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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1910)
jT .air"v"'-lJ'an::a' i.afmJ..wmm i mx& fix It K 5 I? 1 ;4 i 1 1 S SETTLING FAST HAMPTON COUNTRY DRAWS Saxebrtnh Lands to Settthcast Being Pteweti aJ Seeded Want Wall Service and School Now. The Hampton Butte country is developing remarkably, nccorditiR to V. Schrader, one of the pioneer homesteaders of Hampton Vallev, who drove iu to Bend Monday with a four-horse team to get wheat and rye seed, with which he will plant 40 acres tlm fall. In Hanpton Valley alone there are row 49 bouses and tents. Many m.iles'-tfr fence have been built, several hundred acres plowed and many more cleared, and dozsns ol wells dug, all reaching good water at slight depths. Indeed, Mr Schradcr says everything is highly premising, that new families are tneviag oti to their claims each week, and that thousands of acres as good as any now occupied re main to be taken up under the 320 acre homestead act. The new settlers are working hard net only to tame the raw laud but to build up a community. Two petitions have been signed by prac tically every resident in the valley, one for the establishment of a school and the second for a post office. In June there were 26 chil dren of school age in the valley. The school, says Mr. Schrader, is practically assured. The settlers desire that the new Frineville-Fife mail route, which has been in existence but a tew weeks, be operated from Prineville to Fife, thence to Hampton and thence back to Prineville via Held, instead of doubling back on the .Priaeville-Fife route as now. The prottosed change would make the weekly mail trip but two miles longer Mr. Schrader, who is a Bend en thusiast, was particularly anxious that Bend people understand the opportunities they are losinvr. "Bend is but a very few miles farther from us than is Prineville," said Mr. Schiader. "Coming this way there are absolutely no hill while the Prineville road is excess Ivcly hilly. But Bend people don't seem to care, while Prineville is working hard to get assd keep the fast increasing trade of the Hamp fea country. A very little money could put the Bend road into splen did shape, and a very little trouble cetiid bring Bead a lot of trade Of course when the railroad gets to Bead all of our country will trade here, and I suppose the mail will go froei here. And the building 01 the east-and-west line will renter all of the new country on Bend Nevertheless, Bend is lettini: a lot of money get away by being asleep now." Mr. Schrader came to this country from Davenport Wash His daughter, Emily, will come in to Bend to attend high school this winter. ICE CAVES DISCOVERED Also a Commodious Bear's Den In Remote Lava Bed. Fred Hughie George and Claude Vandevcrt, who were out with Ranger Hurd fighting fire west of Spring river, about two weeks ago discovered some interesting caves. Two of them were ice caves aad one a spacious bear's den bear ing evidences of use as winter quarters; The) did not have the tie or facilities for makine full explorations but exoect to make further examination later. These I caves are about 12 miles due west of the Vandevert ranch on Little River, in an infrequented locality From one of the caves ice was car ried tn Vandevert's and used in making ice cream for the party. Fred Hugie, a settler who was assisting the rangers in fighting fire, was the first man into these caves and claims the right .to have them bear his name. Ranger Hurd is said to desire to attach bis pome to them because they are within the territory over which lie watches and be must make official report ol the discovery. The Fore.t Sevice will doubtless give tliwutwicae name for the purpose ol tioa. rapid spread nud growth making it to nicunce to agriculture. Iir Oregon, as iu many other stales, there is a law requiring counties la remove it from roads ami individuals to destroy it if found in their fields To show thbse unfamiliar with it the exact nature of the plant samples of the thistle arc being displayed in sev eral of the realty ofiires. It is be lieved that a vety brief effort could entirely eradicate the weed and prevent its spread from the slight start it already has. BITS ABOUT TOWN. J. T Robinson, Jr., and his sis ter Miss Frances Rnbiuson will re turn to their home in Seattle next Monday. Miss Robinson has been in Bend since May aoth camoing with her brother in Wiestoria, Mr Robinscn will return to Bend in ten days and nuke his quarters in his office in The Bulletin Building A. S Ireland, U S Forest Supervisor for this district, passed through (lend on Monday return ing from Upper Drschules points to Prineville. He says that all of the several small fires' in the tim ber to the soutu cither are extin guished or under entire control The actual loss from fire in the yel low piue has amounted to prac tically nothing. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lara made a driving trip to Crescent, leaving Bend on 1 hursday and returning Sunday evening. An incident of their trip recounted is their stop at La Pine, where they remained at the hotel but were obliged to take their team back a mile to the barn at Rosland, this important part ol that town not having moved. The location ol Crescent the Lara's found exceedingly beautiful For Saik Luudkr We have In one dry ahett 80.000 feet of ftuishetl lumber 11 tue ami kind from I to 34 inches in Mtultb. Also door anil window jam, window stool, building shingles, etc We can make arrangement to deliver anywhere. Send ns your order. J.N. Masten Lumber Co., Koaland, Ore. tf Lucas Returns from Dry Willamette. Mr. and ' Mrs, A. C. Lucas and Dick Lucas returned Inst Wedues day evening ftnm n ten-days trip through the Willamette Valley When in PotlUnd Mr Lucns ex changed his K M F car for a 50)1 p Speedwell, which will be brought in in a couple of weeks. The car will he used tor demonstrating purtxiscs, as Mr Lucas and Willurd Hous ton have secured the Central Ore gon agency for the machine, Mr Lucas reports that in the Wil lamette Valley for 53 days it has not rained. Notice. Alt people interested in water iu the Central Oregon Canul: There will be a meeting the lit Saturday in Septcml)cr at t o'clock ut Du sters Opera House in Bend to form nu association important to nil settlers. Come. 23-25 i.f NOTICU QV 8ALK. Nolle I hrtctiv cWtn (hat Ihrrc will aHVmlfortalr ami told at pukllc auction at my ramh oil Ihe IteKliultt ritrrr In Ciouk Coumy, Oikii, on tUtuM-y, trmtir 3. 1910, at a o'clock p. in., Ill 1 MlowlrilrK-Htilrirotity' line chntnut-toml mate with whllt wl In fae, togytaTauKI, liramlrtl II Willi ijuatltr ctKI ur It. on left aWU, lUtrd Auiuat IT, lyio. i is wii; (.MAM V. VANtlltVltHT. Bend Hardware Co. I hrrrbT announce mrwlf a candidate for Sheriff or Croak Own: jr. subject to the Repub lican rotria at the frlraary nominating ilectloo 10 be held September u, tqta. I will hit Mr ap preciate anr and kit thine done br my (Vienna lor my nomination. If nomtaaleo. and elected will dn all in my power to have all tawa lalorml. Xcapeetfully. MtLtaao Tairurr. 1 hereby announce myrelfae candidate for the office of County gurrcrur, subj, ct lotheapronl of the Republican eolcraof Cluok County at the primary election to be held Keptember Mih, 1919. Keapectlully. CroaoaS. Yocho To te CemocTXltc roter of Crook County. I hereby announce rnyaelf aa a candidate for Ihe office of hbenn of Crook County nbjct to the approral of Ihe Democratic rotere of the country at the primary nominating; flection to beheld ScDtember 21 lata. U - T. N. BALroua, File. Or. To the Republican rottr of Crook County: I bctbr announce meatlf aa a candidal far the orhce of Bberiffof Crook County, subject to Ihe approral ol the Republican voter of the county at the primary nominating election to be held Septembers, tjio. l-6 J. A. Cocltsk- Owing to a decline in wire products we are making new prices on Nails and Galvanized Barbed Wire as follows: 1 NAILS, base, per keg .... Heavy Galv. Barbed Wireper 100 lbs. . Light Galv. Barbed Wire per 1Q0 lbs. . We have in stock a full line of the famous WINONA WAGONS i- . flMHVMa2MHHMsaJaMBatf CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland (Sh Mcintosh FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OF WORK FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Siushcs, PiilnLs, (.hiss, HuiltleiV Hardware, Hoofing Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Wnll Street, Wall Street 3 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. FREE AUTOMOIHLE TRIP from Ucnd to the lands mid return fur nil who locate. LIST YOUR CITY PROPERTY WITH US IF YOII WANT A QUICK SALE. Write for Particular, to Merrill Sb Wilkinson Company IIKNI), ORHC50N. Bend Hardware Co. The Buckley Express Co. Direct Express Service between Sbaniko and fiend. Two Rigs Kacli way every week Careful Attention. No wa.wpwa, wm x. v t jt. j remembkr, the Fishing Season Commences carry a full April First. Wc line of the very best Tackle. Big new shipment just in. Flies, Leaders, etc. Rods, Caldwell EYEHYTHIM fer tk FbkraM. Riverside a"d Ly tie ADDITIONS The coming Residence District of BEND. Lots 60x140 feet, $150, $175, f'-'OO, fi25, 230, f'-75, ?00. 20 per cent, cash, balance ?10 per month. These lots are sure to increase in value, perhaps more than double by the time you make the last payment. Iet me take you out and show you this property. Fire Insurance J. A. EASTES, Agent, Notary Public Oregon St., IJHND, OR. SOME GOOD BUYS $1800 Two Iol near Depot Site $1500 300x100 feel ami nK-c, four room cottage. 9I000-KKMNQU1SMMKNT; .Go-Acre Hoiiiastcad: Korxl 5-room liousc; improvements rust over Woo; altuutcil between llcuil, Rcilmoiid and I.nitlaw. $15,500 160 acres improved lund aj4 miles ftoin liend; good liouitc, barn and out buildings, $36 per Acre 160 ncrcs of choice land 7 miles out. $100040 acres; small liouxc; s)4 miles from city, and a good piece of land; 600 cash, balance on time. tff I have listed Uiulncss and Residence piopcrty in all partu of the City and Additions also. HARM I'ROI'HRTY hi all directions. Uit Your Property with Mo tor Quick Sales. I Am Having Many Calls for PARM PROPERTY. EskSSX' A. A. DICKltY J. W. MCCI.UUJC J. tO0Ol'I.I.OW RUSSIAN THISTLE IfERE 1 A Few PUnt of Harmful Vy DU- covered About Town. II. H. Davits has found a num ber of Rustiau thistle plants grow lug oh the outskirts of towa Tate i the first appearance of the ebaoxtous wed ia this locality. la tome parts of the northwest, ac. cording to Mr. Davies and others familiar with the subject, the thistle ia a very serious pest, its J CITY DRAY 7 BAUNRV I.KWIS, I'ROf. -.,.i. U3T1UATKS VUHN1SIIRO MODXMN DUMOAI.OWS I For Quick Construction Call on SHER.RITT 2b WOOLLEY Architects ani Builders. CROOK COUNTY REALTY COMPANY 3es CITY DMV w WE HANDLE OVERYTIllNa Leave your onleri with Nick Smltli Wall St., Item! Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon 8. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day alf HUGH O'KANE, Manager 1 l I We have farm lands untl city property for sale. If you v; to purchase, see us. If you havj anything for sale, see us. We are .icre for business and will treat you right. O- C R. O O . Hotaling Building;, Wall Street, 'Bed STAR BAKFPy FRESH BREAD Piw, PastrFw and Cake. :: Meals Served at Regular Hours. E. MONCRIEF n0m,8, ""l ,0 "tln Onice, m;nv, UK.