4S33to' I 4 . SMITH WILL PAY YOU 10 for l)ro...l Veal. UHo fur l)rl rik. lo for Mr. Kent. If for Lit. Itprini ClilrWne, 20 per dmtn for fmh Kf flmttli nrer chartc commlailon. You set ALL your money when you hl taflmllh, Yihi don't illtlde with tht middleman. Ad ilrMt ll thlpmtnu rRANK U SMITH MEAT CO. 'TIsMlne Urn Hetf Trust" PORTLAND, OREdON Dr. B. E. Wright litre your lMh out anil pltl. and brM. work den., For out-of-town petront wt flnlen pl.t. and lnMit woik In on day If nnimtr riiicra, K.W bene J5.00 ITifcUoT- JJ.M Ulrdktl, . , llei uiraw $1.00 Unr'afc S&ee uu i4trvb4 J5 00 rut n.M iikhtuictiioiw Palntewi H.lreftlnn f'rm whrn plate, nr btldrt work U unlrml ( uit.ullatkm Kim. Viiu cannot tet lltr h.lnl.M wuik inywn, n. matter k.w much uu par. All WmL rullr Guaranteed for fill an Y..r Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342) Washington SI., Portland, Oregon Tab. car ( depot and Iranafrr t Weakbitton HL Neth & Co. COLLECTORS W. Ilur .I'd Collect Nalat, Mart, af a, and Real tetale C.ntracl. No Ce4letl ft. Chant, Worrestrr Uldg., Portland, Ore Tht Modtrn Way. "lift, hn naked your parcnta for your hand yut?" "My, no. That'a an old fashioned ustom thnl'a do longer observed. My (alhor rimy consider himself lucky If w decldu to tfliid him an Invitation to pur wedding" Generous Mendacity. "Your thermometor la wholly Incor rect It roi(ttor tan d.gr.uTlets than Uia actual temperature." That's why I Ilk. It. I dr.ad these fearfully candid friend., ux im actut rox x. s. maxd or Brtiuf DiikftdjnJ Sf-riy Ammi. CU Wtc LVti Stvdi "0m. 0- Nh-BEc WuJhh FW MmmmmmmimmHvmmmmmMmn KAHD'tMICAi. i'han. Main 113 491 Mak Si Vucmer, Wuastft. Union Painless Dantlsts rulllUtarTaalh .. iS.OO Bitdta Wmih Tatk vHUut llalaaUSdtalS tUUCrvwna, tl.SOUtS.00 rwnum uvwiu J I.SOU 11.09 tU 'rttUln nillnn ,11.00 U. SdcUlit.OO Dilrar rilllnra Uaat I'UU Mada . , , ir.so ria ikum (ar l'alnlaa catrtttlnf km hl fkUduna. II rara Utiaranta. ollh all truck, Haur.l..m.t lip. m. BIH Marrlaon UlrL ilfll 18 THE TIME nun best r Ika ,.fr la kli) tmr iai. ni aa lata aa.bH.ia l in.a Mlioaa a taf.k .fata aad an. la .aa VMI.HMMII, HatwCiaaaa $5.0 mi)rUiTMtt3.6 e!4ninaii 1.0 1 ttMHtfina! 1.8C fstt rnttaft ,6C u..c a.iHr - . rutii 5.00 But ItkVar . ruin 7.60 riU.il Ittr'IlM .61 Br uniiaia M. W. A. WH, ratMlat Mt Hwan tt nM miaa.aj n mi 1.1m. Katractloa rn vsairusssi ivktntltlaaor krlia.r irwad. OvMalialioa im Tor.a.a.k illat aalalw. wot. aaiwn.ra. i.o Malt.r kaw mhii in frai. All wocli fully ruar.nlartt for NIImm yaaH. Wise Dental Co. INCORPeRATSB Painless Dentists MBai luntlnc IMid WitMaitti, rMIUlW.tH t)H Ah HI I A. M. I r. AlT luUm t M 1 V B. V Tt HAWAIIAN riNEAFHI FI0DUQTS GQH Sb TEETH H I ill r 91 WRJjl I f fiHaBaai lSBBBP'WaBBBBBB You May Need It Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Aycr'a Glicrry Pectoral In the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If ho says It's all right, then get a bottle of It at once. Why not show a little foresight In such matters? Early treatment, early cure. A Wepeklltti eerromulee VT kaeltk aleehel (ilk mi nXliltii W urf ye. la eeae.liyoar MU vers Msny a boy la called dull and alupld, wncn tne wnoie trouBis it due to a lazy liver. We flrmlr believe vourown dor. tor will tell you lint an eccsslontldose of Ayer's Pills will do inch boys a y.reat deal or Rood. They keep the llveractive. Mate ay Ik. J C AyerOt,, r-w.l,... - hvilanml3iuhKiMUili4imwij ttuouroan news. "Great eicltotnunt out In our sub division." "About wbatT" "Ono of tny early tomato vines hat produced a araatl knob which la oald to be a tomato by expert that we have called In." Make. II rajr. Bentfr Old Oullhoovtr It at clot, tt th. bark on a tro, and h n.v.r or celt anythlnr, Ilatlfrion You're rlihl. en both count. Kven If