M Say Where's that Pig? ff llrrlaMl.ft In anr eomar ef On tfirtlmnit w. want It Wa want a much drMMil wtk w ran pnailbly sat. We will lt a fiaWa far prulur. W er tate off rimiml.alon, tllilp liy eipr nresaeit Pork.,,.,,,,., ..,. I3U uienaetiyaiil,,,,, io rrrnti i-rrtn ,,, ,. , ,.,,,,,,,, as Live ChlcWna-liena. I.. , Wo spun chickens !.""""" xo Ailiirne ill elilpm.nl, rANIC U SMITH MEAT CO. "richtin the But Trust" VOKTLAND, OHCaON Dr. B. E. Wright llv your tth nul niul plt ami Wtlta wwk 4mt, lor wilHftuwn patrun we flnUM pUU en-l IrMK work In win day If iwrroury. I'ltlCnt! . KArfiMM $5.00 mUrUflM JJ.S0 Wltw ., JU rMwitAw, $i.oo UwIAhi 50c, ti I MmJfoH ISM Pee W RpWf . r ru,.,.. W-M rku ii.fa w HKtrrMtmioiHi rdnli-M Katierllun r'rwe when pUt or hrMft wk bwlrml Vnaultalkm ma. Yuu cannot cm lllr palnl work anr "hare, rut metur haw tnurh ymi pf. All WmIi rullf Ouaranlrtd for rittccn Yeere Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 Wathlngton St., Portland, Oregon fie rr it depot end tranafar U WuMniUm UL Oarmsn (Standard for Horses. The (lortimn standard for horses heavily worked U lo have n radon ftirnWhtnK 1.3 pounds digestible pro tein nn J H.3 pounds digestible carbo hydrates nnd fat n tiny, which strut a nutritive ratio of l.z. JMsnt life rarely thrive under ysw nil aeh tree. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVCR nro quickly relieved by Wyatt'a Aitlima Krntrdf. Guaranteed or money refund ctl. Ask your drugglat or onJ six cent poatngo for Krvo Sample to J. C. WYATT, Druf iUt. VANCOUVtR. WASHINGTON. PACIHC CMPLOYMCNT CO. M" IVftUnJ. Omcun rUIINISMCS HELP THEE 10 tUflOYCRS Uatn U. It North Karond flt Mil MTOs A IMS Udtea l pt BAt Mnat t Mat IOOj A ID44 lliww or wliv unlara at Mr t pmmm. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Vt cUaa wtk at mtaunau prtoa. Fre aiamtnalloa ml prfwilr aiud lIuillM ItfM $2.00 S. f.kln tMthaU. OK. a L. ItAYNCS Suite 427, Marqunm Building Kwrth f'tac OppoiIU PorlUnJ HoUl, Portland Or. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IK PAINLESS DENTISTRY I'alntfM Klfllon ,....F( Bll.tr rilllnn , ,.J0 oou riiilrijta 7J MK. Oold Crowns... U lorl.lii Crown ..) MoUrQvMCrown...,,,.4 llrl.Ii Work, K. OoU. , . t J InUrr'IIU.I'uitOoU ..,,.. trr NIc Kutibtr 111. . . .M fltlt KubUrll.tt on It. Ih IT ALL THIS WOXK IS OUAUAMTKBO. IVin'llhruwtour mny awr. AiUIUrurnl Itlwndulkrrrnrit. OurorUlnlrIUIlMul.ra lnU M.tlw.U hj our pcrfxtxl unc)ulp rtwnlNiv4UimNfi.l iim rmtmrr. lifllTONDINIII.3lhMrrfB,rrtUa4 Utiu IH Unm. n" r-orrt ! win a mk. ruuw4 u rwiuibi is i.i. , mm Mil I m4 Iak4.it uull IMOk M pratU W vwk. iiniii 18 THE TIME nun BEST r Ik rr tn b nr Ulk pul 4 pll 4 l.rldt mik ami, rnrvul. oMwa tblttt it Palfh pll rlJy Vot I Oct tirlltmwrfi Uio.ti M.!u Cii.it $5.00 B(U(tTHU3.60 cwui;.n 1.00 ftiail rHhn 1.00 gUf r;mci .60 miit. 6.00 Mitti 7.50 r.lol.ll t.lrll.60 BtT MkTNOO M. W. L WIH. fnwirt tM MutMl nlblM. IUtrtllMi II IHM ifimfli n rwnut i r i rkta pHi or Irl J oik Ytv. Vourioli.iUlll b prl.mL Umtttiuilna Vro. Tom tnl ail uim Minima wnia aainn.ra.iiu wiwrw. n.. v- iw 'All work fully unmiilortl tor Iliru .ar. Wise Dental Co. INCORIOIATD Painless Dentists Mloi Butldlnc. TkHa I WtiMntloo, rOHTUKO. OHM reAt.ii. u,t. ir. u. iu4.rt.iui C. Gee Wo The Ghln&ss Declor Tlila wnruleful roan li nukl a Ufa atuily uf th ttrvprrllM of llonlt. Ilrrlo ami llarka, ami la k-lvlnir III" wurUI Ilia UntAlof liU i-vlc. No Mercury, Poltons or Druit Uttil. No Oprallon or'Culllns fluirantroa to cur Oalarrh. Ailhma, I-uni, lllwnkrhunil KUnry truukkM, aiul