i mnr THE BEND BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATIUS: Ob ft.. ................ ..ww.ll.y Mm wunlhtM ..-........- w Three wonhiu. ...-. .,.,.... ttnvarUMr In advance.) "" rni'i ! Ill ! WBDNltSDAYJUUV 13. 9c- TUB "0RE0.ON" STAUL.E. A highly entertaining letter from C. B. Moorcji, formerly Register ot the OrtRon City land office, ap pears in the Portland Orccouian It ought to be trained mid huitR alongside the rttxnt expose b George C Urownell. IJoth state meets reek with political filth One "plays up" one political fuc tio and the other another then nre no parties in Oregon. Then nre corruborating circumstance which make both stories convinc ing m to the main facts. Now let's have a few names. T say that a statesman was bribed b u patriot is uot altogether stisfac lory what particular s-tp.tesai nod what particular patriot? W know well enough who seme 01 tbcn.are, but the instances citea are so nHmeroas that others must le involved. And where did all thr crooked money come frow who test what the noble legisletot gained? And really and truly, was Cotottel Hofer the chief verj chief journalistic supporter ol the bW-np legislature of 1897. TlTt'se amiable gentlemen havt publicly raked the scab off the fes tcrtmjf sore of Oregon politics ann to prore what? Simply that polit teal scalawag, nincompoops and buuards will follow the swag and the carrion. The leMn is not thai purity will return by restoration ol the old coaVcation system thi "assembly," ifSsjfcj please. No body denies the; corruption and Biisgovcrament tfius given to us. Nor does it support the conclusion that the unprincipled whelps ot political irresponsibility are kept out of the game by reform methods of nomination. The runts' and crooks still seek the flesh pots. But now the voters at large have the power of choosing others, even if they do not hi all cases do so. Under the old system they were deprived of even the power to correct evil political conditions. , Protest Against Sheep Damage, Tvmavo, Ore July tl-(To tk KdltoO-Thei arrlhoiandorhecpln Iheaepatt' tattle eat ing out the ctllera. They stem to have nut. :ct for any one. The owner tend out asctof buUtoiert with their heep and themtehe ty Inthtbackgrond u.t allow lhtlrvuchctml herder to ltnpte on th aeltlet tight ami Ictt. It lot ntm Strang that our government would leae the range to hecpttiuti who, havt toditv their hcep iw mile to reach the wmmrt tange Why not ntt thl range for local people? The gwvernment certainty kuowa the aheep mutt pattare on the.propl G al ! alx vretka earning to the range and month going home but that their own rang for Winter. The writer hat acen the Umpqua Valley arhen oae ctHiMgooul and ruow hay altnoal anjwhtre on the hill. Now what It l A heaving ileattl. nothing In the way of grata, ami no eulrang. left tor the preaent generation. Who; got tt henrtt of Ihlt great dcvatlattoti uf the tang' few bloated aheep truH. 'Im'l U,llnteui people wtre waking up to the lnleituf them elvca a ml their ehlldien auil aeelng that thelt righta are protected? II bloated thrtp Uul An Ordinance. Au ordinance: to regulate the Vrepl ny and the manner of keeping certain !- neaiic animal witliln tltr oitporntr itttlta of the city ol Ikittl ami to proviilr jvcolty for ttlc violation thereof licit unlaincd tv the Common Council )f the City ( Demi: Section r. No rxron or peraona that wlthiu the corporate lliitltaof Jtic City ol IWntl Veep anjrswfiic, aheep, uoals ot guinea fowls. Section a. No person or persons shall keep wlthltt the corporate limits of tin Cily of Item! any bell or Ml upon any lomeitic animal or nnituala daring the hours intervening between the hour of 8 'clock p. m. and the hour of 6 o'clock t. m. Section 3. Any person or person vio lating the provision of thi oulinanct thall he guilty of a misdemeanor, anil upon conviction thereof before the Re conler shall be punished by a Sue? not ess than five dollar i)f wore lhau twenty-five dollarvl-.'pit. j. Read first time June aft, 1910. Read second time July 12, 1910. fasted by the Common Council Jul) I). 