he inorrly wont, to ramrmbrr tomtthlnB h. "charst. bla tnlndH with IU Tents, Awnings, Sails Cati. Huiancli, Cirru ui Cain, ) ar I.Oul at f aclorr trlfa, PACiriC It N f AND AWMNG ca n N. Mitt U I'actUitd. Or. wtiSmft BUSINESS COLLEGE Tiau itiHiiiitoi.roiTUit.dteoi A, r. ARMSTFtONa. LL. H.. PRINCIPAL Oura la mJmitttJ! Ik. Kfwki.n.l.nl .m.m.mI.1 vrhxd of Ik. NofthwaaU Taacbart haU Uth butlnM. ajul profaatlunal aiprUnt qualify iiu. d.att far auoca. Lr inJiwUtud In.tmciUa ir dt.lrad. In a abaft Urn. and at anull aiprnn. Pvallkia far aB M aoon at conpaUat. Opan all Hi yaar. CaUIocua, Imalntta forma and pan work fraa. Writ. roJjy - ih,r U tnorwy la lb ASTHMA AND HAY TEVER ara ritlirlrlv rallnVA.! tiv Wt..ll'. A.llM.a Hrmcdv. (iUarnntetl nr mnnnv mfnnil. tn. Ask your druiftriiit or semi alx cent poatago for Frco Samplo to J. C. WYATT. DroeiM. VANCOUVtH, WASHINGTON DAISY FLY KILLER KmaC2tii Lftllt nil . M4 m ww, im MMr4altrlkM. M ttteWiO wM ama4 (W Ma j KllOLOiOMm itnnTra wffim COFPEE TEA SPICES kUKINO POWDER IAIKACT3 JUST RIGHT CLOSSETflDtYm! rvnilAHO. one MwL Pure meant that nothing whatever hat been added to it Hawaiian meant that it it grown and bottled in a Tropical Paradiic Pineapple meant the mo.t healthful and refreshing o( all juicy fruits Juice meant the easiest and simplest way to enjoy the essence of the rich ripe Pine apples of Hawaii. lfAit fru'ft anJ troctrtlitvtu'l Dlt't fn lltwtll tint tiptt Jil$4. nut .1 lAfir aimn fr a ink' lit ((War him tt tel tad lrr (I. ' 'kit ? .a tka labar Iti, 111 Mtrk.t Str.at, S. FraatU... (U SYMBOLISM DID NOT APPEAL .1 I allnda Rejeeta Propoial of Charlie to Be Joined Together Llk Hands of Clock. "Charlie," torrowfully itched the young lady In the parlor of tbn con croto houto, on Waahlnston avenue. "It la nearly 12 o'clock." "Yet, llellnda," wm the bfoatblni rntjvont. of hor poetical companion, who vraa altllnir on the to fa betide hor, "th minute hand li drawlnf etotor and clotor to th hour hand, and when the time of midnight I chlmod the two hand will bo even a ono. Oh, darling Uellnda," he con" tlnued, aa be literally almulated th notion of the minute hand, "may not th coming together of thot. two band bo symbolical of ur Etio broko away and ttood firmly on her feet "No, Charle Henry Smith," (he retorted, angrily, "those two band will remain a on but single too ond, and then the minute hand will di vorce Itaolf and go on tta way alone. Hn, Mr. Hmlth, a minute band that doesn't stick Isn't th kind of symbol lam I wantl" Hrd, Wr.tr ill.vod lir 1 fttll.vod liy Uurln. Mr. lUinody. Try I. n wmrr n.iirr Erib llurln. I'or Your ir Kri . i rouDira. iou win IJk. Mutlnt. II Hoothat. too at Yeur II rurrlta Wrlto I'or Kr. I took a. Vraa. uunn. i;y. iitmtny uo., uiiicco. Japanate la Hardstt to Learn. The Japanet language Is claimed to be the hardest of all to learn tCvon tho Japanese flod It bard, and several American army orUcer bav found It Impossible to matter It II tnkos the Japanoso child tovea years to loarn the essential parts of th alphabet and one must become fa miliar with III signs to learn tblt almpl part of the language alone The 214 signs serve as th English Initial loiter In our alphabet To bo able to read any of ih hlgbar ctata of Japani nowtpnp.rt onr must bo th matter of from 3,(00 to 000 Ideogrnphs. Albany Journal Uotntrt wra Sad Vn. TTImloVt Boethtei trruptii.bxtrasiadr to ut. tut tfitlf cLlMrtt AurlBf 111 UtUUof pttlod. Th Hrst Yar. "nmembr, my boy, that tb first year of married life Is always tkt hardest," "That soT" "Yos, It will take you ail that tlmt to give dinner parties to the rc-Utlvet and frlonds who bellove they ought to b Invited to test your wife' cook Ing." Kffsotlv Method. x Wunder StayUr la tucctttful aa a eollector of bad dtbtt. Waring Tfcat's