UMMnaaJdUUna4attaaMaHA4rikifc4falhMhda Wr ar r aM tt .am aU i a f r W , (9 5 th Housecleaning From Thursday, July 14th, Sale To Saturday, July 30th. Every July we clean our shelves to make room for our Winter Goods. This year we have art excep tionally large stock to move. Prices that will move the goods will be made in every department. Broken lots will be sold at less than cost. All goods, except grbceries, at from 10 to 25 per cent discount. No goods charged during this sale at sale prices. No cash rebate checks given on goods at special prices.. You Will Find Many New Bargains Every Day at 3END, OREGON LARA'S Vlv1' BEND? OREGON T7 " BITS ABOUT TOWN. Mn. C. A. Chapman returned last week. Hast or West it is tlie best. Cleve land's Baking Powder. All kinds or pickles for sale at the National Cash Market. Mr. Lara of Seattle, father or A. M. Lara, arrived last week. O. C. Ilenkle was out to Irrlgon visiting bis family over the Fourth. N. P. Welder has painted the First National Dank bttlldlngdurlng the week. Warranty Deeds, Honda for Deed and Mortgage Blanks for sale at the Bulletin office. High grade parlor drgan for sale. I'or particulars iuqulre at Bulletin office. iS-ao R. 1. Gqiild ami D. Davis are at tWHill r&ch, up-river, platting the sew towtwitc of Harper. A.iM. I,ara, his father, and Mor ris Lara spent Sunday at the home of Mr, ami Mrs. 1. 1), Heyburn. Poh Saui A "Home Comfort" range stove, as good as new, cheap ifsold soon. Cus Schroeder. 1819 W. H, Staats has cut his clover field near town. He says the first cutting.weut about two tons to the acre. WANTKD Position as cock in a small outfit. Telephone or write to Mrs. Huntington, care of V, A. Shonquest. On Sunday evening J. M, Law reuce returned from Portland, bringing in his car from Shanlko A, M, Drake, T, N. Balfour of I'lfc and Silas Hodges of Prlutville have an noticed themselves as candidates for county sheriff. Call at the National Market and get in your guess on the new cou test, Prizes awarded every Satur day night at 8 o'clock, Herbert Allen, J. T. Robinson, Percy Urackett, A. M. Prlngle and W. W. Faulkner made a week.eud fishing trip to lkiihatu Palls, Pure milk delivered at your door at toe per single quart. Leave or ders at Kelly's confectionery. l6-l8 II. Sl'INNlNO. Radcliffe Bros, Auto Co. have secured office quarters in the old Nick Smith building oti Wall street. They will have a phoue installed. How many flies will light on a sheet of tuuglefoot in one week? Go over to the National Market aud your judgment may be worth money. The best chance to get a tine ia guagc Winchester pump gun is at Williams Bros. Chances one to a hundred Go early and get a low number. W. R. Riley has moved to La Pine, where he will be engaged in superintending a portion of the Des chutes Land Co's construction op erations. Pok Sam: One Kcouomy Chief Separator, medium sire. One Single Section harrow. One 12 Inch plow. Address P. C. B. care Bulletin. 13-16 The National Market has se cured the agency for Sinclair's Hams aud Bacon, the highest grade in the world. Always ask for Fidelity Brand. A striking drawing of a magna cent three-story stone store build ing "to be erected on this corner by A. M. Lara" is now on display at the "Big Store." John Linster, son of Henry Llus tcr, left for Portland last week to get hit new Franklin car, After a lew days of instruction there he will drive it in to Bend. Mrs. J. W. Baker, of Tumalo, underwent au abdominal operation two weeks ago Tuesday, at the Bend hospital aud now is well on the road to entire recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George Rlter of Roseburg drove across the Moun tains last week by way of Sisters, camping along the way. They are to rcmaiu here about a week. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Smith and family left Bend the early part ol the week for an extended pleasure trip, Porllaud aud the Sound cities Will be visited aud probably an eastern trip will be included in the itinerary. Ask your grocer for the, 3-lb, and 5-lb. cans of Cleveland's Baking Powder. They hove the screw top metal handle under regular cover Always air tight aud uteful when empty. Copies of special Central Oregon Kditlon of the Portlaud Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, containing, many articles upon this section as well as a valuable map, are now on sale at the Bulletin office, at 35 ceuts each, The W, N. Brown Co. has given up its office on Wall street. Bathing in the big pond is be coming a popular diversion. J. A. Bastes has moved his office one door west on Oregou street. Innes & Davidson have had new bath rooms installed in their barber shop. A. M, Drake has the distinction of first navigating the new pond with a canoe. A bath at Innes & Davidson's barber shop will put new life into you these days. Heavy blasting is progressing daily on the work of preparing the location fot the power house, etc., below the new dam. ' The Merrill-Wilkinson Co. will run regular auto to Lake Odell, leaving Saturday morning and re turning Monday noon C. M. Redfield returned from Portland Moudy evening. He has been absent for ten days on busi ness connected with the D. I. & P. receivership. NOTICK is hereby given that I bve purchased from Chew & Silke all the cord and uncut wood on the railroad rightofway between Bend and Wetwcather Springs. All per sons interfering with same will be prosecuted. ' tf Wm. P. Downino, The Bend boosting buttons have arrived; "35,000 in 1915" is the prediction they bear, aud already everyone about town is tportlug them. J. A Bastes had them made and is distributing them to those who subscribed and nil who want them at. his ollicc on Oregon street Lost A team of mares, about 850 weight. One grey, one bay. Branded 8 on left shoulder, Both have halters on. Lost six miles cast ol Prlnevillc road. Send In formation to Bulletin office. $:o reward for recovery. Clarhnck V, Bartq, 1-jtf Found Bay Horse 24 miles cast of Bend, ott Bear Creek Road; weight about itoo pounds, no brand, three shoes, white star in (orehcad, both hind ifeet white. Owner may have same by calling, proving ownership and paying ex penses. 0. L. Moore. 16-18 An exceedingly attractive method of finishing finecouuters and shelves is being used in R, M. Smith's new store, as well as the Patterson Drug Co's new establlsment. The wood surface is given a light burning witb a paiut burner, giving it a rich brown tone and bringing out the grain beautifully. A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Spencer on Sunday morning. News has come from Zclandia, Sask , Canada, of the death of Miss Ruth Reid's father. There will be a dance at Linster's Opera House on Saturday night. Woolley's orchestra will play. Some 30,000 sheep have passed through. Bend this year on the way to summer range in the mountaius. A similar number is reported to have passed through Sisters. It has been decided to change the name of Bend Heights, the newly platted residence district be longing to Henry Linster west of the Deschutes, to Aubrey Heights. It will be remembered that the Deschutes Realty Co. is handling this attractive property. A camping party composed of the W, P. Vandevert family of La va, Miss lone Fisher of Salem, Mrs. Wilton, Misses Cornelia Wilson, Anne Markel, Veda Williams, and Mai ion and Pauline Wicst, and W Brock left last Sunday for a ten days camping trip at'Davis lake. Stravkd Three Horses One bay mare, star in face, branded BH on left wether and hobbled. One iron gray Pinto mare, white face, legs and belly. One white geldlug All had halters ou and branded N. B. on right shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds each, Finder will be rewarded for information or return of the animals to W. B. Mc Callum, Fremont Oreg. 17.18 DUJ, O'n Wednesday evening, July 6th, Dorothy, the 17-montns old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C, S. Hudson. On the following afternoon the re mains were interred in the Beud cemetery, F. O. Minor readiug a simple service. 1 - 1 1 Notice. If you .wish to have your ex press aud light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in ou the wail line. Thk Cornktt Staok & STAHI.K Co. 35tf Bent, Ou Thursday, July 7th a 9 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Tholstrup. SATHER , Has a Great Liae of STOVES. STEEL COOKS $15.00 CAST IRON COOKS . . '. $16.50 to $45.00 New Shipment of COOKING UTENSILS Eaamelware o4 Granite. Ako the Famous Thistle Ware 'ffe JO DIAMOND EDGE TOOLS Everything for the Carpenter in tkk - All Guaranteed. i. The Old Reliable Store. - f E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREGON H