r-t. i i h U . H il ' - FIRST PICTURE BOOK. Tto Oaring Id Thst Was Carried Out by Johann Comaniua. Borne 400 j earn ago a German uT&nt bad a wonderful vision. At Uiat tlmo cblWrea were taught to read by forco of arms, so to speak, through hard a4ripa nud with liKler toll ob too part ef teacher- aad of child. It seers cb-i-few that the flraf real step toward HeatealBs the labor of children as tbejr climb tbe ladder of learning was the product of tbo Imagination not of bobm fesd mother ' or. geatlewoman teacher, but of a bcwlcged and betl tied aelreraity doctor. It waa Johaua Corneals, however, who first coscelred the daring Idea that chlldrea coald be taught by tbe North Queen of The Northwest, Resorts Near tbe Mouth of tbe Columbia Rivrr, on lhe Waibfnglon Coast THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach : Level, Compact and Suaoolbv " Many .thriving communities, delightful lioteL, cottage, tent andfcfep vlife. All the comforts of home and the he althful, Invlgoratinf'' '4?Preat,0H of the seaside surf batfii g, fishing, clam " digging, beach bonfirei, riding, racing, hunt- Jog, strolls and drives throtigb pic- turesqe wooded headlands ReiceJ Kates from all ports of Oregon and Washington VIA Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. Season Rate: From F0rt!'aDd Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day-rSaUrdry t0 Monday State, $3.00 PurcbM tkktto iQ reservations at City 'Ticket Office, 3rd and WMfeMgt'J,, streets, Portland, or inquire of any O. R. t 8c N. agent elsewhere lor iniormauofl -- W . GOOD UNTIL SEPT. 1st, 1910 To purchasers of lots in Park Addition, Lava Road Addition and North Addition .who desire to erect houses this year, we will allow a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of sr Herms'liheral, either quarterly or monthly payments. An EXTRA DISCOUNT of 5 -, For Cash MAKE YOUR. SELECTIONS EARLY. The Saw Mill Is now in operation and plenty of lumber available for buiMing. CALL OR WRITE Bend Townsite Company I aid of tbo memorjr and tbo Imaglaa tlon working together, "by mean a." on be quaintly exprrsxed It. "of aenauoua Impressions convey I'd to tbe eye, so I that visual objects may be taado tbe medium of exprrHxtng moral lessons to the young mind and of Impressing tboe lesxoas upon tbe memory." In other words, tbe good bcrr doctor bad tbe bright Idea that picture books couldbe useful to children. Comenlas made bis OVrst picture book and called It tbe "Orbit Plctus." It contains rude woodcuts aeprescntlng objects In tbe natural world, as tree and animals, with little lessons about" tbe picture. II la a quaint volume and one that would cause tbo average modern child not a llktl astonUhmcDt were It placed before felafe. As truly, bowover, aa that term may Beach k . sjf . SPECIAL 0FFER: 25 Office corner Wall X ,v be applied to any other book that has since been written, tbo "Orbls rictus" was an epoch making book. It Is tbo precursor of all children's picture books, and tnodren childhood has great cause to bless tbo namo of Comcnlus. Not the Sams Spelling. A atout man bad recourse to a doc to(.fo see whether something could not be doue to reduce bis size. "It's a dis grace, doctor!" bo cried. "Just look at this bay window of mine! Now, what would you advise?" "Well." replied tbe physician, eying his waist line, "all I can suggest Is to diet" "All right, doctor, I'm willing. What cetor would you suggest?" St. Louis A Pious Wish. It was In a city hospital that a man refused to undergo an operatloa for appendicitis until bis minister could be preient. "What do you want tbo minister here for?" naked Uio surgeon. "Becauso 1 want to bo opened with prayer," was tbe reply. New York Tribune. For Samj Stove. raattrcs.1, Address cooking outfit, dishes. R. Ris, Bend. CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland ($b Mcintosh FJRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ESTIMATEslFURNlSHGb ON ALL KINDS OF WORK and Ohio Streets To the Republican Voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Crook county, subject to the spprovsl of the republican voters of the county at the primary nominating election to be held September 34, 1910. 