because he Ukea a tent with bla and camp out la Xrest of the debtor's door. A Painful Paot It take a lot of watting to bob tip precisely at th moment a .rtaJa girl com. along. Bad Breath "for months I had grrtt trouble wth cay stomach and utd all kind of mediciae. My tongue ha been actually at grn a grata, tuy breath having- a bid odor. Two werkt ago a friend rrcomaseuded Cucarctt anI after tub; them 1 can willissly and cheerfully say that thy taav entirely enred me. I therefore Ut yon know that I shall recocnaMnd them to any oe M0er Ing from such trouble." Chat. II. Ilal. pern. 114 U. 7th St. Hew York, N. Y. PUaMiit. r.UlalXL rat.V Taau QL Da 0od. N.rarSUkaa. Wwtn t Crip tC tU. U. Nam aold I. bulk. Tka raa. in. la ai.1 aumpM gvu Ui aur. ar yaar iaan.r auk. ITCH CAN BE CURED ta a abort ttm. by uttn. PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY la tO-ornt rant only, Addrma PLUMMER DRUO COMPANT fnlrd and Maddaon PerUand. Ot PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland. Onroa FURNISHES HELP PREE IO CUtUOYtRS Main ofltoa. II North Bacmd 8t Kata CfTOj A taM ldU.U.pt.6Vt WorrUooBU Uala tOO; A Wi rhanr or ra ordora tt oar tipana An Embarrassing Were). "Then," said the reporter, Til say several pretty songs war rendered by Miss Packer" "Oh, gracious not" replied U. boe tets; "you mustn't say 'rendered.' You see, her father made all his money In lard." Cathollo Standard and Tlmts. IT IS REALLY ABSURD to think that you can cure your weak stomach and get back your health again by dieting or experimenting with this or that remedy. You need Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters and nothing eke. For over 57 years it has been making people weH and keep ing them so and it wlH do as much for you. Try a bottle today for Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Cramps, Diarrhoea and Malaria, Fever and Ague. It never falls. INDIAN LANDS Representative Carter of Okla homa, Implicates Many. Liberal OfTers Made to Congressmen to Push Crooked Deal Thieves Fall Out, McAlslcr, Oklahoma Tho "poor In dian" learned a few more things about tho proposed sale of 130,000,000 worth of his land In tho hcarlntr beforo tho contrrcMlonnl Investigating committee Thursday. Jtoprcsontatlvo C. D. Car tor, of tho Fourth Oklahoma district, testified that In an Interview at the homo of Itlchard C. Adams, an attor ney at Washington, Adams had said that he had an arrrangement by which ho waa to secure C per cent of tho "profit." to bo derived from the Mo Murray certificates, "Ho also told me," testified Mr. Carter, "that Congressman D. 8. Me Gutro was In tho deal and would got his share. He also told me that Dr. Wright, n delegate for the ChocUw Indians at Washington, with salary of 10,000, waa in on the deal. He also said: Wo'got somo other,' but he did not mention any other names." "Did Adams say he waa going to get C per cent of all the money J. P. Mc Murray was to realize on the dealt" asked Chairman Charles N. Durlte. "Yes, ho said ho was going to make sure of it, m McMurray had 'double- crossed' him at uthcr times, but this tlmo ho waa going to fix it so ho could not lose out, and when McMurray got his 10 iwr cent, or $3,009,000, or whatever It amounted to, he (Adams) was going to got 6 per cent of tho.prc cccdi. "I also met Jake L. Hamon at Washington. Ho told roe to go to that old man Gore and got him to withdraw that fool bill of his against the McMurray contracts." "Do you think a majority of tho In diana are in favor of these contracts giving 10 per cent to McMurray!" "There Is no doubt that thoy are." he replied. Out thcro Is alo no doubt that in signing tho contracts many were Influenced to do to by person who had an Interest in them." Adam waa descirbed aa a Delaware Indian, wbo