The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 17, 1910, Image 1

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NO, 73
Htigcnc Auto Road To He Hull!
Next Slimmer,
Crook County Commissioners Confer
with Lane Official Who will llulld
Fine Road to Summit I'res
nl Uonii Is Repaired.
Next summer will see the open
ItiK of a first-class nutomobllc road
across the Cascade inountaltis from
litiKcuc to ilcnil. From Portland
the route will he 150 miles, the
entire distance ovr excellent roads
nnd through n country whose
scenery in unsurpassed for diversity
mid beauty. Not only will the
road afford lleud better comiuiinl
cation with Willamette point but
it will provide a new nnd much
needed route ncrom the stale,
l'rotn here the utitolsts can pro
cccd to Hums cither through the
new homestead country where
even now the roads arc excellent
or by way of 1'rineville.
Such (1 tljc promised result of n
trip just completed by County
Judge II. C. Hills nnd Commls
hloncr K. II. Hay Icy to HtiRcne.
It appears that the McKenzie rond
from Sisters has had no repairing
from Crook County for many years
and that I.auc County refused to
do anything with Its part of it until
Crook acted. Now Charles Carson
of Sisters, road super intendeut for
the lilack Butte DWtrirt, has a
crew or six men on the 19 miles of
the road that lie in Crook County.
The Uuttc district, it happens, is
the richest In the county, having
taxable property valued at 1,078,
573, and well can afford the work.
The lava fields, one mile of which
He In Crook, taake the worst going
011 the present road. Here the big
rocks are being removed, the
smaller ones broken up and cov
eted with ballast, turnouts made
nnd -the rond widened two fctt.
All high centers and stumps are
being removed. The section of the
McKenzie road that lies in I.ane
County is said to be in very fair
shape even now.
Judge Ivlllt and Commissioner
H.iylcy conferred with the county
court of I.anc County, Judge
Helms Thompson, II. I) lidwards
and II. M. Price. The latter have
agreed to have the McKenzie route
surveyed this fall, with n view to
relocating the rond from Lost Creek
Itanch 20 miles to the summit, It
it expected that a maximum grade
of to jk.t cent can be obtained, nnd
the present difficulties with wash
outs avoided. The present grade
i as high as aa per cent.' The
Your Bank and
Your Business
Success Depends upon
Satisfactory Service.
The Deschutes Baukinp; Ac Trust
Company trusts for its popularity to -
lfivhiR its customers kindly and in
telligent service. And expects to
advance its own interests by being
of service to the public.
We invite correspondence and
' welcome all who limy desire our
services in r business capacity.
The Deschutes
Banking & Trust Company
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People.
I.. II. OAIRD, I'rcs. J. W. MASTl'.KS, Vice Pics,
M. 0. COB, Ciuhler.
new rond will be built next spring.
The auto line which now operates
05 mill's from Kugene to Foley
Springs, stands willing, says Judge
Hills, to operate through to Ilcnd
next summer, over the new road
The nutoists, the Kugcnc Commer
cial Club nnd the Oregon Good
Ilond Association nil arc prepared
to contribute liberally to the enter
prise, it is said.
Tragic Death of I'lonoer McKenzie,
Route Atatl Carrier.
The "Old McKenzie Uoute" well
deserves its appellation of "old,"
according to the story of its early
days that comes to light now that
the road Is to be re-mndc into a
trans-state highway. It was back
In the 60' that John Craig, aided
by Oeorgc Milllcan! firm undertook
the construction of the road across
the Cascades into the then uninhab
ited Central Oregon regions. The
routefor many years a toll road
provided access and egress to and
from the big interior county lor
sumriics. cattle, sheen and wool
Mlliicnu, alone of the pioneer road
builders, survives. He is a widely
known cattle man living some 38
miles southeast of Hcnd in the
country that no rapidly is being
"settled up" by 320 acre home
steaders. John Craig, the man who planned
the McKenzie road, met his death
while making his way along the
route no much of which he himself
had built. Craig carried the mail
between Uugenc and Camp Polk,
where now is the Charles Hind-
man ranch, a mile northeast of
Sisters. At the vcrv summit of
the route he had a cabin, where he
rested halfway on his trip. Here
he kept a supDly of pitch wood,
already for the match when, he
came along on n mid-winter trip,
with the thermometer far below
It was during n tremcudouslycold
snap, that the old mall man came
to his cabin one uight to find all
his wood burned. No record re
mulns of the carrier's ending, aside
from the briefest note. Many
weeks later his body was found near
the cabin, where he had fallen and
frozen, evidently exhausted as he
was Kecking wood.
t "" """"
Hoard Works with TowrbUc Would
Have Lawrence Candidate.