all 1'rlvaU IUMv of U n ami Woman. A SUnK CANCER CURE Juitrtx-cly.dfrom l'rktn, CUritt lafo, auro anlrlUbfo, U..f.lllnirlnlUworkt. I f you rannot call, write for ymptom Unk ami circular, tnclua 4 rent In (tamp. CONSULTATION rRtC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162U rirtt St., cof. MorrUon, Portland, Of, J WulDtMKm ftr 11 T "The Nowlr Wnila," flomotlinci wo Interpret too lltflralljr, "1 wnnt to Ipiirri to invito Jolly," anM tlko iiflwly lntnlluil lioimowlfo. "Is It hriir "Oil, Ixjrd, no, muml" ropllpil' the cook, with Rupromu pity, "ll'u tuft." Judgp. Worms 'Caarartlt r crrulnly flnr. it, frlrnd nn. Iavi ifatlnfffilni I mnrnlng or when Hit dutior ut ini ror rancar t thrilm'i.th, Tk. iiri Imir plrrranf a lap worm h i.r4 II Hit it cot a Ini and III lliltf ilayahf INiunt aiap'Worm 48fa rmi. it wat ir in r'irck, in Minrrtixirg, MuphlnCo ra, m null a oikcrforC.ua. rtlt, I um llicm myMlraml flrtrl Idem Unrflcltl (or moat any riltrat rauanl by lliiliinr lilwul." Cti... IV Comloultwlilonlr., (Mliniii Coj I'lruanl. I'aUuMi I'otnil hat 0"L Iktllia.l NarKIk-n Wkan or flrlpa. 10c, tU. too, N.rvr toll In lailk. Tharan. ulna latitat tUmp-il C O U. Uoarantowl to or or your munay lrk. Yiiulliful 'Inalw, IWo keep our own cow," explained the !ioMi'H, protally. "Bo we're sure of our milk." "Well," Interruptrd the anmll aon pf the Kinmt, anttlnif down hlf cup, "aomnlinity'a aluiiR you with a iuuf lOW'Toll'dn lllniln. I'hrrr'm Itraann. rhyalclan I have told you to Ink lonir wiilli. In Ilia opun air, and you are not dolnir 11. Conflrnird Dyapoptlo I know It, doc tor, but'ynu toM tne 1 waa to take them on an empty nlomaqh, nnd I novur hnvn an empty alomncli, CIiIcjko Tribune. Wot rurllrwlarlr Imprraaod. fr. Upiotne You bad a tood time aeelnr the Itlvltrn while you war abroad, I preaume. Mr. Htruckott-Itltoli nr yea. but one performanre wai enourth for ma. I've aen It plnyrd Iota better rliihl hare In Cincinnati. Chicago Tribune. Tlinu.lil llnlrllv. "What li a totom polar blt wife aikpd, "A totem pole." ho anld, thlnklnn fait, "la the rnll or polc-Hn which an objccllouable clllicn Is ridden or toted out or uie community." Iluffa' lo Kiprcaa, Kclslcr's Ladies Tailerin? College cutiinc, rlttlnir, Drnftlni;, UcsiL'n Inif. Tallorlnj: and nreiuimrtklnjr taught. Strictly ut-to-(lato In ovcry atylo and lainion. wmo lor icrmi. 143 1-2 Cnratb St. Fertliui OftM Neth&Co." COLLECTORS W flry anal CollrU Ntct, Uortf it, oihI Ral talsta CoMlrocU. Uf Colltiilaai No Chart Worceater VUig I'ortUnd, Ore. ITCH CAN BE CURED In a arwrt lima by utlne PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In tAfit rant only. A'Urr. TLUMMCR DHUO COMPANY Third and Madison I'orUand, Or GALL CURE HORSE COLLARS An mad orar CiirrVJ flair Wi and wUI not (U th Mir. Writa ua for fr aainpU of th rod, OIa th nam f your hamaoa daalrr Hold by l dealer vrywh.r. W.II.McMONIES&CO. PORTLAND, OHtGON COFFEEt TEA SPICES BAKINO POWDER v- EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT ciissFrinrvFuV pomuMo, oac j NOXALL Koot Itainoily OR TCNDCII. ACtlINO, OUIlNINOANDINriAMtD FEET KNOCKS AW. OFr'3- BtroHt ivi: oix)it3 ArttR I'rka IS conU. At all drumUta or by matt A JJrou Or, O. O. rLETCJ ICR Alisky Bide, Portland, Orecon xu your ckocir rox k. t s. brand of Maeukj Diskftdint Spray nu.mm CoM Water USuiu Starch "Oeu, 0" Nofl-Benisg Washla Fluid rK.ADS,C"tMlcAi'i nWARMAClsfS Kf luur.lllMf .11 tan. IMiltlTUt j Phona Main 113 401 Mia St. Vmcmiver, WasUegloa NamedicO. ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES NATlOrlAt MEDICIN CO.. LTD. ontaonHsL Portland, dr. J. APPENDIOITI R .1 qalr " jir tor A Ik all l lli Salla. Ulx KLMLUT, 1 Aiipawllaltlt without InJailaoia ptruanaal our I a abort .M&niAlJ. REMrDY. Ika all U tan, una. iinmaai.i raiiai, tuaoia irutanwu. 'm. .i. m ,.nn .iu.. Vor VVaw.u'i illuieoit, luniort. qltk llow. It. Al liUkataa. atdnu ana uiMJtr 11 ftlaVtw Haltattd Work la a homa trwlm.at. Vru r ull kod w will Hitla. tarsal Iraalaaal !' !ai Wl jry ii t' 5i? I NOT IN TUB LEAST ALIXX. OlrTertmt Wnya Tafl nnd HnoaoraH llnv of Luoltlnw at Mfe, Kitumally Tnft Is ovorythlnif that lloosovett Is not, writes William Allen Whlto. Tnft begins each day by a weary, painful, perfunctory half-hour of Kymnastlc gyrations a kind of canned oxcrcliu which, having been opened nnd devoured, tlnUhcs bis phy sical duty for tho day. Itoosevelt lakei his exnrilso In tho open, with the joy of a satyr In It. Itoosevelt's mental processes aro quick, Intuitive and sure, Until he has made up his mind he Is a most open-minded person. Tat works It out. Ho Is never too sure to recelvo now ovldnnce, Toft grappltfs a proposition, wrestles with It without resting and without fatigue until It is settled or solved. His Joy Is found at tho end of tho road. Itoosevelt's joy Is found In many roads, Jin wearies of monotony, and keeps divers Interests In bis nlnd, many things to employ him under tho head of unfinished bu li nens. If Providence Is slow In sending wars and rumors of wars what bo, tar the nature fakirs) Let us be up and doing, Roosovelt has a marvelous moral senso; he has a detective's nose for finding Iniquity In measures. Taft hat a prodigious capacity for hard, con secutlve work and an Instinct for evi dence founded on a broad, charitable affection for men, whom ho knows as a hunter knows his dogs; and Taft finds tho right of things, as Itoosevolt finds It, but by a different patrt Taft en Joya his meals. Itoosevelt, absorbed In work or play, would eat hay and not know It. With Itoosevelt culture U like bear hunting, trust fighting, muck raking or fence Jumping, a rsvnpsnt, gorgeous reaction upon bis Insatiable soul. With Taft culture Is a sweet, In definable mental and moral dlgestaat tlncturo that colors his soul's eyes so that ho may see a delightful world; or, to change tho figure, It Is an easy gar ment, a sort of drapery of his spiritual couch, which, he wraps about him and lies down to "pleasant dreams." tied, Wrak, IVrarr. WaUrr Eye. rtellaved Ily Murin Kr lUroedy. Try Murine for Your Kya Troublr. You Will Uk Murine. It Booth-. Wo at Tour DrustrtaU. Write Kor Kf Hooka. Vree. Uurlne Uye ltemedy Co.. Chlcaco, ATCHISON OLOBK BiaitTS. The trouble with luck Is It Is most ly of the wrong kind. Homo homes always look aa If the family has Just moved In, About the -only vacation some poo pie get Is In Interruptions la their work. A woman Is Immensely flattered It her husband tells ber she Is "broad minded." As soon as we get rid of one diffi culty, wo usually Snd another waiting to take Its place. The only people who really have a good time are those who enjoy being Imposed upon. Occasionally you meet a man who dislikes to attract attention. But such men aro extremely rare. There are a good many devils la the world, according to the man who al ways wants to give the devil his due. The older people get, tho less regard they havo for looks In their "night lea," and the more for comfort. Women uso the same expressions of sorrow In telling ot a disappointment it a dressmaker aa of a disappoint ment In