frequently ha been men tioned aa having called on President Taf t in matter pertaining to Indian affair. It waa Adam to whom &e Indian In this state were asked to ad dress their telegrams urging President Taf t to approve the sale of tho land. Before Carter left the aUnd Mc Murray's attorneys obtained from him testimony tending to show that Me Gulro in previous Indian matters bad supported measure in congress oppos ed to the interest of McMurray. Carters' appearance on the stand fol lowed another day of lively testimony. MAYOR GAYNOR IMPROVES; INDICATIONS FAVORABLE New York, Aug. 10. Mayor W. J. Gsynor, of New York, lies at St Mary hospital tonight with the seg ments of a split bullet fired yesterday by James Gallagher, who sought to assassinate him, still burled in his neck and mouth, but he has shown not one alarming symptom. It is beyond human power to say whether he will recover, for not even the most re nowned specialist can say whether blood poisoning will bo tbo 'ftcrraath, but as yet tho mayor's temperature has given no cnuse for alarm. Every indi cation Is that tho wound Is healing sat isfactorily. Five Crushed to Death. Capo May, N. J. Fivo persona were crushed to death when an cot proa train on tho Pennsylvania railroad dMbed into an automobile at Mill Lano crow ing on tho West Jersey & Seashore railroad. Tho express train waa hid den from view by a cornfield. As the automobllo bore down toward the train, Mrs. Thomas McNeill, who lives near the crossing, saw the approaching cxprcja and waved her hand for tho auto driver to stop hia car, but the man either did not see the danger signal or thought ho could cross beforo the train. Postal Banks In Small Cities. Beverly, Mass. Postmaster General Hitchcock made a preliminary report to President Taft regarding tho plans for tho early institution of postal sav ings banks in different parte of the country. Tho experimental banks will bo located in smaller cities In order to perfect the system. It is hoped that tho experimental banks may be in operation by October 16. Mr, Hitch cock and the president, It is said, also talked of tho political situation. Aviator Badly Hurt. Johannlstal, Germany Aeroplanist Hloin was seriously hurt at the avia tion moot hero. While ho waa flying In a Wright machine, at the height of about 225 feot, one of the propellers broko. The other continued to run, causing tho craft to turn over aovoral times. It fU with a crash and waa completely demolished. litem was carried off the field unconscious. Twelvo Die In Wreck, Iimaclo, 6al. Disobedience of or ders, according to the railroad official, on tho part of a conductor waa retpon sible for a hoad-on collision between a passonger and a work train on the Northwestern Pacific near here, that took a known toll of 12 live and In jured about 20. (iy"CyaHK ALCOHOL 3 Pro ripwi. AVeflf rVepvaflonla'Af j suujaiuaerbWMuTOufe I tog tte S wmk aadBwris af PrcTOfcsDt&9Mkdl ressandfestCoilaaMidig OjiiffiiJlorjLTCiw)ifL nurnAKCUTic. AWaaaaiBvaM aavaaBBBBBamaaaa, JUJtitdt- flBafaWJrWS df7an Antfaci?tmi4y(oiCmS tlofl.SourSteiMdtntoiWt Y(emsf:aicwmsJtmt nxss MidLossoPSUzp. lac Swale Stfaaart af NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Sherman ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. jwi'ijwypii"1 iip u We hi. Wellington Piano we're selling i 'HaP''Bl we're willing to let It be ITS OUW SALESMAN. It will tell if own Horn la you in your home if you'll send u coupon. Pltau una m lull particulars concerning tte unusual Piano ofltr. A'amt- HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND. OREGON Brnd your boy hr h.wffl hart rooj. atrons tralnlnr. T"all terra opma SrpUtabar ltta ISIS. Writ, for catakcuo. MEDICAL J of 0 DcPAnTMcN i (wwwwn !Ugh Standard Thorough Course Boaalon Urku SrpU It tltO. For catakcuo ad droai IVan, a IVan, Dr. S. C. Joseph!. 