The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 03, 1910, Image 5

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In view of the rapidly increasing business In our other
departments we have decided to discontinue our line of hard
ware and Builders' Supplies. We have neither the time nor
the space to devote to them.
This is an age of specialization and as Bend Is fortunate
in having several well-equipped establishments handling
thesc.goods exclusively, we feel that the public will be better
served In patronizing them.
Screen Doors
Barbed Wire
Smooth Wire
Pittsburg: Perfect Fencing
Building Paper
Bale Ties, Etc.
( ffTM III i Ml i ii
2 The Store of Better Values.
We will close out this stock at the greatly reduced
prices obtaining during our July Houseclcaning Sale. These
prices represent the best values ever offered in Bend.
Bend, Oregon,
Cleveland's Halting Powder.
Mm. Lee Davenport was In towti
Wantkd A good live delivery
boy. Inquire at Lara's.
Philip C. Hurt was in ikrid lant
week, from Ills ranch cant of town.
For Salk Home Comfort cook
lng range. Apply Hulletlt oifice.
Mrs. J. K. Sawhlll vliiied Mrs.
Draketlie litter part of last week.
Cooks who make the beit pie
crust use Cleveland's Making Pow
O. C. Ilenkle hus moved his
ofTice from the First National Hank
building to that formerly occupied
by Nick Smith on Wall street.
mile south ol town. Hmkmam Sri-
CUK. 3133
1'ok Sam: Stove, niattresi,
cooking outfit, dishes. Address
R. Kit, lleud.
For Sai.h Small gentle team,
harness and spring wagou. Inquire
Bulletin office.
John H. Wimcr of Tumalo and
I. H. Winter of Laidluw were in
Ucnd Saturday,
During the absence of Marshnl
.Scott, Fred Van Mutre is acting on
the police force.
For Sai.k 5 year-old Saddle
Horse. Write or phoue W. P.
Vaudcvert Ranch.
Mrs. S. O, Johnitoti and Mits
Helen Johnston have returned from
a long visit to Columbus, Ohio.
J.atterson oJray, Co.
TIVTI E HAVE purchased the stock of
the Merrill Drug Co. and will com
bine this with our own complete stock of
Drugs and Sundries. This will give us
the most complete Drug stock in Central
Oregon, With the many improvements
we expect to make we hope to merit your
' patronage and support, Call and sue us
in our new place.
Xatterson Drug Co.
-""'"ifiTi " " '"" ' ""?-
AG "NTS 1'OK. '
,' finetnum Uo&nfto
Mnshed potatoes are made whiter
and lighter by adding Cleveland's
Uaklng Powder before beating.
Iunes & Davidson can suit any
one, no matter how particular,
with their hair cuts and shaves.
It is stated by his friends that
County Rood Commissioner Uaylcy
will be a candidate for reelectiou.
Mr. and Mrs C, D. Rowe re
turned last Thursday from a six.
weeks visit to Sulcm and Newport.
Saturday uight's dance at Litis
ster's Hall as usual' was well
attended and greatly enjoyed by
C. NIswonger, I. W. Dimick,
lid. Smith and Johu Vredt made a
most successful week-end fishing
For Salic 5350 buy a good
team; new harness; old wagou.
Hurry. Address J. W. Urooks,
Uctid, Ore. so-33
Charles A, Carroll has sold out
his blacksmith shop on the corner
of Oregon and Bond streets to
Peter Lehrmau.
For Rent About 300 acres fine
pasture, meadow and bench land;
good water; at Crescent. See We
naudy Livery Co,
W. W. Orcutt now is in charge
ot the affairs of the Home Land
Co., Fletcher Edwards having
withdrawn therefrom.
Lost Gold broach, in form of
arrow Lead. Finder will receive
suituble reward by returning to
Mrs. H. L. Whitsett. tt
Sutherland & Mcintosh are put
ting in a plate glass front in S. C.
Caldwell's store. This makes the
third installed in Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Wright who
have a homestead in the Hampton
Butte country, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. A. Orcutt.
There will be a dance next Satu
urday ft Linster's Variety Hall.
Free skating every Tuesday and
Friday afternoon, for ladles, tf
How many flies will light on a
sheet of tanglefoot In one week?
Qo over to the National Market
mid your judgment may be worth
The National Market lias se
cured the agency for Sinclair's
Hams and Bacon, the highest grade
in the world. Always ask for
Fidelity Braud.
Mr. and Mr. W. II. tibials and
Prince Stnnts left yestcrdny in their
car for Newport, via The Dalles,
whence the auto will be shipped by
boat to Portland.
i'. is anmn ana larally are nowi
on their way from Portland to Sc
utile li n new touring car rtccntiv
purchased by Mr. Smith and
driven by himself.
The building erected for the new
steam laundry by Messrs, Parmin.
ter and Overturf is practically
completed. 'I lie machinery is ex
pected in tomorrow,
Henry Scbeull has returned from
Shatiiko (.rid will be the resident
agent of the Central Oregon Auto
Co. Otiv B. Walker , soon will
leave Bend temporarily.
On Monday (lie long-expected
engine for The Bulletin's shop ar
rived. It is a Fairbanks-Morse
gasolene engine and was supplied
by the Bend Hardware Co.
