THE BEND BULLETIN VOI,. VI II BEND, ORKOON, WJIDNKSDAY, AUG. 10, 1910. NO. 32 warn o m s GN Judge Lovctt, Chief of Great System, Visits Dcnd. NO CURTAILMENT OP WORK !!at(flJ-Vtfit Line of this System Uncertain At Yet-Oregon Officials Accompny New ' York President. If the country will produce traffic to lupport railroads, I think we ought lo build the railroads," ald I'reildcnt kovett, of the liar rlman system, in llentl yesterday. He put npcclal stress on the "we," meaning the Harriman intercuts. "I had never personally examined interior Oregon," he continued "and atn taking thin trip for the purpose of looking into native caudltiouR and Retting acquainted with the country. I find there is plenty of It. s "I wanted more particularly to get an idea of the route of our pro poud line between Ontario and Ode!l (Crescent). We have a pre liminary survey for a Hue there. We may build there or we may change tbe line materially." "la there a possibility that your line to Ontario may join your north-and-sonth line nt Hcnd?" "I don't believe I ought to dis cuss that," was the non-committal answer. "This country will have trans portatlou 100 11. I know of no rcAsou for interruption of work now under way. Wc ore already committed to construction of a line from the Columbia to this vicinity, and wc are building the Natron Klamath road, Ikyond these no announcements are yet ready. Clearly the prescut is not a good time to float railroad securities and the raising of money for new enter prises is something of a problem. Kvcrvtblng will doubtless work out all right in its time, but it is uot quite wise to promise too much for the future. I niuit say that the agricultural value of the region we have traversed docs not seem to me above question. Of course there will be other traffic." Judge Lovelt and Private Secre tary Cornell came in with General Counsel Cotton, General Manager O'Brien, General Traffic Manager Miller, Kuglnecr Iluck of the O. R. & N. and Locating KnglnccrStrad ley of the Oregon Short Line, the party traveling In three Picrcc-Ar-row cars. They had started in at Ontario last Saturday and traversed the Harney valley, thence to Lake view and Paisley, and Sumner, Christmas and Silver lakes to Uend. Here they stopped a couple of hours for lunch, prtrt of the party being cntcrtnlued nt A. M. Drnkc'n and patt nt A. M. Lara's, and then they continued on to I'rincville. Prom there today they will drive across the Cascades to Lebanon and go thence to Portland, Messrs. O'llrlcn, Miller and Iluck wcie pver practically this same route iiIkmiI alx weeks nuo. Klamath Palls being left out of the itinerary this time. The country grows upon them ns they get ac quainted with it and they express themselves as much plenved with the evidences of progress which they obicrve. They arc filled with udmlratloii of Ilend. Kven Attor ney Cotton,- who pleads guilty to the charge of bcine an alfalfa crank, now admits that the Des chutes country may be n success fill alfalfa producer. BOARDJSjCUIBirailN WOULD HAVE EXHIBIT ROOMS lisnquet Most Successful Plan to Aid In Exhibit Collection Work Mais Meeting to Consider Ulster Club. MANY AID THE 'GOOD WORK Fruit of Many Kinds, Corn, OraJtis and Grasses Prom Many Ranches In dlcate Country's Great Diver sity of Production. NBARINO SETTLEMENT 1" 11 ilastern Agent Uxamlncs liend Situa tion and Is Favorably Disposed. Roscoe Howard, of tbe D. I. & P. Co., arrived in Itend last Wednesday night with Mr. Parn haut, said to be a vice-president of the J. O. White Co., construction engineers, of New York. They spent half a day looking over the situation here and left for the rail ....I 1-1. ...!-.. t 1.1.....,,.. they visited the site of the dam uu- G l Putnam in furnishing Bcod der cntiiriiflnn tiv KtrMl nnrH news to the Portland papers. During the last' week, the Bend Realty Hoard has been active lay ing plans for the broader orgnnfzu lion and a better handling of many matters of vital interest to the com munity. On Priday night the Hoard held a meeting at the offices of the Cen tral Oregon Realty Co., President Hastes presiding. John Stcldl, S. f. Spencer, M. S. Lattin. J. H. Herriugton, Bend Townsitc Co and the Crook County Realty Co. were elected, and G. P. Putnam was elected bu honorary member. The Importance of securing fine exhibits for the Great Northern was discussed; the Hoard and its in dividual members pledged them selves to get actively Into the work. A committee was appointed to aid der construction by Steidl and Tweet. The fact that both visitors asked Mr. Steidl to keep accurate account of all expenses there, with the evident idea of taking over the work for diversion