191a Approved.- C. W. MURRIM Mayor. Attest: II. C KLUS, Recorder. All human progress comes in throbs or waves. There is advance tittd retreat, advance and retreat in all human things. In nothing is an unvarying course main tained, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If it were so mankind would soon lose interest its life. One throb, pulsation or wave may not be so great as the previous one, but at the end" of a Jcrjn it will be found that a dis tinct gain has been made. RRPORT OF TIIK CONDITIO OH The First National Bank OF BEND No.J.l at Dend, la the State of Oregon, at the cloac ol buttam, Jane joth. tgi. KKSOL'KCKS. Loan and riltcounta .-. .. , .lin.es jj Overdraft. ccurcd and UBMCurvd... I .J I J 14 l R. Boad to arcare rtmii.ti... ,, , , Itoa 00 rremlant 00 U & a eo HotMlt, Seeorillea, Kle ..- SlS J Banking fcooj. furniture and Sitare.- 30000 ime rroro naiioasi mm (not rerre D front Matt and titrate Banka and Bankrrm.Trot Coapaak and Star- inrauanka. I joo 09 Due from Approved Reaerve; Agent.... canercaaa ntm.. 4JS o7 n jo 00 Check nil Note of other National Hank. fractional paper Carrrncy, Nickel and tawfyl Money Reaerrcla Bank, tit. Specie, - k 1 tj-iao 00 Legal-trndrr note. . . i,7jo 00 lo,S 00 Rrdemptioo fund with U S. Treaturer (3 per cent af circulation) y 00 ToUl. UAMUTIKS. Capiul atock paid In Burpiu iuna.uw.M -, u j 1 Oodletdcd rroiu. let Kaprote and nutat tun aheep let them 6wn their own lnahd keepthtm at home, not Knit them cmttolm. jHxeoii the ptoplei'mo! nt vhom)iV a hul ItiiKkle to make a lltlng tit a uew country any way. NEWS NOTliS FROM TUA1AL0. DrssatlsractlonFelt RcgantlnR Alleged Neglect of Bend Roittf. 1Tumai.o, Or., July It. Warm growKln weather makes the ctops look flue In these parts, John lMnardsof Rend (Missed through lierv today. O. W. Winter tttadc a hitaluess trip to llend last l'ri.lay. Hvertne Is busy IrrtslliiK thee il)s and haying will soon be In full blstt. Lumber hsttling Is still in progress through here front the HlglitowcrSmllh utill to Ileml. Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Wlmcr, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Spaugli and .children, O. VV. Hoover and Miss U)ttle HasseltierK left here yeotenUy for several days camping 00 II token Top titouulain. Tumalo-Bcttd Road In Bad Shape. There is some heavy hauling over the rvwd between here amllWnd, and to My the road Is In had inape is puttliiR It Ightly, for It UuU attuply a filKht since the sheen have cone over It and still there is itothitiK done to fig it. It is a Shame that the county officials cannot see fit o Ax tip a tosd that Is traveled as much ns that one Is, Pitunlie alter promise has been tuade to improve Hist rosd, but the promises all seem to tie like pie crust, easily broken, and now that the county dlvlstqit question has arisen it tiiskes fellow feel like voting for a division 011 the tines laid out. Now the writer Is not in fsvorot a county division and will' surely help defeat it, but the road question Is a different thing. Are those promises to fix that road tip gotim to lie fulfilled or thrown to the wluiO Must of this piece of road Is In the hem! district. Theirsupervisor went over the rood tat sprinu and threw a few rocks