THE BEND BULLETIN. .- ttt VOL. VIII BEND, ORKGON, WKDNKSDAY, AUG. 34, 1910, NO. 4 SOUTHEAST ROAD FROAl BOND TOWARDS BURNS Oregon Trunk Announce Intention of llulldlnsr Trans-Slato Hnllrond Across Homestead Country Connecting at (lend. The long expected announce incut of Oregon Trunk plniiH tn linlld southeasterly from ilend bus been made. It I the intention ol thu IIIII toad to construct it trun.v fftatc line from thin point 155 mile in the Kcncral direction of Hums, iln further continuance a yet be ing unannounced. AIho, Klamntli Kail In ct forth os the objective ointoftlie Oregon Trunk, while u line from a point in township 35 Aottth, rannc 7 east, in Klamath rminty to Mcdford, In accordance with President Steven' recent an nouncement, l projected. Such in an outline of Central Or cum) construction plans as net forth in amended articles of Incorpor atlan filed ut Olympla, Wash , on Aug. 17. Fraud D. Clark, ex-president of me iMortn uanie roaa ana Fred Forest, who was general supcriu icnucm 01 tne ame roaa, came through Ilend last Wednesday from The Dalle In John V. Stevens' car. The point at which the southeatt line will lie on to the main road nccrns to be on the L. Reed place, 1)4 miles south of the Dcnd depot. It is understood that the location pastes through the heart of the Hampton Unite country. Uti doubtcdly these new couotructiou plans materially will hasten the hotntstcuding of the big country to the southeast. Some of the incidents connected iWilk. local railroad construction proved nigniy welcome to erncd. A large rock from on the erad iiz crashed the roof of Creed Trinleit'a iittriklng the handle of the tin which the Trlplctt'sitf 1 baby was sitting. Pass a few inches from the child ttered the handle and side of uKCy, the baby tatracti (escaping uninjured. An FSxIe wu shut through the if the V. M. Uav house. tifi but 60 feet from the grade. sy threatened to enjoin the from further "shootinc:" the railroaders uctecd to 1 the Ray' and now they arc He on the Wlcsl'a lawn In 'provided by the company. : wccie a partv under Knit neer tie moved to the vicinity of ind. 1 Francisco People VUlt Uend. B. (f. JoiiiiDon. Mr. and Mrs. I,. Hhr nun, Mr. nd Mrs. M and II. 1'leUti. hacker and II. C. Comllt, all of San Praucltco arrived Monday In two car and were the gucitt of Mr, and Mr. A. M. Drake. Today they left for Port land over the Hantlam route. CANDIDATES IN FIELD. llend Men Latest Additions In Knee for County Honors. Millard Tr Intel t of Ilcud has nil- tiouuccd liliiHulf 111 candldiite for the Republican uominutiou for ShcrliT Mr. Trlplett, who came to Ucud nix year ngo from Lenoir, N. C, has held the office of Dep uty Sheriff for two term, has nerved twice 011 the City Council and at present Is n member of the School Hoard. Upon leaving North Carolina he resigned a poti Hon as U. S Deputy Marshal, pre viously to holding which he had been on the police lorce of Ashville, N. C Other candidate now In the field for Republican indorse meiit urc Frank Itlkiiirt and S. Hodge of Prlnevillc and J. A. Coulter of Madras and T. N. Dal (our of Fife. Democrat Another Ikud mau in the field for a county office i George S. Young, who is flecking the Re publican nomination for County Surveyor. Mr. Young graduated fiotu the University of California in 1904 both as Civil Hmtiuccr and Mining Kugincer. In the foothills of the Sierra he had charge of the locating nud constructing of exten sive power flumes for the Hay County Power Co., and has hud considerable mining exericnce in Nevada. He is now the engineer in charge of the Arnold Irrigation work near Dcnd. SETTLEMENT OF 0. 1. 8 P. AFFAIRS Irrigation Company Soon Will Be On Feet, Actively Constructing Car nals and Selling Lands. FIRE COSTS A FIVER. Breaking First Pino Is Imposed for City Ordinance. At a hearing before City Recorder Hill on Monday A. M. Lara was fined $5. for breaking section 17 of ordinance 13, which forbids the lighting of n bonfire within too feet of a building. The complaint, sworn out by Policeman Chapman, showed the fire to have been lit In the rear ol Lam's store on August 16, nftcr Mr. Lara hud been warned by the officer. The offender was let off with the minimum fine inasmuch as this was the first offense under the ordinance prosecuted and because his action cleat ly resulted from for- Setfulness. Imprisonment and a ne of $300 or less may be Imposed. Last Wednesday Charles Kart ell (T was fined $5 on a charge of drunkeness. That the troubles of the Deschutes Irrig-it(6n 8c Power Company have been adjusted and development work will be resumed within 30 day Is the wclome new brought to Hind by Fred S Stanley, who was vice president of the corporation All the conflicting interests