Ill I.. 1 ' hi ' I ' z . J RKX I' Say, Where's That Pig? If thr U pi laft In ny cninor of lb Nortliwral w want It. W. wnl M rnucli urnaini pom m w fn txiuiMr l. W will pay M follow! fur tiruluM. wo nam t ml fllilii by iirwal reoacil Pork Ult 10a 2D 17a 20 )ionneci Von JMitltttitftt .(..Z"ni.TJK;..' iVJlfi "' tali T'aWavaa C"Tuw,liW'."" unit ttpilng Chickena ,, AiMrwa nil arilpmanla, rRANIt U SMITH MEAT 00. "rinhllnir the Heel Truat" PORTLAND, OKEQON Dr. B. E. Wright liar your (Mih out and plat and hrl! work '"""V rr wut-of tuwnpalrvna w flnUh plat trul Irrktarti wink In m a ilr if rwcaaaary. I'lttCCI, BaUr (m. UM mfrUriT-, CaUrav , taMairAata U30 SI a. $1.00 SMlTa. so. MMwru, 13.00 an aMr . fVabti hVarfba 50. IIKHTMimiOIWI Pain' FitiartVm Pr w)in plat of bM work ladnlrird Cunaullallon I'iva. You cannot Kt ttlir painb-a Hulk aiiywliar, o matUr ow murli ymi pa. All Work fwllr Guarantf rd for rillaan Yaara Drv B. E. Wright Co. 342 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Tati rr at drpot ami tranafar to Waahlnatun HU Clothai for the Uoy. An occsitminl oult In heavy pongee In seen, urun for tlio boy of ten, and (I1I1, too, Is solftrltnmod and flnlshod with Ilia strictest tailor effects, as flrst-elass outlns shirt for a man woulil bo. Tint wnlat which older boys art) best tilonitud with Ima n center bog plait niul on i) or inoro pockots. A honvy loathur bolt, with large buckle and n soft llo, oflun n Windsor, are thn uannl accompaniments to such suits. l.ow, rolling collar- aro provl drd for tlio iKiy of flvo to seven, but a hint) turn-over form I preferred for tho older boy Harper's linear. ttrd, Weak. rtallavnl llv Murlnn iivn ry 1 K HsiiicHly rrv ublra. Villi Will Murln Far Yirtir Ita Troublr. I,lkr MMMII It HlWlllira, Murine It Biwitlira. Kw at Your IlrucKtala. U'flt I'ur ICva llonka. I'r.a. rM Xiutlti liyo lUtncxty Co., Chicago. Aablilif Too) )lnrh. "ICIIty, you didn't put anything In tha contribution (data when tho uhr came around." "WIL, h didn't have any ehnc for my nlJtl, innmnti. Old you think t wna aidnit lo l him all of It and no without itiim fur 11 whole wtrkT furllirr llui ftiA, Aiptrlna: I'olltlrlan luinbrtd0, you heard my tti Uit nUhU Now thai you hav.lpt over It, toll ma frankly what jfttl think of Ihn efTort. Truiltd l'rlnd To toll tha truth Itlokaby, I I ilrpt undor It You'll hr to lt in o Hi manuicrlpL Anything But Quiit. M, A. Thuro roca Mra. Oroon Tby aay alio la auch a quint drenur. Mra. '..Quiet T You ahould hoar tier carrylnx on when tier butband la buttonlUR up hor unlit In tho back. HtlWaltl) K. IH'IITtlN - M 4 fH .. . Il'ill. lJ"J. . MtwlM .llmi Itol. Kllt.f. I.l. II. (lolJ, liUtM, U M4, kVl rtM MIW(.(,H. UilllaiWrkr4 tall rirIM RKX tS!Z tteiaVaVaif ICaT PACIPIC EMPLOYMENT CO. ef ISartlatvL Orrcun fUflNISMES hClp rncE 10 tMTlOYtRJ Main K7W. It Nnrlh Btmi Bt. Mala tflTO: A IW4 UUK l)pt. (OtU Morrlaun BL Mala toaj. A M I'hon o wlr onlar at our apma. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN rlrit rla work at unU prioaa. Fm iaratntloa ami prfeUr BttaJ (luiauliiwu $2.00 Ua tm L Irtar amlui.lai OH, C. U ItAYNCS Suito 427, Marquam Building Fourth f-kx . Oppoilta Portland I total, Portland Or. MCTimn yviurrtLV j TEA SPICES BAMIN8 POWDER V IXTIUCTS JUST HI0IIT E COSSET A DEYEI5 naariiun timri NOXALL Kuot IUmJy rORTCNDCH, ACIIIN0. UURMNG AND INrUWtD FEET KN0CKB AM. OKKEN3. BtrORC 1VE ODOIta AflCH 1'rle U cmU. At all ilmnUla or ly malL Aduroaa Or. O. O. riJCTOIiER AlUky BWr., Portland, Oracon ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY I'alnlaaa Katractlon ,MFrn llvtr Hjlllna , ,.S0a R.0.1;? ".".ni " at K. Qeld Crown J I'orctlaln Crown 1 Molar Oold Crown,, .,.M Ilrldg. Work, HK.Oo(l,,..M iniay ruia. i-uruom H VarvNIeaHubbarPlal 14 ll..tHubbr Plata on itaith.,, , 17 aitwvjr tuiti un ar ! ee e t tot ALL THIS WORK M OUAKANTKKD, rour monay away. A dollar htm rnrd. OurorklnlrllblModant Ja and our tarrtad nAlfaaauliw mantMTMuatlmaandyourmonay. uaa.Parlliad llnotr)Hk MeiiUon, o,fol 'oaV J Mrlar A freak. lM.blilk.4 la Punliai 10 ttui. Dui m.