) Say! Where's that Pig? If tlirra I ii t'l l ft lii any cottier of lbs Nortliwrat w want It, W waul m much drral ihiiV m w eon HtlUy set. W will my m fulliiwa for prulure. W nerer UV nIT KmmUilon, lllilp liy sipraMl Diroaed rotk UUe preaeeit Veal , 104 I'a!) rsns ............. aj Uvo Chickens- liana, ,,,., I7 Opiing Cinchona. .,, .,. 20 AiMrraa nil alilpinenla, ritANic u nMtTii MnAT oa "rialitln the Boot Trust" rOHTLAND, ORCQON Chrrk fur Ih (,' mm union Tulile. Tho niithnr of "Tim Hnbbuth In Purl tnn Now IJiigland" tnoutlann a custom which prevailed In several Now tfng land churches Hint mado It tho duty of tho deacons to walk up and down tho uUloi of tho churrli at tho clono of tuoh lurvlro nml deliver to every per on win) in their Judgment was fitted to rnininiiiio a metal chuck, which en titled htm nt tho next culohrntlon of thn Lord's supper to Join In tho snered ordlnnnro. On tho communion Hnb bath It wan tho deacons' duty to seo Clint ovury onn who presented himself It thn lord's tablo hnd tills cheek mid to collect It from tho communicant bo fort) passing to him tho bread and 'no' All til !) v.r AKlH, It U mi open qurstlun It tho old flirt crninn In tho following dory over got tho ilRht muwur to tho problom that wna piiKilluf, hi bend. A writer In Everybody' Mnjailuu, at least, leaves ona In doubt 011 thnt score. The rlddls wa tlila: "If n burring and a halt costs a penny and a half, how many herring rait you buy for a shllllngr' Tho aid flitheriimn had worked on It for some tlijw, "What did you sny ths mackerel ml n hnlf cost!" ho naked at last. "I didn't any mnckcrel: I said hsr. flue." explained tho sklpnr. "Oh, Hint's different," said tho other. "I've bcu flKurtiia on mackoroL" Rob Dentists of Qold Leaf. "Pennyweighters," as tho detoctlves call thorn, havu been busy In Washing tnn during tho last fow days. Rlovon dentists' unices hava boon entered am robbud of gold leaf nnd platinum to the valtlo f jibotlt 1300 ITCH CAN BE CURED In a abort time I' iuln PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In W-fent rjin, oil, Ad.lr riUMMCK DRUG COMPANY Third and Madison I'otUand, Or, Keislcr's Ladies Tailoring College Cutting, Fitting. Drnfllnif, l)cstzn Injf, Tailoring nnd Drcumaklii; taujrnt. Htnctly up-to-tlnto In ovory stylo and fashion, Wrlto for terms. 143 1-2 Dcrmk U. Portlisi OntH WDUCt THE COST 0T UV1M$ useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN rlnt rlt wo k it MtU rkL Vrvm viwnlnttnn ivl pMfMtly nilal (UlMU law u .$2.00 Nd rakliuf nuthoilc ul( U I. ttiWNUt Suite 427, Marqunm Duilding rourth (fcur Oppoilt I'orlUnd HoUl, Portland Or. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY I'dnltai Katisctlon .....Prtt Bllur Kllllrm Vx t ooia rininia ,, , ;s JtlCOoUCrownl ,,.,. i'oteiin wrownt ,..,,,. .u MoUr 0M Crowni , t4 lliUatWork.an.OolJ,,.,tl lnl.yKIII.,l,ur.Oo!4,,.. .(I Vtry N c Kubbtr Itntf .. . rtilutvf IMI,oti l!ilh... If ALU TIIIU WOKK IS QUAKANTtlKD. Dun'l throw your UNny sway. A dollar mvm) ltwnil,ilUrrnod. OurarlslnalrllatjUUilarn I'alnlcM Mathwla and our parfactad ctricawjulp. man! Mivaaua tlinaantl yHirnionay, 0ST0N0KNTIITS,S(kMrrIin.rrlUa4 Iwt,-, J'dlt mmiImm, rrMiM r ua w.ur a rnk. M,Ul.U4 la rnUa4 IS yttia. Oya traalaii Mil ul lumUii Mll llilHIrHilaaaMi. PNU No. ao-to V inaiill rltlnay toailvartllars tilasts nn till PKiiar. KY72 BmL I A If Noxall Foot Remedy DESTROYS BAD ODORS AM ! Inalant rallaf for tanjer, burtilne, achliiir and awollrn fral- Ona riaul will iilv Inttant rllaf. Twalva in to, frlco ttnu, at your druggUt'aor bymall, AJdraaa DR, O, O. FLETCHER, Foot Speolaltst Allsky Building, Portland, Ore. iroaa SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company I'ortUnd Baattls Bpokana Ask for Their Goods anil SAVE THESE llr SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Article Without Cet 411 IJennillim. At a London bonrd nrlmol tho tenco er hnd explained to tho chltdron ths inclining of tho word "nblllty." "Now, children," sho went on, "whnt word would express tho apposite to lilllty ? A sbnrp fared little boy at tha end of tho end form unburn! up his bond nml oxclitlmml, "I'lrase, teacher, noblb Ityt" Work nnd I'lny. tivnr ll I'lnul Hluun, Mr. Dorklim Miiilu, I think I enn mnko tbls dlnlmr table last it whllo longer by replacing a few of U10 top boards with new one. Mrs. Dorkliu - Well, ko abend nnd patch tho tup of tho old tlilnic up If you think you enn, bin t want you to un derstand Hint It' nn tin Inst Ick PILES "I tinre tiffrrrd with piles for thirty. U years. Ono year ngo lat April I be es 11 taking Catcnrcts for couiMtn'ion, In ilia course of n week I notlcctl the piles began to disappear ami at the end of six weeks they did not trouble me at all. CflKrtU have done wonders for me. I 111 entirely cured and feci liko a new sum," UcorKO Krydcr, Napoleon, O. I'lMunt I'eUubU, I'nUnl laata JI jkia-.t. Nav-.rHkk.rt. Weaken or flrlpa. KM, Bta, Uhs. N r enM In t-ilW. Th rw uln tablet Umiinl U (! U tlueranlenl to tur or yuur imy ltk. Ths Amblouous Cook. Mrs, DoAyskor Old your cook lento on account of tha extra 15 cents a week that tho ltaxer woman offered herT Mm. Von llnlmer I enn't tellj sho said -sho was twine to lenvo bocnuso sho wnnted the chnnitt). nnd I don't know whether sho meant tho money or tho new plnco. llnrU lu ,.ur. "Tes. I am a milliner." 'Trim hats, eh? llaybs you can pick up some Ideas out here In the country." "1 tinvo alrendy learned much. I hnd always suppoted thnt tho blos soms were wlrtd to the bushes." Kansas City Journal. An AMi'Mtlinvnt. "Are you ready to llvo on my In coninT' ho asked soltly. Sho looked up .Into Us face trust Inxly. "Certainly, deartt," she answered, "if ir " "1 whatr "If you get another one for your self." New York Journal. Kut ApillU lr flaTHr. Hlano Mnnaser Do you know, my dear sir, that nut morw than one pUy In fifty Is a surrris? Ambitious Author Yes. sir. but that doesn't scare me. This play Is one of a thousand. TRY. MURINE VYhM Yeur Eyes Nid Cars EYE REMEDY y. win ui. it Hauls' Terra, 3tt. 60c litis !, 2te, II.&9. PACIflC EMPLOYMENT CO. of l"tUnJ, Orraon rURNISUCS HELP FREE to ruriovtRt Main 1 - U Knrth Kacond MU Mun VtKi A ISM Udlw IVpl. Wati Uortlaon . Wain IOOEj A BM I'tiana or wlra on Jara at our apana. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are Uickly rollovcil by Wytt'. Auhme Nrmctlv. Guarnntced or money refund ed. Ask your druuKbtt or send six cents postnico for Frx'o Samplo to J. C vYATT, l)ruRM. VANCOUVER. WASIIWOTON. . null 1 - - - - Union Painless Dentists ? llrt.l Work or TmUi wldwut l'lal . il 50 to J tllICroAa 1J.5U I., n. 00 CtaraUln Crowna ,, il.iUlois.00 (Jokl nr 1'omtaJa l-llllnca i t .00 Un Hilnr r'llltnn, 30ctotl.n0 Ikal ruia Mxia r.3u Norhaivra for I'alnlrM Katrattlnir hrn uih'r wk la dmw I yaara' UuaranlM w h all work llouta. It. m, to, m. a Hi MorrUon Strwt NamedxcO ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES XtNI'fX'Tt'lltli IIV NATIONAL MHDICINE CO., LTD. 32H anoUev Ulk.. Morttson UL Koonta 3 and 4, Vpriland, Or Wn M.r.l.ll tlla 1, APPENDICITia KCMCOY. Tta tutly k, own nun r Ai'i-vmltclila without tha al, it Ita klitla. Olti Imiurdlala U Mat an1aitata a lairmaaani rura la aaoorttlift. 