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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1910)
i 1 CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of the World at large Told in Brief. Oeneral Return of Important Event! Presented In Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. A noted Japanese historian predicts war with America as absolutely cer tain. A pleasure yacht at Santa Crux, Cal., is missing with 20 young pcoplo on board. Government agents find evidence of wholcsalo liquor traffic with Indians on Sclitz reservation. Ex-President Zelaya, of Nicaragua, is held to be an activo supporter of tho revolutionary movement. Senator Goro of Oklahoma, claims ho was offered 125,000 to $60,000 to put certain legislation through con gress. The Jspancse expedition to tho South Pole, which was to have started this month, has been postponed for lack of funds. A Montana stage driver is under ar rest for horse stealing and bis wife is driving in his place, so as not to de lay the mails. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil company have been sued for f 550,000 by private oil interests, who claim tho monolopy has caused tbcm to lose that amount. An "orhpaned ' humming bird no larger than a bumble bee Is being raised by hand on four drops of honey every two hours, by parties at Pull man, Washington. A forest firo wss seen to start near Anaconda, Mont, from sparks from a passing locomotive, but before- it could be reached it was beyond control, and has burned over 500 acres. Five sailors on a Great Lakes ore steamer mutinied and planned to attack a party of women guests on board. They were placed in irons and now find themselves subject to fine, imprison- Kent, or death, under the marina laws. Politicians would force Ballinger out , of the cabinet. Another big bribe scandal has devel oped In the Illinois legislature. Only three buildings now remain In the burned town of Hoover, Oregon. Tho order of Eagles is said to have tost a large sum through grafting pf its national officers. Eastern business men have com bined to force the express companies to grant lower rates. Many thousand acres of government land in the Northwest will be thrown open to settlement this fall. Tho Reform league of Chicago as serts thst millions of dollars worth of property evades paying its just taxes. The revenue cutter Parry is ashore on a rce'f of tho Pribyloff islands, in Bearing sea, and has been abandoned as a total loss. The time limit hss expired for the extradition of Porter Charlton, who murdered his wife in Italy, and as ho is safe In America it is likely he will never be brought to trial. REDUCED RATES DEMANDED. ex- socur- Eastern Men Say Ftght Express Com panies to Finish. Chicago Commercial organizations throughout tho country hnvo decided to engage in a finish fight with tho press companies with n view to Ing greatly reduced rates. Tho first gun in tho campaign wns fired when tho Chicago association of commerce and 123 other influential commercial organisations In nil parts of tho country led a petition to tho Interstate Commorco commission ask ing thst body to mako an investigation on its own motion into tho charges mado by express companies and into tho revenues they aro enjoying. Indirectly tho attack on tho express companies hits at railroad revenues, for a portion of tho complaint is based upon contractu entered into between their lines. Tho movement against tho oxprcss companies was started by tho Chicago association of commerce and tho Now York Merchants' association, tho for mer interesting most of tho powerful commercial organisations in the West, and tho latter influencing thoso in tho East to join the movement. It is said that sufficient data ho3 boon gathered to warrant tho commls. sion in reducing express charges by fully 50 per cent Among other things tho commission is asked to examine closely into tho osf (gin and character of the contracts be tween railroads and tho express com panies and to mako a full disclosure of the names of the stockholders, especial ly of tho railroads holding stock in ox prcss companies. GRAND TRUNK STRIKE WON. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE Three cruisers which cost the gov ernment $8,500,000 exclusive of arma ment a few years ago, aro now consid ered entirely out-of-date and prscti cally worthless. One is the Brooklyn, Admiral Schley's flagship -daring tho Spanish-American war. An aeroplanist in Brussels reached a height of 6,670 feet. Locomotive engineers on 65 Western railroads will ask for a raise. A detective has sued the estate of "Lucky" Baldwin for alleged services rendered. Infantile paralysis hss attacked the arm of a professional baseball pitcher of the American league. Spain is reinforcing garrisons In dis turbed provinces and taking every pre caution to prevent an uprising. The state of Mississippi may place a statute of Jefferson Davis in Statuary Hall at tho capital in Washington. A fire which started in the sawmill of the town of Hoover, Ore., has des troyed practically the entire place. President Taft has cancelled many speaking engagements, and may not spesk before the conservation congress in St, Paul, September 5. All the large Independent cracker companies in the country have com bined, and the new organization is on the friendliest terms with the present cracker trust, forming practically one giant monopoly. A San Diego fireman becamo sudden ly insane, killed his wife and baby, and two of his fellow firemen, wounded a third fireman and then committed sui cide in a public square. Thirteen vials containing tuberculos is and diphtheria germs were lost from the mails in Topeka, Kan., and were later found empty in an allyway. They had contained enough germs to depopulate the state, but no harm is anticipated, as the vials were found where the hot sun shone on them. Agreement Reached With Employers for Increase In Wages. Ottawa, Ont, Tho strlko of con ductors, trainmen and yardmen, which began on the Grand Trunk and Central Vermont systems on July 18, wss offi cially called off. Under the terms of tho agreement signed by President Hays for tho rail roads and all tho union officials, tho men will receive, dating back to May 13 this year, an advance of approxi mately 18 per cent, and beginning January 1, 1912, a rato of wages slightly below tho Eastern association schedule, for which they struck, but an advance in many instances of over 30 per cent. In the caso of tho Central Vermont, tho same settlement applies, with the exception that the standardization to be applied on January 1, 1912, is to bo thst of the Rutland Railway, a road in the same territory, and not that of tho Canadian Pacific, which will only ap ply to tho Grand Trunk system. Japan's Friendship True. New York Speaking from tho standpoint of 30 years' experience, tho Right Rev. Hcrriman C. Harris de clares that Japanese friendliness for the people of the United Staes Was a striking characteristic not only of the government, but of tho people. "Japan is bound to Great Britlsn by the close and definite terms of an alli ance, but good feeling toward Ameri ca is inherent among the people; it Is traditional. I would not bo going too far in ssying thst the good will toward this country which you encounter ev erywhere among the people as well as among thoso in official lifo is more than a matter of mere friendly senti ment. It has been in evidence in Jap an for 50 years and as I said, Is some thing which young generations of Jap anese are taught to accept as a part almost of national feeling. "Now this may sound strange, but I know it is true." TEN MILE LAKES POPULAR. Trout Fishing Ideal Sport In Isolated Mountain Streams. Mnrsniiom Tcn-Mllo lnkco, near Coos bay, is a locality which affords as much real sport In tho way of trout lishing ns any part or tho country, ihe place is more popular this your than over before. With bettor connec tions with the outside, tho lako country will doubtless bo ono of tho most fam ous resorts In Oregon, Tho lakes aro not far from tho ocean, aro hiddon in tho mountains. and havo thoir outlot through Ten-Mtlo creek, which empties directly Into tho ocean. Tho trip to tho lakes from Cooa Boy is n novol ono for n person who has never taken It. Gasollno launches run from tho bay cities to tho head of navigation on North inlet. There passengers must leave the boat nnd rldo on tho stage about 10 miles over tho mountains to tho head of tho lakes, whero there Is a settlement called