have gotten together and agreed upon a titan of action The gist of the mat ter is that the total capital stock of the corporation, $2,500,000, i to be wiped out and count no longer as an oblig-ition of the company, and the Howard contract is totally eliminated. The creditors of the corporation wilt bid iu the properly to be sold under foreclosure of first mortgage bonds. Starting thus with a clean sheet, it is found easy to get money to carry on the reclamation work and forces will be put at once cotiMtructing additional canal and ditches and marketing the lauds, The entire business is expected to be out of the hands of the court within 30 days. For the present it is arranged that the enterprise shall be conducted by a committee representing all interest. J. II. Farnham, manager of theuig contracting concern of J. G. White & Co , New York, J. G Addison, representing the Ohio bondholders, and Jeosc Stearns, repre senting the Portland creditors, will probably constitute this committee, though no formal appointment has yet been made. Receiver Red field will probably resume his former position as engineer of the company iu the field. No local manager has yet been selected, and many other de tails have not yet been settled. Hut it is definitely announced that the career of the old company is ended, the water is squeezed out of the concern and a new organization will carry the big project forward to completion. Mr. Stanley is quoted as saying that $4,000,000 will be spent in Improvement work und that the darning of the Deschutes just north of town and construction of the North Canal to water approximately 50,000 oditional acres soon will be undertaken. Pall Heir to Valuable Property. Word has lcen received that Mrs. T. J. Ludlow has fallen heir to some f 40,000 worth of propel ty iu Ashland, through the death of her foster father, 15. Williams. She wu but three months old when adopted. She expects to make her home in Rend. Re cently her brother visited her at her homestead at Deschutes Meadows. No Quorum at Council Meeting:. A only Mayor Merrill and Aldermen Hunter anil Ovcrturf nut in an appear ance llio Council Hireling scheduled for Uit nluht fiuled. There will be another attempted to get quorum Saturday, Your Bank and Your Business AFX ALIKE IN THIS ONE RESPECT: Success Depends upon Satisfactory Service. The Deschutes ttnnking & Trust Company trusts for its popularity to giving its customers kindly and in telligent service. And expects to advance its own interests by being of service to the public. We invite correspondence and welcome all who miy desire our . services iu a business capacity. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company "Conservative Banking for Conservative "People." I Jl. BAIKD, Trea, J. W. MASTURS, Vice Pies. M, Q, COIt, Cashier, HOTALINQ IS DIRECTOR Chosen for School Board at Lightly Attended Meeting. Nine voters were present at the school election last Saturday after noon. They chose C. L. Holaliug to fill the unexpjrcd terra ol Dr. C. W. Merrill, resigned. Subse quently 13 more voters appeared but were informed that the election was over and took no part in the proceedings. The clerk brought up the matter of a school orgau, but it had not been considered by the directors and uo action was taken. NEW SCHOOL IS BUILT District 73 Now Will Mold School In Own House. School district number 7J has nearly completed its new school Iioum near Hlnicr VarnUH's place, about the mid die of the west line of school section 36. The ulldlug is 14x34 feet. It ha been constructed chiefly by the cltiteiiaof the dUtrict, thote not being able to help In tills way livlii( contributed tlirlr er vice in hauling lumtwr. School clerk Nclaon hat been particularly active Iu putting the work through. MW AtKie Young, who graduated from the Uend High School Ian year, will be the teacher of the new school. Library Watermeliua. This year, instead of having their customary watermelon lawn nodal the Ladies' Library Club will sell the wnion load of melons that arrive from Matoles today at the Library. Six cents a pound will buy these delicious water melons; while they last the Library will be open continuously. Old IJend Man Writes. WanhhiKton, D. C, Aug. 8. To the ItditOR I learn you arc about to rcaltte the long cherished dream of a railroad. 1 oftimea recall my expert cucea of Demi's pioneer days and antic ipate a visit Into our prosperous midst next summer as I am scheduled for a uesletn circuit next Chautauqua season. I am taking a furlough this year, as sub section chief In the Ceucus Bureau and attcmllug Art school as a side line. 1'. Muo I.OBDKU., TUMALO HAPPENINGS. Everybody Harvesting Good Crops. In Country to the West, A number of young people attended the dance at Laitllaw batutday night. Several railroad surveyors stopped In Tuuialo last week. They are pros pecting a route west of here. Ill me r Pederton left Saturday for Portland, George W. Wlmer and sou have fin ished putting up their clover crop, I, U. tt'luier and Charles Spaugh have been harvesting a heavy crop of oat luy. Auto roada seem to be the main idea nowadays. Ranchers seem to thing it better to fix up the country roada for wagon first, and cut some of the fallen tinnier cut of them. George W. Wlmer and son, I. B. Wl mer and Charles Spaugh have ordered a Lightning Steel hay press, V, A, Wooltey and sons are harvesting a good crop of grain hay on the Jensen place, V. I). Clark and W. J, Baker are both busy putting up their hay crop and re port a good yield, Orover Pulllam and Lester Olst were hi Tumulo one day .last week looking for horses. HOSPITAL ENDS YEAR. On September First New Msbij-J went wlH Take Charge. On the first of September the management of the Bend Hospital will change hands, Miss Mary E Kershaw assuming charge in place of Mrs. G. W. Hall, who, with her family, will go to Grand Junction, Colorado. Miss Kershaw, who is welt known in Bend, is a graduate of St. Luks Hospital school for nurses of Chicago. During last winter she has had charge of the tuberculosis work of the Visiting Nurses Association in Portland. She will have a graduate nurse to assist her in the conduct of the hos pital. September first marks the close of the hospital's first year. During the twelve months the enterprise, has gained headway until now it is one of Bend's established insti tutions. Iu June an annex was erected to supply ward beds for railroad workers, Doctors Coe and Fcrrcll having secured the medical contract on the Oregon Trunk south of Madras. The' hospital now has some twenty beds, and is equipped thoroughly in every manner. Goodly Sum Subscribed by ChlxeM Toward Exhibit Rooms. The "Live Wire" volunteers who got out with the Realty Board yesterday succeeded in getting sub scribed &!2t for the establishment 'of an exhibit room and the couduct of a commercial club. Some 96 citizens entered their names as members When the town bos been thoroughly canvassed a meet ing of all who have subscribed wilt bt called and an organization perfected. LAIDLAW LOCALETTES Camp Loses Camping Party Bis Crops Near Sister Town. LAtntAW, Aug. 33. J. L. Couch, his ton and K II. James lajt week made an attempt to visit Lewis Lake. They lot not only the lake but their way and were rescued by searching party at II P. M tcvcral miles from camp. Mr. James said that they were not lost but that the camp was. A. I). Parks cut 17 loads of hay from five acres, and C I. Decker baled three tons au acre. W. D. Barnes headed party composed of his lsterin-law and daughter Mrs. and Miss llarnea of Iowa, A. Thompson and family. Thco. Becker and Mrs. G. V, Uoruer for an outing ou the Matolea Ust tfriday, A. J. Rlngo, with Mr. Moore, from Madras, went to the ML Jefferson berry patch Sunday tuoruing, C W. Allen's son, Philip, Is quite sick. I. N. Wallace, superintendent for tne O. W, & I. V. Co, is quite ill. 0. W. Horner's mother arrived last I'aiday from Oregon City, where she has been visiting retails e. 1. U. Wlmer and Charles Spauger brought in n sample of oats measuring 6 feet in height, G, Stiles is over at Matolea making hay. Kev, B, J. Harper will hold services Sunday, Auiiust 28, at 11 o'clock, at Baylev School House; Sunday evening, at Lafdlaw, Ou Monday morning Ray Gerklng drove a team for Miss Nellie James and Miss Pave Gerklng to their homesteads on the ''high desert." Miss White, a friend of Mr, and Mrs. Allen, have left 011 a visit to Spokane. The Odd I'ejlows have purchased the Bennett building. The upstairs will be fitted up for lodge room. The lower story Is where Johny Moore is spreading palut for Mr. Bullard, Marsh Aubrey bid his friends goodbjc lost week and hied himself over the mountains to his old stamping ground, hi the southwest corner ol the state, there to spend the winter. EXHIBITS TO BE SENT Great Northern Heady for Agricul tural Samples Collected tlere. The exhibits collected for the Great Northern will be assembled, packed and shipped to Portland the Utter part of this week. About the only lines which arc lacking arc good exhibits of potatoes and threshed grain, both of which par ticularly arc desired by the pub licity people. The following letter received by G. P. Putnam from the Great Nor tliern's publicity chief. P. W. Graham, is of interest: The "Dolly Varden" trout arrived wfely, and were processed by Mr. Wright, who made eight jars of them, nnd they make a nice showing. This will give ut a jar for each of