For Salic One year-old Jer
sey heifer, one 3 year-old Jcrney
heifer, one i-vear-old Jersey belfer.
two hull calves, one two-seated
hack. L. Corbin, Rosland, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ii. M. Thompson
have moved from town to their
ranch eight miles east on the Bear
Creek road. While building their
house they will occupy the Hoech
We still have safety deposit
boxes left. You can rent these for
fcj-50 lr yr; a safe place for
your valuable papers You keep
the key. The First National Bank
of Bend.
Dr. C. W. Merrill and family
will go up to the Miuor homestead
this week, remaining there for an
indefinite period. It is thn Mer
rill's expectation to goto California
at a later date.
The electric light poles, with
cross arms attached, have been put
in piace a long tncney west .01
Wall street, and the installation of
the entire lot will be completed as
fast as possible.
J. H. Herrington and M. S. Lat
tin are guests at the Pilot Butte
Inn. They are in Bend with the
object of engaging in the electrical
supply business and to undertake
installation work.
II Campbell arrived from Port
land last Friday, having made a
tour of most of the Central Oregon
points. Mr. Campbell expresses
great interest in what he finds at
Bendndorobably will remain
here somrnwe.
lf your house burned tonight
what valuable papers would you
lose? Could you replace them?
Save the necessity by renting a
safety deposit box; you keep the
key, we keep the box. First Na
tional Bank of Bend.
Strayed April 3a"d, one dark'
brown marc; star in face, eight
years old, HC or CH on left shoul
der, left hind leg big at hoof, shod
all around. Liberal reward for in
formation leading to recovery
Address H. J. Wright, Bend, Ore
gon, tf
J. N. Hunter and Carl Hunter
left yesterday in their car for Hood
River where Mr. Hunter will care
for the harvesting and sale of the
apple crop of his orchard. He ex
pects to have 1000 boxes this year,
a first crop from 15 acres of bearing
Noticu is hereby given that I
have purchased from Chew & Silke
all the cord and uncut wood on the
railroad rightofway between Bend
and Wetwoulher Springs. . All per
sons interfering with same will be
tf Wt. P. Downing.
Lost A team of mares, about
850 weight. One grey, one bav.
Branded 8 on left shoulder. Both
have halters on. Lost six miles
east of Prineville road. Send In
formation to Bulletin office. $o
reward for recovery. Clarknck
V, Barto. i4tf
Barney Lewis, F. S. Scott, John
Edwards, Pearl Lyons, Junius
Olsen and George Gertson left on
Monday for a hunting and Sshlng
trip to Lava Lake, Sparks Lake,
the Broken Top country and the
district south of Crane Prairie.
All the party walked, leading the
pack 'horses.
Through a typographical error
an item in last week's issue spoke
ofSherritt & Woolley having the
construction contract for the A. C
Lara house. It should have read
A. C. Lucas the contractors will
do all the wood work on. Mr Lu
cas's new residence, Hunnell &
Niswonger supplying the brick
work and masonry.
The Whatsoever extend a cor
dial invitation to every one (0 at
tend the. basket picnic on Wiest's
lawn next Friday, August 5,
Bring your baskets filled, ham
mocks, croquet sets and any other
suitable game's aud enjoy a day of
recreation. Mrs, Herring will
serve sherbet aud ice cream.
The installation of plate glass
windows in the "Big Store on the
Corner" has not only added re
markably to the attractive appear,
ance of Lara's establishment but
has mutked another step in Bend's
timuiiiMttrmfr niiii t
Break In Central Oregon Canal.
' On Monday afternoon a break
occurred in the Central Oregon
Cnnal,of the Deschutes Irrigation &
Power Co. about half a mile above
the Francis place. A small piece
i 1 j a-attw-l 'MW JaV Till' It UlliWW
advancement towards the metro-. of ,hc l)0t,om of thc d(tch droppid
polltan equipment which even now
distinguishes the town, and. from
now on, will be so noticable a
feature of development into a city.
To Mr. and Mrs. D.mlel Stout a
9-pound son on Friday July
II you wish to have your ex
press end light freieht come in
along with your letters an 1 daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tim Cornrtt Stack &
Staulk Co. 3$tf
out. The water has been shut off
and n force of men Is engaged re
pairing the break, which probably
will be effected by Saturday at
I.'nlertalnment Tomorrow Night.
Oil tomorrow (Thursday) evening illt
Ivr V.. Wet And Mitt lace I'catl PUber
will give an entertainment at the I'a
tilt clitircb. Ml West's talent asn vii
linUt is widely appreciated; she-fawabut
recently relumed from a winter nf
uiufticat tudy in Portland and this wilt
be her firt recital liere this season.
Miu 1'lthcr ia a graduate of the Wil
lamette Uitivcrilty College ol Oratory,
she will give recitation. A full and in
teresting program has been arranged.
Sightly Residence Lots
Aubrey Heights
VIEW of City and Surround
ing Country.
1UCMEMBE This k th future
reektoma district, of GREATER
BEND. Our engineers will have the
plats reedy in & few feys. Come
early and make your selections.
Choice residence lots 10 per
cash and 5 per cent per month.
Deschutes Realty Go.
Has a Great Line of
CAST IRON COOKS . . . $16.50 to $45.00
New Shipment of
Enamelware and Granite.
Also the Famous
Thistle Ware
Everything for the Carpenter in this
splendid make, and
All Guaranteed.
The Old Reliable Store.