6? SPECIAL" REMEDY. Vor voiuao a Aitmr n' luaion at tho How t. A "i iUIim. kl'lnay mJ IllaJJar llwi t. i Itliir. &. ,. t Ihla ( Hi-lonllHo Wink la a hoina lllmai. Uilia or ll J "HI anJala. K li-jul traalmaal nulr rlauSSr fmKtr TEETH f, KP nrnximr rtATurfe (g ciesnlrtfl the Hsnhous. IT you wish to rid your honbotisee of lice and mltei now la tho time to dolt Clonn thorn perfectly, whitewash tho sides and roosts, remove all litter from tho nests and wbltowash them out' sldo nnd In, Take out all droppings nnd litter on tho floor and sprinklo ashes ovor tho floor ovory fow days. Kutnlgnto tho house onca or twlco a week with sulphur or tobacco arnoko. Make n war on tho Insocta for the nuxt two months, and you will not ho troubled much with thorn during sum mer, CASTOR I A Per Infanta and Children. The KM Yon Have Always Bought Sears tho C&ySff3h fllgualuro Aeroplane Made Comfortable. Acroplanlng Is to be made com fortnble, llonrl Deutsch of I'arls, whosn prtxes did so much for tho ad vnncoment of aviation In Ita early Any, Is having an aorocab built for bis own uso. The aeroptane Is of the Wright type, but a little cab or basketwork Is bolng mado to shelter tho drlrernnd his passenger from rain and cold. StlHatralloir Ilraaon. Cork In a I don't know how I do it, but I can always tell what time of day It is without looking at a watch or clock. McHtnb To be sure. Nature always confers instinct upon crssturss that lack the lilaher faculties. Uothtrs will find Mrs. vrtnilon'a Boothia Syrup tlia t at ramtdr totiMiotUulrtfiUdrea aurlag lbs UatUlug irlod. Osttlno Honest. -This Is your birthday, Isnt It. Ileesr "Ves, Dick." "Ilow old are yout" "rwenty-two.' -Well, I'm going to give you a kiss for ovory year of your life." "Why, Dlckl Dick 1 I may as well confess u you that I am really twenty -els." Dnraaalle flellaaw Mrs, Ilrown I used to be so fond of fiction before I vu married. Mrs. Bmlth And don't you read much oowT Mrs, Ilrown No; after the tales my husband tells me about why he Is late getting home merely printed fiction seems so tamo and unimaginative. WrT. Wilt err Ey. urlna Kr lUmatly. Try rtallavrtl lljr llurlna nru, ram. Murtna For Your I'.y Troublaa. You Vlfl Uko Murtna It Boothra. too at Your Iru(RliU. Writ For Ky Itooks, K?. Uurln J.'ro ltamady Co Ctilcsco. Hrotictlng Bsed Corn. A method of protecting seed corn agstntttho crows Is to add a table spoonfurofvchtorlda of lime to a peck of sholled com mixing It well. It la a very cheap and easy way and the sood U more agreoable to handle than when coated with tar after the more common method. Wltnl th Wild Watvaa Heard. "You're looking blue," remarked tb lobster. "What's the matUrr "I have Just helrd." the oyster an swered, "that there are such things as vegetable oysters." "What's the dlfferencer rejoined the other. "There are human lobsters, toj, but I don't 1st that worry me a cent's worth." Chicago Tribune. You Can Cat Allan's root-Cat nttC. , Writ AllunH. Olmittd.L Itoy.N. Yfora Ira aa,tnil ot Allrn'a Voo-tji.i. It curta lKalliif. hotawollru, Mhlnjlctt. It makra ntwor tl(ht ahoea caay, A earuln cur lor rnrm. Iniiowlns ualla and bunlona. All drur. (Uliaattlt, Uo. tien'i scct any aubatllutt. tSrunumlrait. Whyte Ilrowno Is yttry economical. Isn't ho? Ulack Miowno? Well, I'll tell you. Ilrowno Is the sort of man who, when ho wunte an awl and bain' any, Instead ot buying one will go to work to makfl ono by straightening out a corkscrow. Kin it ml Kilrlla. "John, what kept you out so late "Didn't I tell you, Maria, that I hud to an to a mrniln- of the Truo Knights of tho Myillo llrotherhoodr "Now that you mention It, I bellave )ou did." "Well, we had a long wrangle, as us ual.". Voral, "ItugKles, you are spending a great deal ot money on your daughter's voice, amt't you?