The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 10, 1910, Image 8

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bynemKe Left at Larj-e Stirs TMafS
Up a Bet.
At about 4:30 on Monday after
noon an explosion of great force
Immediately in the rear of The Bui
letio building disturbed the seren
ity of tbe south end of town, all
but rattled the glass out of the
printshop's windows, threw np a
cload of dust and narrowly escaped
injuring members of J. Af. Law
rence's family who happened to be
A fire had been burning in the
rear of the building, set to cleat off
some grass and brush. Investiea
tion showed that tbe explosion did
not emanate from any Black Hand
effort but four sticks of dynamite
which had been left some 30 feet
from the building by the work
men who had constructed the sceptic
tank. This was wrapped in a gun
ny sack; when tbe fire got to tbe
sack things happened as recorded.
La&law Incendiary Fabrication Crops
Up Agate la Magazine.
The following bit of humor, per
petrated is tbe July issue of tbe
Pacific Printer, doubtless will be of
interest to the "tough clement" of
Laidlaw and all who know some
what of tbe particulars of the
Chronicle's rise and fall:
Tkat tbe work of a newspaper in try
ing to reform and purify a commuBlty ii
not always appreciated, and (bat tbe
positive element it muly mere active
la combating such efforts tUaar are tbe
negatively Inclined clement Ma' support
ing sttcb a campaign, it being experi
enced by tbe editor of tbe "Chronicle"
a weekly paper at Laidlaw, The
"Chronicle" Jsss been waxing a strong
campaign to drfve out of town tbe
"tough"' and disorderly element in
Laidlaw. So bitterly Is tti4 being re
sented that several attempt have been
made to burn tbe "Chronicle's" print
Jog plant On the morning of July 4th,
an iaelsMMery waa frightened away just
as be jaa taieWng a match to a gunny
sack (nil of toBamablc material which he
bad placed, against tbe bniktlng, Tbe
night before s gang of roughs attempted
towraektbe bldlng by throwing big
rocks af it Noue of these attempt have
intimidated the editor.
Hand us your subscription.
GOOD UNTIL SEPT. 1st, 1910
To purchasers of lots in Park Addition, Lava Road Addition and North Addition
whb desire to erect houses this year, we will allow a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of
Termsjiberal, either quarterly or monthly
Bumper Crops Near LaMlaw.
F. R. Barbour from Laidlaw was
in Bend Monday. He says clover
will rnn 2 w tons to tbe acre on an
average, while three cuttings of al
falfa will go close to 4 tons. w.
II Courtney's apple and prune
orchard is loaded, as is A. D.
Park's. John Parks left recently
for the East, called by the serious
illness of his mother. Ted Becker
left Saturday for a trip into the
mountains to meet a party of rela
tives of W. D. Barnes, who are on
their way to Laidlaw over the Cas
cades. Publish Boosting Literature,
Tbe Bulletin has just printed an
attractive eight-page publicity leaf
let for the Central Oregon Realty
Company. It tells of tbe oppor
tunities of Bead and the Deschutes
Valley, and contains the new bird's-
eye-view map of the state, showing
Bend's location relatively to tbe
railroads, timber, tbe river and
wheat lands. The leaflet will be
distributed among the Eastern
agents of the company and placed
in tbe bands of location seekers iu
every section of the country.
Record Yields In Fertile Con h try West
otBesd. .
Tuhalo. Or., Aug. 8. Most all tbe
farmers are busy baying.
Jess Root took in tbe dance at Bend
Saturday night.
Several outfits are hauling lumber
from tbe Cist mill to Bend.
Some real estate men were in these
parts yesterday from Bend.
P. A. WoolJey & Sons Lave begun
harvesting tbeir hay crop, wblcb prom
ises a good ylejd. v, i
There is no talk of selling out here
now: In many instances this year's crop
will pay for tbe land, On the Winter
ranch are 38 acres of clover seeded last
year; it will average 74 tons to tbe acre
and some of it will go four tons. Oats
are standing six feet high,
Robert Rea, A. Siegel and W.