Lakcstdo. Hero is located a creamery, stage stables, two boarding houses and a store and post office. Lakcsldo has been platted into town lots, and quito n number of sum mer cottages havo been built there. Along tho banks of tho lakes are many attracting cottages. Mayor L. J. Simpson, of North Bond, has tho most elaborate summer homo on tho lakes, his house being quito a largo ono and commanding a beautiful view. Somo of tho ranchers Uvo on tho lake, but it will not bo many years until all of tho lako frontage Is taken up , by summer homes. ' CHANGE NATRON CUTOFF. S. P. to Bar Junction With Oregon Trunk at Crescent Is Plan. Crescent Revision of tho Natron cut-off of tho Southern Pacic line Is now In progress near here, two engin eering crews under Engineer Knowlton being in tho field. One party is near the summit west of lakes Odcll and Crescent, the other 12 miles west of here and working toward Crescent. A pack train of 35 animals Is used to convey tho outfit for tho Summit crew. The revision is in conformity with the change in tho lino determined upon by tho company some timo sgo. The line at present passes a mllo nnd a half south of Crescent, but the new line will swing into tho town, It Is under stood, to form a junction point with tho Oregon Trunk. Grading on tho Southern Pacific lino from Klamath Falls northward toward Crescent has progressed to a point six miles this side of Klamath agency, 65 miles south of hero. The Oregon Trunk line, which is rushing its survey work, this week placed another party in tho field near the agency.- NO SMUT IN ATHENA WHEAT Umatilla Grain Yield Averages 30 to 00 Bushels to Aero. i Athena Harvest In this vicinity Is progressing very rapidly, and with CO combines and 10 stationary outfits nt work in tho county, In two mora wooks Uio greater part of tho grain will bo in tho sack. Tho yield hero this year ranges from 35 to 00 bushels por aero. Somo whoat Is being hauled already Into tho various warehouses, and ac cording to B, B. Richards, local agent for tho Puget Sound warehouse com pany, thu wheat Is testing from 00 to 62, and less smut in it than In any previous year. Tho best of whoat weather has pro. vailed in Umatilla county throughout this season. Tho comblno seems to bo tho favorito re n per. Almost every farmer either has Interest in a com blno or has ono of his own. All tho wheatgrowors say thoy find It saves 60 por cent ovor tho header and thresher. WALNUT INDUSTRY. Secretary of McMlnrvllle Club Make Long Journey. McMlnnvlllo Tho walnut industry of Oregon is to bo exploited by a ser ies of lectures Illustrated by about 60 storeopticon photo slides, by Colonel J, C Cooper, secretary of tho McMlnn vlllo Commercial club. Mr. Coopor will deliver his first illustrated lecture at Eugono, and later In tho week will start East under tho direction of tho Southern Pacific advertising bureau, his first stop after leaving Oregon being at Choyenno, Wyoming. He will be routed as far East as Washington, D. C, and will visit and lecture at as many of the government experimental stations as con bo reached along tho courso of his travels, with a view to Interesting Eastern pcoplo with tbo rapidly grow, ing importunco of walnut culture In this section of tho state. DRAW 260 FEET IN LENGTH. Yamhill Fair List Out. McMlnnvlllo Tho prizo list for the forthcoming Yamhill County School fair, to bo held September 20 to 26, has been published by tho directors, and comprises liberal cosh awards for all classes of agricultural and floral products exhibited by the children, as well as prizes for their mechanical skill, and culinary products and sewing and darning. Sharp competition is al so Invited between the school districts for the best decorated booths. MOTHER DROWNS OHILDREN. Drlvon Insano by Ldneiomo Sur roundings and Fear. Antloch, Cal. Ono after nnothur, four llttlo children wore drowned In tub by thoir mother. Two older child ren tried to prevent the murders, but tho woman wont about tho work In n strango calm and strength, as though sho had been railed Um to make sac rifice to somo unknown power. Sho took hor arrest In tho sninu quiet spirit, gailn calmly nt hor husband as ho struggled with hlssgony on coming homo from work to find his babies dead. Tho woman, Mrs. Joseph