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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1910)
ju 31. -fl r 81 at' ft I 3? if J II i I' ll f $ 4 f l id THE BEND BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: Qnt ytirwiHMMMMi nlC WWH""i Thrw meatfet. MM I (tnwiUblr In Jnce.) WKDNSSDAY, AUG. io, toto. The death of Harvey V. Scott, editor of the Portland OregonUn for 40 yearn, marks tbe passing of a truly resarkable nan. He died last Sunday la Johns Hopkins hos pital, Baltimore, of heart failure, after a surgical operation. He came from the soil, struggled up through great difficulties to a posi tion of preeminence and held unap protchable swa there for a gener ation He was a prodigious work er always. His mind was strong, leceptive, active, and it was his habit to master a subject before dealing with it in a public way This gave him the leadership which he so long held. He was not pop ular In the ordinary sense, because so few could approach his high level and get into sympathy with him, but of self-asscrtiveness, of narrow pride or petty arrogance, no man was ever more free. Oregon may well say, as did Hamlet: He mi a man, take him for alt In all, We shall not look upon hit like again. The high-minded, honest, sensi tive Attorney-General of the grent state of Oregon has taken his facile pea in hand and complained to toe District Attorney of Multnomah county about the "Hillraan" town site swindle. Whereupon the Port land Oregonlan also discovers the iniquity. How potent an impend ing election is to rouse public func ttouarieu to protect the public! The bet that the Hillman swindlers have gotten awav with the swan and don't care much now what happens renders this belated pro test rather childish. The papers notably the Portland Telegram and the Bend Balletin have set this matter forth in its true charade repeatedly, so there is nothing new in it at this time We are now looking for the Attorney-General to announce that there was a rotten irrigation deal in Babylon. The people dearly love to 1ms hum bugged. Present to them some thing of real mejlt, give them ac curate information, and they resent It. The human critter is n pux sling animal. Initiative petition enterprises have received quije a shock here in Bend very little enthusiasm for them any more. The recent elec trical disturbances attending the signing of the road petition Is said to account for the popular aversion. "Dittna ye hear Speaker Cannon? the slogan," Tbe numerous and destructive forest fires call attention afresh to the necessity of greater care to prevent such catastrophes. Inci dentally the comparative exemp tion of the yellow pine belt must be noted. This timber in Eastern Oregon seldom sutlers from wild fires. It does not grow in such masses as does fir and the absence of underbrush deprives tbe flames of much food. About tbe only' forest fires in this region occur in jackpine thickets or canyons where thare may be a favoring draft of air. Deschutes timber is as safe a money in the bank. CAPSIZE ON ODELL. Bend Party Has Narrow Escape and Lose Equipment. A party of Bend men while on an outing at Inku Odell were the victims of a boat-capsizing accident which cost them (our guns, pevcrnl tishinc rods and a considerable amount of valuable camping equip ment. On Saturday, July 30th, the campers left uenit tor the lake, comprising the following: A, C, Lucus, jun Holmes, John Morgan, Prof. Thorne, S. G. Dorrls, the game warden, Captnin Parker, a representative of the Remington Arms Co. and Col Jenkins. After a hunting trip to the west end of Lake Odell the party was returning to cimp, Messrs. Lucas, Morgan, Thorne and Jenkins in u sailboat, behind which was towed a second boat containing Parker, Holmes and Dorris, when suddenly a squall of wind upset the leadiug boat, dumping all its occupants into the water. The boat capsized in 50 feet of water, about 100 leet from shore. The three in tbe trail boat did good work in rescuing the others. Everything beside the sailors, however, went to the bot tom of tbe lake excepting the dog, which was first ashore. It is said that an effort will be made to recover the lost guns by dragging. Wanted -A girl, for general house work. Inquire of Mrs. H. E. Allen. tf MERRILL RESIQNS. Meeting to Elect School Hoard Mem ber to rill Vacancy. Due to the resignation of C. V. Merrill from the School Board, of which he has been chairman, be cause he has sold out his business unit is leaving town indefinitely, it has become necessary to elect an other mcmlvcr to the school board For this purpose meeting of the school voters has been called for t p. in, 011 August aoth. Subscribe for The Bultctin. Injured on llurncd Sidewalk. J, II. Syphcr, who is employed at the National Cash Market, met with au accident white walking to his home last Saturday night. lie was walking along the sidewalk 011 