love, A man was trying to speak ot a pacifier to-day, and referred to him aa "pcaccWor." Why Isn't "peacob tiff" a good word? Mothers win Cad Mrs. WlBtloVa rtoitfetai Trup tb brat rnmfdr to m tot their obUdraa auilDf the loelhlnc ijilol. Better Than Uaual. Snodgrass Did you have good luck on your last hunting trlpT Nymrodd Dollar than usual; I was shot at only four times and hit only twice. ' Hlrnlrr. Squire Durnltt 1 notice theya tots more funerals In your town than wa have In Lonulyvllle, Uncle Welby CJoah (of Drearyhurat) Yea; peoplo aeem to kind o' hate the Idee of boln' found dead In your vll-' lags. Came Old Kind. Itugglos Have you a flreloss cooket tn your kitchen? Itaggles Yea, but It's flreleae be cause I can't afford to buy fuel tor it any more. .THE KEYSTONEi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S, STOMACH BITTERS Tho process of digestion and assimilation depends entirely upon the condition of the stomach. If yours is weak take a short course of the Bitters. It prevents Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cramps and Diarrhoea. HEAT AGAIN HITS CHICAGO Torrid Weather Extends From Atlantic to Rockies Five Dead, Others Dying Msd Dogs Olio Three Authorltes Work to Save the Babies. Chicago Notwithstanding cool weather In Chicago because of a stiff broczo off tho lake, flvo persons died Wednesday, -many wcro prostrated, of whom four will probablyjjdlc, and three wcro bitten by rabid" doga. All tho country from tho Rocky mountains to tho Atlantic aoabonrd swelters under a voritablo blanket of heat and many cases of suffering nro reported" from various cities, . WcauV or forecasters say thcro is no relief In sight and that tho temperature will go higher. In somo sections cf tho coun try special services wore held in the churches, at which prayers wcro offer ed for rain and cooler weather. Tho focus of the heat wava seems to bo slowly moving oast, although it has been centered two days In Kanssa and Oklahoma. Thermometers in Kansas registered 100 and higher. Southern cities report unusual heat, accompan ied by fitful showers which aro quickly reduced to steam, making breathing difficult and painful. In Chicago tho great fight by health officers and charity organizations la centered In saving the thousands of babies, who suffer more from improper care than from tho torrldlty. Agents of all tho organizations are working night and day In tho Ghetto and other congested districts warning parents about overfeeding and neglecting to bathe their children and keep their houses clean. In these districts tho population Is chiefly sleeping on flro escapes and doorways and lit any open spot whero a breath of air may bo-obtained. Ex tra precautions aro being taken to muzxlo dogs and to slay- all without licenses, because of tho largo number of them going mad from the beat. At tho bathing beaches hundreds stood In lino patiently waiting for suits. All tho beaches keep open nights, to glvo exhausted humanity an opportunity to cool off in preparation for the morrow's siege. A terrific electrical and hall storm swept over tho Michigan fruit beltl Thousands of acres of com and oats wcro riddled and the damage to the fruit cannot be estimated, but will be very heavy. Nebraska reports the hottest weath er on record, with fierce hot winds shriveling everything. In Northern Missouri a temperature of 105 Is re ported, with no rsln since June 8. ARCTIC ICE CRUSHES SHIP. a Conditions Worst In 26 Years, .Says Schooner's Captain. Seattle The steamship Mackinaw. from Kotzcbuo