out liml worked about 8 miles ot rosd In attorn two tlavs, This road is one ol the shortest ami oldest roads In Crook county are they going to let It no to mint- J.U.W. Notice. M. K Recti who took chance No. St on the fancy riding bridle ut Lnldliuv, between January I and July t, toto, was declared the win ner In the drawing at enu juiy 4, 1910. If he will kindly call.or for ward his duplicate number mid charges for wailing and advertis ing I will be glad to forward uritiic to hun. JOUN II, WIMKR, 17 18 Tuutalo, Or. ( 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. PRUH AUTOMOIIILn TRII from DcndTto tllo lauds and return for nil who locate, LIST YOUR CITY rROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT A QUICK SALE. Write for Particulars, to Merrill (Sb Wilkinson Company IIHNl), UKKUU.N, 4j1i,qi 70 The geaerat bill oroviding a method of creating nw counties does uot discriminate against Red mood or any other ambitious com munity. Under it a move for a county may be initiated easier than under present law, but if it Iar.k merit it will fail and the initiators must foot the bills. An enterprise thus started say be changed to in clude different territory, if tbe'pub lie interest, considering all factors, require k. The State Land Board his'dc cided that right of entry under the Carey act is sot exhausted except when title actually passes to the entrynaa; that in cases where ap plicant assigns bis claim before it ripeas into title he mav make an other selection without restriction. However, land to which title is granted must be in oue body patent to non-contiguous tracts will not be Issued to one applicant at one time. A gyroscope is a contrivance, for useful purposes, wh.ich rotates about a given point without any apparent support or reason for it maintained position. The Pin chotmaniacal editorial gyrations of the Portland Oregonian are remin esoeat of a gyrccope except that no useful purpose is apparent. The Bind well deserves the hol iday it is taking. The fourteen months of its existance under the prawtnt management have seen a remarkable improvement in its per. form 1 ace, until it has come to be a public institution of which the com- lMHtiity way be proud. '- t Ko, Bend Hi not under bombard ment. No hostile force is in the offing. Tfce ?keavy canonading come from construction of railroad, power .plaut and excavating for foiaWatMMH for buildings. Nobody it- hurt aad .a great daal of good is asoeompllabad. Who k spJittfssg the Republican party ol Oregoa? ' Qestlda't be pos aib) tsaV "assembly" advocates burTIt Taxrattald. Nattoaal atakNoteoalUadlair...- IndlvtdiuIdepaalUaunjtct to check Drtuaad Certificate of Depoiti lime Certlftotn ofDrool irnioea t.necaa. $1500 00 3.DUO 00 llooao m.il 6 . S411 So , sMloo Ali o jo 00 CahlercbeclL ontitandlag, TotaL .. ..... .jSi9 70 STATK OK OKK'OM, I .. County of Crook, I " r.CS. llodion.Cathler of the above named baak,do!emnljr wear that the above aute- Knowledge ana C. S. HUDSON, Ca.hler. OUR STOCK Is newand indutssis such superior lines o winona wagons oliver plows ' Mccormick mowers, rakes keen kutter cutlery goodrich auto tires OUR PRICES Are right and you will find them as low as can be made fcy anyone, tjualiby considered. roent U tine to the beat of my oeuci. Coaaacr srraaTi O. C. Coc II. C Hu.it It. A. Sanies. Director. ' Rnbacrihed and aworn to before me thl nth day of lulr 191a. UtWI O. McRHV.VOLDS. Notarr Tubllc KlirOKTOHTIIU CONDITION OH The Descfiu(es Banking & Trust Co. No. jt. at Dend, In the State of Oregon, at the cloae of Muaiea Juue4H. 1510. kliSOURCliS. Loan and dlcw,nla..........f(,j5, 14 nauklng baaae.rurulture.aml Batuie... MTl uvc irvra appf-ovcu reaerve " IM7S 77 ChMkiiKlUherc.lilttint..