&I.m ?wfflffifV feb iJEFi 4I I M luiwky 1 utU IlilO, M Hla ka war. HAIX CAINE ON KINO XOWAXB. Awlliur Tell atnry of I)4 Motv rob Vlalt to lal nf Man, UurliiK n vlalt lo ilia IiU of Man, whor I fir t had tha honor to coma lo rloia minrlor with hlra, ha took ohvloua pleoatira In tho frendotn with which tha poopln who mrrroundod III portion apokn to him, llrtll Ciilno aaya In tho Now York llornld, I roinoidbnrrd thai omi of our com pnny nald, twIntltiK to tho llttlo tcrny town of Huniey, which In n fow hour had bocoms trnmilgured Into an orl ciitnl city, undar tho blrua of avary nvallnbla icrnp of bunting. "Tlila hrnta coronation day In Lon don, your inajfaty." Tha Kins amtlad and Rracofully bJ. lowod hltiuolf to naroo. Thara wer no pollco with him that day, no dntectlvei and hardly any cort -only a Rontleman In light trawler, two ladioi In anllor haU, with a fow carrlaion full of frlcnda Ixthlnd thora and a numbnr of blrrda Journallita icuddlng at tbolr aide. It -as a charm In; plcturo n plcturo probably with out parallel In any forcUn country, It wn the plcturo of a aoverclKn who rolt abiolutely tafa In the tova and protection of the people over whom be ruled. "I tmit we have not tired you to death, elr,M I laid. He aniworcd: "It hai been elmply delightful. I've enjoyed It all Immensely," The Klnra memory wna an extra ordinary gift. Pointing to a monu ment on top of n hill, one of our party aid: "That le Alhrt If 111 air. The tower le Albert Tower, 00 called after a plcturo of tho prince coniort'e vlalt to Kumiey In 1147." "I remember perfectly," aald the King. "I waa on the yacht with the Queen, but I waa only 7 year of age and the Queen waa III, ao I did not comn aabore." "Perhapa you rememtar, air, what happened when the prince contort land ed." I do. He had come unexpectedly. There woe nobody w receive him and a local barber took him o the top of tho hill," A memory that retalna nn Incident of eurh llttlo moment ran never have failed Kdward VII. In re 'Alton to greater eventa of hit life. FASHION HIN1 The waidrolw of the summer pltl who hitn'l on or mote little ilrtii on the ordtr ol the one tkctchtd Inrrt, It de cidedly incomplete. Thlt it of light blue handkerchief linen, plentifully tilmmrd with Iriih lace, but cinlrd out very limply. The ttyle it one that It not rxtreme but always dainty and Ucomlnj. IIOUSCHOLD HINTS. A plain ealt Rarglo li very Rood for tore throat. Gaiollno Is good to clean toft wblto leather ahoea. All froxen puddings an Improved by being aervod with whipped cream. Uio ammonia and water rather than soap and water for washing marble. Milk Is good to wash whlto paint; cold toa equally good to wash colored paint. In buying potatoes pick those that are firm and hard and bavo the few est "eyes." Lett-over biscuit aro much bettor cut In two and toasted than If meroly warmed over. When cooking mackerel or othor salt fish, seo that tho skin slda Is placed uppermost. To lengthen tho life ot a tin wash basin, paint Is Inside with any good quality of paint. Clean slno with kerosene, rubbed on with a soft cloth, and follow with boil ing water, A whisk broom that has outlived Its usefulness can be shortened and made Into a sink brush, A few cboppod almonds added to a custard or bread pudding will greatly Improve Its flavor, A sprig ot mint In the water In which potatoes or peas aro boiled will add a piquant flavor. Snun1t Like Hmoke. "Isn't It disgraceful the way women smoke nowadays 1" "WhyT" "I Just saw an advertisement offer Ing to any woman six purrs for a dot Ur," Purple Cow. Speaking as a reporter, when we are looking for newo, wo do not care auch for the latest Joke, Wo have becoina used to having tfvml rafnaa to lauoh nt our nkiui 5r