3J-J6 J. A, COULTKR. NOTICK 01' 8AI.H. Notice It hereby given that there will be offered for tale and told at puillc auction at my ranch on lhe Iktchutea line la Crook County Oregon, -on lUluid-r, Bcpteubcr J, 1910, ( o'clock p ra.. Hit fuflawlngdencTlbed properly One chcttnul-aorrel mare with while tpul fit face, 1 109 year old, branded (I with quarter circle enter it, on left iMfle. Dated Augutl 17. 1910. J5 Wll LUAU P. VANDltVHRT. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of lhe Interior, U. S. Mad Office tt The Italic, Oreion, Auguil , 191a. Notice If hereby given that Miry btCourcy, wbote pceloOce addrri It Bead, Crook Count. Oregon, did, on the loth dy of October, ion), ale In Ibit office ttworn ftuicmcnl anil Application, No,KjMpurchth.tiWlHlitftlcC. 5. Tp job., H II lUtt Willamette McrMlia. and Ihr limber thereon, under lhe provlilooe ol the act of June j. iS;g,and act amendalory, known a. Uie "Timber and Siotic Mar," at auch talue ai mlshlbcnirdliyeppralMuienl. and that, pur auanttoauch rpptlcallon. the land and timber thereon have beca callmaied and valued by ap fillcant. lhe limber ratlruatcri luixxio board fcl at S1.00 per M , aniLLhc laud nothing, that aaUl applicant will offer final proof In tupportof her aDtdlcatlon and aworn atalcmcnl on the th dan of octaber, If io, before II. C. Itllla, U, n. Com mlaaloncr, at hi office at llend, Oregon. Any perton la at liberty lo proteat Ibii pur chate before entry, or InltUtea contrit at any time before patent taiuea, by dIIuk a corroboral ed affidavit In IhUoSice, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. ij-jl C. W. MOOKIt, Hegl.tcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Interior, U, B. Mod OKce, Mktvlt w. Or,, Augtut 9, ifio. Notice U hereby given Ibal- U'lIIUm If. Howard. of Koalaml, Oregon, who ou I'cbruary 14 lowi, mad Homdtlead liolry, No. mow, foi lam, mad Homdtlead Knlry, No. oiom, foi wU. lice. . T. 1 B.. K. 10 It.. W. W.. h.. fll.l notice ol Intention to make I'lnat I'lve Year I'roof lo cttabllth claim lo lhe land above dc acrlbed, before 17. B. ComralMlont r, W. I), Weal, at Silver Mkc, Oregon, on the ijrdday ofBep. Uraber if 10. Claimant namei at wltnriteti George Hewitt, I'rank Bogue, h. C. Caldwell, Oeorg Bly, all of Koalaud, Ore. ARTHUR W.OKTON, JJ-J7 Kegitter. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION U, B. Und Offlce at The Dalle, Ore., Notice I hereby given Ihatil ' ''"' Imactta i'ulllam, of Tumalo, Oregon, who, on July 1,5, loot, made Detert Mod Itutry, (Herlal No. 07), No. j;t, for 11 It., W, M., ha filed notice of loteutlon to make Pinal I'roof In eatatill.li rl.lm in th. latiH above dcacrtbed, before II, C. I'.lllt, U. B. Com. riiU.loiitr.athlipmct, at lleud, Oregon, od the 61 li day pf Beptember, ijiio. uaiuutui uamea aa wnuettcai Hubert A. Bcoeelu. I'rnl W. rvar.ni. rl.nr a, rulllaui, Cbttlc W. Thotnwtlte. all ofTum. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Interior. U, A. Land Oroce, The lullca, Or. -.i t . , Augualll, Ifta. Notice It hereby elren Ih.t -, Nellie V Bcuggln, nfTumalo, Oregon, who. an lrruiber K), IOM, made llomettead, Ho. Mu (rlettal No oijiv), fortwUnwV.ltrc i and nH neV, ' VeiH.Tr in.,K nil W M. hae Aed uotCa 9l Inientlon lo make final rive Year I'rout l alabllth claim la Ibe Und above draenbed, be ure II. C. Kllia, U H Corumlwloner at hi. office, it nend, Oregon on the Mb day of Hcplcmber. IfM. Claimant unnnil wltueatet- JohnK.Kdwanla.of lleud, IXiictla piilll.m nd I'redrrlck W Leverem. of Tuu.alo, John I Uoore, or Uldlaw, Ore. C M. MOORK, 'Sri Megl.ur. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION U B. Mod Offlce, The Dalle.. Ore., Nolle. I. hereby ..... utti"" '' ""' Walter Whralley. k.ominulallon I'roof, lo e.tablUh claim la lhe and above described, before II C, Hill, U. B. .oinmlulouer, at hit office, at Head. Oregon, on he tadayofneptcmber, 1010. ii.iin.ui nimc.a wllneaaeai ,; r!''l,l"i Wneolnll Root, William It. Baudel, I'icd N. Wallace, all of Mldlaw.or 'son. C. W. MOOMU. Keltter. Airs. C J. Hcrrlngr. Facial massage, shanipooltig calp treatment, manicuriiig, raaui :ure articles, Marcel combs, Ideal brushes, Skin Food, Sanitary Hair Rolls. tf f Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on April . IV. made llonealcad No. tj4 (Herlal Ni. oiMjl. lor nU H,KfU. Bee. I. Twp. 17 ., K. tt.W M.. baa filed notice of Intention 10 m.k uln.l A FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE Stetson Hats, Clueit-Paabody Shirts. Arrow Brand Collars, Mlchaels-StflrnCIotlilni, Hole Proof and Intsrwoywi . Socja. Cutter fc Cros sett Neckwear, All America Shoes. That's a Few of our, Lines. Are there Any Better? We are just gettincr open. Come in and look tilings over. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Wall Strei t. " TTT "7 MOTICIt OV HltrlTOHATION Ol' rUBUC Unl la rwitlrmenl and Kntry Depart rnent of Ibe Interior, Oeneral Mod lifhce atblnglon, II C . July , lata. Notice U hrtt by given thai lhe tHiMWIanda In the following deacrlbedareatwhkh were eacttMled from lh fMKhule Nalioual FoeeM, Oregon, by proetarn atlon ol lhe lle.Mlenl dated Way . 191a. vf not (Mherwta withdrawn. tcwtved.uratiptoprUlfd, will by authority of lhe retury ortV.c Inleilor be featured lu lhe (niMlc damatn on (KtoUr it, ma.andlrcHbtect lu velllement tin and afieelh I dale bat not In entry, Aline or aclec I on until on and after November It, lit, at the United Malta Und orftce it Ukevlew, Aregom !?J V j1, IS.K-.IW, l.t, in. Hand in fuT. 1L?1K...'?. I- "' nd W.H -t Htc , Willamette Sletldlan Warning I hereby (iprculy given that no pert! will be permitted logalunrraerrlte any rlahl whtlev.r un.Wr any aclllemenl or orcuillon begun after Nay to, ifia. and prior In October , lvi,and all auch aetllcmrni oebrrufkAtl.kn 1. t,.i. r.,.1.1.1. den. IOIIN ICI,IIAtll..AcllHeAtl.lanl Cum- miMloncrorih General Und tilhce. Approveit July 11. iota: I'kANK I'liiucir m ,.i V..i.i.i,i Becictary of the luleilur. ij.ji NOTICK FOR FUBfilCATION. U, B, Und ) Act at The Dalle. Ore. Nolle, it hereby given tnaV - "' ""''' UwittlU fulliam, widow tifOtorea IS. ruttlaui. .f Tuinil. n,..iui. ,im,yiijuH,ni ivt, maue iiomttivaii itnir , . ...".- ..""'"7-w :"..7" (iwrlal No eitvi), NHI,t.dBl(X- It , W M , baa fit p4, mail llometlead llnlry No 1 14 at for NKtr nki.hW NWU nee iv. Tm, UK il.ii filrd noilcv r,r ltil(iil,it, tn ,iili I'lllal 1'lve.vear l-rnor In rki.Ui.l, rl.l..i f..,lt land lUive dtaciilml, Iwfor. II. C. I'JII., U. B. Comnilatloner. al hl office, at lleud, Orrgou, oil the th day of Auguil, Ivio. Claimant tiatnca a wllneaaeai ...,,iL'"lA Bcoggln.l'ied W l.everen. Clitrlct W. Thornwalte. N.llla Hni.l. (!..,. m t l-.,l. Ilaru, all of Tuinaio, Orrgou. M. W, MIHIHK, l Megltter. Kast or West it is the best. Cleve land's Halting Powder,, sio, urc. t, w, HOUKK, l-3 Keglaler, Wm. McWURRAY, OCNCRALA8MN0Clt AQCNT, Subscribe for The Bulletin. poniLhUB OREGON..