At a special meeting of the Bend
Realty Hoard held on Monday
afternoon agrcemets were made
with Manager Robertson of the
Townslte Co. whereby the com
pany was to allow all members of
the Hoard to handle their lots, pay
ing a 5 per cent, commission on
sales. It was arranged that com
mission was fo be paid only to the
real estate man who actually com
pleted the sale himself and received
deposit money.
A committee ot tnrec, Messrs.
Hastes, Niswonger and Morrison,
were appointed on motion unani
mously passed, to wait on J, M
Lawrence and petition Trim to come
out at n caudldatc for the state
Harriman Deschutes Road Will Build
From Redmond to Crescent
South Work on Oregon
Trunk Soon.
Ilend will have two railroads'.
point on the Oregon Trunk will be continued in the near future. Such
is the brace of all-important announcements that this week have come
from the two railroad chiefs, Judge Robert S. Iovctt, head of all the
Harriman system and John P. Stevens, President of the Oregon
Trunk, furthermore, the rumors and reports among the railroaders
near town that work soon is to be commenced on the Hill cast-and-west
line from Hcnd arc becoming more persistent.
Judge Loved announced the extension of the Deschutes road from
Redmond, to connect with the Klamath-Natron cut-off at or near Cres
cent. The extension will be approximately So miles in length. The
announcement comes after a 750 mile auto trip through Central Oregon
just completed by the Harriman chief. Any statement regarding fur
ther Harriman plans was withheld, as was the exact date when the
work would be continued south from Redmond.
When President Stevcus said that construction would be resumed
shortly on the O. T. south of Bend
intention of building across the Cascades, in order to connect with the
Pacific & Kastern, the latter road being the property of the Hill system,
now extending 16 miles northeastward from Medford. This doubtless
means railroad access to the Crater Lake National Park.
Today Chief Engineer Dudd and Malcolm McPhec, ol Henry &
McPhce, were in Dcnd a few hours on their way to Crescent.
Word comes from Crescent that Charley Johnson is assembling a
force of men to clear right-of-way
derstanding there is thut work on the line between Bend and the Klam
ath reservation will be resumed in a few days.
Sliver Lake Slock Men Ifl Pursuit of
Horse Stealers.
The Silver Lake country is in
arms auu citizen posses arc uoi
uiKiti the trail of a bunch of horse
rustlers, reports J. S. Wakefield of
Silver Lake. Last Tuesday the
absence of much stock was noted
including several mules belonging
to Lane Brothers and more than 30
horses owned by the Lanes, Hill
Ousley, B J. Deadmond, Dodson
and Gcrkiugs and others. On
Wednesday K B Brewer, Frank
McOroom and- Klnnear Buick
started on the trail of the thieves
Yesterday a party of seven more
joined the first, all armed and out
lor blood.
The pursuers have found the
trail, which leads towards Califor
nia. Information from n herder
who suwf the htolen stock shows
that the rustlers have but a day or
two lead. A patty of men who
have been camping in the moun
tains and who have disappeared ar.e
suspected. Evidently it is the In
tention to rush tnc siock to some
California town and there sell it.
Three New EstaBUsHmeMS Are to
Open Hospitable Doors.
Three more near beer establish
ments are about to blossom forth on
Bond street. According to A. F
Shireman the building being erected
by Harry Hill has been sold by the
letter to a Madras party, whose
name as yet is unknown, and who
will use it as a soft drink saloon
The building immediately south of
the old Bulletin quarters, opposite
Aune's Barn, now is occupied by
Dave BiccerstafTs establishment,
with Jeff Blue presiding behind the
bar. Sherritt & Woolley are busy
preparing the old Bulletin quarters
for a third uear beer pluce, to be
opened there as reported Inst week
Laldlaw Ranchers Have Fine
In Uvery Line.
C. W. Allen and F. P. Dayton
of Laidlaw were in Bend Saturday.