S'1 iV'li ft The Handiest Remedy is Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters, and puat experience htm proven that when taken promptly at tho first signal of distress a sick spell may be avoided. For Loss of Appetite. Gas on Stomach. Heartburn, Bloat ing, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache. Costivencss. I Cramps, Diarrhoea. Malaria, rever and Ague it stands uncqunled. Get a bottle. OSTETTER' OELBBHATED STGMAOH BITTER ASTHMA AND HAY PEVER nro quickly rollovod by Wyatt'a Asthma Remrdy. uuarantcod or monoy refund ed. Auk your drugRltt or tend ilx cent poetngo for Froa Sample to J. C VYYATT, DrugiUt. VAMCOUVtR, WASIItNGTOfi. ITCH CAN BE CURED In abort thn by a.lnr PLUWIMER'S ITCH REMEDY In (0-nt tn onl. Aiirrtt PLUMMER ORUO COMPANT Third and MadXaon Portload, Or. r&R3 t LKHOf?-K0ftrHIHC-T0eACCi lutvTS rutwiamrcmjH ran ran. wwooilaju 'FnUTIaJHrPPWTlANBaWC Japanese le Hardest to Learn. The Japanese languago Is claimed ta be the bardost of all to learn. ISveu tho Japanese And It hard, and several American army officers have found It Impossible to master It It takes tho Japanese child seven years to learn the essentia) parts of tho ajphabot, and ono must become fa miliar with Hi signs to learn this slmplo part of tho language alone. Tho 214 signs serve as the English Initial loiters In our alphabet. To bo ablo to read any ot the higher class ot Japanese newspapers one must be the mastor of from 1.600 to 3,000 Ideographs. Albany Journal. Mother wffl flod Mrs. WlattoV Inotiilai syrup lb Uttramtdr lanMtetlcaUcaUdfM tuilBg lb tUlaf nrlod. Practical experience. Tho old farmer, equipped with the tool of his trade, was busy sear the road. "What have you (-rowing In that Qeld," asked the Innocent passerby. "Weeds," answored the granger. "llut why are you cultivating, weudsT queried the other. "Uecauso," replied the mas behind tho hoe, "after years of experience I am convinced that Is the only way to exterminate them." What We May Expect, The eutTragolto mooting bad growt. red-hot. "And what will become of the great brewery bulldlnga when wo control the votes T" aboutod the leader. And tho little man who had cropt tn unobsorved shrugged his shoulders. 'I guess they'll be turned Into chew ing gum fnilorlcs and complexion powder mills" ho muttered simply. Another Catch. Gunner What's tho latest news to day! (lurcr (JeorRO Washington'! auto sold for 500 In New York. Ounner What nro you trying to hand moT Tticro wore no auto In Oeorgo Washington's day. Ouyor Who said anything about automobiles? This refers to his auto Braph. Modern Education. "What nro you doibg out hero on the marsh T" "Hulplus to prepare my boy's les sons." "What on nnrih do you meant" "He la stt.dylnu natural history, and I havo to oatuh u bullfrog for him to tnko to school." WH3i: trie Hair Falls- ! Stop 1:1 And why not? Fall Inc hair is a disease, a rcgulni disease; eiul Ayer.s Hair Vigor as made from our new Im proved L.ipt ; quickly and completely dutroys. ilv.t dis ease. The hair stops faillnc out, crows more rapidly, and ull daTidrtiY disappears. Don nol th-tnrt 'i cofor Ma hair. rtriauU wnkaaate baitl h absw It u yers A.k alVa aaaattl, Ui.a daaabaaara aanaauawaaaaaaaaaa m aSWamxajsatJSsqSM The Utile book In each nackava tlvea book In the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells H s A why cam ingredient is utea, ana ex plains many other Interesting things. After retdlnc you willknow why this new htlr preparation does Its work so well. aw-1U4 ay t. J, O. Ay r C., LawaU, aUM, ' WITHDRAW MANY MILLION ACRES Most of Nation's Attractive Lands Now Tied Up. Pacific Northwest Suffers Most Homebullders Ate Almost Corn- plelelf Shut Out. Woahlnjtton Nearly 300,000,000 acres of public land, tlio cream of the West, has Lccn withdrawn from entry, and held beyond tho reach of (ho set tlor and tho homo-bulldcr. Soma of It Is