Mello, wife of n ranchman, said sho was tired of looking forever at tho brown hills that shut In thoir home. Shu said sho was afrulil that sho was losing hor mind and feared hor children would Inherit hor Insantly. After her husband left homo In tho morning, sho sot about her task. Sho filled a largo washtub with wator and gathered tho children Into tho kitchen. They were Ramona, 4 yoars old; Loona, 2 years old; and Bnrnal ami Vernal, 5 months old twins. Thcso put up thoir nrmn to' thoir mother trustingly, and wore sent away with CLERK DISCLOSES . CHINESE PLOT Wholesale Knlrics Mado by Sub stituting Photographs Officers or Unttid States District Clerk In Northern California Involved In Crookedness, San Francisco By tho arrest of Jew I.oy Sing, it wealthy murcliniit, Immi gration Inspector Ulrhard Taylor as. serts that ho linn discloited it mothod whereby hundreds of Chinese have ob tained frutululont entry to this coun try. According to Taylor, the. clerks' office In the United States district court for the northern district of Call fornln Is badly Involved by thu disclos ures. Ho said that thti arrest of Jaw was brought about by a confession of it youthful deputy In tho clerk's office. Jew I.oy Sing Is specially accused of altering und changing n public docu ment by substituting tho photograph of an unknown Chinese for that of Geo Operation Big Success. San Francisco Tho delegates to tho American Osteopathic convention spent the afternoon in a trolley tour of the city and its suburbs. The condi tion of the 8-year-old Vera Stcrnc mann, who was made the subject of the famous Lorenz operation for con genital dislocation of the hip by Dr. Harry Forbes, of Los Angeles, Is rap Idly improving and those in attendance reported to the convention that the affected leg of the patient had been lengthened an inch and a half by the bloodless surgical, operation. Alleged Fraud Is Probed. Springfield, HI. Representative Charles Lederer, of Chicago, Sidney Alder, the law partner of Speaker Ed ward D. Shurtleff, were the witnesses before tho grand jury here in the in vestigation into the alleged use of money in connection with the loan shark bill, the bill amending the child- labor act to permit childern to perform In theaters, and tho law prohibiting the manufacture or possession of slot machines. Press Backing Up State. Madrid Tho Liberal press officially denies the insinuations of the Vatican that It only demanded tho withdrawal of the bill prohibiting further religious orders until thu concordat bail been re vised, and also points out that the bill in question did not violate tho con cordat, which recognizes only three orders. El Liberal says Popo Pius X is now sowing a wind to reap a whirl wind in following the advice of two Spanish cardinals. Estrada Gain Victory, Now York Pio Bolanos, an Estrada supporter, has received advices con firming the recent abandonment of Acoyapa by Madriz forces under the command of General Vasquez. JTho dispacth to Mr. Bolanos states that after u decisive battlo tho Estrada forces took Acoyapa. Albany Has Longest Wooden Span In Whole World. Albany Work hss begn on the construction of a new draw spsn In the big Corvallis & Eastern railroad bridge spanning tho Willamette river at this city. A draw 260 feet long will be built, replacing one of similar length and new pivot pier constructed beneath it. This pier will be 22 feet In diam eter at tho top and 34 feet in diamoter at the bed of the river. This 260-foot draw Is tho longest wooden draw spsn in the world. Local railroad men say there Is no other draw In existence so long ss this ono which is not construct ed of steel. For msny years the local bridge has held this record, Tho noxt longest wooden draw spsn, which wss 240 feet in length, was on a wagon bridge in California, which has recent ly 1ccn replsccd with steel, so now tho local brldeo has by far tho longest swinging wooden span on earth. McKenzle River Trip Popular. Eugcno Tho trip up tho McKenzle river is becoming so popular thst it has been necessary to douUo and some times treble tho service on tho run. Each stage carries 12 people and two and three stages were sent up dally during the past week, besides many private parties going by team and au