.'ZT'Xz-r-azrz. gMtoili.u.,ritrv, mm inn ran rjt i m.vr .1 .rj. i. irvnris-r.Tiv- ,n;ni WIESTORIA I ' Special Sale 1 rv. r i W. I i. i M I, y 1 Choice Residence Lots. Beginning: on Thursday, September 1, 1910, we will sell 100 lots in Wiestoria at greatly reduced rates. $25 TO wmUU ,. . " Wiestoria is located in the center of the residence additions to Bend. The lots arc, with few exceptions, 50x110 feet, nil alleys are 20 feet wide and the streets, being 60 and 80 feet in width, not only sufficiently provide for ingress and egress to and from the property, but also for proper sidewalk spaces and passageways for future electric lines. Most of the property is but a few blocks from the Oregon Trunk depot location and Is conveniently situated in reference to schools, depot, business portion, churches and manufacturing sites. Two PERPETUAL WATER RIGHTS, one from the Pilot Butte Canal and one from the Arnold Canal, arc appurtenant to Wiestoria. EACH LOT WILL CARRY WITH IT A PERPETUAL AND FREE WATER RIGHT. Every lot in Wiestoria is thoroughly protected by comprehensive building and other restrictions. ABSOLUTELY NO OBJECTIONABLE ESTABHSHA1ENTS OF ANY DESCRIPTION WILL BE PERMITTED. The position of buildings upon lots is regulated, so that all will be uniform distance from the street. WIESTORIA WILL BE THE RESIDENCE SECTION OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES AND ATTRACTIVE STREETS. Wiestoria has impressive Pilot Butte for a background. From an elevation of 3650 feet it gently slopes westerly towards the Cascades and Bend, affording magnificent views of 10 snow-capped mountain peaks and the far-stretching timber lands. The Bend Bulletin of July 27, 1910, in its comments on the different additions to Bend, refers to Wiestoria as follows: "This land is beauti fully situated, commanding a magnificent mountain view, and is dotted with junipers and stately pines." Every sales contract or deed for the 100 lots to be put on sale September 1 has an individual number. HNP f OD1VPD I OT PDPP to the lucky purchaser who holds Vni, WV.IVHwI IVI fEC THE WINNINQ NUMBER. CENTRAL OREGON REALTY COMPANY Wall Street, Bend, Oregon Exclusive Agents. AUTO LINE SOUTH CRESCENT--KLAMATH FALLS Hay Harvesttaj: Makes RaHroadlaz Problems Easier Owners lnpect TewMke HotdlflS Poil- hy ef Irrigation Eattrprhe. CrescxxT, Ore., Anguit 32. P. Z. Baldwin and P. A. Gordon, of Klamklb Fall, have begun a scrnl-weelclv auto service between Klamalb Falls and Cret cent, itopplng at Wakefield, Corral Spring! and Crater, en route. They are making the trip a an experiment in aa endeavor to ascertain whether a route will par. Mesr. Baldwin and Gordon propose to make regular trip. tearing Klamath Fall Tuesdays and Saturday for Crescent and, returning, leave Cretccnt Wednesdays and Sun day. Contractor McPbee and District En icineer Lintner of the Oregon Trunk, made an automobile trip over the right' olway last week, to examine tbe route and ascertain tbe amount of t'radinir. The new hay crop bat been harvested and feed for tbe contractors' horses Is more plentiful thau it was a month ago, Engineers Milligan, Kyle and Kelly are lookl'iic up tbe line between tbe Rescrv ation and Klamath Palls and it U possi ble that a new contract may be awarded before tbe mouth is up. M. B. Jefferrof tbe firm of Kaesy, Hmaasoa & Jeflcry of Portland, with a party of friends was here en route to Lake Well and Crescent, where they will spend a week bunting and fishing. O. K. Jeffery, a brother of M. I)., recent!) pilotted party of Portland people here and spent a week at tbe lakes. Tbe re sult of the outing was shown in recent iaatHM of tbe Portland newspaper show ing picture of tbe scenery about the lake and an interview with Mr. Jeffery praMng the country as an ideal sports