinal pointed after It and continued: "You tee wo have many more chan nel! of ploature than were known to tho Patricians of Auguttui Csessr's time; yet thero It the desire for new pleaiurea and more ploasure. "I believe the gospel of Christ will save the present tltuttton. There wss no Christ you remember, to ssve Rome." CLEARWATER MASS OF FLAME. Of Nine Big Forest Fires, But Four Are Under Control. Lewltton, Idsho. Major F. A. Fcnn, supervisor of the Cloarwater National forest reserve, gave oat a statement to tho effect that at least 26,000 acres of valuable timber in tho Clearwater reservo has been burned and tho fires are not yet under control. Ho predicts heavy losses to the for ests unless rains prevail within the noxt few days. At Uio present tlmo 200 men aro fighting the fires, but In sections the fire Is advancing at the rate of a mllo an hour and little can bo accomplished by back-firing. A call for moro help has been mado and additional fighters will be ruined Into the mountains from Kooska as soon as they csn bo secured. Tho larger fires aro on tho tributaries of tho Cloarwater, and some of tho best plno and cedar Is being burned. Ono of the big fires Is in tho vicinity of Lolo Pass whore a large area has been burned over. In all thero are nine big fires and a largo number of smaller ono and not moro thar. four of the fires aro under control. Monitor Ship Launched! London The armored cruiser Lion, tho largest, fattest and most powerful In tho world, was launched at tho dock yards at Ilovonport. Tho keel of tho giant cruiser was laid November 29 last. Upon its 700 feet of dock tho Lion will carry eight guns of 13-Inch caliber. The cruiser will have a dis placement of 20,36 tons and will bo driven by turblno engines of 70,000 homo power, giving her an expected speed of 28 knots. Baby Death Rate Great. Des Moines, la. Ono-thlrd of tho babies In Iowa undor 1 yoar old have died this Summer, according to statis tics collected by G. II, Summer, secre tary of the Iowa State board of health. Cholera Infantum, infantile paralysis, poor milk and Improper care aro given as causes. Turkey Buyt Old Wanhlpi, Berlin Tho sale to Turkey of the old Gcrmr.n battleships Welssen burg and Kurfuerst Frledrlch Wllhelm has been closed, the price being fixed at $4,600,000, DJavldBoy, the Turkish minister of finance, came to Berlin to make terras of payment. MAYOR GAYNOR IS ASSASSINATED Mortally Wounded While on Board Steamer. Was About to Sail for Etiropo Rett and Travel Aiiauln Arretted on Ship. for Now York, Augi 0. Mayor William J, Gaynor, of Now York, wna shot and probably fatally wounded on board thu steamer Kaltur Wllhelm dor Grosso as ha was tailing fur Europe this morn ing, Ills wnnlltnt who, nt tho tlmo wna not Identified, was arrested. Later tho man who shot tho mayor gavu his nnma an Julon James tlallrghor of 440 Third avenue, Now York City. Tho innyor was standing on tho up per dock of tho liner, woll forward, talking with Commissioner Thompson, Corporation Counsel Watson and lilt secretary Mr. Adamson, when tho shot was fired. William J, Gaynor was born In Whltcstown, Oneida county, Now York, In 1851, ami received hit educa tion In Whites ton und Boston. At tho age of 22 ho wont to Brooklyn, whore ho engaged In nowipaer work ami took )'p tho study of Inw, working on Uio Brooklyn and New York paper while studying. Ho wat admitted to the bar In 1H75 and began practice. Ho was a noted writer on legal subjects sml acquired a national reputation for his work In breaking up rings within the Democratic party ami In socurlng tho conviction of John Y. Kano for election frauds. Ho was elected Judge of tho Supremo court and served from 1893 to 1909, when ho wat elected mayor of Now York City, llo twlro declined the Democratic nomination for governor, alto Judgu of the Court of Appoala, and also tho nomination for mayor of Brooklyn in 1890. lie was ono of tho first to apeak of favoritism In freight rates. SWARM TO SEE ROOSEEVLT. Dedication of John Brown Battlefield Will Draw Thouttndt, Topoka, Kan. Visits to Kansas by Presidents Harrison, Roosevelt and Taft havo brought together great crowds, but tho coming of Colonel Roosevelt on August 31 to dedicate tho John Brown battlofleld at Ossawatomlo will cause to assemble there tho great est number of Kantat pcoplo ovor con gregated within tho borders of tho state. Fully 60,000 will attend thla cele bration, "ahlch Is to bo held on the bat tlefield where John Brown and his men fought for free Kansas. The tract of land, comprising 22 acres, has been purchased by tho Women's Relief rorj and deeded to tho ttato for a .memorial park. Ossawatomlo, the early homo of John Brown, It about 60 miles south and wett of Kantat City, and about 16 miles from tho Missouri ststo line. In the early hlitory of tho ttato tho town was a mere trading post, but with tho building of the Missouri Pacific rail road through It an i ra of prosperity camo and with thla tho location of ihops for tho railroad company. Its population today Is round 2,600. What Uio little town will do with tho 60,000 pcoplo wno will assemble thero to greet Colonel Rooaovolt on the morning of August 31 It n question not easily aniworrd. Meteor Falls; Jart City. Council Bluffs, la. Accompanied by a nolto as loud at thunder, a large me teor fell In tho neighborhood of .Coun cil Bluffs thtklng tho city and causing intense excltemenL Soarchlng parties have attempted for some hours to locate the plsce whore the moteor foil, but at a late hour had been able to do so. It It luppoeod to htvo fallen In tho hills Immediately back of tho city, Hundredt of people heard tho explos ion and felt tho ohock, but becauta tho tun was shining at tho time, very few taw IL Trainmen Aik 0-Hour Day, SL Louis Tho eight-hour day for freight conductors and trainmen and tho mileage baslt for pastongor crows sro tho most Important propotala that will bo submitted to Uio Order of Hall way Conductor and tho Brolhorhood of Railroad Trainman In tho next ten days. Tho crows will noek tho equiva lent of tho 20 per cent incroaso In wages. Tho concctilons that will bo requested will bo In tho form of Im proved rules and conditions of work. Parli Hat Lynching. Purls Paris 'witnessed a demons tration of lynch law in tho heart of tho capital Sunday, August 7. A H)l Ice man was about to nrrcst an uiiacha In tho Boulovard Sobaitoiiol when tho man fired at him with a revolver. Tho bullet wounded tho pollcoman and killed a man pustlnir on tho atrcot A crowd speedily gathered, seized thorj apacne and hanged mm to lump pott. Woman.HIt by Ball Suet, Kansas City Alleging that a base ball batted foul struck hor on tho cheek and thus caused a pcrmanont disfigure ment, Mlui Hazel Wlltcn has suod Uio owners of tho locul Amoricsn Asso ciation bosobnll toam fur $20,000 dam sgos. Miss Wilson lays that if the box In which sho was sitting had boon properly screened tho accident would not havo happened.