sound, reports speaking tho wooden schooner Volant In the sound July C. Captain Bcckland, of tho Volantc, which is carrying food stores and mail to Point Barrow, saya that the Ico in the Arctic is tho worst ho has known In 26 years. The passengers and crew of the power vessel Joe Matthews, which waa crushed in the Ico at Chlnik, near Gol ovln Day, wcro 12 hours on tho Ice be fore being rescued by tho United States revenuo cutter Bear. Two of the passengers wcro severely frostbit ten. Thcro Is groat excitement on Kotxo buo sound over new gold diggings dis covered near Candle, and thcro has been a mad rush to the new field. Cash Gone Beyond Recall. Now York - Tho "gentlemen's agreement" between thojRusso-Chlncao bank and its missing caahlor, Erwln Wider, who la accused of embezzling COO.000 worth of stocks and bonds, has expired and the district attorney's office haa been asked to taku action and a private de'-cctlvo agency was put on the case. The bank Is now pretty well convinced that all the huge sum stolen has vanished beyond recovery. A story that Wider had a power of at torney from tho banks finds full cred enco in Wall street, 3,000,000 Band Under Way. Halelgh, N. C Thrco million farm era aro to band together to attempt to defeat tho membora of congress and other officials deaf to tho demands of agriculturists for laws advancing their interests, according to Charles S. Barret, president of the Farmers' union, Mr. Barrett said the organiza tion was working on a list of such legislators which will bo known as the "Doomsday book," to be issued before tho noxt November elections. Young "Ted" at Bay City. San Francisco With peeled nosea and decided coats of tan giving evi dence of fa much out-of-door honeymoon In tho sunny clime lor Santa uarbara. Theodoro Roosovelt,iJr. and his wife arrived In San Francisco and aro regis tered at a'local fashionable hotel, Hawaii Will Remain Wet. Honolulu A light vote waa cast at tho Prohibition oloctlon hore. Incom plete returns from all the Islands gave the "wets" 7,215 votes and 2,140 for tho "drya." The "wota" won In Hon olulu by a vote of 2,833 to 015. Tho Kind You JIavo AIwftyM Itougltt linn lnnto tho Hlgna turo of CIiiih, II. I'iotclicr, and han been mmlo under his pergonal nupcrrlslon for over HO yearn. Allow no one to deccivo you in thin. Counterfeits, Imitation and "7iit-nf-frnod" aro hut Experiment, nnd ctulnnger tLu health of Children Expcrlcnco against Experiment What is CASTORIA Canlorin. In n. hnrmlcnn ntihstltuto for Cnntor Oil, lartv Rorlc, Drop and Soothing- Hyrtinn. It hi I'lcannnt. It contnlnn neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jn'nrcotlo fiuuMtnuco. IOi ngo in its pttarnntcc. It destroys Worms and nllnyn Fovcrlahnean. It curcn Dlnrrluen and "Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething; Trouhlcn, curcn Constipation nnd I'lntttlfitcy. It anslnillnten tho Fond, regulates the ,N to tunc! i mid IJowcIn, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the In Use For CzyfieU6M Sherman Jpfay & Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. iy.' --" . '. i?r - . our right! i We this Wellington Piano wo're selling -i aHRJeHHHHHku " - - -- we'ro willing to lot it be ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will tell if t own Hory lo you In your homo if you'll send us the coupon. I'Uas una me full particulars concerning this unusual Ptemo or. Name Matter of Years, Knox Poplolgh doesn't brag about 0at bright boy of bis any more. llloxs-Haa he Oiaaed to be brigntT Knox Not