puroscs later, along lines previously contemplated, is regarded as an indication that an adjustment of I). I. & P. affairs is practicnlly concluded. Both men hurried back Hast. Receiver Redficld expects his office under the order of the court to terminate within 60 days. On petition of Receiver Red field tile court last week gave permission for sale of rfloo feet of lateral ditch right-of-way across the Stearns tract owned by the company (not segregation laud) to Adam Kotz man and for recession of a like right-of-way across the Wiest tract. EXPLOSION ACCIDENT. Bend Man, Working with Dynamite, Hurt at Camp. Yesterday at 5 P- . H H. Houghton of Bend was severely Kwdcr burned and shaken by tbe explosion of dynamite with which he was working at McLougblla's Camp 1, it miles north of Bend on the Oregon Trunk. His face wan burned and pitted with grit. He now is nt the IK-ud hospital. Auto Over The Mountain. L. H. and C. Radcliffe returned from a fishing and camping trip uprivcr Sunday. They left In one of their cars for a trip across tbe mountains lo Salem and elsewhere early this morning, intending to reach the capital city by dark. With them went Mrs. P. Pish, Miss Mabel Roberts, Dr. Reid. G. B. Walker aud Irvin Smith. Hm Deschutes Banking and Trust Company "CRmCISM" WcUter's Dictionary ilcflnca the word "CritlcUm" at "Detailed examination and review." UiLl A BANK is constantly subject to "Criticism" otherwise the neonle would hesitate to entrust their monev to its core. Our beautiful town of Bend is subject to "Criti cism" as wc nil know, but it only helps us to grow, for when people examine and review what has taken place here in the past year, they can't help but say Bend has done wonders, "Criticism" (detailed examination and review) is what we want. It helps us to improve It makes n Bank safeguard its depositors. Hxamlue and review your money then bring it to the Bank for safe keeping, where it will do the community that you live in "Good,1' Remember the Ilnnk hi always willing to help you and we want you to help us; thus, helping one another, we can build a mighty city, The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Bwul, Oregon h. D. DAIRD, Prei, J. W. MASTRllS, Vice I'rei. M. Q, COK, Cashier, The formal meeting adjourned to an excellent banquet at the Star Bakery, after which occurred more refreshment, cigars and discussion at the C. O. R. Co.'s offices It was decided to hold another meet ing Monday afternoon for the pur nose of discussing ways and means for a larger organization. The chief topic of Monday's meeting was tbe best way to estab lish and conduct some comtnuuity organization which would provide a sort of central body for the con duct of "boosting," exhibit work, the caring for vis Itors and a cen- cral club. The idea, as developed. was to get a club under way, with an initiation fee of perhaps f 2.50 and monthly dues of Si, Such a club to have a meeting room, where agricultural and other exhibits would be kept, and a writing and rest room provided for visitors. It was the decision of tbe meeting that the President call a mass meeting of citizens for next Friday night, at 8 p. ra., at Linster's Hall. Thereupon tbe meeting adjourned until the first Thursday iu Sep tember, when the Board meets at the Crook County Realty Co.'s offices. SPYlNd OUT THE LAND New Engineers In the Deschutes Country Oregon Trunk Notes. J. C. Barton, formerly a location engineer for the Milwaukee road, aud William Mason, a timber cruiser and surveyor, have been in tbe Deschutes Valley several weeks making a general examination of the region. They were first dis covered iu the Sisters neighbor hood and in the past week have been in Bend, at the Hotel Bend. Their purpose is, of course, unde clared, hut it is evident they are not establishing foreign missions or Carnagic libraries. The Oregon Trunk people have placed an order with the Pilot Uutte mill for mote than 40,000 feet of lumber to be used in build ing the crossing at Greenwood ave nue. Kugineer Leslie, with an assist ant, left Bend yesterday morning for Crescent aud from there will work back to this point, lying the railway survey to the government section corners for convenience of identification. Tumala Picnic Party. A picnic party went over to the Tumalo Sunday, lunching just be low the bridge on the Beud-Tumalo road. The following were on the outing: The Misses Mary aud Janette Coleman, Mrs. Win, S. Kerr, Mrs. C. D. Williams, Miss Mabel Gray, Miss Olive Thomp son, Mrs. C. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lara, Abner Heudee, Morris Lara, H, J. Overturf and G. P Putnam, Bead Best After All. D. M. Davis returned on Satur day from Klamath Palls, A month or more ago he left for the southern city, having heard that it was very live aud offered all kinds of openings, with the intention of locating there. However, after in vestigating, Bend looked better; and now Mr. Davis is back, de claring that this town Is the best he yet has eucouutered, Karl Houston of the Merrill Wilkinson Co. and A. A. Dickey1 of the Crook County Realty Co. re turned yesterday from the Powell Butte country in tbe former's car with a aplendid lot of agricultural cxliibits. Samples were procured from tbe ranches of the following ranchers: A. W. Bain, J. P. Morgan, Chris tian Sykes, It. A. Buwctt, Lee Hobbsand Freak Pancake. Rye 6 feet high came from Paucake, beaded out remarkably. Bain sup plied bearded barley (irrigated once) 5 feet tall. Morgan's irrigat ed oats also averaged 5 leet. Syke's second cutting clover stands 30 inches, while his dry land wheat looks good for 40 bushels. Kussctt sajs bis irrigated oats will run over too bushels. A splendid lot of ap ples, plums, pears and crab apples wer brought in from Lee Hobbs'a place, clearly demonstrating what can be doue in the fruit raising line. The ditch riders have brought in tome fine exhibits to tbe D. I. & P. offices, Corn over 6 feet in height raised by F. Smith on tbe B. A. Bussett place, alfalfa 3 feet high from Claude McCauley, clover from Pearl Pulkerson's place, and various exhibits of oats and barley are among tbe samples collected. ALDERMAN PAYS TOO. City Father Finds Ordinance Meet Ef fectivePound Proper. "As thou so west so shall thou reap " The force of the parable has been born home to Alderman Overturf with a vengeance. He, youngest of tbe city fathers, was tbe most earnest advocate of tbe strict enforcement of tbe ordi nance providiog for the impound ing ot stray animals about the town, the owners to pay $1 as a fee to regain them, plus the city's cost for keeping them. Recently the horse Overturf rides, when sent home to Aunt's barn, wandered from his way, and promptly was put in the pound. Whereupon Alderman Overturf was relieved of one good dollar On last Saturday a colt belonging to him was found at large, and im pounded. After searching for him three days Overturf recollected the ordinance and the pound; the ex act costs thus far have not been ascertained. BACK FROM CRESCENT Engineer Oould Returns After Pre llmmary Work on Power Project. R G. Gould returned on Satur day from Crescent where he has been engaged in engineering work on a power proposition. Mr. Gould, after a couple of weeks of preliminary surveying and pros pecting, found the best dam loca tion about a mile below the Cres cent townsitc on the X.ittle Des chutes. While the figures are only approximate, as thus far only the preliminary work has been done, it is understood that the proposed aatn will oe 150 feet long and 15 leer, uign. a rutcli about 5000 leet in lengtu will have to be built to lead the water to a location adaptable to tbe best production of power. in tue neighbomood of iooo b$repower would be obtainable. Tjic survey work Is being done in the interest of Dr. N. E. Winnard of Albany and others interested with him. 01 FOLIC MAN E INPLAGE0FTW0 City Council Gives Chapman Star and Stick. MORE CASH FROM NEAR 1EER Absence of CHy Fathers Make Neces sary Amateur Mayor for MeetJnj Ordinance Proposed to Ret; utate Greenwood Crossing. WORK IS NEAR END. Arnold Company's New Fhune Is Now I'ractkaHy Completed. Engineer George S. Youo, who is in charge of construction ot the flume at tbe head of the Ar nold ditch, says the work is ap preaching completion aud the force of 40 men, employed since April, will be reduced to half that number by the middle of the mouth. The Sig Clark sawmill will then move back to the Hunnell place after having provided about 700,000 feet of lumber for the flume. Henry Linster is paid $4 per thousand stumpage for this timber, the high est price .thus far quoted in the Deschutes timber belt. It is expected that water will run tbe Whole length of the Arnold ditch by October 1. The 5400 lineal feet of flume will then have been completed aud tbe four or five sinkholes stopped aud enough water to irrigate 10,000 acres of thirsty laud will go out on the plain as there may be use for it. The new trestle is much more strongly constructed than any other on the Deschutes, considering the service required of it. The flume is ta feet wide and 3 feet deep, superseding one that was 1x6 feet. Posts over 13 feet long are 10 inches square, over 6 feet long 8 inches square aud the shorter ones are 6 inches square. Services Next Sunday, The Rev, E. W. Warrington will hold