Both report that crops 011 the Co
lutnbla Southern will make a record
this year. On A. D. Park's rcydi
17 loads, of almost a ton each, were
taken from a acres ofmatnmoth
clover. It was so thick that men
with, forks had to go behind the
mower to pitch the clover away
from the machine before it could
proceed. Lnud plaster was used
ou this field, as on many others
where exceptional yields are re
corded. For Sams Home Comfort cook
ing range. Apply Bulletlu office.
Construction' southward from this
he also announced his company's
for the Oregon Trunk, and the un
(.taster's Masquerade Oven to t Enter
tains Many at IH Halt.
The masquerade at Linstcr's
Hall last Friday evening proved a
most enjoyable and interesting af
fair. The eatery and stage were
crowded with spectators who
watched the costumed skaters on
the floor, aud the several races.
Both of the skating races were won
by Percy Brackett, and the boys
race by Earl Kulp, the latter also
winning the prize for best costume
of the evening dressed as a news
boy. Some of the other good cos
tumes were those of the Misses
Davics, dressed as "cow girls"
Mrs Harger, in Japanese costume.
and the Misses Caldwell and Kelley
as colonial dames. Fred Lucas
was n Turk, Fred Tiiplett was a
girl while Jay Reader appeared as
it colored woman with George
Hobbs for his dusk) mate.
Real dtate Transfer.
August I to tj. lodutlvr.
(HurnUhtd by Cook Count AtMirtct Company.)
Lylle Townslte Co. to D. N. Hamus.
tot 16, l.loclc 15, Lytic. Consideration
J- L. Kever and wife to A. C Lucas.
Nwtf of Sec. 6, T. iS and lot 4 of
Sec. r, T. 17, both R. i. Considers
tion Moo.
United Stare to fid ward n. Duncan.
KH aetf Sec. 7 aud wtf swtf Sec 8, T.
M. R. 9.
it. J. Overturf to Henry Llnster. Lot
I, block 1. Ilcnd. Consideration ft.
K. A. Con aud wife to South Ilend
Investment Co. Nwjf of swf of Sec 4
ml netf of etf and wtf of ke Scca. 5.
r. IS, R. la. Consideration Ji.
Pilot Unite Development Co. to
Prances Short, Lot 9, block 36, Dend.
Consideration f joo.
Laldlaw Townslte Co. to Bertha M.
Julian. Lot 5. block 31, laidlaw.
Consideration 400.
& . Roberta and wife to P. B. Rem
oldtetal. Tract 50KI00 feet in netf
Sec 31, T. 17, R. 1 a. Consideration
John D. Wilcox et at to School Dis
trict No. 73. Tract 360x396 feet in nwtf
of awf Sec 36, T. 17, R. la. Consider
ation foo.
All people interested in water in
the Central Oregon Canal: There
will be a meeting the 1st Saturday
iu September at 1 o'clock at Lin
iters Opera House iu Bend to for.tu
an association important to all
settlers. Come. 3335
For Rent.
One hundred and sixty acres on
both sides of Deschutes River 16
miles south of Bend, for $300 a
year. 90 acres inclosed with fence
in four lots, for hogs, sheep cattle,
etc. Good ranch for butter, chick
ens, meat, etc. Six-room house,
barn aud sheds, boat and boat
house, cold storage room, luquirc
of Iiuuter & Staats. it
For Salk Parlor organ, steel
range, and other household goods.
C. II. Ellis.
First Crop on Experiment Farm
Shows Country's I'rotttKtivness,
A splendid apple crop has been
harvested on the Experiment
Farm, this being the first bearing
year. Unfortunately it was nec
essary to pick the apples before
they had entirely matured, so rap
Idly were they disappearing after
dark. The apples are large,
striooth and firm, and the trees bore
hcnvily. Undoubtedly next year
will sec a big crop.
frhis is practically the first of the
orchards near Bend to come iuto
bearing, and the rather remarkable
results of this first yield indicate
very clearly what may be expected
of the country an a fruit producer.
Many Uw Orewtaf IrwtHHtlm New
Volumes Are Added.
The scope of the Bend Library's
work is becoming broader each
raqnth, more people are taking ad
vantage of it and more books are
befog taken out. The librarian'
records show that during July 500
visitors used the reading room and
259 bookYivere borrowed.
Last week the Library received
an addition to its shelves from J.