the went side of Bond street just north of Minnesota, when his foot struck one of the half burned plank, which, he says, was loose and turned hulf on edge. This he did not see In the dark; his foot caught beneath the plank, and he fell, landing on his arm and cracking a bone in his left wrist. MPWtMMMMM 9BM Bend Hardware Co. Owing to a decline in wire products we are making new prices on Nails and Galvanized Barked Wire as follows: NAJLS, base, per keg . . Members of The BEND REALTY BOARD Multnomah county closed the Portland bridges without perratV skB of the War Department. When the people do these things for themselves, instead of crying to the government to do it for them. they get along. One must have tbe discernment to kuow where such latitude is proper, however Tbe public good will always com mand respect But not .so with selfish schemes urged on the ground i public b-nrri BEND TOWNSITE CO. BEND REALTY EXCHANGE J. L. BYRNE , CENTRAL ORE. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DESCHUTES REALTY CO. J. A. EASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. HENKLE HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. W. R RILEY What's rue matter with Kansas? Also, and especially, with Iowa? The voters are do'ng some think lag lor themselves and are voting their Intelligence instead of their prejudices these gladsome raidsum mtr days. Even the national ad ministration is beginning to take notice that character and citizen ship mean -ometliiriK diiTrent from 'ii r 11 iim tin WImi' he u-e ot ejes that set nut? The bliiul Senator Gore saw plainly enough an attempt to bribe him and he made it known; and bow it transpires that others had similar evidence before them but were afraid to speak publicly of it. Publicity is a great cleanser. Let us have more of it and of the men who ore not afraid of it. The Buckley Express Co. Direct Express Service between Sbaniko and Bend. Two Rius Each way every week Careful Attention. No Stops! Heavy Galv. Barbed Wire per 100 lbs. . Light Galv. Barked Wireper 100 lbs. . 5.30 5.80 FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Faints, Glass, Jltiihlcrs Hardware, Hoofing. Everything yon need for yonr new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Wall Street 3 Wo have in stock a full line of tbe famous WINONA WAGONS L J Bend Hardware Co. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. VRUB AUTOMOMLB TRIP from Bend to the lands and return for all who locate. LIST YOUR CITY PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT A QUICK SALE. Write for Particulars, to Merrill (2b Wilkinson Company MINI), OIUIOON. 3 3MSMBBII I II r .JWW-J CITY DRAY BARNKY MtWIS, PROP. SowethtKg more than j4 col. uhm or city ordinances, out of a total of about 13 colurns of live (?) matter, makes pretty heavy sled dins ir the "constant reader" in August 4th buue of our neighbor, The Hub. At ten cents a line, however, it is distinctly worth while from a business, if net a lit erary, MHBUpomi. i-iT "V city mm we hanoTb nveRYTiiiNa Leave your order with Nick Smith Wall St,, Bend Tite Portlaud Oregouian has JbrowH up the sponge for Secretary Ballisger; but Director Newell, of tbe Reclamation Service, is still doing btuiHeM at the old stand. Is the light finally beginning to break on tbe President? Is this, after all, corseting more than a puddingbead government? ! !! m Why interfere with "Unifed WhwW or with "Hnlsuu"? CRATER Liberal induce merits offered for ine location 01 a small saw mill immediately at Crater. See J. T. Robinson Jr., lo cal representa tive of Crater Buildino. 0 il mm- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKJan .BliiiiiiiiiiiiH.r- &g mtmmm-9tmmK LJ REMEMBER, TUB Fishing Season Commences April First. We carry a full line or the very best Tackle. Big new shipment just in. Rods, Flies, Leaders, etc. S. C. Caldwell LQ EVftYTMNfi for the Fisbrflu. RIVERSIDE and LYTLE ADDITIONS Lots 50x140 feet, Wide Streets, 20-foot Alleys, $175. TO $400. PER LOT. Terms: Small cash payment- Balance $10 per month. J. A. EASTES, Agent Oregon Street; between Wall and Bond BEND, OREGON. ESTIMATES VUHNISIIKD MODKRK BUNGALOWS For - Quick Construction, CUon SHER.RITT Sb WOOLLEY Architects and Builders. NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS PROPERTY FARM LANDS A. A. DICKICI' J, W. MCCMJKK J. COODPltl.t'.OW CROOK COUNTY REALTY COMPANY We have farm lands and city properly for sale. If yon wish to purchase, see us. If you have unything for sale, see us. We are here for business ond will treat you right. ' C C F? CO. totaling Building, Wall Street, Bend Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sli, AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANEjManagcr STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Piee,yatriee and Cfcf,f :J Meals Served at Regular Hours. E. MONCRIEF "omlst" "cxt t0 Du,fel,n offlc,r' 9 I II 1