permanently withdrawn, as, for In stance, tho forest reserved, national parks, etc., and othor portions may In tlmo bo again placed within tho reach of tho people of tho West, llut at tho present time this enormous acreage Is absolutely tied up, undeveloped, Inac cessible, and for tho most part unin habited. Thero remains of tho public domain only about 700,000,000 acres that Is unappropriated and unreserved, and a very smsll percenUgo of this residue Is attractive or will ever bo attractive to settlers. Included In this acreage aro the bad lands of tho West, tho (r rcdalmabla deserts, barren mountain summits and worthless mountain country- Only a smsll portion Is arable, and very llttlo Is of a character that will permit of agricultural develop ment. The best lands that bavo not passed to private ownership are now bold up by tho government. In tho Pacific Northwest, nearly CC- 000,000 acres of public land are today wiuihcld from Uio reach or settlers. QUEEN WILL LEAVE MADRID. Wile of Spaln'a King to Visit Rela- lives on Isle of Wright. Cowcs, Isle of Wight Within a day or two Queen Victoria, of Spain, will arrive in tho Islo of Wight, to visit her relative at Osbomo cottage. She needs a rest badly, for Madrid has been full of anxiety of late for the Spanish royal family. Sho will remain about a month and will be accompanied by her throe children, but unless tho situation clears In Spain, King Alfonso will not be ablo to leave for Madrid before the end of the month. Queen Victoria's visit is to be pure ly prlvsto throughout, but she will vis' it Windsor In order to lay a wreath on the tomb of tho late King Edward, and sho will probably spend a few days In her old homo In Kensington palace. It Is expected that during her stay. King Alfonso will extend a formal invitation to tho king and queen of England to pay him a state visit at Madrid. Campaign Devoid of Mercy. Paris All danger of serious disturb ances in Catalonia appears to have been warded oil by Captain General Weyler's energetic precautionary meas ures and his well known decision of character. General Weyler said: "Tho moment a revolutionary outbreak In Darcelona compels me, aa captain general, to ossumo tho supreme com mand, I want tho revolutionists to know they must prepare for a merci less flghL Thero will bo neither pris oners nor wounded. Tho walls of the hospitals will becomo useless and the cemeteries will havo to be enlarged." Esperanto to Be Spoken. "Washington The sixth International congress of Esperanto will bo In ses sion tho week beginning August 14. This will be the first time that the con gress has met in the Western Hemis phere, Its previous meetings having been in Europe. Esperanto will be spoken In Washington by clergy in the pulpit, by actors In a Shakespearean play, part of tlio police force and in all tho proceedings of the congress. Fur thermore, for tho first time probably In the history of tho world, It will boused at a baseball game. Fires Again Menacing. White Horse, MonL Forest Arcs that wcro partly subdued by tho rains ten days ago, havo broken out afresh, after another siege of hot, dry weath er, and aro threatening to do damage in tho heavy timber at tho head ot Whiteflsh lake, A new ftro has been discovered burning fiercely In the vi cinity of tho Great Northern tunnel, 10 miles northwest of here. Sheriff O'Connoll drafted a small army of men into servlco and took them to tho scene to fight tho flames, but tho 11 ro had such a start that It Is doubtful If they con control ft. Oklahoma Corn Damaged. Guthrie, Oklo. Tho report of the state board of agriculture up to July 26, just mado public, estimates tho damage to tho corn crop in Oklahoma In tho lost month nt 21.3 per cent. This la against a damago of 26.6 per cent In 1000. Tho board report1 tho cotton crop holding up woll. Stnco July 26 tho hottest and dryeat weather of tho year