M. Lawrence, which included
volumes of Scribner's 'magazine
from 16 to 22, volumes 6t to 68 of
Harper's, 2 volumes of the Cali
fomiau magazine, tnd i x volumes
of the Census Report, the latter
useful as a book or reference.
Ftaes Are lmpod.
At a hearing befosc H. P. J. Mc
Donald Monday three men who
were arrested Sunday by Policeman
Chapman were fined as follows:
Tom Kearney, on a drunk and
fighting charge, $10; G. Commer,
fighting, $5; John Stanley was
Fighters Are Traiatag Hard.
"Kid" Morrisey has been train
ing hard aud Retting into fighting
shape with headquarters at Kulp's
Oreu Ward has headquarters at
Rowlee's. Both men wilf be iu
fine shape or their .fight next
RegbtratkHi Statistics.
Thus far 51 Republicans, 14
Democrats and 5 Independents
have registered iu Bead precinct
In Deschutes 27 Republicans. 4
Democrats, 3 Socialists aud 4 In-
NoTrCK We are opeuiux a real estate
St Insurance Office In thli city. Our
eastern connection Elve unexcelled op
portunities for the quick sale of pro
crty listed with us. ve represent sotne
of the stronitcst insurance companies in
merica. we will be pleased to meet
those having properly for sate ormsuic
nlo prospective buyers. Respectfully
bATTIK K I1HKKI.1UIU.1. il-.i.
TFe First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOC. Prtant t. A. SATHCR. Vlc PfsM"t
0. 8. HUDSON. CathUr
CuolUI lultr Pld ... 3S.0O9
SlockholdW liability 3S.0O0
Surplus .... 3,O00
We Are Now Publishing Monthly
"The First National Bank
of Bend Bank News"
A macarine in which we tell you from month to mouth of
our proKrtss; how we have grown; how you helped in thl
growth; what we can do for you and what you can to to help
us further iucrease the large busiuesa e are now enjoying.
Age Considered, We Believe We Have
the Best Baik ii Oregon.
DurinK the 17 mouths we have been in business, we have
Increased our deposit from $J5.o to over fxxi,ooo. The
number of depositors has increased from 17a to 69. We have
earned aud placed to our Surplus fund as a further protection
aud safeguard for our depositor, f 5000, . ...
It you desire this taper sent to you or your friends, fill oat
the coupon.
Bend, Oregon,
Please send tue your Monthly MaRMtoe, "Pirt Na
tional Hank of Ilend Uauk New" (without cost to we).
Address..... ,...,.,,.....,...........
K, . SMITH M. C. KM.I3
Over Three Thousand Veet of
Pipe Arrive.
South WaH Street, Park AddHttew ami
DescMttM wkH Have Water Mfttfls
Lat ot LlgfcthiK Plant f
Oa the Read.
Some 25,000 pounds of pipe fa
le ued by the Jkml Water, Light
& Power Co. in the enlargement of
thtir water system has arrived,
while io.oco pounds more new i
on the road from Shanikt. The
shipment include 3393 feet, of
wooden pipe, 4, 6 and 8 inches iu
The workwen who are now en
gaged on the dam will be through
there probably today, and at once
will begin the construction of
ditches for the new mains. The
pipe will be laid south along Wall
Street to Washington Street, 011
Washington to Bond and north
along Bond to connect with the
present system. A branch main
from Wall street will be laid west
along California to Congress.
Hunter & Staats own some 600
feet of the pipe which is being
brought in, which will be laid from
the corner of Washington and Bond
south along Third street, the cen
ter street of Deschutes, sow known
us Bond, of which street of Bend
it is a continuation. From this
6-inch pipe, 4-incL laterals will be
laid down the side streets of Des
chutes, sa)S J N. Hunter.
The waterwheel, the last of the
equipment for the electric light
power plant, left the shops at
Springfield. Ohio, on August and
and daily is expected in Sluniko.
All the rest of the power-producing
equipment is now in Bend; the
preparatory work for the wheel's
installation practically is completed,
$0 that but little time will be re
quired to get it into action.
All the poles for the electric ngnt
wires, about 100 in number, Imve
been set up, aud crossarms ami in
sulators put in place. Wiring now
is in progress.
For Salk Small gentle team,
harness and spring wagon. Inquitc
Bulletin office.