-' "Not exclusively. I'm spending som 9f It on her accent Bhe's learning Frenclt." Makes the Weak Strong Thero is no need to con tinue in a weak, run-down debilitated condition when Hostcttcr's Stomach Bkters has conclusively nroven its ability to buila you up and make you strong again. It acts directly on tho digestive system, regu lates the appetite, prevents Indigestion, Cramps, Diar rhoea or other after-eating distress. Try a bottle today. Insist on having OSTETTER OELEBRATKD STOMAOH BITTER H ' AMERICANS MAY BE MURDERED Threats Made to Retaliate on Prisoners of War. Intense Feeling Against Taft and His Policies In Nicaragua Madrlx Bold and Boastful. WoshinKlon Poor exists that Ed win F. Trimmer, United States consul at Cape Grecian, Nicaragua, may bo assaulted or possibly oven assassins ted, and It has been decided to send tho cruiser Tucoma to that port to In vestigate. If conditions demand It, marines will be landed to protect Amorlcan lives and property. This was tho report mado to tho State department by Thomas P. Mof fatt, United States consul at Blue- fields, Two officers and 45 men wore ordered to CaM Graclas on tho Tnco- mo, ho says, after n conferenco be tween himself and Commander Illncs, of tho Dubuque. An article In La Nacclon, an official Madrlz organ published at Managua, Indicates the feeling In Nicaragua against Americans. In part It reads as follows: "Wo Nlcaraguana have somo limited means to which wo may resort as a fin al recourse If it comes to tho point that tho Yankee tries to carry out his threat Let us lay hands on all tho North.'Amcrlcsns residing In Nicara gua and let us say to Mr. Taft: 'For each shot you hurl against us, the head of ono of your countrymen shall roll nn the ground.' "Another of the means to which wo may resort in revenge for so great an injury and for this I do not hollo vo wo aro less ablo than tho Young Turks let us organize In tho form of a power ful coalition, to the end that In all tho Latin-American 'countries no goods shall bo purchased from the United States; making our people under tend that this Is tho most cctnaclous method of combatting tho common enemy of our race, so proud on account of its power, so Insolent on account of Its pride, and so detestable on account of Its Insolence" DIE FIGHTING FLAMES. Three Men Trapped by Forest Fires Near Albany, Oregon. Albany, Or. Thrco men were burn ed to death In a forest fire along the North Santtam river, opposite Hoov er's sawmill, at tho terminus of the Corvallls & Eastern railway, four miles cast of Detroit. The bodies were not recovered until the following day. Tho dead are Philip Richmond. of Salem; Jay M. Brooks, of Craw- fords vi lie, Or., and Frank McGocy. of Clearfield, Pa. Acting against the advlco of their foreman, tho men went to death in an effort to get their tools. Fire had started from tho sparks of a donkey engine at Hoover e. The thrco men, with other workmen, had gone to the camp. An hour later, after a vain effort to savo tho camp outfit from tho flames, theso three men started to go to a point 400 yards up a ntecp hiilaldo to get their tools, where they had left them when the fire started. Tho wind was then blowing eastward, sending tho Are that way, so the trip up the south hillside west of tho fire looked eafo. The men had about reached their tools when tho wind suddenly changed, sweeping tho firo with wonderful rap idity directly up tho-timber-covered hill where tho men were. In a few minutes tho flames had swept tho en tiro face of tho hill, turning tho forest Into a furnace. Falling burning trees mado it Impos sible to ascend this hill until after noon the following day, A rescue party then went up, hqplng against, belief mat tno men naa reacneu tno summit and had escaped tho Are. All three bodies wore found, however, burned badly, bat not beyond recognition. Two bodies were found together, one 100 yards further up tho hill. Zeppelin's Qas Plant Explodes. Frlcdrichshafen, Germany Tho hy drogen gas plant of tho Zeppelin bal loon houso oxplodcd and a number of