- nj ii C.hobnd ...- . ioj is KapenM . ... 74, j, Total ..... --..-..-...iM.Tdl 61 .JiJxwoo WS t.yjooa 160 au OUR. AIM Is to set and bold your trade by fair treatment, and good merchdftiag methods. MAmUTIKS CapiUI atock paid In. Undivided profits, !erxpeaea and ate- fiam ... , , , Due to bunk, and iwir tndlrldual detKMlta MlUfrt la rhrrlr. Certified cbeck.... .,. ...,,,-., , Toal "K STATK Or OK KOON, LSI truetolbcbctoruirkoawlcdgeawl bclef. Correct Atleati U. 0. liaiao M. O, Cos Director. lJiOJ Coualvof Crook .SI G Cce. ca.hlrr utlhe thn.nimi1 l.lr do oleinnlr wcr tbt lb above tUUrnvut la vlcOeeatKl be'ler, M. C. COK. Catblcr. We have the biggest Hard ware Stock this side of The Dalles Bend Hardware Co. RIVERSIDE and LYTLE ADDITIONS Lots 50x140 feet, Wide Streets, 20-foot Alleys, $175. TO $400. PER LOT. Termst Small cash payment Balance 1 $10 per month. J. A. EASTES, Agent Oregon Street, between Wallnud Uontl ! BEND, OREGON. NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS PROPERTY FARM LANDS I 1 J re dofrtf KKPOKT OK TIIK CONDITION Ol' Tke LsMlaw iaAUg i Trust Ce. No. IJ4 at UWUw,n the State of Oregon, at the date of butlitr, Juu JO, 1910. HIWOUKCI'.S, Uwn.and dlacounl.-..,,....-.., Jij.wi ''va'nalt curet and uiixcurrd, ...., j, K Banking boutc. furniture and Citurc... ti S; Due from luurtwrd Umv H,nb. 7.H.. .J. Check, and wber Catb ltem 71".'. j V, I'ltk AM l,.4 t ' expente. .. .. ........ 170 y, Total ..m. .MM.,.MM.....M n jtg j LIAUlMTIIiS. Capiul atock paid lo.....,,...... f (o 00 Individual drixHlla uMect to cbeckl" ' .YZt. .. na cciiuicauaor Dcpoait .,. 4.. t4 .44At9 9 BRISTOL , aaf.nsa I jtkm '' laBBBBBBBBBBBBUaaBBBV aa.M aa5BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT ' ' sfaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLgtb- iBaBBBBBBBBBBBaP''' aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTSaf" bBBBBBBBBBBbK sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBskBhafs BalLVjHHEaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBmv aWikHPP "- bRBaaV wt. "-i?"iK" MaWam&rTTJV HIP I'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIVI.Sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw a..-- - r-.T,' . '? "" ajr-w LJ REMEMBER, THE Fishing Season Commences carry a full April First. Wc lino of the very best Radcliffe Bros. Auto Co. DAILY TRIPS Between Shaniko and Bend and All Interior Points of Central Oregon. kMrar. UKUm lies. AUTO CO., Bad, QttgM. New Cars 40 Horsepower Velio Reliable Drivers wn A. A. DICKXY J, V. MCCI.URH J. GOOOl'HI.I.OW CROOK COUNTY REALTY COMPANY Tackle. Big new shipment just in. Flies, Leaders, etc. Rods, S. C. Caldwell - p EVERYTHING fer tbe HstMrau. We have ftirm Untls and city property for sale. If you wish to purchase, see us. If you have anything for sale, see us. We arc hero for business and will treat you right. Oeinan Total .. .,.. STATU OH OUKGON, r7 v. mw., i - tJ&'Jtt: D?u,p,' fte Ident of the abort-named bank,dooleinnW rar that th abovcatale Ulftr. fU " "" lK 0f "Xkaowlidgralid Coa-ascr-Arrr- '" DAVrN' ,'"M'0, VVx. u. iushm, A.jr.JUusay, IMrcctora. ol Jul 9 Ud "W0"1 U UfofC m ,bU iUh ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? If so, remember that I can do your construction cheaply, quickly and well. BUNGALOW BUILDING ESTIMATES FURNISHED C- C- R- CO. Hotallng Building, Wall Street, Bend My Specialty. on Request. J. B. SHERRITT. Bend, Oregon STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pies, Pditriei and Cake. ;: Meal Served at Regular Hours. E. MONCRIEF ." ntilletln Ofilcc, DUND, OR. I n l - A, 1'. KAMSaY, NoUry I'ubllc,