services in the church next Sunday at 11 a, m. and 8 p. m. There will be special music, Sun day school will be held at 10 a. tn. Mr. Warrington will be iu Bend a month or more. RECITAL IS GREAT HIT Clever Recitations and VJoHa Nam hers Win Performers Applause. The literary and musical recital given at the Baptist church last Thursday evening by Miss lone Pearl Fisher aud Miss Iva M. West, with Miss Veda M. Wil liams as accompanist was a pro nounced success. It was Miss Fisher's first appear ance in Bend and from her first number, a humorous recitation story entitled "The Bargain Sale," the warm applause accorded her evidenced the audience's apprecia tion, miss rubers selections. numbering eKbt in alt. were most diversified in character, offering her broad .scope for exhibition of her versatile talent. From tbe dramatically sad story of tbe death of "Kidscy," the little colored street urchin, told with an impress. ive power that held her audience, tbe reader moved lightly on to three delicious and excellently well-rendered humorous selections from James Whitcomb Rilev. in imitably ending in a burst of tears with her "I ain't agoin' to cry no more" while tbe audience, with volleys of laughter, showed how they wished there was some more. The violin selections of Miss West, fortunate in the assistance of Miss Williams, whose finished accom panying was a feature of the enter tainment, were applauded to the echo. Her work showed a thor ough mastery of the subjects chosen ind a technique which bore wit ness to the four years of instruction which she just has completed in Portland. Tartini, Moszkowski, Paganini and Wieniawski were the composers chosen. Perhaps most enjoyable of all of her num bers was Paganini's Cavaleria Ruticano. Miss Maud Vandevert managed tne ,affjir, its success reflecting great credit upon her initiative. At last nights City Council meet ing, owing to the absence of the mayor, G. P. Putnam was ap pointed mayor pro tern, that the meeting might proceed. Overturf acted as recorder, Judge Ellis being absent. Triplett, Oneil, Kelly aud Overturf were present. Mike Dragich's application for license to sell near beer in tbe old Bulletin office on Bond street was granted. The following bilk against the city were ordered paid: Aune Lirery Btrn for horse-keep ami burying dead horse fi'oo V. A. Forbes, Clly Attorney, May 10 to August 10 10.00 fiend Water Co., hydrant rent.... 3J.0H Total ..J8j.oH Policeman Scott's bill for $75 for July salary was laid on the table for more detailed information. An ordinance presented by At torney Benson was read for the first time. It grants permission to the Oregon Trunk Railroad to cross Greenwood avenue pro vided the company construct a bridge with an opening at least 13 feet above the surface of the road and for tbe present "it least 52 feet wide in tbe clear, the width to be divided into two 4-foot passage ways for sidewalks at each side, two i3-foot driveways and in tbe center a 17-foot way. After four years, however, upon written notice from tbe Council, the rail road must enlarge the opening to a total width of 78 feet. Policeman V. E. Holalinc'i re signation was read and accepted. Ou motion of Triplett seconded by Oneil the city despensed with tbe services of S. M. Scott as police man. C. A. Chapman was ap pointed policeman to be on duty from 6 p m. to 2 a. ra. On Triplett's motion secouded by Kelly it was ordered that legal sidewalk be constructed on the north side of lots 1 and 12 of block 11. The matter of flues constructed contrary to ordinance lighting fires near buildings and tbe disregard of owners to the order of the Conn- (Continued on page 8.) The First National Bank OF &END, BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. OOC. Prlldnt C. A. 8ATHCR. Vic. Pr.tlnt C. B. HUDSON. Chl.r OaplUI fullr paid M.S0 StockholiltiV liability S2S.0OO Burplut .... . 16,008 The Safety of your SAVINGS should be your chief concern, and you alto should consider the Rood it does your conaaunlty, jour neigh bors and yourselves to patronize a good atroug Dauk at home. Rvery dollar deposited in this Baak Improves the value of your property aad your neiRhUor's increases the prosperity ot the community and neighborhood stimulates industry in all directions and re-acts iu a profitable way with far reaching effect ou younelt and friends. The community, the customers, the rielnhborhood, served aud benefited directly by this Bank extepds from its building over twenty miles in every direction and covers a territory of at least 500 square miles, Wkki this rwikis w Imv 629 ctMtoNttrs. U. C COK D I R K. A 3CTQ. . sAntrx C. S. UUDSOH F. V. SMITH JI. C. XU.IS