exactly. He aays about the same sort ot things as formerly, but bo's got to tho age whore they are saucy. England's Low Birth Rats. England's birth rate last year waa the lowest on record 25.68 a thousand ot population. This Is nearly LO be low the rale for 1908. which showed a slight Increaso over 1907. tho first for many years. Still Cheaper. last it cheaper to move than to pay rentT I inquired of the young married man. "I suppose It Is," he replied with a settled air. "but my plan Is cheaper than either; I live with my fathor-la-law." TRY. MURINE "SJM" EYE REMEDY t. wa ra. it Uauld Ferra, He 50c Silt TuWt, 2Sc, 11.09. ROHKE THE CAST OF Uttft INCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND Why lie Old, It, "So you read every word ot th re ports ot that Investigation." "Yes." "And you fee benefited "Unquestionably. I won my bet with the man who thought I wouldn't have the necessary nerve and endurance." Your Hair Contrary? Is it inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and comb! Feed It. nour ish It, save it with Aycr's Hair Vigor, new Improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Dot$ net chann Mc cwor aA hah. A TortauU wltkMk. U1 BUaw It your IMIlt k aim . It, thaadoaatiaajja iters aaaaaaaai We certainly believe this, or we would not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made front our new improved formult, is r great preparation tor tne nsir ana SCllD. Stons filling hair. Curaa daw drun Promotes the growth of hair. a -Mill ta J, O. Ay O., LawtU, Kiw.- B Signature of Over 30 Year. Wo want you to try this Piano IN YOUR HOME FREE. We want you to try it at czpeme because; At tho end of thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you of tho following facta: It's tho best value on earth for the price ($27G). It'a MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY- know thcro is so much real value in for $275 on aiwy paymtnts that Addrai, Hlnt at the Reason. . "The patient la much better today nurse." "Yes, doctor. Yea resseaaber yeas didn't cat! yraterdar" The Sun's Heat , The sus will continue to give ot it present amount of beat for thirty saO lion years. .KePtoLWXtt-HOWHWtC-TC Drure MAavrs rtrnmomyemai wimnriMTTwrir roanANi DAISY FLY KILLER l:i23: Mt.(MlkMMBS UL tWektrt. MsjajaJ aMwWa.'aa.-eiaal Miiu.i". MtM M I Mhaa aMl taaii. 1 xaaetB saataasj cava- a ura-a-W Union Painless Dentists rnStof Taaih. v .... S.M UrUs Work or Tr(h wlduxit Plat-. iS JO to M Gold Crown 3).5u$3.e) IVrcaUln Crown W.5 to S.w CuU or 1'omUla Flllln 1.U BJrar rutin-. SOctail.M UMtruuMJd ........ .....7.5 Na chart for PalnlnM Extracting-whan otaf work I dona. IS r-ra CuaranlM with U work. Hour. 8 a. ra. to S p. . SUH Morriaon 8trar, Drives awav Plica, Mosquitoes and Gnat. It protects "horses and cattle trow attacks of insects, enabling them to feed aa4 sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight snd strength from worry caused by attacks of insects, and from the InriUtlott of their bites and stings. There is a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge ot maddening parasites and flies, besides the profit in returns. Horses do more work oa lesa feed and cows yield more and better milk when relieved from the frenzy Incited by constantly fighting a swam w voracious, Insatiable insects. Four sizes, aje, soc, 75 ad Jr.a. Ask your merchant for it. IIOYT Chkmical Co. Poctlaad. Orsgoa FNU KO.Sl-'lw w HXN wrrtln r t a4Trti W weailosj ia paper. ,7i TEETH f yBP-rWivtm- f?urc: II 1' TVaC5S S afl f 7 iYj 4 VmV Bji-iE-HkssrV tgSL