tomobiles. The rood is In perfect con dition, oxcept that it is dusty In spots clear through to the base of tho Three Sisters. Sawmill to Cut 60,000 Feet. Corvallis The McCrcdie mill on the Mary's river tlat will be In lull opera tion In a short time. A dam across Mary's river has been completed, giv ing ideal conditions for handling logs. Tho water Is raised four feet a half mile above the dam. Tho river Is full of logs, and tho Carver rood Is bring ing In more every day, so that contin uous operation at full capacity will be poassiblo. At full capacity this mill ought to cut 50,000 feot of lumber dally and employ from 25 to 60 men. New Town Springs Up. Vale Brogan, tho new town of tho Willow River irrigation project, now has train connections with Vale, tho last rail in tho Broirsn vards havlncr been placed. Temporary service Is 32033c, Blast Awsy "Troy Hill." Entcrprlso-The "Troy hill," rising from the canyon In which Troy, of this county, Is situated, is being blasted out to facilitate travol, tho wagon road originally was ono of tho most difficult of travel In tho county. Tho hill around which tho road winds Is 1,600 feet high. The road wss about three miles In length up this Incline, and so narrow in places that teams could not pass. PORTLAND MARKETS. to ffTsTisi -Zj MtJjt sfl -'' r J aft v ? .. .'fKLnkusiW t '-" -& WMmwBmEm v rt v. tflMHraitWw '' "i AaissVHMaHinil'SBfSJBfBfBF -r '.jO' !i. -isMHH -V "- " Jl Whcst Blues tern, 9G098c; club. 88090c; ml Russlsn, 88c; valley, 92c; lortyioid, uzc; Turkey red, BZ093c. Barley Feed and brewing, $24,60 per ton. Hay Track prices; Timothy. W - lamette valley, $18019 per ton; East ern Oregon, $20022; alfalfa, now, $13 314. Corn Whole, $32; cracked, $33 ton. Oats No. 1 whlto, $29030 per ton. Green Fruits Apples, new, 6Oc0 $1.50 per box; apricots, 3Oc0$l; plums, 7tc0$l; pears, $2.25; peaches, ooc&si.zo; blackberries, si. go per crate; watermelons, uuc0Si.2o per hundred; cantaloupes, $102.26 per crate. Vegetables Artichokes, 60076c per dozen; beans, 305c per pound; cab bage, 2i02c; cauliflower, $1.50 per dozen; celery, 00c; corn, 26c; cucum bers, 60c per box; egg plant, 12Je per pound; green onions, 16c per dozen; peas, 6c per pound; peppers, 50c per box; radishes, 16020c per dozen; to matoes, 66c0$l por box; carrots, $10 1.25 per sack; beets, $1,60; parsnips. $101.26; turnips, $1. Potatoes Now, $1,1501, 25 per hun dred; sweet potatoes, oc por pound. Unions walla Walls, f Z.50 por sack; Oregon, IZ0Z.Z5. Butter City creamery, solid pack, 34c per pound; butter fat, 34c; coun try store, 24c. Eggs Oregon candled, 2OK0274c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 17c per pound; springs, 17c; ducks, 14016c; geese, 1001 l&c; turkeys, live, 18020c; dressed, 22 025c; squabs, $3 por doz. Pork Fancy, 13c por pound. Voal Fancy, 12c per pound, Hops 1009 crop, 8012c; olds, nom inal; 1910 contracts, 13013&C. Wool eastern Oregon, 13017c por pound; vaiioy, iodine; mohair, choice, Kin AUwnw uxJ.QiiMn lUt. of V (win. wbuM Ihrvo U thrlrtml ti? IWrvlutlonUU. llttlo struggle. Tno two other children bocamo frightened, tho oldcest, a 14-year old boy, breaking out of tho house and calling wildly for help. There wss a 0-year old girl, too, who got away. While these two wero screaming in the yard tho 2-year old baby was quickly drowned and laid out In tho row with tho twins. Then tho struggle with Ramona began. Whllo this was going on, Sheriff R. 11. Vcalc, who was passing in a buggy, hoard tho screams and drove up to the house. . "Mother Is killing tho children," the oldest boy told him. Tho shorlff ran Into tho kitchen and found the struggle just about ovor. Ho tore tho llttlo girl from her mother and sought in evory way to restore life. but. after woklng on her for somo time, saw that tho child was dead. The mother stood and looked quietly ai me snerur. men the husband came homo to his s rangoly quiet house, and Mrs. Mello was taken away to tho Martinez jail, talking on tho way about ordinary things. Sho novcr be fore hsd given any signs of Insanity. Prehistoric Find Made. Auburn, Cal. Tho bones of two pro historic humans with low brows and heavy jaw bones have been found in an ancient cavo on tho llmcstono nron- crty that Is being opened up nour Cool, liiuumuu