The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 10, 1910, Image 5

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    i i I 1 II II I
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mMS tjucjr
This department of our business is rap
idly becoming a white elephant on our
hands. In order to clean it out as quick
ly as possible we are making a final cut
on Nails and Galvanized Barbed Wire.
Bj so, per keg
WAUKEQANITO Galvanized fc C A E
Barbed Wire, 140 rds to 100 lbs., pcrlOOlbs.ePOeUO
GL1DDEN Galvanized liarbed Wire
110 rods to 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs.
We will also discontinue our line of
Farm Wagons and Implements and are
making extremely attractive prices. It
will be well worth your while to see us
before purchasing anything in this line.
We want to convince you that
Bend, Oregon.
Bend, Oregon,
The Store of Better Values.
xatterson zJjruq Co.
I E HAVE purchased the stock of
the Merrill Drue Co. and will com
bine this with our own complete stock of
Drugs and Sundries. This will give us
the most complete Drug stock in Central
Oregon. With the many improvements
we expect to make we hope to merit your
patronage and support. Cull unci see us
in our new place.
Patterson kurucj Co.
Enetnuin Uo&nlto
Crook County Abstract Co.
to all luml and town Iota in Crook comity.
D, P. Wvi.DK, Secy,
rrlaevllle, Oregon.
- .T-M !... ! !! ' V " ' '
Warranty Deeds, Bouds for Deed
and Mortgage Wanks for sale at
the Bulletin office.
Leave your subscriptions for
All Magazines
at the Library and let that
institution get the benefit.
ifnu Stove, mattress,
rnnltlntr outfit, dishes. Address
It. Rls, Bend.
Mrs. B. P. Plubart ts now work-
ing at Lara's.
h. Krnest of Powell Buttes was
in Bend on Saturday.
East or West it is the best. Cleve
land's Baking Powder.
Wantud A good live delivery
boy. Inquire at Lara's.
Por Sauj Home Comfort cook
Ing range. Apply Bulletin office.
Miss Alice Caldwell is visiting at
C. B, Allen's ranch on Little River.
Miss Emma Kane has returned
from Redmond to Kokotno, Indi
mile south ol lowu. Hkkmah Sri-
CKR. 31-83
For Satk Irving Piano, a bar-
gain. Inquire at the W. P. Vau
devert ranch. tf
Nick Smith has a particularly
fine lot of ceder, oak aud redwood
cottage doors.
For Salk Small gentle team,
harness and spring wagon, Inquire
Bulletin office.
Por Sals Parlor organ, steel
range, aud other household goods.
C. II. Elms.
Mrs. M. Morrison and Margaret
Wiest are camping near the W. P.
Vandevert much.
Por Salk 5year-otd Saddle
Morse, write or pnoue w. r.
Vandevert Ranch.
Por SAUt One large range
with reservoir uml warming oven.
Enquire or Mrs. M.J. Herriug, it
Wanthd Second-hand wagon,
3or3. Apply at The Bulletin
office or to J. T. Carter, Rpsland.
There will be Mass at the Cath
ollc Church next Sunday conducted
by Father Luke Sheehan at 8 und
For Sai.k $250 buy n good
(earn; new harness; old wagon.
llmty. Address J, W. Brooks,
Mend, Ore. ao-aa
Minn Kershaw. Mr. C. 8. Hud
son and Donald Hudson were at
the former's house on Big River
lat week.
M. Caldwell, father of A. C.
Caldwell, is visiting his son. Mr.
Caldwell, Sr.'s home is iti Castle
Rock, Wash.
One of the prettiest boats on the
new pond is the row boat built by
Charles Stanborough and owned by
him and II. E. Allen.
Miss Ethel Roberts left for Sa
lem last Friday. She will be back
to go on her homestead to the
southeast October roth.
There will be n dance next Satti
itrday pt Ltnster's Variety Hall.
Free skating every Tuesday and
Friday afternoon, for ladies, if
I am going to leave Bend for
some time. All who have bills
agaiuot me please present them for
settlement. John Siskmokk.
Max Richardson, who has been
nt Crcsrcnt with R. B. Gould as
sisting the latter in his engineering
work, returned last Saturday.
Dr. C. W. Merrill, his family
and Miui Nora Richardson left for
the Minor homestead last Saturday.
Dr. B. Pcrrcll visited them Sunday
Dr. W. W. Faulkner now ! etlab.
Hiked in fall new unci well-equipped
dental office In The Bulletin bnllilln
ml U ready to do all kinds of dental
Harold G. Tolstrop, who is em
ployed in the National Cash Mar-
bf.t la In flu. hnntta1 sat1 In ti
suffering from au attack of typhoid'
Mrs, Herring calls her new cafe
"The Sign of the Crane," and its
popularity proves that people have
not forgotten her knack of provid
ing good things. tf
N. N. Hoffman, who took up a
320 acre homestead southeast of
Bend in June, i now on the edi
torial lorce of the Evening Province
of Vancouver, B. C.