has been felt and tho dam ago Is said to bo much increased over tha figures made public, Entire Train Is Burned. Augusta, Ga. A Charleston & West ern Carolina passenger train ran Ino a burning trcatlo 10 miles from Augus ta on tho Spartanburg division. The entire train was burned. The engin eer and flrcmun were killed and 16 pas sengers slightly Injured, ShGrnmnKay&Co ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. naaTAIjFHMBaTafaB I? Ml . : J wo this Wellington Piano wo'ro soiling for J276 on easy pavmtnt that we're willing to lot It bo ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will tell rj ooti tloty lo you In your homo If you'll send us the coupon. I'least ima m lull particular conctmlng thlt unusual Piano offer. Neth&Co. COLLECTORS W Buy nl Cottact No4t. Mwiiarr., and Rtl fatal Cantrari. N CattcUl N Chaff e. Worcester Wdg Porttanel, Ore. WITHOUT ARMY, NAVY, POLICE. '.III! Xallnn ! thnra Half tk Mi of (irratrr Xorr York. They come together Ilka the teeth of a dog. do the frontiers of France and Spain, and between the teeth Is a bone such a smsll bone that one won ders why It was not swallowed up long ago, and the name ot tho dobo Is Andorra. 'Tho whole area of this lonely little nation Is something less than half that of Greater New York," says s writer In the Metropolitan, "and Its entire population docs not equal that of ono of New York's great office buildings "For want of a better nnme the geographies have called It a republic, but the Andorrans part their alien! ance carefully In tho middle, as they do tholr hair, dividing It (tho allegi ance, not the hair), between the pope and the French President. "If Tolstoy hlmnelt bad framed Its government be could not have built anything 'moro after his own heart The heads of families tho patriarchs of Scripture elect representatives who several times each year saddle their mules and go riding down to the 400-year-old Parliament House, where It nettles cosily In the mountain valley of Andorra la Vleja. to make such few and simple laws as the well-being of none Is needed. "So slight are the expenses of gov ernment In Andorra, for nil told there are but four salaried omclals, that a small poll tax on goats and sheep amply meets them all. There Is no army, even of the smallest for who is there to tight? There are no police "When I was In Andorra." tha writ er says, "the prison there Is but one was used as a poultry house Then Is bo fire department, for the houses are all of stone There is no coinage, for the people pay In kind No postal system Is there elthor, for when nn Andorrsn writes a letter, which rarely happens, he entrusts It to some ac commodating prson who Is going over the border Into Franc or Spain." Hla Extterlaaee. "Airy, don't you find married life more expensive than bachelorhood?" " mar be more expenslv than a rlcldly single life, but It's cheaper than courtship." A Cautious Oame. "Does Dllgglns ever bluff when he plays cards r "Never until ho gets home and ex plains whoro he has been." PnrccltBar, It Oat. The gypsy moth and the Engllih aparrow had agreed upon an amic&bis division or tha earth. "That suit me," said the Oerman carp. "I'll take the watera ot the earth." TRY MURINE When Your Eyes Need Core EYE REMEDY t wa m it LUhiIs etna. He. tOe. Utte Tultar, 25c (L0& KBttCE THE CfiSTGF LMN$ useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND DAISY FLY KILLER CLMGtShS: pteklllU.M4s7Mri fat. mttrMI, , taaCj. Uhmta, t1WI)ttMkll M4 ekff Mm) UMrfAaBVS. 91 aa lIlfaTt t f eJI I Mia! tW MCakiaal. VAftOtD SQMXBI 1 ka rr.u. a&. .jv Union Painless Dentists rii8tofTth .. ... .js.ea Bridi. Work or ToU without Plate 4 3,59 ta S3 CoW Crown., 13.30 to J!.) PuMUln Crown...., $3.30 to $3.04 Cold or I'ortalaJn FlUlm 31.00 Up Boat Plat Mad..... ...... JT.S9 No chare (or Palnlr Ejtractlni when otbar wor h uona. u year uuaranta wiu all work. r7aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHr lsTSa? 