man' paradise, D, P. King, secretary, an J L, P, Wakefield, manager of the Central Ore gon Improvement Co and O W. Olson. capitalist of Portland, owner of the towAMtea 01 crescent, waxencm ana Corral Springs, were here looking over the company's properties last week and making arrangements for improvement. Tuey returned to Seattle tbe first of tbe George Gottlieb, a member of En ulnaer Kyle' survey party of tbe Ore get Trunk, ka secured a leave of ab swsoe to attend to work on bis ranch Mar btrc. Kyle's crew is now survey. ing Mar the Williamson River about eight mile from Klamath Agency. I Klamath Pall and Portland to be gone 'about two weeks. lie will confer with I tbe Hunter Land Co., by whom he is employed as engineer, with reference to preliminary surveying or an irrigation project which will include the land to the west and south of Crescent. The company plans to secure water from Crescent Lake, Crocent marsh and the Little Deschutes. NEW STORE OPENS. Red Cross Drug Store Starts Business la Dead. Tomorrow tbe Red Cross Drug Co. opens its establishment in tbe new build ing on Wall street just completed for John White by Sberrltt & Woolley. A. Segal, one of tbe proprietors, will have entire charge of tbe store' management. To interest Bend people and attract them into tbe store be has hit upon a novel scheme of giving attractive fouV' enirs to the first buyers of bis well-as sorted stock, Every customer making a $t purchase will receive bis choice of a big collection of imported Japanese novelties, paste work creations, lu vases, bowls and travs, or bis selection from an assorted lot of brass novelties. The Segal have another drug store at Madras. The new store here is thor oughly equipped and up-to-date In every way, and is stocked with a large assort meut of goods. Notice of Disohitloa of Partnership, Notice Is hereby giren that H B. Lattln sad II. Hcrrinftou h.v dissolved their partnership under tbe name of lattln & ll-rtiaKlon. Iltic Iter Mr. Lattlu will conduct the butlncM in hit own umc. It Real Estate Transfer. Aurul iJ-loctatirr. .(ParnUhed by Crook County Abstract Co.) C II. Kills and wife to A. K. Burris, lot it, block 1, Deschutes. Consider ation Jjoo. Ole Erickson to Detly Erickson, tei of seX. of neX of seV, X of setf of netf Sec. ao; tw( of sw( of nm. etf of swtf of nw M. nX of sw and stf of neX of wX Sec 38, T. 18, K. 17. (Uuitciaimncetf) consideration t. Florence W. Drake et al to Oregon Trunk Railway, tract in nex 01 neX Sec 5, T. 18. R. 1 j. (Correction deed). Patent. United States to Clara IX. Campbell. seX Sec. 8, T. 18, R. u. Clara M. Campbell to Jennie Sellers, seX Sec 8, T 18 R. la. Consideration io. Walter E. Slum to Albert N. Johnson. wj nl ne' of nw! and uwX of swX Sec. 34, T. 31, R. II. Considera tion SGo. Robert J. Walker and wire to Albert Johnson, e of nwX and w of ueX Sc. a6, T. 31, R. 11. Consideration JS80. William II. Conant to Albert N. John son, ejf of ceX WX ' neU '"' neX of eX Sec. 35, T. 31, R. II. Con ((deration J860. United States to William Evringbam, seXofseX Sec. 11, wX of swX fee. la, nwX of nwX Sec 13 and neX o( neX Sec. 14, T. aa, R. II. United States to Robert J. Walker, etf of nwX sd wX f " Sec a6, T. 31, R. 11. United Stat to Dudley Mayfield, ssX of nwX. X oi neX. MX Mi Sec 13, i. 31, II. United State to Thomas I Hammer. t of nwX. eX of UWH ot ,w'( "' uwX 01 neK Sec 35, T. 31, K. II. United Slates to Carry Evringbam, nwX Sec. 10, T. aa, R. 11. United State to Martha L. Mayfield. eX neX. neX cX Sec. wX Sec ta, T. 31. R. 11. United State to Malaclil C. Mayfield, X nH Sec. la, T. aa, R. 11, United State to Walter E. Sharp. X nwX, neX nwX & wX WU Sec 34, T. at, R. 11. United States to William II Conant, eK neX, wX eX neX of eX Sec. 35. T. at, R. it. Notice. Kotic Is hereby