Sutherland & Mcintosh have
just completed a abed, 70x20 feet,
next to the Bend Hardware Co.'s
store on Bond street. It will be
used for the storage of wagons.
ForSalk One 4-year-old Jer
sey heifer, one aj-year-old Jersey
heifer, one i-ycar-old Jersey heifer,
two bull calves, one two-seated
hack. L. Cobbiw, Rosland, Ore.
We still have safety deposit
boxes left. You can rent thlse for
$3-5 Pr ycar a fe place for
your valuable papers. You keep
the key. The First National Bank
of Bend.
Frank May. a charter member of
the Bachelor's Club at the Hotel
Bend, states thafthat organization
has been favored with many excel
lent roasting ears ol corn supplied
by J. II. Bean.
Ask your grocer for the 3-tb. and
5-lb. cans of Cleveland's Baking
Powder. They have the screw
top, metal handle under regular
cover. Always air-tight and use
ful when empty.
The pioneer Telephone Co. has
installed four telephones in The
Bulletin building. Manager
Dooner says this is the greatest
number of phones installed in any
building in Crook County.
The Whatsoevers entertainment
on Wiest's lawn last Friday proved
an exceedingly enjoyable affair.
Many kinds of delicious refresh
ments were served, while the games
played added a novel feature to the
One hundred feet of rubber Rrden
hoe, cnt over from the Pilot Ilutte aiw
mill tome daya ago, wa evidently deliv
ered at the wrong place, and anyone
havlni; knowledge, of it will pleaae leave
word nt the office ol the l B, D. Co. or
with A. M. Drake. . it
If your house burned tonight
what valuable papers would you
lose? Could you replace them?
Save the necessity by renting a
safety deposit box; you keep the
key, we keep the box. First Na
tional Bank of Bend.
The masquerade at Llnster's Hall
which originally was scheduled for
tonight .has been postponed until
the eveniug of the latu, in order
that more time may be available for
preparing costumes, There will
be roller skating and music.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brosterhaus
are on a camping trip to the bead
waters of the Metoles aud inciden
tally gathering a supply of black
berries. They are equipped with
canning devices and will bring the
fruit home all packed lor the win
ter. Stravbd April sand, one dark
brown mare; star la face, eight
years old, II C or CH on left sheul
der, left hind leg big at hoof, shod
all around. Liberal reward for in
formation leading to recovery.
Address H. J. Wright, Bend, Ore-
gon, . ti 1
Lost A team of marcs, about
850 weight. One grey, one bay.
Branded 8 on left shoulder. Both
have halters on. Lost nix miles
east of Princvillc road. Send in'
formation to Bulletin office. $20
reward for recovery. -Clarhnck
V. Barto. r-jlf
President A L. Millsf the First
National Bank, Portland, with his
son Lewis, Etiot Corbett, and Dick
Russell of Cambridge, Mass , who
is a guest of young Mills, were in
town yesterday on their way out
from a week's camping trip at
Crane Prairie.
Henry Linster temporarily is
using the Fairbanks-Morse crnso
line engine belonging to The Bui
Ictiu In his machitieJhop. Its in
stallation in The Bulletin's shoo
has been has been delaved because
of the non-arrival of power fixtures
for the presses.
Attorney W. H. Wilson and wile
of The Dalles awl Mr., and Mrs.
Charles Durbln of Antl9i,,wcre
Bend visitors yesterday. The Wil
sons have been guelts at the Ante
lone ranch of the Durbins, who
drove them over for their first look
at this locality.
l'OR fUr.8 LownKR We have i one
dry Mieri 80,000 feet of (InUheil lumber,
allilzctaml klixlt from I to 34 inchea
in wiiUh. Alio dooraml window jam,
window atooli, building ahlnglet, etc.
We can make arrangement to deliver
anywhere. Send u vour order. J, N,
Maaten Lumber CO., KoUn), Ore. tf
H. Ti. Cornlhg, at! electrical en
gineer recently from Mexico and
originally from Seattle, arrived
Saturday night from Klamath
Falls. Mr. Corning is interested
in securing .some land for develop
ment in the Deschutes Valley. He
is much pleased with Bend, and
says it is by far the most promising
lowu he has encountered in Central
Hand us your subscription.
Sightly Residence Lots
Aubrey Heights
VIEW of City and Surround
ing Country.
REMEMBER. This Is the future
residence district, of GREATER
BEND. Our engineers will have the
plats ready in a few days. Come
early and moke your selections.
Choice residence lots 10 per cent
cosh and 5 per cent per month.
Deschutes Realty Co.
KNIVES . . . 75c to $2.50
RAZORS $1.50
SCISSORS . . . 50c to $1.00
Were $2.00
We Sell at a Small Profit.