tuuiiiy. jtnu company own ing tho ground gavo to Dr. uawyor, of Auoum, permission to open and ex plore tho cavo and recover any curios It might possess. In ono chamber wore found portions of two human skololons. Thoy aro bollevod to bo those of mem bers of a ruco that inhabited this coun try long before tho Indians lived horo. lJungKeoln tho court record of a habeas corpus procmJing which had resulted In tho admission of Kco to this country. Taylor declares that substitution has been practiced Un no less than 300 habeas corpus court records In tho district dork's office here. In somo cases more than ono substitution was mado In tho same record until it has become practically impossible o traee the original. Tho Chinese who Ked as Geo Jung Kco with tho tatter's habeas corpus papers succeeded In securing tho entry of thrao Chinese as his sons and was preparing to havo three more suedo sons and one daughter pormlttcd to lond when the plot we uncovered. Ut then disappeared, but Jew, who la said to have employed him, was caught Inspector Taylor estimated that tho two Chinese expected to make $10,000 irom me uso ot tho substituted papers, as tho pretended Gee's adopted family would havo paid that sum to I nnd hero, and more wero planning to como when admission was denied to tho tlireo sons and ono daughter. A minimum rote form on for tho uso of pawrs was $600 each and that for women, who could not bo sold, $3,600, Strike May Soon be Ended. Montreal Conferences between W, L MacKcnzIo King, and both sides In tho Grand Trunk strlko continue, and whllo no dcflnlto statement Is obtain able, it Is said that tho situation has Wilder Confassos Guilt. Nour York Rrurln T IVI.I.. !. younifeashlcr of tho Russo-Chlnesu bankj.ln this city, whoso stealings from tho bank's security box resulted In aduss of moro than $600,000 to tho institution, pleaded EUlltv to a chariro of ombczzlomont. Wider woa remand ed for sentence on August 10. Tho In dictment specifically charged Wider with stealing stock -valued at $11,000. On this Indictment ho cun bo given an Indotormlunto sentence of from five to ten yours. Wider rnny, however, bo indicted on other charges, being maintained by tho construction train. Less than a year ago tho town sito of Brogan was a wilderness of sagebrush land, but now it Is a town of several hundred pepplo and has six modern whlto pressed brick buildings. Big Field of Beets. Nyssa Probably the largest sugar beet field In Oregon Is located threo miles north of Nyssa and contains 500 acres of sugr beets on land owned by Frank J, Klsesel, of Ogden. Cattlo Beef stcors, good to choice, $5.25(95.75; fair to medium, $4,260 4,75; cows and heifers, good to cholco, $4.2504.05; fair to medium, $3.6004; bulls, $303.76; stags, $2.6004.60; calves, light, $5.7600.76; heavy, $3.6005. Hogs Top, $10010.25; fair to mo dluro, $8.6009.76. Shoep Best wothors, $3.7504.35; fair to good, $303.60; best owes, $30 8.60; lambs, cholco, $5.5000; fair, $4.7605.25. Grain Pool Uudor Probo, Chicago Federal grand jury In vestigations into tho recent enrnor tit July wheat will bo started within n I...- -l.lni fin.- i.i "" "'. i euurv m uoiormiuu UVVII MBIIIIVUi JI1U IIUKUIIUIIUIIB Will Ullinllmr tl.n bo carried to a settlement if possible. Reports from towns itnd villages en tirely dependent upon tho Grand Trunk stato that failure to rccclvo freight la causing (ho closing of factories und at somo points coal famines are Imminent, Loss by Storm Is Heavy. Lexington, Ky. Ono thousand acres of tobacco, nearly as much wheat, and moro than 600 acres of corn wero de stroyed by n cloudburst In Lincoln, Boyle and Morccr counties. A num ber of buildings and (locks of sheep wero washed away. lilleirod manlnulntors of tho doal violated tho Shermnn anti trust law. W. 8. Konyon, assistant to Attorney General Wlckorsham. plans to summon sufficient witnesses before tho present body to loom whether thoro aro grounds for a comuloto Inquiry by (i succeeding gritnd Jury. Big War Balloon Works. Berlin Tho dirigible balloon Gross III, which loft Gothn nt 0 o'clock Mon day night, with n mllltury crow aboard mado a safa landing lit Tcgal, nt 0 o'clock noxt morning. Tho balloon traveled botwoon 170 and 200 miles. 4 - i vtau mww nmwamm i 1 1 oil sin n stall