810 Dekum Bide., Portland. Oregon The Pity of It, "Tit one of the saddest things of ssarrled life." "What Isr "Tbo fact that the wife cant think of anything new for dinner.' and the husband, white dliiatltfled, eaa't sug gest anything." A Beauty Stent "What do you do to keep your hands so boautlfult" askod the rural maid. "Why," roplled the fair summer boarder, "I do nothing." NO X A L LYE REMEDY t w u. n It BiMwmtttJ ta mnoT. ItarJ Otnu, Soft Cams and CnllouMi. Caty to ap ply. rrtiMi. all twtd odora and Klvaa Inn an I ralltf to liurnuur. achlna. tnflam), twollcn and trndrr fcot. and ta all Ut. nam. UapilM. RFmor IVAAt. UNinvn. i,i ciiukl ,)jlo wo m amai r ,hoo can b. worn with comfort. llororanindi and told by all drurrUU. or by malL AJ Jraaa lr. O. O. Klatch.r A Co.. Foot SpocixlUt. 1'uitUnd. Uron. GALL CURE HORSE COLLARS Art mada orr Curled llolr PoJi and will oat tall Ut. horn.. Writ, ut for fro aamplo of tk. Pad. Glr. th. una of your harnaaa daaUr. Sold by bet aaaJara aTrrywh.ra, W.U-McMONIES&CO., PORTLAND, OREGON ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT KATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY) Palnlaia Katractlou ,,,..Fr nuvar nuioct ,,,. ,,.. OoM Kllllnt. 7S it K.Qold Crownt .,.,,..,) Porcelain Crowat .,,,.,.,., Molar QoldCiowna..,..,,,,tt UildaWok,K.Ooll....U Inlay FlUa, PurtOoUt ......a Vary NicaRubbar Plata.. .... Bait Rubber Plata on Earth.. IT ALL, Till WORK IS UUAKANTKUO. Don't throw tour monar awav. A dollar aavJ ta twodollara aaraad. Our original rUabU a(od ra Palaloat WethoJa and our perfected oStcqulp- Biant wraji ua tlmo and your money. IST?NENTl$TS.3iaN.rr7.au,r.rlUaa Sattaact, f Iti MenUoa. aHoeho rMieaka aad Meier A Frejtu tuiklUked la PMtUa4 10 yean. Otea erealate taitl I aa4 laatari uitl UilQ, l tH .bo vwa. Vjpy t HQKJ1 AfUR BIb. rrtco ISc 0r czr CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signarare of Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA lui otaraaa oT, am T.aa orrf. JBtoy & Co. want you to try thi Piano IS YOUR MK AT aVJ V B w HOME FREE. Wo want you to try it at our expense because At tho end of thirty day the Piano ITSELF will convince you of tho following facts: It's the best value on earth for the prlc (t27S). It'a MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! We know there is so much real value in for 1276 on ty paymwUs that th4 lettrcsi. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN rmt etaaa work at wmhiM, prteaa. fraa narainatiaa aad Prfoetly fiuod $2.00 Nn faktxur oMtaa&k DR. C. L. HAYM8 Suite 427, Marqu&m Buildms; FourUt flour Oppoilt. Portland Hotel, Portland Or. A It May Be. "People are not alike." remarked tho morallxer. "What aulto one may set please another." "Right you are," rejoined th d morallxer. "What 1 one man' auto mobile may be another snaa'a u geraaut" m? l v UHK-HOfW4)NC-Tl naaaiia rsjvwuivnikf ro ruu. fMUKuiAM wtwntTiianneTV wm nyMil TRY- MURINE VVMn Your EyM NM car IJul. Fena, 28c. Sec Stht Tuktt. 2S. It. RCMKE THC COST BF UVUrtj CRESCENT 8AK1NG POWDER 25c FULL POUND C. Gee Wo Ttn GXIm lk Thla wondefu) Man baa mad. a Uia ttudy of tb. Sroportla. of Root, arba and hVarka. aaj i (Irina- th. world U. boneSt of hit Mrrlaaa. N. Mercury. Polata. rDranUteif. Mo OfXralloa. or CuUla OuannUa. to ear. Oatarrh. Attbma. hunt. Stomach and Kidney trouble., and all PrivaU DiMaeatofM n and Women. A SURE CANCKR CURE Jut rocetrwl from Pakln. China af, taw. andrulUUa, Uf allina- In It wojka. If you canaot calL writ, for tymptMa blaak and ttrtwlar. Indoa. 4 cenU tt itawpa. COUSUITATION rMC The C Gee We Medicine C. 1S3H rtnt St, cm, MorrUon, Por4. O. aNU N0.3J-JI) WHXX wrta- toadTOrtewUM luonllon tttlt paper. i ITl ii jTri tt