our exhibit and sevend over. Whatever you have already accumu lated in the wao of grains, grasses, etc., please box and ship. I I have orranued for snaee in the North IJank freight depot where we will as aemble all of the Orecon exhibits, and oolfit the car here, sending the balance east fr use in our permanent exhibits ai ou ram, cnicago and M. loals. We will also send part of the material to the Western I'ennaylvania Exposition at Pittsburg, the state fairs at Columbus, Ohio, and Springfield, III . and the National Corn Show at Colnmbu, Ohio. There are several other eastern fairs and expositions where we have engaged space and will make display. Alto gether through these numerous exhibits several million people will ce them. LIVE WIRES GET CASH MUCH BUILDING AUdUST SHOWS NO LET-UP Many Residences are Uwtder Way In all Parts of Town Library Soon to Have Ample New Home. on South WH Street.) Make 500-Allle Auto Trip. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. C S. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Baird, Mrs J. O. Johnston and Mrs. C. A. Jonrs returued Monday from a 500-mile auto trip southward. From Bend they went to Crater Lake, Klamath Falls and Lakeview, returning by way of Sil ver Lake. The car used was one of the Central Oregon Auto Co.'s Chalmer's "40'' driven by VanTyle. In the entire trip uo stop was made for repairs. Lumber MM Near Slaters Burns. On Monday afternoon at ; o'clock Burkhart & S poo's mill. three miles east of Sisters, was de stroyed by fire. Practically all the lumber was saved. Despite the fact that August normally is credited or discred itedwith being the "dull" month of the twelve, the last weeks have seen a notable spurt in the con struction of Bend buildings. 4 One of the most important addi tions to the town for sosse months Is the wood-working machine shop just erected by Sherritt & Wolley near the Central Oregon Auto Co.'s garage on Bond street. This with dimensions of 30x40 feet will be equipped with a full line ef wood working machinery, including lathes, planer,. etc Work has been commenced ott the new building, to be occupieJ by the Bend Library, opposite-The Bulletin Building en the south end of Wall street. The bailding is being erected by tbe Bend Town site Co. It will have a 50 foot frontage and be 40 feet deep. The Library is to occupy a 20x25 room, a second front room will be vaed either as an office or exhibit room, while the rear is to be a store room for electrical equipment for the Bend Water Light & Power Co. Sutherland & Mcintosh have the construction contract. Ou lot 2 of block 5, facing went on Front Street, almost directly in the rear of The Bulletin Building, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frame have com menced the construction of a hand some 36x30 two-story residence, with a 14x24 addition. Mr. Franw issuperiulendiug the work himself. The building will have a cellar, furnace, and hot and cold water in every room. J. H. Oaetl is erecting a sub stantial store building on Minne sota street, 24x40, with a large store room down stairs and eight rooms on the second fleer, GdWasa & Cbastain have the contract; Carlyle Triplett is erecting a 4-rootsi cottage ia Lytic, next door to Creed Triplett'ft home, the work being done by Sutherland & Mclnte For T. II. Foley Sherritt & Wulley are building a residence on Ken tucky street near O. L- Johnson s house. The basement work on the new Lara residence 011 Cougiess street in Park addition is practically (Couliuucd on page 8.) jviQjfijy'C y jy The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND. OREGON Or. U. O. OOC. Pntldtnt E. A. SATHCH, Vita r-rasltfcnt O.S. HUDSON. CUthUr Capital full, oalrt ... SJ5.0O8 !J Stockholm liability - 2S.0G0 surplus .... . a.oee We Are Now Publishing Monthly "The First National Bank of Bend Bank News' A magatine In which we tell you frosa month to month of our proxreta; how we have grown; how you helped In this growth; what we can ilo for you and what you can do to help ui further increase the Urge buiine we are now cujoylug. Age Considered, We Believe We Have the Best Bank ii Oregoi. During the 17 months we have been in butfeiess, we- have increuted our deposits from to oyer The number of depositors has increased from 17a to 6v), V have earned atid placed to our Surplus fund as a further protection and safeguard tor our deioitora. f 3000. If you desire this paper seat to you or youriricad. Git eat the coupon. I'IRST NATIONAL BANK,- Bend, Oregon. Dear Sir: ricavs send me your Monthly Magazine, "First Na tloual Batik ol Bend Vauk News'?-(without cost to tne). Name, ,, Address.,,.,. , DIRECTORS: U, C COK S. A. SATttrx C, 8. WBWWH F, P. SMITH K. C. XM.W ftCu.hb.ut. k; in