employes were severely Injured. Tho house was practically destroyed and buildings nearby in which the work men lived were badly wrecked. The cause of tho explosion is not known. Tito gas exploded during tho morning when tho workmen wore about tho big workshop in which Count Zeppelin la carrying on his 'experiments in aero nautics. That somo of tho workmen were not killed is remarkable. English Strike Serious. Newcaatlo, England The situation surrounding tho atrlko of employes of tho Northeastern Railroad was aggra vated by tho failure of representatives of tho railroad and tho strikers to reach n basis of understanding after a four hours' conforenco. Thousands of coal miners nro idlo bocausoof tho rail road company's inability to run freight trains. Ten thousand men quit work at tho start, and ovory hour slnco has brought reports of further desertions. Chicago Over 2,000,000. Chicago Tho population of Chicago has passed tho 2,000,000 mark, accord ing to tho 1910 school corsus Just mado public. Tho total minor population of tho city Is 814,116, an-increaso of 6C, 768 ovor the census of 1908. Based on tho minor count, tho total population la 2,100,000. Sherman jPlay& Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. IuIbB 4I2bhBl tp. nBBBHF ' vflHX ' URaHBf"' our facte: this Wellington Piano wo'ro selling for $27G on easy paymentsMint we're willing to let It bo ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will tell If sown story to you In your homo If you'll send us Utt coupon. I'lrast stna m hilt particulars concerning this unusual Plana offer. Name,... ,, ,:.:,."". DAISY FLY KILLER EZLXB2& aaH-t -a-saw a Ml. IMS , lf t it t f Mr. wtaXISim Wftfmmm aMsoteseiiitas, awauaw as isra..r.r Strawberries Orown In City. To show that strawberries con be crown In the heart of the cltr. Willis A Hendricks of East Twentr-flrst and Albert streets brought to the office of tho Oregonlan a number of boxes of Magoon and Oregon Improved berries containing an average of twentf ber ries to the box. Tho berries were grown on an ordinary city lot without Irrigation. Mr. Hendricks had 1.000 plants on his lot and at the first pick ing he picked a total of SG boxes of the monster berries. A number ot the berries wero ovor five inches In cir cumference and one measured 7tt Inches in circumference. Portland Oregonlan. The Burning Qusstlon. Venus was rising from the sea. "di-cat Jupltorl" cried the men, as they crowded the beach. "How did you lose your armsf ' Dut the women never noticed the arms. "In the namo of all that Is wonder ful." they chimed, "how do you keep your hair In curl la salt water!" Judge. His Queitlon-Aniwer. "Are marriages made In heaven T" The lecturer paused, as it for aa an swer to his Interrogation; whereupon a man with a hunted look glanced fur tively ovor his shoulder, swallowed bard, molsteaed his Upa and said, huskily: "Do strawberries grow at the north Bolat" Mixed Feed for Horses. In large city stables feeding the horses the hay and grain aa mixed feed Is the general practise and gives the best results. Keepers find that horses can be worked hard and kept In good condition on cut hay and corn meal. The amount of hay fed varloa from 6 to 14 pounds a day In different stables, and of grain from 7 to 20 pounds a day. Neth&Co. COLLECTORS Wa Buy and CaHact Natas. Martc(. and Real tataia Contracts. No CoHectloa Ma Owe. Worcester BUr-. Portland, Ore. .SI C0FFEEC TEA SPICES BAKIN P0WOCR EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT aossnaKYEij ctnari.un -' 1 -"" " How at tlooniaransr Acts. Itlch Father When I was a young man ot your ago I was compelled to keep an accurate expense account and wasn't allowed to be out at nlaht later than 11 o'clock. Bon and Heir Sorry to heaV It, gov