Sayre of Madras are in tOwa on
their way home after a few days of
successful fishing at Odell Jake.
L -
EARLY. The Saw Mill
Townsite Company
Office corner Wall
PacMflc Monthly Man Prepares
tide oa This Country.
Randall R. Howard, the editor
of the Progress Department of tbe
Pacific Monthly, arrived from
Klamath -Falls on Sunday, en route
through Central Oregou on a trip
taken for the purpose of preparing
an extensive article upon the mag
azine. Mr. Howard remained here
several days familiarizing himself
with local conditions, taking trips
into the adjacent country and se
curing photographs. He was par
ticularly struck with tbe enormity
of Bend's timber and water power
resources and predicted a great
future for tbe town as a manufac
turing center and distributing
Article For New Year's OregtHtlan.
Tbe feature of the big special
development edition of the Oregon
ian of January t, will be a series
ui iiriicica ucanng wwi iuc counties
of the state, each being treated sep-
arately by one lamiliar with local
conditions and development. G
P. Putnam has been commissioned
to write tbe article upon Crook
FalntMg, Is Severely Injured.
On Sunday Mrs. I. D. Wilkin
son, mother of W. R. Wilkinson,
while near the home of the latter on
their ranch three miles east of
Bend, was overcome by the sun and
fainted. As she fell iu some way
Mrs. Wilkinson both fractured and
dislocated her left ankle. She is
over 60 years old, .and it seem
probable that the severe injuries
sustained may permanently cripple
her. .
Augntt I to 6 IncluiJtre.
(l'urnlihtd by Crook County Abttrtct Co.)
Below are given a selected list of
realty transfers as recorded at
C. W. Reed and wife to R. M, Smith
Clothing Co. Lot tt, block 3, Bend $1,
J. W. McClure to lilla M. McClure.
Lots 5 and 6, block 3, Kenwood (200,
Harlan P. Ong et at to J. W. McClure.
Lots 5 and 6, block 3, Kenwood $200.
State of Oregon to W. R. Wilkinson,
i oei, Sec 3, T, 18, R, xj.
payments. An
k now in operation
and Ohio Streets
Winer Party hi Bttaten Car Made
Fast Time.
Tuualo, Or., Aug. 6. In roar Issue
of the 3rd I noticed that O. S. Johnson
of San Prancisco had established a rec
ord from Portland to Ilend, having made
the trip in aa hours. ! wish to say that
on tbe 14th of June I mule a trip from
Portland to L!dlw only six miles from
Bern), Iu 20 hours. Lesvlng Portlsnd at
7:15 I arrived at The Dalles at 11:45
m. I met Mr. Uunten of tbe Central
Oregon Auto Co. We left The Dalles at
1M3 p. m. and at 5:20 p. m. arrived at
Sbaniko. There met II. T. Ilemlryx
and Mr. Martin of the O. W. T. Plnsnce
Co. We persuaded Mr, Bunten to drive
up that night and 'we left Shsnlko at
? p. m. arriving at Madras at 12 p. m
caving Marina at 12:20 we arrived at
Laidlaw at 3:20 a. m. the ijtb of June.
John U. Wimkk.
Wisconsin Mm Here Again.
E. B. Dunigan of Portage, Wis
consin, has been spending ten days
i neB(
n I? ;'
Bend and looking about tbe
He is an old friend of A
O. Hunter, whom he expected to
see here. But Mr. Hunter has
been delayed ia Ohio a few weeks
longer than he expected to be and
may not reach Bend before Sep
tember. This is bis first vUit
since 1903; then be came iu by
stage, this time by auto, and he pre
dicts that his next trip will be iu a
Robertson Returns to Bend.
Prank Robertson arrived in bis
car Sunday morning, having left
The Dalles the previous morning,
coming in via Suanl&o and Prine
ville. With him came his niece,
Miss Miriam Ewiue," Mrs. Walt
and A, R. Rogers. Mrs, Walt is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Drake at their home.
La Pine Grows Apsce.
The Hotel Rosland, and T, S.
Bogue's store and postofllce have
been moved from Rosland and per
manently located at La Pine.