0WaVal SvM If I W aa-fjaMr Wo want you to try this llano IN YOUR HOME FHEIS. Wo wont you to try It at our expenso because At tho end of thirty days tho PInno I7SELF will convince you of tho following facta: It's the best value on earth for tho price ($276). It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! Know mere u so mucn real value in as Ten men. mui maw or DwaKfaat Ssraf Aa-Kehi CeW WateliabidSteci "Qua, 0" Km-Psjc WmK MeM K.AND S.CHEMIcax. $r PHARMACISTS vt WfWwiMl u tm iMliuriil J Pbon Main 113 m Mak St. Yaacmer, W.4rslM Became Household Word. An old doctor waa operated on fa a hospital in Berlin. On leaving he waa sympathised with and pitied by all his old friends who met him. for bis hair bad suddenly turned white as snow. Tho truth ot the matter waa that Foxy Grandpa had aa chance to dye his hair In tha hos pital. So when ho got out he made tho most of tho matter with the first person he raut. and becamo so fa mous that bo was appointed one of the king's physicians and died rich. and .his name, like tho prisoner ot Chlllon. became a household wonL New York Prjas. To Brtal In New Sboca. AltTara.haiolaAlUnVFoot IUao.tpowdar. It eur hoi, wrtlor, arbln:. awolitn Int. ..ury rorna.lnxrowlng nalla and bunlortt. At tllilmrslauasdihneaterra.ZV. Duotateecl inyauUtltule. HampltmahcimKE. Addreea alien a.Ulmitt-1, L Hoy.N. Y. "Nice People." "Do nice people, go to baseball gamcsT" asks a reader of the New York Sun. We hope not "Nlee people aro tho most tiresome peeate la the world and it they went to base ball games la any considerable ansa bers they -would soaks the players ao tired they wouldn't bo able to put up a snappy game and tho umpire would get so bored ho wouldn't care wbetaer bo hod his skull cracked with a base ball bat or not . An Illustration. Little Willie Say. I, what le a par adox? Pa Well, my son. a coal stove ta one kind ot paradox. It won't terra until It Is put up, then It won't barm until It Is shaken down. PIMPLES "I tried all kinds ot blood teaaedlea which failed to do me any good, bait X have found the right thing at laaL My face was full of pimptesatul black-heads. Alter taking Catcuets they all left. I aaa continuing the use of thera and reeotav taending them to my friends. I feel aa wbeo I rise in the morning. Hope ta have a chance to recommend Cascarete. Fred C Witten. 76 Him St, Newark, N.J. PtnuaJir. Palatable. roUnt. Tut Goal. Do Good. Nrr bkkan. WraVan or Crip We. Be. SOe. Nmr aoU In bulk, Tha aw ! labial atomp-d C C C Guarmntaad t car or yvur man back. NamedicO max ABKLUTLY CURE DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES viviir4i-Ti-ii nv NATIONAL MEDICINE CO. LTD. Rooms a and 4. Shellev Mile 4X1H Morrison St, Portland, Of. ffca Manila!! tin APPENDICITIS KEMKDY. Ttutoalr lco aura for ApM4wllla altkoal Ut .14 oX lb kail. UlnwlniBaiilalaranat "'' traaal sun la abort UM. SPECIAL" REHEnY. For 'or on. a Altaiaata- lua-or of la Bow. U ail. Utf. 1 "kick St vway ,, ""w" Ihlah.w bVUjatlftoWork la boa lralai YW.iej or mII mm mm will lfauaiiat oal eitlrala t urtvU 18 THE TIME WWII BEST or ma raw to iut roar tath oal a Plata aadTbrta rarkdoa. ToTo-f-lawa, aatraaa w Sal.u plaia aad I'riJt vt la (m aarlfBaoaaaary. taa'uCtma 55. akarW,.Ttk3.C 61J rE.i .( aaawinHa II ntSaft uaiiMr a . ruta 6.N tattltVaar - rtaiM 7.59 W.a.wHhrifiaaaUaMa ralalaw Eitr'IlM .M H ton taunaaw H aanuaa iUT MnHea ruataaa Sainctlnit rio wbBaUtaa or brlaaa waah la ordarad. Oasaalutloarna. Toucunotcatbaai ptlalaaa work aarwhara, ao auaatar bow math oa a, All work fully cu&ruutawt tur ttttfiMi twh. Wise Dental Co. INCORPOWATEB -MaasiaATbbdtWkatta,fwnAM, eoa.a Jtawai a. aa, ta a r. M. tataiyt,twa fnu No.3X-M !IaBBBBBBBBBKSBaBaar tfataH FlSgsBaaaal aaaB Ak4Bfc''jgaTjTfl L(b(b.H WHJOf wrlttrar avdvartl( ? nanllor this yapar. aveura. a. m. w p. to. out, ttorrvtoa