ernor: your father couldn't trust you as safely as you can trust me. Stops Hair Falling Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Im proved formula, will certainly stop falling of the hair. Indeed, we believe it will always do this unless thero Is some disturb ance of the general health. Then, a consiltutlonalmcdlclnc 1 may be necessary. Consult your physician about this. Pott not changt tht color of A hair. A Terraala wlih aaah, bottla Shaw It la yaar yers Jtlk htaniouttl, thtndoMhaaar The reason why Ayer's Hair. Vigor stops (siting bslr Is because It first destroys the germs which cause this trouble. After this is done, nature soon brines about a full recovery, restoring the hair and c1p to a perfectly healthy conditio - WtSa j a J, a Ajar Co., XwU, Maaa. riflf vi Wo want you to try this I'lano IN YOUR . HOME FKLE. Wo want you to try It at expenso because At the end of thirty days tho Piano ITSELPwWX convlncoyou of tho following It's tho best valua on earth for tho price ($276). It's MUSICALLY nA MECHANICALLY right! We know thero is so much real value in Address. i BBaa ; s Dr. B. E. Wright Ilara rour tth jt at f.al and trMr work dona, for out-cf.tow a patuia ftniaii plat and brida-a work In ona day IX nacmiarr m ,. i imt; - vr- KM ZatrifaM J3J9 un ft ' twir&t 3i.ee lfcrS-, 5fcaa rtn. . MSA ttmtm tiintm S4k IIESTMLTH0D8 2SiV Palnlna Extraction F whan ptatna or bride w ok ta (riml CorwulUUon Fr. Yoa cannot rat batter paiatna work aay-fc do m tur bo much you pay. AH Work rutly Guaranteed tor riftcan Yrara Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342) WaViSfij,tori St., Portland, Oregon TrJta car at drpot and tnuitfar to Waahbirton St. Attractive Lettere. Ilodrick Yes, bo came over here t learn our language and started on the alphabet Ucgan picking up letters, you know. Van Albert And what progress has ho tnade? Ilodrick Ob, he soon found that tho only letters he had time to pick up were the X's and Vs. Threatened Them. Mike and Pat were hired to dean a cistern. Mike took a firm hold of the rope and started to let Pat down. When about halt way down Pat yelle4 up: "Ho! Mike, stop letting me down." "For whyr raid Mike. "Don't ask any questions," said Pat, "fer if yez don't slop letting me down, I'll cut the rope." Harper's Monthly. ASK TOtJ OX0CXX TO. A SV BXAVS OT BaMaf Pwhtffdist Sftff AaMM C-J WJr LaJ Sto I.AND S-EMJCaj..! Sifji Pharmacists Phoco Main 113 401 Hail SL ViKMTtr, WmUsjImi un W IS THE TIME nun best ot t&a rar to ka jor ta.tk cot uj Plato ooi brTa xukaoaa. Totout. ot.tova patroaa BalaU. Plat. mi brtdjo votlc la. a daTltciiiiiniy. MaUtCraasa SS.M BUnTtt3.5l oii nn butirWata SJr rmina . rtiiia, S.N at i aUr .. rutM 7.M IS.W.a.WM,r mMn P )M titllaa .M n hjm nuauBta Hauaa SUTsmiaas PalaJaM Kajractlr a a'raa vbaaslalaa or Wt4ao th UoftanJ. uralttUaBrn. toaraaaointbttua palalaaa aretk anywkara, mo mattar Low m& roa ra. Atltotk iuU j gunmt.ad for ftfiooa lroaaa. Wise Dental Co. incorporated Painless Dentists MbiaIUIaf.TkHtWaattaa,PeTlAMe,aMI WMIIwNlA.aVmMi. Saara,tui Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects, horses and cattle from, attacks of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and strength from worry caused oy attacks pf insects, and from Uie irritation of their bites and stlugs. There is a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge ol maddening parasites and files, besides the profit in return.1. Horses do more work oa lesa feed anil caws yield more and better milk when relieved from the frenzy iaeitcd by constantly fighting a swarm ol voracious, insatiable injects. Pour sires, 35c, 50c, 75c asd $1.3$, Ask your merchant for it. C' Hovt Chxuicax, Co. PertUad. Oregoa mHfck v RH K4sS!SHr. HH llilHBBsrl ItTaVH y)lL-y JJky