tlrtn th.l Orrf on Trunk Ball way hat Alol with the recorder of the city o( Ueod. lit petition, and will, at the regular meet. lobhttdalSo'cloclfVMKs oa lhauilhday of (Ktober lu, present lis pillion BBManply far the vacation of the portions of iTTFTullowlnr named alreis and alleys that lie between nih and lllh streets In the city o( nemt. to-win lunlDcr Avenue. Ironwunl Avenue. Hawthorn Acnue, and Fir Avenue, and the alleya la blocks ORiiUOMTHUMIC KAILWAY. Dy Caaav At Kiaa, Its Attorneys. Dated Aug tuftsin, 1910, Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY -US HEREAFTER. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Interior, U, S, taod UtBcc at The Halle. Orecon, Aufutti. 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Mary DcCotircy, whoe ooalomcc addreaa It Bend. Croak Count. rirezon, did, on tbe 10th day of October, 1900. Ale la this aflVce Sworn statement and Applicailon, No. oj4jA, to purchase the HWHIIK ec. 3, Tp H..K u Kaat Willamette Merhiian, and Ihr timber thereon, under Ihe orovUluna oflheaei of June j, island acts amendatory, known at inv"iiruiranq nione ijaw," si aucn value aa M..I.H. IU..I.. ..M m ...M I.S.HAH. BM4 .k.. ...... euanttotucb rpptlcaiion, the land and timber Ibereoii have been eallmaled and valued by ap plicant, the limber estimated laa.txa board fret at 1 1 .00 per M ,aud thulaud nothioe. that aaid applicant will oiler 0ntt proof in support or her atibtlcallon and aworn atatemeut on the aolh d.v of October, lyio. before II C lilllt, U. b. Com. mUaloucr, al hit office at Dend, Uiefon. Any person It at liberty to protest this pur chase before entry, or Initiate a route.! at any lime before patent it.uet, by Alloc a corroborat edamdavlilnthlaotace, atlriloc fsctt which would defeat the entry, j-ji C. W. uqOMt, Uecltter. OPEN TOMORROW -ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Interior, U. S. Mnd OAcc, I.akelew, Or., Wc4fel.hwbrriv.ntBVi!r,''W Wlitbtfl U. Howard, 01 Hinianu, wrerot, woo on reuruary 14 tffit i" j.w.uu.iva tmijt nv, M lOXilKC, 1J TEe Red Cross Drug Store Complete Stock Patent Medicines, Pure Drugs Cigars, Candy COMPLETE LINE OF RUBBER GOODS Expert Experienced HegLstcredrhnrmttcist at your command 1 vi. rot e. it: nelf uwlf. awu u nil ..u nwM, Bee. , T. 8., R. la ., VV. M., h. fllcd notice ol Intention lo make 1'lriil 't Year l-ropf toeatablUh cUlm to Ihe land above de. scribed, before U 8. CommUaioner, W I), West, at Silver Lake, Oresou, on the a jrd day of bep teraberigio. ' r Claimant names at wltuestesi Oeorfe Hewitt, Vranklloeue, h, C.Caldwell, George Hly, all of KosUnd, lire. ARTHUR W. OKTON. '1'7 Kegl.Ur. The Pioneer Wood Yard Call on or telephone us for the Ucst Seasoned Wood. Fine Candies Williams Brothers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V, a Land office at The Dalles, Ore., Julys), 1910. Notice Is hereby glren that . . I.ouetta i'ulllam, ofTumalo.prefoii,who,ou Julv is, iooj, made Uetert Ind Kulrv. (Serial No. 087), Ko. 571, lor NM NW, and gWNIW. Hei. Vto. i tl.', K. 11 It., W, M., has filed notice of Inleutlou to make Vlnsl Woof In 'ealabtlih rliim in iha i.hH above dcKribcd, before II, C. Kills, U. 0. Com. mlstloner. at bit oBice, at Bend, Oregon, 04 Ihe till day of Heptember, 1910. iiawaui names as wiluesteti Hubert A. H2omlll Vrril W. I.v,rn Am... O. I'ulllam, Cbarrc W, Tlioiuwslte, allof Turn, alo, Ore. C. W, HOORK. il-'J tUtiatcr, 1 Custom Wood Sawing Solicited. All wood Is cut grcea, therefore nssuriiiR pood live wood Wm. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. , WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabtealwayi supplied with the bos t that tho town afford. Neat and Comfortable Rooms, Uknd, Okkgon rs-rz BarSBSSaasiat K Jeetfk h. Rlngo left last week for Try THK iVILLtTIN for Job PriMln. I!