Some half dozen other buildings
now are iu place in the new town
site. Subscribe for The Bulletin.
d plenty of lumber avolIaUe for
" v.'. !. " ..,,.
(Continued from page 1.)
cil for sidewalk construction were
discussed. Triplett's motion, Kel
ly seconding, that the City build
all sidewalks already ordered,
charging same to the property waa
lost. Kelly and Triplett voting for
it, Oneil and Ovettutf against it,
acting mayor deciding the draw.
Triplet's motion that all side
walk matters I laid over to 1915
found no second.
Wantkd A girl, for. general
house work. Inquire of Mrs. H.
E. Allen. tf
U. S. '.and 0c,Th Pallet, Ort.,
Notice It bcrtbyibeathatl
, Walter Wncatlcy.
or Laidlaw, Oregou, who, on April to. igui, made
HoraoLid Ho. lyru (tfertal No. ojMt), tor nU
"Xi-KHX' e. ; Twp.,17 . H . W.
U.. huflteil Mile of Inttnllon to tniki l'luil
Commutation 1'roor, to raubllth claim to h
land a bote dracrlbcd, tfor II. C Itllla. U. H.
CummlMloBcr, at hla oBrt, at Head, Oregon, on
lb udajpofHcptcmtwr. llo.
Claimant namra at wllncaMii
Orort W. Hoydtr. I.loculn II. Boot, William
It Handel, I'rtd N. WaUacc, all ofUldUw.or
'son. C.W, MOOHIi.
H Kcglalcr.
Stetson Hats, CIu&it-P,kody Shirts, Arrow
Brans Collars, Mlchodg-Sfrrn Clothing, Hole
Proof and Intarwovan Socks, CtUUr & Crot
sett Neckwear, AM America Shoes.
That's a Few of our Lines.
Are there Any Better?
We are just getting open., Come in and look
tilings over.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Wall Street.
: j-
.v -
t if
4 '
Straw-Ride, Party Monday,
Miss Howling and Miss Castle
gave a (jraw ride Monday evening
for Mis' Caldwell. About twenty
were invited; leaving Bend about
eight they picnicked on the Des
chutes near the Laidlaw bridge.
amiaum 111 iimnj 1
u. n, mini ua a 1 tm llama, uri ,,
Notice la hmbrRitn til"' """
' Louictta liiUlam,
ofTiimalo.ntriou.who. on July M, Ivoj. mula
Ifrwtt Mod Knlry, (IWtial No. 11), No, Ml, lor
II K , W. M.. hat flltd uokc of Inttnllon to
makt I'lnal Fnot to tttaMl.ti claim tolht land
abo dKf llMd. Iwfbia II. C. Kllla. I! n. Cam.
mlulontr. at hla oSk, at Btnd, Orrajoa, 0.1 lh
lh day of Si4traticra ,
Clatmant uamtt wlintaacti
Hubert A. Hcnsiln, fml W. LTtrtni,ros
(). tiiltiam.CbaiUa W. Thocnitallt, all af Tuu
alo, Ore. c. W. MOOHlt,
U. ft. Land oaica at Tb IMIIra. Ore,
Nolle It titrtby altrn tHAl "' ')'
Muntla I'ulliara,
widow afaori H. rulllam, or Tuiuato Ortton.
who. on June n, iv, madt lloiuealcad Knlry
fSerfat No oji4 . No, ijart, U, hku NHU,
NHIT.andlliltJNWH' rCc 17, To?i B., K. II
II., W. M., haa riled nolle or Intention to make
Klnjt Clirfjrtar J'foof to e.lal.ll,li cUlralotht
land abort deacrlUd, Ufor II. C. 1(111, U. M.
Commlatloncr. at hit oBice, at (tend, Oirauu, on
th.yxhdaycf Auiual, iio,
Clalmaot namta aa wnaet:
J'J'1 A' 10tl"i,l'rl W. Lvrttrni, Charlts
W. Thurnwaitr. Ntllla Hvkv.ln. firj. ,i 1.1.
lUta, all ofTutnalo, Urtgon,
c W. MtlDHH,
-'4 niitr,